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/lit/ - Literature

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16512887 No.16512887 [Reply] [Original]

Take the test and recommend each other literature, fiction and nonfiction based on our closest ideological match.
Any ideas for what I should read?

>> No.16512897

Link it

>> No.16512901

Basic economics

>> No.16512906

nah, that nutter who was a nazi leader youth leader is now a turbo commie. It doesn't mean shit

>> No.16512915
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Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss

>> No.16512953


mein kampf

>> No.16512961


>> No.16512970
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>> No.16512978

Anything by Chomsky

>> No.16512981

For me, it's Fascism, the only unrefuted ideology.

>> No.16512989

Carl schmitt sounds interesting, gonna look into him.
You should read Yukio Mishima.

>> No.16512991

The Wealth of Nations

>> No.16513000

I wanna get into Chomsky, heard about his "manufacturing consenst" and it sounds great.

>> No.16513005

the bell curve

>> No.16513007
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I have no idea what commies like to read, other than Marx.

>> No.16513036

What work by Carl Schmitt is best to start with?

>> No.16513040

Wow y'all are so quirky

>> No.16513042

i got centrist biiitch

>> No.16513044


"My Miserable Life as an Asian Boy Growing up in America: Humiliation, forced feminization, forced homosexuality, castration, brainwashing, slavery, solitary confinement, despair" by Ling Anderson. Really powerful work that crosses the political spectrum

>> No.16513051
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any recommended books for me?

>> No.16513053

none you don't read shit except blog posts

You've never read it fuck off

>> No.16513056
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>> No.16513058

The art of the deal

>> No.16513059

what's the last book you read faggot

>> No.16513062

Depends on what you're interested in. Concept of the Political (commented by Strauss) is quite good, but as a start to could read On Dictatorship, which is shorter.

>> No.16513065

This lmao. Aside from the basic bitch social liberal it's a bunch of Tumblr ideologies ITT

>> No.16513069

you don't read, fuck off back to pol, no reccs at all either fuck off

>> No.16513071

black rednecks and white liberals
kinda shit desu

>> No.16513075

Goodreads helps you follow your favorite authors. Be the first to learn about new releases!
Start by following Ling Anderson.
Follow Author
Ling Anderson
Ling Anderson > Quotes

Ling Anderson quotes Showing 1-4 of 4
“The nature of woman is thus, that she will always seek out the stronger, and more aggressive males, and in our modern society, that always means the more barbaric and brutal males. That is why white females have such a preference for black men and Muslim men. and that is also why Asian females have a preference for white men. In fact, many Asian women are also now dating black men. Those of you white supremacists who really believed that Asian women are better than white women are in for a rude awakening. Asian women are actually the biggest race traitors. Something like over 80% of Asian women in America are sexually active with men outside of their own race. Their STD rates is 4 times than Asian men. This is well researched study done by an Asian woman married to a white man and it's published by a major university, Boston University, I believe.”
“There is nothing more humiliating than being an Asian boy, the lowest of the low, the suckiest of suck. Being an Asian boy means being the most inferior kind of male any human can possibly imagine. Even the dumbest nigger or spic is superior to an Asian; because at least he can still claim to be a man, but an Asian man will forever be denied of the status of being a man. Every Asian man is born castrated, without hope of ever claiming his manhood.”
“Though I know I will never be equal to full whites, I will still be so much superior to all the other people on earth, those spics, niggers, and other shitskins. Asian is the race of eunuchs and concubines to our white gods, and though we supplicate and obsequor ourselves before our white gods and white emperors inside their imperial palace of white power, we are so much wealthier, so much more beautiful, and so much more superior to all the other races of people on earth, and this is so because white gods have given us glory, and for that, I praise white gods.”
“I think mainland Chinese are the most inferior in the broad category of Asian slaves, if you exclude all the ape-level Asians such as Filipinos or Thai. Many Chinese from northern part of China actually have very fair skin much like Japanese and Koreans. Of course, like all inferior races, Chinese women are very eager to mary men of superior races, which to them are any white man, Japanese man, or (South) Korean man.”
Holy fucking shit.

>> No.16513078

Downloading On Dictatorship now, thanks.
Im mostly interested in his works where he bashes libs

>> No.16513079

I like to read, and I've never been to pol. Only boards I use are this one and /out/ because I love the outdoors.

>> No.16513080

yeah im not surprised, you put your head into politics you get shit. It's liberal, individualist democratic nonsense. I never get over how fascists jerk off to political parties so much but insist they're anti liberal. Same w the God damn commies

>> No.16513092

nobody interested in politics reads. politics is just codified psychopathy. every commie I debate asks if you've read shit and if you haven't they assume they won the debate, whether you're having a debate or whether they've read it or not themselves. all politics is just schizophrenia

>> No.16513100

>It's liberal, individualist democratic nonsense.

>> No.16513110

they're not sending their best

>> No.16513123

I don't really think of myself as "interested in politics". This is meant to be a fun thread and get recs. This isn't supposed to be about the merits of this or that ideology. I don't even vote and hardly even keep up with the news. Calm down, anon. Also don't debate commies it's a waste of your time and only feeds their narcissism.

>> No.16513132
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>> No.16513137

Powerful, powerful stuff

>> No.16513145
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I didn’t ask for this... I thought i was a class. Liberal?

>> No.16513150

watch mainstream media and complain about foreigners.
Read history books of your own culture.
Also read Thomas Sowell and the Chicago School.

>> No.16513155

Read Animal farm, 1984 and any book by Robert Reich.

>> No.16513169

It's a retarded pol thread, just as bad as thot threads

>> No.16513170

I feel like Animal farm and 1984 should be read by everyone who are in favour of democracy, not just demsoc.

>> No.16513178

You're special and are one of 5 million genders

>> No.16513183

Its just usually those types who read it and use it as a sort of argument for why anything more extreme that their own position is bad.

>> No.16513189

nobody is in favor of democracy, it's just propaganda

>> No.16513198

yeah well their opinion or gender is just as justified as yours and entierly on the same. It's just bitch boy version of might makes right w all the contradictions

>> No.16513202
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Uh oh boys, give it to me straight. None of the usual suspects pls.

>> No.16513209

stfu assblasted tripfag

>> No.16513211

Art of the deal
How to win friends and influence people
American Psycho
Anything by Yukio Mishima

>> No.16513212
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Ron Paul books

Anything by Catholics

>> No.16513213
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this test is completely retarded, I am not a fascist at all, unless you consider most governments across time and space were fascists

>> No.16513215

>uh oh boys
What a fucking faggot, I saw you post soijacks in another gtfoh pretentious ass tripfag

>> No.16513219

stfu u boomer faggot, nobody wants ur bitch recc's

>> No.16513223


>> No.16513225

you don't read gtfo this board

>> No.16513226

Okay, what did you think you were if not a fascist?
A centrist?

>> No.16513227

>Anything by Catholics
I'm not a Catholic though.

>> No.16513234

yeah because you're also not human gtfo this board

>> No.16513236

Just finished confederacy of dunces and now giving out meme replies to people.

>> No.16513237

a reactionary

>> No.16513239

I get called a boomer regularly and I'm in my mid 20s
How did I achieve this? And you will take my recs you little faggot

>> No.16513242

he was a theooligarchic leftwing furry monarchiterian . Gtfo this board

>> No.16513243

Okay, tell me the difference? Or why youre dissatisfied.

>> No.16513250
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People who believe that authority is greater than liberty are scum

>> No.16513251
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You gtfo, you filthy papist.

>> No.16513253

you're a regular bitch boy political faggot whose politics is boomer tier shit. Go read Lauren southern you little faggot and go brag to your friends that u read and research and that's why ur political opinions are right you're a little asswipe

>> No.16513257

>he posted the chart that doesn't identify what he is instead of the one below it that's clearly labeled
Ah more proof liberalism is a mistake

>> No.16513258

Freedom is just an illusion. Read up on determinism.

>> No.16513260

I am not dissatisfied, I just think politics made more sense before democracy, liberalism and socialism. Fascism only applies to Mussolini's regime, maybe for the nazis too. I won't go into the precise differences; but they are many.

>> No.16513262

It's the same thing retard there is no difference

>> No.16513265

gtfo w that faggot who lost his career cause he was an unfunny nazi. Idc if you're prot or not but if ure Christian you can't follow politics because that's worshipping a man made institution on earth. Every person into politics is a little bug who cucks to scientists because they know they're all full of shit and just managed to hoard power because little faggots like you 300 years ago wanted to get a new gender in politics

>> No.16513267

This is the problem with society idiots like you and many others are so ready and willing to have their rights taken away from them

>> No.16513270
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>y-you read lauren southern
Lol stfu you little faggot
Go yank it to your edge lord authors who everyone knows are fedora tier losers
I'll continue to be Chad

>> No.16513275

>their rights
You dk wtf a right is stfu

>> No.16513277

May as well just read Concept of the Political for the relatively devastating and incredibly simple critique of liberalism

>> No.16513280

this bitch white knighted Lauren southern

>> No.16513285

I swear to god I recently read Schmitt and now see him referenced everywhere. My collegiate debate team friend told me that Schmitt is necessary reading for the top tier teams

>> No.16513287

I never said that our rights should be taken away.

>> No.16513289

you dk wtf liberalism is if you're into politics

>> No.16513299

>oh boy geez not our rights! I've been told about rights and did my research reading blogs

>> No.16513301

Religion must involve itself in politics to prevent degeneracy from doing likewise.

>> No.16513311

>my collegiate debate team
Stfu you dumbass, you're an idiot and you're wrong. Any degree you get would be torn away from you unless you promote liberalism. You're a self contradicting vain cunt

>> No.16513313

>more strawman

>> No.16513320

yep this is why I would vote for you to have any political party so ur bitchass gets thrown in a new auschwitz.
You are retarded. You have no idea what you're talking about. You are not Christian. Now gtfo this board w ur dumbass

>> No.16513326

>>more strawman
Stfu u bitch, this is why your argument against freedom doesn't make any gd sense

>> No.16513327

>he thinks a boomer cares about lauren southern beyond her boobs

>> No.16513337
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>> No.16513338

It is Existentialism, and not Determinism, that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.16513340

what a fucking faggot

>> No.16513344

I'm not on the team retard. I won't claim that I worded in unambiguously but it's my friend that's a debater

>> No.16513348

how is existentialism against freedom
And calling something a strawman seems to engage as if truth is created by man

>> No.16513349

Watch Hamilton on youtube

>> No.16513352

Alright then. Enlighten me. Is liberalism just American culture to you?

>> No.16513358

you're still a dumbass and you're still wrong gtfo the board w ur 2 cent opinions

>> No.16513367

Whats wrong with you?

>> No.16513369
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>> No.16513370

I didn't say that Existentialism is against freedom and neither is Determinism desu as you can't really be against something that doesn't exist.

>> No.16513375

Read Robert Reich

>> No.16513376
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Lmao the absolute state of this test

>> No.16513378


>> No.16513383

holy shit you just get stupider, yes german romanticism was really just america. German romantic nationalism etc was just a McDonald's location. French revolution and their politics, had nothing to do w liberalism. Your faggot hitler and mussolini were all gotten into power by liberalism systematically and culturally. You're no different than the 5000 genders shit you pretend you wish to supplant

>> No.16513393

Idc stfu w ur politics shit

>> No.16513397

>G*rman romantic nationalism was just a McDonald's location

>> No.16513404

Alright well you're a liberal and everything you hate about the "left" is the exact same shit you're promoting

>> No.16513410

I'm a devout Maoist.

>> No.16513416

Socialism is shit it is just a curb on your freedoms

>> No.16513418
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looks pretty cool, i'd be interested in reading some lit about ideas similar to this

>> No.16513419

You're a dumb fucking faggot that's what you are

>> No.16513426

yeah u can go watch a yt video essay on video games gtfoh you mongrel

>> No.16513434

Unironically Capital volume 1.

>> No.16513437

no politics, if you're into politics visit pol the literature is always shit

>> No.16513442

i would never listen to a g*mer on anything, much less politics
i think there's a copy kicking around in my house somewhere, i'll give it a try

>> No.16513450

You're the one unironically samefagging and purposefully derailling /lit/ threads. I'm surprised your boss even thinks this place is worth astroturfing

>> No.16513452

stfu marxism is shit, it failed its revolutions and at the core it's theory of value asseats capitalism

>> No.16513458

you certainly don't read literature, go to pol gtfoh

This is your paranoid brain on politics, not lit gtfoh

>> No.16513468

>you certainly don't read literature
ah you found me out
how did you know

>> No.16513473

you're into politics

>> No.16513477

You're a devout retard

>> No.16513481
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This test is pretty meh. I feel like both LeftValues and RightValues are better tests for either leftwing and rightwing.

>> No.16513489

you don't read leave

>> No.16513501

>120 posts
>23 posters
Easily the worst thread on /lit/ in the last week

>> No.16513514
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.t donald trump

what should i read?

>> No.16513517

crap, leave

>> No.16513567
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I think I used to be a theocratic monarchist or some such thing, I'm not sure what changed

>> No.16513590

nothing you're still retarded

>> No.16513600

Well, what should I read to stop being retarded?

>> No.16513615
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keks every time frens.

>> No.16513652

greeks, particularly plato and any secondary about plato and how politics fails

stfu you vain faggot, if everyone here had tripcodes this place would be reddit

>> No.16513688

I'm already reading Plato so I guess I'll just get back to that then, this test seems bad anyways since having looked up autocracy I have no idea how it decided that was my ideology
Anyhow, out of curiosity, what did it come up with for you?

>> No.16513717
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Kaczynski, Thoreau, Linkola, Junger, Heidegger, Schopenhauer.

>> No.16513718
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>> No.16513725

Destiny videos

>> No.16513751

I don't take it, I don't do politics. Almost every question is retarded.
>do you think government should be concerned w rights of groups or individuals?
>1, 2, 3, 4, 5
It's braindead and dumb. It's a propaganda meant to spread its seed and pretend its little classification system is expansive and for everybody. It is wrong and that politicians constantly cuck to scientists is about all you need to know about how shallow their field is.

Your religion does not command you to be a liberal

>> No.16513762

In what way am I a liberal? Do you really narrow down the complexity of the political spectrum into left (which includes those economic systems whereby the benefit of one's own nation is prioritized) vs right?

>> No.16513817
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good afternoon fellow communist chads

>> No.16513822

I got the same impression from Plato, that most people who seem to call themselves politicians are in fact not properly that, but pretending, and are orators at best, flatterers and sophists at worst; hence my confusion that it would say I think one person could be fit to have all the power and not at all accountable...
In any case, (true) politics is important for a philosophical soul insofar as the ability to govern oneself well necessarily extends to the governance of others, wouldn't you say? And that bringing goodness out in others is itself a good thing to pursue?
Mind I've only read Alcibiades I, Meno, Phaedo, Gorgias, and Phaedrus thus far, fragments of Republic over my life prior to this

>> No.16513825
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Give it to me straight, am I retarded?

>> No.16513843

No but you should be slightly more liberal

>> No.16513883
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>> No.16513884

Found the retards

>> No.16513893
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Any book recommendations?

>> No.16513906

yeah that's entierly wrong. Man can't be justice or truth. Politics can't be rigorized like math. It's impossible and plato tried twice to implement his republic and got cucked.
You can't bring goodness out in ppl by debating them w politics. Governing is one thing but politics literally means just argue

>> No.16513913

yes Nicholas fuentes yt, get there asap

>> No.16513922


>> No.16513954

Doesn't your position favor authoritarianism then? Or else anarchy, I suppose. I guess my difficulty is understanding how you think we ought to go about governance if man can neither be justice nor truth; do you mean he cannot approximate or partake in these things either, or simply that he cannot know or be them perfectly? If you mean simply to say there is no universal ethics then I think I understand

>> No.16513965

>libertarian communism
I didn't know such a self-contradictory statement was even possible.

>> No.16513980

ok larper

>> No.16514005

it means anarchism, they just don’t want to scare anyone by calling them an anarchist

>> No.16514017

Communism is anarchist so how is it a contradiction?

>> No.16514030

>Communism is anarchist
No, I'm not falling for this bait.

>> No.16514036

>libertarian communism
Some people call it that way because if you say "Anarchism" there's always the retard who says "oH, sO yOu WaNt To liVe wIthOuT LaWs?"

>> No.16514039

You've clearly never read much communist theory.

Read some Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman

>> No.16514041

God, you're such an ignorant, you don't even have to be commie to know that. Some people make the difference between communism and anarchism in strict terms but in their core they're the same.

>> No.16514049

Look at the wikipedia page for communism and read the first sentence

>> No.16514085

One of the end goals of communism IS the abolishment of state. We would all live in COMMUNES, small, independent, autonomous communities. However, there's middle step from capitalism to communism. Redistribution of wealth and the means of production, which would be done by the state. Some communists either get corrupted by power, or go full retard, thinking centralized state is what should be aimed for (socialists). So that's where the confusion comes from.

>> No.16514088
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>> No.16514125
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anyway recommend me books.

>> No.16514129
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>say something about communism
>immediately get bombarded with (you)s
Jesus, anons, I didn't even plan this. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.16514173

>Traditional yet globalist
I am interested in your views. This is a strange combination.

>> No.16514215

Why is it strange?

>> No.16514230
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Gay redditor thread

>> No.16514231

christian values

>> No.16514243


>> No.16514294
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Seems like I gotta be Christian after all.

>> No.16514301


>> No.16514329

Religions people are nationalists though. You can't have one without the other.

>> No.16514368


>> No.16514370

It was refuted by Allied troops and two nuclear drops

>> No.16514385

Every liberty you have is the result of some force being applied somewhere else

>> No.16514390

Vsevolod Garshin's short stories

>> No.16514392

Strauss is the man
What did you all put for the environmental questions? I believe it may a blind spot for a lot of you guys. I lean capitalist, nationalist, and traditional and think its a very important issue we should be devoting lots of resources to. Keep our country clean and beautiful.

>> No.16514398

Starship Troopers
The Moon is a harsh mistress

>> No.16514402


>> No.16514404

Journey to the End of the Night
Ham on Rye

>> No.16514410

Only if the state is a theocracy.

If the state is not a theocracy then your loyalty to God opposes your nation and you would feel no loyalty to your homeland.

>> No.16514411

I agreed on pro-environmentalist questions and it came out right wing populist

>> No.16514413

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.16514423

>Journey to the End of the Night
Why this one? Genuinly interested why you picked it

>> No.16514439
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Forgot to attach

>> No.16514461

Can't remember what I put in as it was some time I did the quiz and I won't redo it every time there's a thread about it, but I usually lean pro-environment.

>> No.16514464

Probably the most based one in this thread. How did you balance the patriotism with peace?

>> No.16514477

>this is actually real
What zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.16514481
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9axes >>>>>>>> 8values

>> No.16514486

The author represents an earlier generation of right-wing populism, and even though the context is different I think you might find some common emotional ground with the tone of the book

Not sure if it holds up in English though

>> No.16514517

I don't consider climate change a threat, at least not one man can fix by limiting himself. I view climate change as different from wanting policies for clean air/water

>> No.16514529

Thanks my friend. My true feeling is that the world was in its natural order in the time of small kingdoms. Society has passed a point of no return. So, what is the best we can do now?
I think the world is pretty much fucked if America falls from power. My answers reflect that.

>> No.16514548

I took that test but I don't see how it's supposed to be better

>> No.16514559

It is more detailed and therefore better.

>> No.16514568

Wouldn't America being the most powerful kingdom at the moment mean that their fall would bring us closer to your idea?

>> No.16514574

It has similar methodological issues and biases, so the added detail is a red herring

>> No.16514581


So basically, you're a Tolkien-style minarchist.

I can relate to that but the dream will never happen friendarino.

>> No.16514585
File: 117 KB, 800x650, 16-44-10-D9XSUvlkusaGgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here is a Chauvanist like me

>> No.16514590

More like a devout virgin then LOL

>> No.16514598

No it isn't as you get a better view of the ideological beliefs. Just having four axes makes it way too broad.

>> No.16514600

I can read in French, thanks for the suggestion, looks like a classic!
Not the anon you responded but. No the Fall of the USA will not get us closer to anons idea since the power vacuum would be filled by Russia or God forbid China. We truly are past what anon believes is the natural state of man.

>> No.16514626

It doesn't matter how many axes you have as long as your premises are specific to a pre-existing ideology. Either test orients you towards certain outcomes by their very design. For instance, separating religion and traditionalism is far from a simple proposition. Or equality from assimilationism and so on

>> No.16514652
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P.S. I won't read anything unless its written by Donald Trump

>> No.16514690
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>> No.16514704
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>> No.16514705

Assimilationist was seperated from Militarism and Isolationism, not from equality, and that is certainly justified as you do not neccessarily have to hold all 3 values at once. Same thing goes for (social) freedom, democracy and federalism. You got kind of a point when it comes to religion and traditionalism though.

>> No.16514708

I would be alright with allocating such resources to climate change if the third world contries that are the biggest offenders to it did as well.
Same with the other 'world contribution' questions, yes it would be great if everyone was pitching in to a certain cause but you know in IRL that shit just ends up falling mostly on the US and a couple European nations.

>> No.16514742
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Environmentalism is historically a conservative/nationalist position. Anyone who says otherwise is probably gay or jewish.

>> No.16514750

>libertarian communism
>capitalist fascism
>theocratic distributism

how wacky.

Anarchy on its own means nothing other than 'no government', you need to combine it with communism, capitalism or whatever to get an ideology.

>> No.16514752

I got theocratic without being religious at all

>> No.16514756

Emissions would collapse if people stopped buying shit made in China.

>> No.16514767

How can you combine anarchism and communism?

>> No.16514775

and so would china, kek

>> No.16514784

You should probably read your university’s human ethics policy because you violated it like I violate your dad.

>> No.16514804

Down and out in Paris and London

>> No.16514818

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter"

>> No.16514822


>> No.16514829


>> No.16514832

You guys are sexually stunted scum who deserve the rope

>> No.16514841

>>16514600 is right

>> No.16514845

You're spiritually stunted and deserve my prayers!

>> No.16514855

will i be able to cum to that book?

>> No.16514863
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Check out some Baudrillard

>> No.16514877
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What should I read?

>> No.16514879

G. K. Chesterton, the Everlasting Man

>> No.16514886
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>> No.16514889

The End of History and the Last Man (1992)

>> No.16514892

you seem upset

>> No.16514903

You're chaotic neutral but somehow a centrist statist?

>> No.16514906

What would I be considered if I’m a democratic socialist but hate sjw’s?

>> No.16514907

The Dispossessed

>> No.16514913

Definitely Orwell. See Notes on nationalism, On Pacifism, and his catalonian adventures or whatever

>> No.16514914

Yes. Maybe Im a shizo?

>> No.16514957
File: 126 KB, 783x642, Capture d’écran 2020-10-06 à 00.31.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvino's If by a winter night a traveler, Perec's Life a user's manual
Zweig's The World of Yesterday
Some Drieu la Rochelle, what suits your imagination
Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Joy of Man's Desiring
Bernanos' Country of a diary priest to discover your new faith
You get Huysmans' La-Bas since you don't like democracy
Mauriac's The Kiss to the leper

>> No.16514961
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any book recommendations for me?

>> No.16515008

It's funny you ask, one of the reasons I said the test is meh is because of environmental questions. I have very strong pro-environmentalist views.
>third world contries that are the biggest offenders to it did as well.
Fuck you. Out of the top 10 biggest offenders, only India (in 4th) and Iran (8th) are third world countries. And this is counting EU countries as one entry into the list.

>> No.16515151
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>Niztan & Bichler - Capital as Power
>Jean Baudrillard - Consumer Society
>St. Catherine of Siena - Dialogues
>Marsilio Ficino - Platonic Theology
>Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.16515173

>sexually stunted
didn't even know that was a thing

>> No.16515183

I believe they mean to call us virgins

>> No.16515203
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I think people should read Seneca more.

>> No.16515220
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Wernher Von Braun

>> No.16515273

Zola, Hemingway, Camus, Sartre, Orwell are consistently soc\commie off the top of my head.

.t M-L

>> No.16515279

How does someone who likes Seneca end up a fascist?

>> No.16515301
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American neo-lib-con. America should do everything it can to spread capitalism, free trade, democracy and gay rights to the rest of the world whether it's through trade policy or backing uprising against oppressive regime, especially the commie ones who are the biggest threat to individual liberty.
Books for this feel?

>> No.16515317
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Commies and fagshists triggered.

>> No.16515322

Read Marx and Lenin you complete moron.

>> No.16515324

So all the based novelists..

>> No.16515373
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Is this like Nazbol?
I like reading about biology and metaphysics.

>> No.16515448

By not taking him or any of the other stoics as gospel? What I especially like about Seneca is his skepticism of his own school. He takes quite a bit from the Epicureans and he often prefaces his assertions with "whether A or B is true, C".

Aside from that though there's really nothing contradictory about stoicism or fascism, or at least nothing that can't be reconciled. The only problem that immediately comes to mind would be the stoic cosmopolitanism but I am a cosmopolitan of a sort while still being a nationalist. I recognize the common humanity of all while still supporting hierarchy, just like Roman stoics did.

>> No.16515644
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Supplementary as I think this is more reflective, I like capitalism but it must be regulated.
Constructivists must be eliminated.

>> No.16515829
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>Hmm, so you favor a mixed economy and nationalism, are deeply anti-consumerism, believe in a strong government and value tradition while having a significant progressive streak and being a rabid environmentalist
>I know, you must be a theocrat

Kek. At least distributionism is pretty close to the mark.

>> No.16515888

EU countries are third-world shitholes whether you want to admit it or not. The cuckold Germans and the cuckold French literally let 40 million muslims into their country to shit in the street and leave their chicken bones all over the sidewalk.

>> No.16515943
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>le high IQ centrist man

>> No.16515993

>EU countries are third-world
They aren’t, third world is a term in reference to orientation visa vis capitalism vs communism in the Cold War, there were three worlds: first was USA and allies, second was USSR and allies, third was unaligned nations most of whom were extremely undeveloped.
>inb4 muh colloquialism
Operating off the standards of the average layman is not an excuse, it’s embarrassing and irrational.
Not him btw and I agree that the EU is a problem.

>> No.16516003
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>> No.16516038
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>> No.16516079

>some 200 word essay (nobody's gonna read all that dumb shit you just wrote)

>> No.16516233
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>> No.16516267
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Welcome to the cum zone

>> No.16516309

ok so I'm not american explain this stupidity to me please

>> No.16516344
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based centrist here

>> No.16516370

Have you ever read philosophy before? You strike me as exceptionally naive

>> No.16516403

Welcome to /lit/! We have:
That’s it.

>> No.16516406
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Interlinking supply chains and a globalized economy benefit the west, I live in the west, thus centrism.

Even if I oppose what they do the international community either follows them or doesn't interfere, patriotism or not makes no difference to the powers that be.

>Civil Liberties
I thought this would be more libertarian, not quite sure how I got moderate

Can fuck right off for me, for everyone else's sake though keep it around and balanced, I align with Teddy K but I'm not deluded enough to answer these questions only taking myself into consideration.

>> No.16516420


>> No.16516458

Why do I ask whether you've read philosophy, or why do I believe that you're naive? They're basically the same question, only one sort of follows from the other in that I'll have a good deal of difficulty explaining why I think the latter if you haven't got any philosophical background, so much so that I'd just suggest you read some philosophy instead, because I think it would do you more good. I'd start with Plato, but I'll refrain from giving my opinion on an order for the dialogues unless you'd like it, as there are many many opinions and from many more reputable sources than me.

>> No.16516465
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>> No.16516524
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>> No.16516541
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>> No.16516547
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>> No.16516550

If you're not Chinese you're a devout Larper

>> No.16516573
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>> No.16516582

Any good book of scientific methodology and philosophy of science.

>> No.16516594

Who does become like you fellow? Like, what are your interests, hobbies? Seems a peculiar combination.

What your instances on trans rights, abortion, freedom of speech? Also which religion does such theocracy will follow?

>> No.16516614
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>> No.16516625
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lol I got the same. this thread is gay.

>> No.16516628
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>> No.16516661
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Mostly looking for ecological works, I guess Linkola and Devi are good starts?

>> No.16516771

I don't have any reccs, but what are your tastes?

>> No.16516805
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>> No.16516843

link all quizzes please

>> No.16516892

I meant what about my '9axes' chart gave you the impression that I was "exceptionally naive" due to the position of the % bars for the respective 9 categories. You say you'd have difficulty explaining why you think I'm naive until we discuss philosophy relative to my background having studied it, but if you've reached the conclusion from 9 binary positions from a short internet quiz alone, then you should be able to explain it to me here in a reply.

>> No.16516933
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Based boy coming though.

>> No.16516934

Particularly that your fanatical tendencies regarding things cultural and spiritual reflect a naive and underexposed outlook on the human condition and spirit that I think would be well served by exposure to philosophy. The specifics of that naivete are what I would struggle to articulate, for what may now be more obvious reasons, and because I don't know you.

>> No.16516943

I should have added: and because philosophy is the practice of coming to know oneself truly, it would be nonsensical to prescribe something to you exactly besides a path to follow yourself

>> No.16516963
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same anon, different test.

>> No.16516991
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I dont think i'm actually a centrist, just that all my radical opinions average out to centrism

>> No.16517009

>>16512915 >>16513007 >>16513051
>>16513056 >>16513132 >>16513202
>>16513212 >>16513213 >>16513514
>>16513567 >>16513717 >>16513817
>>16513893 >>16514125 >>16514439
>>16514585 >>16514652 >>16514690
>>16514742 >>16515203 >>16515829
>>16516003 >>16516524 >>16516625
Thread full of parasites

>> No.16517018

Not a terribly convincing post anon, care to elaborate a bit?

>> No.16517041
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>> No.16517102 [DELETED] 
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Look anon, I know you just started reading a few months ago and you're proud of it, but I'd suggest you avoid trying to lecture anyone else just yet. It's frankly embarassing.

>> No.16517107

Look anon, I know you just started reading a few months ago and you're proud of it, but I'd suggest you avoid trying to lecture anyone else on it just yet. It's frankly embarassing.

>> No.16517122

Utterly unhelpful, you've made the same mistake that I did, which I think I was rightfully accused of having made, so I will do the same for you. Do you care at all to elaborate?

>> No.16517132

Hamilton is actually pretty good.

>> No.16517137
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What the fuck?

>> No.16517169

Oh I'm not the original anon you were replying to. I just think it laughable that you accuse someone else of being naive but can't even respond why when asked. Then go on to proscribe a lack of philosophical exposure, recommend Plato, then exonerate yourself by reducing philosophy to self-understanding, which reeks of someone who has only read the stoics, a small amount of Plato, and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. That is, a complete newfag.

>> No.16517198
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Just read 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' in like 45 minutes.
fist time I ever read it.

>> No.16517213

I've misspoken then, or been too hasty to speak; by understanding oneself I meant the nature of what it is to be a person in the first place, the nature of the thing as it necessarily relates to everything else, not only of the individual in question, or his character, which would really just constrain us to ethics.
Anyways, I think that contemplation of philosophy would help give that person some perspective that might temper some of their extreme beliefs that appeared to be unreasonable or naive, but I'm still not sure I've properly said why I think they are, or maybe not in a way that would convince them.

>> No.16517214


>> No.16517426
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>> No.16517431
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currently in the middle of Mark Mazower's Governing the World

>> No.16517456
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>Today OP was not a faggot

>> No.16517460

A gun in your mouth

>> No.16517568
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>> No.16517576

>Take the test and call each other names
Like every other thread on /lit/

>> No.16517583

Democratic Socialism is the closest thing to Classical Liberalism you can get these days

>> No.16517588

Not without recommendations

>> No.16517596

>b-but muh lefty pol invading
So you /pol/babbies are the ones that keep shitting on this board, huh? No excuses. I hope you all die.

>> No.16517626

A squire's trial by Alexander Salveros

>> No.16517642
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Interesting. Ok, boys, status quo here.

>> No.16517646

jregoid anticentrism?

>> No.16517713


Red Tory: How the Left and Right Have Broken Britain and How We Can Fix It By Phillip Blond (Obviously related directly to Britain, so the stats related to Britain won't apply, but the principles he explores like Communitarianism does).

Free Trade Doesn't Work By Ian Fletcher (Conservative Economist who argues in support of Economic Nationalism)

Bad Samaritans By Ha Joon Chang (Liberal Economist argues in support of Economic Nationalism).

Culture Counts By Roger Scruton (Why Culture is important for giving us emotional and moral education, and experiences of beauty.)

>> No.16517744
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Here we go. I'm open to suggestions.
I'm more conservative this year, wonder why.

>> No.16517757

What do you have against progress? Pronouns and millions of gender aren`t progress

>> No.16517794
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>> No.16517796

I'm not a materialist or an Ayn Rand type.
I believe that capitalism isn't enough for an healthy society despite being a capitalist.

I think we are all much richer and have more things than in the past, even poor people. So, in that way, we are better off than in the past. However, I've come to believe this year that society is worse in every other sense. That's why I'm a conservative now (or something similar), something I never thought I'd ever be.

>> No.16517860
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>> No.16517877
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>> No.16517949

Cheers man

>> No.16518015

>being this upset

>> No.16518080

>Interlinking supply chains and a globalized economy benefit the west, I live in the west, thus centrism.
Now it benefits China

>> No.16518286

The Ultimate Survivalists Guide to Suicide

>> No.16518699
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>> No.16518982

>What your instances on trans rights, abortion, freedom of speech?
Trannies should be locked in asylums unless they can accept reality, abortion should be illegal and freedom of speech should have some restrictions.
>Also which religion does such theocracy will follow?
I am not really in favour of theocracy, it just says I am for some reason, but the religion in question would be Protestantism. Lutheranism to be precise.