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/lit/ - Literature

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16506246 No.16506246 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a work on the crisis of the modern world according to Guenon, Evola and Kaczynski. Any ideas?

>> No.16506253

Yeah stop reading retarded authors. Analyze using Marxism.

>> No.16506261

You are writing a work before having any ideas? Holy based.....

>> No.16506297

I have ideas, I just want to hear /lit/'s perspective on the issue.

>> No.16506307

Analyze what? The crisis of the modern world using a demagogue that spawned as a direct consequence of the industrial society?

>> No.16506327

>Muh industry
Please I beg you, read Marx. Kaczynski got hyper alienated and instead of wanting to progress towards socialism to stop this alienation he wanted to revert to a pre-commodity world.

>> No.16506359
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>> No.16506406

What is this ,,progress'' towards socialism. What is the progress in a communist utopia?

>> No.16506446

-Post scarcity society, with work being something you love and want, rather than need but hate.
-End of division of labor and alienation from work & production of commodities.
-End of class division and the need for a state.
And all that follows,

>> No.16506450

>Posts the frog
>Thinks he has any right to give his opinion on anything after that

>> No.16506463

Maybe you should start with Guenon's crisis of the modern world, but you should read introduction to the study of hindu doctrines before that as well as all of plato and aristotle and you should learn calculus at least.

>> No.16506469

Are you really believing this load of crap my friend?
Listen, I love the idea of communism, I appreciate all you guys' intentions, I am left wing on many issues, including most economic issues. But really
>-Post scarcity society, with work being something you love and want, rather than need but hate.
Primitivism covers this
>-End of division of labor and alienation from work & production of commodities.
This is good
>End of class division and the need for a state.
This is entirely bullshit. The human brain requires a society with different classes, hence the need for a state as well. Humans will always seek to emulate someone they perceive as better and having more success and more resources than they do.

>> No.16506475
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>> No.16506478

Done, done and done

>> No.16506492

How did you type this stupid bullshit out without wanting to kill yourself

>> No.16506497

>Humans will always seek to emulate someone they perceive as better and having more success and more resources than they do.
That's not what classes are, all end of class division means is that the MOP are held in common rather than privately. Class is not hierarchy, it's relation to the means of production.

I also have good faith questions about primitivism.
>How will this revolution happen
>How will people just forget their lives of industrial society and pass on ideas like technological innovation, science, math, etc. onto their children.
>How will you undo the effects of industrial society on the ecosystem and land ie; cities, farms
>How will you just undo the innovations that have come since primitive society

>> No.16506526

then start writing faggot, if you read the greek canon alone you're already more well read than 99% of /lit/
Read the upanishads, bhagavad and ashtavakra gitas, maybe learn sanskrit

>> No.16506544

Just stop working then, perfectly acheivable decision.

>> No.16506552

>I've read three authors, two of which are footnotes in history and one of which is a terrorist
>therefore I will write a 1000 page long schizo diatribe aping these terrible authors

Immensely cringe. Read more

>> No.16506560

>Post scarcity
Impossibility unless you reduce consumption

>> No.16506568

How are guenon and evola terrible? And evola was certainly no "footnote"

>> No.16506574

All idealists without proper materialist analysis, you can't understand what's going on without a firm grasp without understanding capitalism and it's flaws. Marx is a must read.

Lol you either haven't read marx or only the commie manifesto. Marx is actually really insightful. Atleast familiarize yourself with his theory of alienation by reading this short chapter. I promise it's worth your time:

>> No.16506587

theres more than enough analysis on WHY the world is fucked, nobody cares anymore when it comes to a diagnosis of why the modern world sucks. come up with some solutions

>> No.16506593

>And evola was certainly no "footnote"
He absolutely fucking was, no one but nazi retards and cretins who believe in magic take him seriously. Get off the internet for once in your life.

>> No.16506594

Already read the bhagavadgita and the ashtavakra samhita, moving on to Mahabharata

>> No.16506608

I have actually read a pretty good amount of authors, my friend
He wasn't a footnote. Get off 4chan for a few minutes.
Same goes on for communism

>> No.16506614

T. Never read evola

>> No.16506704

he unironically was a footnote, guenon even more so. guenon was a larper with horrendous metaphysics, while evola wasn't even the most notable author of the original fascist movement. on top of that, he was a weirdo who believed in magic and wrote cringe manifestos about nothing. hilarious how you telling me to get off 4chan is in response to the cringe fashwave trad nonsense that people like you propagate on here.

>> No.16506717

You can't find out if he was a footnote or not by reading him you fucking spastic.

>> No.16506731

these morons are the same people who obsessed over camus in 2012 because he was 'based', stirner in 2015 because he was 'based'. land in 2018 because they want to 'accelerate' and guenon/evola in 2020 because 'modern world blah blah blah'. shtit is so lame

>> No.16506745

>guenon was a larper
>leave france and travel to a traditional society to raise a wife and kids and further work on your writings
>a larper
>his metaphysics were horrible
>while evola wasn't even the most notable author of the original fascist movement
Maybe it has something to do with the fact he wasn't a fascist, and was one of mussolini's most staunch critics?
>a weirdo who believed in magic and wrote cringe manifestos about nothing
His books are probably among the best for learning buddhism though
>hilarious how you telling me to get off 4chan is in response to the cringe fashwave trad nonsense
You have literally no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16506754

>nazi retards are obsessed with someone who was critical of nazism
T. Retard

>> No.16506768

>he admits that he never read him
Then what do your opinions about him matter?

>> No.16506804
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Aah yes, Ebola. Such a profound guy.

>> No.16506817

I am telling you to get the fuck off 4chan because you really need to do it. Your brain is starting to rot. Go out and see if anyone actually propagates or talks about these three guys

>> No.16506819

They quite literally are, where's the contradiction you simpleton?

>> No.16506840

I admitted to no such thing, you are literally incapable of basic logic.

>> No.16506842

Internet nazis don't read.

>> No.16506849

you implied it when you said you don't have to read someone to understand that they were just a "footnote in history"

>> No.16506953

I think you would be better off writing a positive book instead of a negative book. What I mean, is that instead of writing about what you think is wrong with the world, write about how you think the world should be.

>> No.16506967


>> No.16506973

You're absolutely right. But I'm doing a study based on these people

>> No.16506982
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>it's another anon got filtered by Evola episode

>> No.16506983

dummy im on your side

>> No.16507036

>nazi retards
>are obssessed with someone who was critical of nazism

>> No.16507041

Go on /pol/ they all love him, do you understand what a contradiction is?

>> No.16507059

/pol/ doesn't read, and they don't talk about him. i go on/pol/ every day.
Le ebin internet nazis live rent free inside your head.

You never read evola and your only criticism of him is that that his work is expounded by people you don't like who ironically also never read him.

>> No.16507089

You're telling me that all of /pol/ loves Evola but when I went there, no threads about Evola can be seen even ctrl+f'ed "Evola" in a couple of threads and no results showed up. Are you lying to me anon? :^I

>> No.16507098

The argument is about his status in culture you fucking retard.

>> No.16507105

Go outside

>> No.16507111

>my pop phi youtube channels don't talk about him so he's not influential
just fuck off

>> No.16507122

no, you were saying that he is popular among le internet nazis

>> No.16507124

Who has he influenced then?

I have read him and haven't at all indicated my politics, can you actually argue a point?

>> No.16507134

It began with his being designated a footnote and I indicated that he was only paid atention to by cranks. I used the word Nazi and that triggered you.

>> No.16507140
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>> No.16507150

literally who

>> No.16507154
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>> No.16507167

Also, I had a hard time believing you when you >>16506593 said that nazi retards take someone, who have some issues with nazism, seriously. Anyway, I spent the past few minutes jumping between /pol/ threads and not one, NOT ONE mention of Evola can be found you deceitful liar >:^I

>> No.16507178

Now we're getting somewhere, anyway I'm tired of this argument. Take it as a concession if you wish.

>> No.16507188

ok have a nice day sir

>> No.16507191

You too.