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16523463 No.16523463 [Reply] [Original]

Is 24 too old to start college and pursue a career in academia?

>> No.16523476


>> No.16523478

Nah dude go for it.
Don't do anything /lit/ though, post 22 or so I think your main moves should be for money.

>> No.16523485

Technically no, but the fact remains that if you didn't even start until 24 then you're probably not the kind of person who would ever succeed at it.

>> No.16523488

Reminder Lenin (pbuh) did nothing wrong and that ultraviolet lamps are no meme unlike oral vitamin d supplements.

>> No.16523490

What's the point if you're not going to be a professor at a top university with good pay and so little oversight that it's like you're working for yourself?

>> No.16523500

It's never too late unless you're like 60 them maybe consider using your money to buy camping gear and go live in the mountains for a year if you're looking for a last adventure.

>> No.16523504

I'm doing a classics phd and there are 30 year olds who have worked in various industries for a decade in my program, so never too late.

>> No.16523535

I'm a freshman and a few of the students in one of my classes could remember what they were doing on 9/11, so they're at least OP's age.

>> No.16523536

I studied from 18 to 21, more or less, but then I had to changed universities and I had some personal issues.
So it's not like I haven't done shit for six years, but I feel like I'm too old to pursue this stuff.

>> No.16523550

Did they s-start w-with the Greeks?

>> No.16523605

>pursuing a career in academia
anon, honestly, don't do it.

>> No.16523707

what's the Industrial equivalent to the Greeks?

>> No.16523766

>Lenin did nothing wrong
Except being delusional dictator and mass murderer that paved the road to insane amount of bloodshed and suffering all over the world.

>> No.16523801

I dropped out my third year and make the same or more than my friends who graduated and am at least as satisfied with my job as they are. I do want to go back eventually, but am waiting until there's a reason to do so, either a career change or promotion I can't get without a degree.

If you're able to get yourself to a good place economically first, you can pursue whatever you want at college as long as you're smart about your finances and realistic about your goals.

Age has nothing to do with it. It's the other responsibilities that come with age - careers, kids, etc. The amount of time and effort you can dedicate is going to be the deciding factor.

So have a goal of what you want to do after you finish school. What it does for you. If you just want to 'learn more about the things that interest me' get a library card until you come up with plan.

>> No.16523809

>mass murderer
citation needed.
>inb4 uwu them Romanovs

>> No.16523822

>marxists laughing about murdering children
you guys are so stereotypical

>> No.16523846

>the good ol' owners of the tsarist Russia, shame on you revolutionary soldiers! you should have been nice to the people who oppressed you for centuries!
the overall happiness grew before those whores were dead, so it was a good call.

>> No.16523866

The Tsars were much kinder to the peasants than the Soviets were, you're a bad person rooting for a bad ideology. You can barely even conceal that it has nothing to do with helping the working class, it's just hatred and envy.

>> No.16523875


>> No.16523882


>> No.16523898

again keep joking about murdering children, you'll get plenty of converts im sure

>> No.16523899

>Except being delusional dictator and mass murderer that paved the road to insane amount of bloodshed and suffering all over the world.
None of this is wrong considering they deserved it. Lenin will go down in history as a saint.

>> No.16523906

Well spooked.

>> No.16523909

Anon, don't you think that the happiness of the most wages more than that of the few?

>> No.16523923

>no we HAVE to murder these kids, it's for the greater good don't you see
Not only are you a utilitarian bugman, you have no soul

>> No.16523934

Come on, anon, you are not as dumb as you sound. I agree that it was cruel, but if they'd survive they'd become not only the leaders of the contrarevolution, but they'd be symbols as well.
Don't think about it as a civilian, think it in context.

>> No.16523939

They would have grown up to be spoiled brats. Lenin said as much himself.

>> No.16523948

The revolution wasn't even justified in the first place

>> No.16523951

y...yeah we killed them so they wouldn't grow up to be annoying... that's right

>> No.16523953

Not him but absolutely not
The world is fulled to the fucking brim with subhuman retards like you, and killing high culture in the endless pursuit of your endless vapid consumerism was the worst plague brought upon the world. Enjoy your jew-addled plastic trinkets while niggers destroy the last vestiges of a society worth living in

>> No.16523960
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Revolutions don't need justification other than might.

>> No.16523971

I'm 34 and I am getting a bachelors in comparative literature this year. Obviously not going to do anything with the degree, I just wanted to do it. I should also mention that I have only had to pay for books, the rest is covered by scholarships.

I too remember where I was on 9/11.

>> No.16523976

yes, anon, everything that's wrong in the world is the fault of the people fighting for their freedom, sure thing, anon.

>> No.16523980

You're an absolute mark if you believe people like Lenin were 'fighting for your freedom'. Unbelievable people get taken in by these conmen

>> No.16523982

During undergrad, yeah but then they did law school, followed by corporate law, and the ended with burnout

>> No.16523987


>> No.16523997

Is ot your first degree? I also would be paying zero bux
Also where were you on 9/11?

>> No.16524001

Lenin fought for the emancipation of the proletariat. He offered real freedom. Not fiat spooks. Lenin was the nicest man to ever live. You dislike him because he a just man too who didn't take any bullshit.

>> No.16524012

reminded daily that there is a spiritual dimension to chapo obesity

>> No.16524014

>Lenin was the nicest man to ever live.
>Lenin who ordered the assassination of literal infants was the nicest man to ever live.
uuuuuh anon

>> No.16524015

It's never the happiness of the most vs the happiness of the few, it's the slow decay of legal and moral norms as they are gnawed away by communist rats like yourself, until half the people on your block are in gulag while the other half are rabidly patriotic card carrying communists too scared of what's coming to them to do anything but cheer as everything they used to hold dear is slowly destroyed.
Communist dogs like you should be beaten and spit on in public. Only ideology to kill more people than the Nazis, who made genocide part of their party platform. Yet somehow you worthless shitspecks think you're being clever joking about murdering kids.

>> No.16524017

Real communists cannot afford to be obese.

>> No.16524019

Not if you're healthy and intend to stay that way

>> No.16524020

fucking hilarious
>my daddy was real nice and dindu nuffin and had to kill all those people, it was for us!
I respect you even less than the actual movers like Lenin who are clearly just cynical assholes

>> No.16524045

how much do you weight, anon

>> No.16524061

will the real gay commie pleas stand up please stand up

>> No.16524065


I was waking up for school. Saw it on the news.

>> No.16524076

you're literally spooked by violence. that it attracts communists is one of the arguments against it.

>> No.16524082

>gay commies
Lenin (pbuh) and Stalin (pbuh) and Hoxha (pbuh) made homosexuality a mental illness and sodomy a criminal offense. Homosexuality is incompatible and alien with and to a socialist society.

>> No.16524105

This may sound anecdotic, but when my grandma went back to the USSR for the first time in decades, she witnessed a gay marriage in the red square.

>> No.16524124

Marxism Lenism has the dogma, mythos, and gravitas for it to become a symbolic religion in the future. Even the disappearance of socialist states is similar to Christ dying. When they rise again, it will be as significant as the resurrection. One day, people will worship Marx and Lenin as actual prophets and view the dialectic as the metaphysical force that underpins the universe.

>> No.16524136

200lbs, solid muscle

>> No.16524138

Benjamin used to say that the historical materialism should be understood as a theology...or something like that.

>> No.16524140

>view the dialectic as the metaphysical force that underpins the universe.
That would be rather ironic considering it was specifically altered to not be that

>> No.16524144

Post feet

>> No.16524197

I'm graduating at 24 and feel too old to be here. Don't go to college it's a massive waste of money.

>> No.16524227

College it's free in my country.
What did you study?

>> No.16524425
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There was no freedom they fought for. Lenin was a giga kike of the highest magnitude and sought to enslave the people under his own rule. He mostly succeeded for a while. Communism cannot exist while the kike is allowed to walk the earth. Usurping a cause for his own goals is like breathing to the demons that walk among us.

>> No.16524450

dumb retarded cucked faggot

>> No.16524460

This is some serious projecting. You're posting on the literature board of 4chan: I highly doubt you're in any way qualified to speak on what success is.

>> No.16524465

Nah, he’s right, the guy is probably done for