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16532753 No.16532753 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time?

>> No.16532776

2 - 3 times an hour at my thoughts
almost everytime I stare a specific spot in the woods from my window

>> No.16532783

>"Only one enemy remained; two if you counted God."

>> No.16532790

Who said this? Podesta?

>> No.16532805


>> No.16532864

Uhhh I'm talking about literature here...

>> No.16532874

what the fuck

>> No.16532909

>The only true madness is loneliness, the monotonous voice in the skull that never stops, because never heard

>> No.16533139

Love in the time of cholera

>> No.16533338

The other day, when I fucking blew out my out of shape body by taking a moving job and lifted an entire kitchen up to a fifth floor walk up.

I don't ever get them from reading but I do have silent tears quite frequently.

>> No.16533444


>> No.16533468

I think like three times yesterday reading War and peace.

>> No.16533524

about two weeks ago with A Grief Observed

>> No.16533533

This morning when I listened to Earthmover for the first time

>> No.16533830

Yesterday when my wife was molesting me

>> No.16533845

amazing album

>> No.16533848

last night, i get chills/gooseflesh all the time

>> No.16533852

And now I am horny

>> No.16533955
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Listening to jimmy swaggat radio rn

>> No.16534027

when my 16yo gf sucked me dry

>> No.16534100

As I finished reading the "Part about the critics" in 2666

>> No.16534128

The part with the "drums in the deep" in Fellowship of the Ring. That was ages ago though

>> No.16535267

Same. It's constant.

>> No.16535356

A car drove fast and very close to me.

>> No.16535514

when I looked at a picture of >her

>> No.16535682

>A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun

>> No.16535719

Coming up on MDMA at a techno party last Saturday.

>> No.16535730

>for the first time

you're a lucky bastard

>> No.16535782


>> No.16535802

Is that what a vagina looks like?

>> No.16536087

I don't (can't) take stims any more but I feel a little bit happy every time I hear about young people's experiences. Hope you had a good time. Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.16536521


>> No.16536530


>> No.16536561
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>> No.16536565

What is Earthmover?

>> No.16536585


>> No.16536663
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Pretty much anytime I think of Europe and my ancestors

>> No.16536676

Want to know how I can tell you're an American?

>> No.16536726

I fully admit it

>> No.16536825
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>> No.16537036


>> No.16537612
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When I dream of a muted glory.

>> No.16537678


>> No.16538397
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All Quiet On The Western Front, page 289
> "I am very miserable, it is impossible that Kat- Kat my friend, Kat with the drooping shoulders and the poor, thin moustache, Kat, whom I know as I know no other man, Kat with whom I have shared these years- it is impossible that perhaps I shall not see Kat again."

>> No.16538421
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>Within his bending sickle's compass come

>> No.16538443

>Wander in gladness, and wind down, perchance,
>To that still roaring dell, of which I told;
>The roaring dell, o'erwooded, narrow, deep,
>And only speckled by the mid-day sun;
>Where its slim trunk the ash from rock to rock
>Flings arching like a bridge;—that branchless ash,
>Unsunn'd and damp, whose few poor yellow leaves
>Ne'er tremble in the gale, yet tremble still,
>Fann'd by the water-fall! and there my friends
>Behold the dark green file of long lank weeds,
>That all at once (a most fantastic sight!)
>Still nod and drip beneath the dripping edge
>Of the blue clay-stone.

>> No.16539899

Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.16539950

Never heard of them before this so I'm listening now. Just finished Two. I'm really liking it, tyvm. There doesn't seem to be much of them, at least on spotify. Who do I go to from here?

>> No.16539990

>The instant that the blade tore open his flesh, the bright disk of the sun soared up and exploded behind his eyelids.

>> No.16540578
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when gf (never)

>> No.16540586

>I've never gotten goosebumps from an emotion
why live lads?

>> No.16540607

>We are facing the most dangerous enemy in the world.
>but he is not unbeatable.

>> No.16540917

ending of The Pedersen Kid

>> No.16540932

Right now, it's cold as fuck.

>> No.16541002


>> No.16541012

First time I’ve seen this mentioned here.its the only Gass I’ve read.debating on The Tunnel

>> No.16541015

>Two enemies remained

>> No.16541020
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this quote from Uther pls no bully

>> No.16541030

Is this a fantasy quote?

>> No.16541301

i barely get goosebumps, i get an incling of a feeling, a slight derivation from emptyness that i immediatly deconstruct in my head as not worthy, i cant feel anything, please help

>> No.16541349

Lohengrin, as always.

>> No.16541693

Yes. From warcraft.

>> No.16542076

Today reading this >>16541899

>> No.16542099

>It was pleasant not to have to stamp the snow off my boots, and the fire was speaking pleasantly and the kettle was sounding softly. There was no need for me to grieve. I had been the brave one and now I was free. The snow would keep me. I would bury pa and the Pedersens and Hans and even ma if I wanted to bother. I hadn’t wanted to come but now I didn’t mind. The kid and me, we’d done brave things well worth remembering. The way that fellow had come so mysteriously through the snow and done us such a glorious turn—well it made me think how I was told to feel in church. The winter time had finally got them all, and I really did hope that the kid was as warm as I was now, warm inside and out, burning up, inside and out, with joy.

>> No.16542115

no help needed you're based bro

>> No.16542208

Few days ago when I got to the end of the Pharmakos chapter of Derrida's essay Plato's Pharmacy.
Heart was racing.

>> No.16542335

>reading bram stoker short stories at 2am
>go into bathroom
>remember some shitty creepypasta from the end of either a skinwalker tapes or paranormies podcast about mirror people dragging you into the mirror to swap places with you
>get spooked during piss because I have my back to the bathroom mirror
>go back to reading not at all scary stories

>> No.16542383

It looks like if he turned his arm the leech would fall off? Are they always so big? How do they survive?
Absolutely fascinating.

>> No.16542457

>To Dr. Faustus in his study Mephistopheles told the history of the Creation, saying:

>The endless praises of the choirs of angels had begun to grow wearisome; for, after all, did he not deserve their praise? Had he not given them endless joy? Would it not be more amusing to obtain undeserved praise, to be worshipped by beings whom he tortured? He smiled inwardly, and resolved that the great drama should be performed.

>For countless ages the hot nebula whirled aimlessly through space. At length it began to take shape, the central mass threw off planets, the planets cooled, boiling seas and burning mountains heaved and tossed, from black masses of cloud hot sheets of rain deluged the barely solid crust. And now the first germ of life grew in the depths of the ocean, and developed rapidly in the fructifying warmth into vast forest trees, huge ferns springing from the damp mould, sea monsters breeding, fighting, devouring, and passing away. And from the monsters, as the play unfolded itself, Man was born, with the power of thought, the knowledge of good and evil, and the cruel thirst for worship. And Man saw that all is passing in this mad, monstrous world, that all is struggling to snatch, at any cost, a few brief moments of life before Death’s inexorable decree. And Man said: “There is a hidden purpose, could we but fathom it, and the purpose is good; for we must reverence something, and in the visible world there is nothing worthy of reverence.” And Man stood aside from the struggle, resolving that God intended harmony to come out of chaos by human efforts. And when he followed the instincts which God had transmitted to him from his ancestry of beasts of prey, he called it Sin, and asked God to forgive him. But he doubted whether he could be justly forgiven, until he invented a divine Plan by which God’s wrath was to have been appeased. And seeing the present was bad, he made it yet worse, that thereby the future might be better. And he gave God thanks for the strength that enabled him to forgo even the joys that were possible. And God smiled; and when he saw that Man had become perfect in renunciation and worship, he sent another sun through the sky, which crashed into Man’s sun; and all returned again to nebula.

>“Yes,” he murmured, “it was a good play; I will have it performed again.”

>> No.16542555
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Watching Frost read his poems in this interview

Deathconsciousness, then Unnatural World, then Voids, then Time of Land EP, then assorted collections like voids 2 and their latest album. Also check out Dan’s solo work under Giles Corey and his record label Enemy List.

Deathconsciousness is legendary but the Unnatural World is my favourite by them; Cropsey is just perfect. Everything else has a few gems like Void’s version of Trespasser W, Dr House, and The EP’s Woe Unto Us. The newest album is just meh but the first two songs are good. Listen to it last. Read up on the lore behind the band also

>> No.16542871

The Exorcist.

>> No.16543175

When Tolkien describes the charge of the Rohirrim in RotK.

>> No.16543696

Dope dope, just screenshotted this - I'll go thru each of them in that order and let you know what I think if the thread is still up.
Really appreciate it

>> No.16544019
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Cheers anon,
Despite the heavy subject matter, HANL is really fun to listen to. I love that when you first get into it the music seems foreboding and colossal, but at the core it’s just two normal dudes who love making sincere music.

>> No.16545836


>> No.16545971

"Ye shall see one thing to master all:
'Tis how a brave man dies on the tree."
also this

>> No.16546163

About a week ago when my mom said that grandpa was going to die and I wouldn't be able to say goodbye. Couldn't stop saying 'goodbye papa' the next day.
Lol I remember my first time. sadly it only got worse to me.

>> No.16546303

With a book? Dracula when I read it 2 years ago, most recently, some amateur short horror stories that really gave a fucking chill.

>> No.16546530
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I woke, and we were sailing on
As in a gentle weather:
'Twas night, calm night, the moon was high;
The dead men stood together.

All stood together on the deck,
For a charnel-dungeon fitter:
All fixed on me their stony eyes,
That in the Moon did glitter.

The pang, the curse, with which they died,
Had never passed away:
I could not draw my eyes from theirs,
Nor turn them up to pray.

And now this spell was snapt: once more
I viewed the ocean green,
And looked far forth, yet little saw
Of what had else been seen—

Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned round walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.

But soon there breathed a wind on me,
Nor sound nor motion made:
Its path was not upon the sea,
In ripple or in shade.

It raised my hair, it fanned my cheek
Like a meadow-gale of spring—
It mingled strangely with my fears,
Yet it felt like a welcoming.

Swiftly, swiftly flew the ship,
Yet she sailed softly too:
Sweetly, sweetly blew the breeze—
On me alone it blew.

Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed
The light-house top I see?
Is this the hill? is this the kirk?
Is this mine own countree?

We drifted o'er the harbour-bar,
And I with sobs did pray—
O let me be awake, my God!
Or let me sleep alway.

>> No.16547210

Isn’t it just an expression? I’ve never gotten it from anything other than cold.

>> No.16547220

Slaughethouse-Five upon realizing that the story is a product of Billy's PTSD.

>> No.16547567

yesterday night watching Persona

>> No.16547602

No, some people actually do get goosebumps from emotions. It's a certain pathway in the brain or something