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/lit/ - Literature

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16500787 No.16500787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What truths have you come to realise recently?

>> No.16500808

>OP is, truly and finally, a fag

>> No.16500839

/lit/ is not majority white anymore

>> No.16500843

i'm probably not going to be dictator.

>> No.16500851

I don't know which of these is sadder.

>> No.16500855

not if you persist on your refusal to hire me as minister of propaganda and enlightenment

>> No.16500863

That I can shoehorn Spengler into everything.

>> No.16500866

i will take it into consideration, chad.

>> No.16500876

you actually can, he pops up in my thoughts about a lot.

>> No.16500879

That "revolutionary" conservativism is pure unfiltered cope. They're the modern equivalent of a hunter-gatherer throwing a tantrum when the majority of people started farming. Material conditions drive history, ideology is a byproduct of this phenomenon.


They're the male equivalent of those girls who do yoga and talk about their Chakras.

>> No.16500887

>being materialist

This ain't it, chief.

>> No.16500890

youre gay with your dad

>> No.16500897

There’s no functioning ideology, they’re just trying to oppose “progress”. That’s not a war that can be won

>> No.16500898

my dad died when i was born, but yes.

>> No.16500900

That they're actually not rocks but minerals

>> No.16500909

I don't like classic literature, and classical music, as much as I thought I did.

>> No.16500910

That's my point, it's a futile perspective. It appeals to social reject NEETs who want to feel they're outcasted from society because they're intellectually superior.

>> No.16500913


>> No.16500920

That I engage in profligacy, that I am shameless to excess, that I'm petty and illiberal, that I'm a buffoon, and, in short, my character is utterly deranged.

>> No.16500926

That most people are complete braindead retards and that I'm always trying to excuse their subhumanity to cope because otherwise I would have been driven insane and commit suicide for having to interact with them for so long. I'm just extremely disappointed and heartbroken but I have to start ignoring the obvious again and again for my own mental health.

>> No.16500959


>> No.16500974

A global attempt to Divide and conquer is happening via immigration.

To truly “learn” history means to open your eyes and discover the forces that cause
historical events to happen.

Most of history may be a lie.

>> No.16500989

u sound so fucking pretentious

>> No.16500990
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>> No.16500991

>the forces
what are they, anon?

>> No.16501007

What are you implying, fake butter?

>> No.16501011

This, but it goes all the way back to the French Revolution. The bourgeoisie have since then rewritten history, through the lens of the Enlightenment, as a struggle of reason and progress against superstition and stagnation. The "Right" and "Left" argue about communism and capitalism, yet both are deeply rooted in materialism, which itself is a bourgeois fabrication that justifies their revolution against their natural masters, the aristocracy.

>> No.16501012 [DELETED] 
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Itsda jooooooossss

>> No.16501014 [DELETED] 
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Don't ask me, ask the 100+ countries.

>> No.16501015
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That I don't have to try in this life anymore, and there's no reason to try to get myself out of this dump. Whether I die naturally or kill myself, I'll be reincarnating into another world within the hour, and with a cheat power to boot.
It's honestly fucking bliss. I'll have a harem of different species beauties, and eventually rule that other world with an iron fist. I'll forever live on in their songs and legends, and my lineage will be powerful and influential long after I've passed

>> No.16501027

b-based, can I come?

>> No.16501037

oh, looks like Iran, China and Russia are just historical anomalies, gonna log myself out, bye

>> No.16501044

I mean you have to be mentally ill to think a small group of wealthy jew billionares soemhow coordinate and organize to co trol the whole world for the last 2000+ years.. Specially in the age of internet and information. In 2020 when the world is so fucking complex and is literally impossible to be somehow controlled. Or maybe they just were always a minority group with a long lasting tradition in finance. They were always the scape goats and somone that fingers were pointed at in times of crises and war.

>> No.16501055

That my masochistic tendencies are produced by inversion of my sadistic tendencies and that to break this dynamic I have to re-frame the act of providing value as something that does not necessarily involve this power relationship.

>> No.16501063


The majority of the population was Islamic, the Shah was an artificial western dictator. The Ayatollah wasn't restoring tradition to a godless society.


They've purged all of their ancient traditions that are contrary to "communist ideals". Quite literally the complete opposite of what we're discussing.


Comedy gold, Russia is one of the most degenerate countries on Earth. Just because they have "based Putin" doesn't make them traditional. They're the prostitution and abortion capital of Europe.

>> No.16501064

I'm forever going to be an atheist no matter how hard i want some belief.

>> No.16501067

There is nothing that motivates me and the only thing that keeps me going are my job and ersatz hobbies I entertain to do something instead of staring at the ceiling for 24 hours. I genuinely desire nothing. It feels like every possible action is a waste of time.

>> No.16501087

Ohh I get it. Dicktatoe haha.

>> No.16501104
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No anon, get your own fantasy world

>> No.16501116

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

>> No.16501118

That Spengler is a hack.

>> No.16501129

You can't post something like this without sounding pretentious. Prove me wrong if you must I'm waiting.

>> No.16501130
File: 89 KB, 645x645, 645x645-1488571053328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's Spengler but not a retard

>> No.16501150

That my far right leaning political view hold no supstance and were ruining the quality of my life. /pol/ brainwashed me. Philosophy made me a centrist and opend my eyes and perspectives.

>> No.16501153

Implying that to be human is to think, which is bs.
The fact you can't see the value of interacting with live human beings because your intelligence isn't tickled the right way by most really suggests some weird high-school-fedora type of intellectualistic reductionism that most men come to pass in their early 30s

>> No.16501172

>What truths have you come to realise recently?
A lot of people are parasitic on society as a whole, especially the older generation on the young. The argument that they've "paid there fair share" is dubious at best. A society that rids itself of these parasitic people could honestly achieve anything and I feel it could be achieved culturally by reverting to the old cultures based around honor and militaristic discipline. This isn't about race, I see parasites of all races and creeds draining the life force of society.

>> No.16501179

I do more than I thought I would. Shit takes time to get going though, I never really cared about classical music other than it sounding nice, but once you start actively listening and figure out how contrapoint and fugues work, you can just let the music take the reigns. Same with literature, start with the Greeks and read philosophy and you start finding all of those interpretations that professors talk about by your own intuition.

>> No.16501185

How is it dubious? The people who've come before you literally built the system that allows you to survive. You likely wouldn't make it in the wild, my man.

>> No.16501189

oh ok but can we visit each others sometime?

>> No.16501193

who is that?

>> No.16501199

That technology necessarily leads to totalitarianism. Very soon technology will be so advanced, any revolution will be impossible. Either fight for control of this inevitable dystopia or go live in the woods.

>> No.16501201
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Good and evil dont exist

>> No.16501205

I'm a puer aeternus living a provisional life

>> No.16501208

>The fact you can't see the value of interacting with live human beings because your intelligence isn't tickled the right way by most
Never did I say that in my post. I only said that their garbage character and retarded way of thinking take a toll on me psychologically. Your whole post is a projection full of teen buzzwords.

>> No.16501213

Well your post did seem to infer that people are stupid and you'd hyperbolically rather kill yourself than deal with stupid people... if that's not the case, my bad.

>> No.16501214

bruh do you have a searchable version of this table

>> No.16501218

That the Silver rule of rabbi Hillel and the Golden rule of Jesus differ significantly, with disastrous consequences

>> No.16501221
File: 496 KB, 500x250, 80CF0ECC-8C2A-4003-B024-7CB5FDB15918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m honestly better than most people on the most fundamental level, and it drives me mad that I have to walk through this diseased, smelly swamp called “life” knee deep in the pungent shit flung by these smooth brained retards. I absolutely refuse to bend the knee on this because I’m 100% convinced I could be one of the most successful peopl in history if I were given access to the right resources, but instead I have to sit and watch as regards that are dumber than me get free rides. For the love of Christ, why is everyone else so shitty? Honestly, at this point I’m legitimately offended that my dick isn’t getting sucked by a supermodel because it offends me to think that the retards around me are considered my “equals” by the world and that they somehow deserve the same freedom I do. I’m confident I’ll be successful in life regardless, but I’ll be sure to take revenge against some of these cocksuckers whenever the opportunity presents itself. I deserve better, and none of the things that are wrong with my life are my fault, yet I constantly have to pay the price for the incompetence of others.

>> No.16501222
File: 126 KB, 1058x600, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the FBI is mentally ill.

Years ago I would have been in firm agreement with you. Of course it is not the entire (passively practicing) religion, but the further I delve into this topic the more undeniable some claims become.

You can tell someone to press a button, they don't know what it does, so long as they're getting paid.

>> No.16501226

Ibn Khaldun, an Muslim historian who saw the decline of the Islamic soceity of hsi time. Search up Asabiyyah and you'll get what I mean. Also the guy thought up many economic theories that would later be found in Adam Smith's works (though whether he was a direct influence on Smith is uncertain). I dosgaree with him a good deal but his writting is interesting.

>> No.16501229

the real trick is to get off the left right and centre scale altogether and realize there is no politics just history and material circumstance that drives people to make us odd concepts and tribal allegiances. go full eclectic anon.

>> No.16501250


>> No.16501257

You're distilling what the Marxist viewpoint is so I'd hardly call that transcending politics

>> No.16501258

>The people who've come before you literally built the system
It really depends on the generation and time period, i.e compare the G.I. generation to the boomer generation and what they both contributed to society.

>> No.16501266

Only my interests matter. I should support an ideology only insofar as it serves my interests.

>> No.16501267

>emotionally unstable
>better than most people
Choose one.

>> No.16501268

Protocols of elders of zion is a falsified document made by a s*rb 100 years ago.. You cant be serious anon?

>> No.16501273

No no no, I’m only emotionally unstable BECAUSE of other people, but I have a good grasp and can act very presentable, I have no difficulty socializing, but the righteous indignation is always bubbling just underneath the surface

>> No.16501285

They still contributed more than the current one even if merely by virtue of having had more time. Anyway, to push the analogy closer to home, imagine how much more bloodflow you would have if you cut off your legs. You could be more productive and desu people get by on wheelchairs just fine. Would this be unacceptable for any other reason besides things like "I am a pro football player"?

>> No.16501293

How can something falsified have turned out to be so true

>> No.16501295

>I’m only emotionally unstable BECAUSE of other people
That's still emotionally unstable. Most people aren't emotionally unstable by the mere fact that their dicks aren't sucked. They are emotionally more developed than that.

>> No.16501302

True? FBI posted that just because they were posting archived documents.. You consume /pol/ memes and see it as truth.

>> No.16501318

>philosophy made me a fencesitter
Wow, you really are a big brained fuck, aren't you?

>> No.16501327


>> No.16501343

>yet I constantly have to pay the price for the incompetence of others
Could you provide some examples? I don't particularly deny what you present.

>> No.16501354

Whatcha gonna do about it, big boy?

>> No.16501361

"It does not matter"

>> No.16501389

>philosophy made me a fencesitter
I see all fans of different political ideologies as irrational monkey behaviour. Reatards who will defend their political stance even if it makes no sense just because they identify themselves with it. Its no different from religious apologetics. Transcend the left-right political spectrum!

>> No.16501401

>That's still emotionally unstable. Most people aren't emotionally unstable by the mere fact that their dicks aren't sucked. They are emotionally more developed than that.
I’m very emotionally developed. I’ve stopped blaming myself for the failings of outsiders, instead I wish ill upon them.
The parents can be thought of as the most obvious example. Despite having no choice in it, you get fucked violently by being brought to life, then you pay for every one of their mistakes. Another example is the moral failings of other people. While I may not do drugs, others might. And because they do drugs, they may become violent and harm me. Or worse, they may wind up in prison, and I have to keep them alive with my taxes. Not to mention all the little mistakes that other people make, day after day which add up. And they have the nerve to never once consider my feelings, as if I am beneath them, when it’s really the opposite.
I’m attractive and quite sociable, and very very intelligent. I’ll see to making money, perhaps several million. Regardless of how that goes, I’ll make plenty of friends through networking. I’ll get real close, then stab them in the back for all the bullshit I’ve had to deal with. I’ll acquire power and rain down hell on those who once tormented me. All of which will be done legally and peacefully, so fuck off incoming “REEEE ELIOT RODGER” posters

>> No.16501443

overcome evil with good

>> No.16501465
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It would be for the best if we didn't. There can only be one lord emperor king, after all.

>> No.16501480

You didnt answer his question, heeb.

>> No.16501537

That ideology and the structure of the state (polity) is just a cope. The real enemy of civilization is egalitarianism.

>> No.16501547

Cowardice is just as much defining feature of conservatism as anything else they claim to be essential. It's what makes a "conservative revolution" an impossibility.

>> No.16501607

nonsense. Marxism is trash. material concert of history is not what i mean. systems of belief are pure cope and only hungry cavemen trying to reign in the civilization they hammered together is really the only truth in politics. by history i mean that man is not making things move forward by policy but the flow of history is. the industrial revolution has more to do with what political landscapes look like than left or right wings do. hope that makes sense.

>> No.16501631

holy smokes, this.

>> No.16501801


>> No.16501811


>> No.16501818

I learnt that there are some really pretentious people who post on lit. Which should not have surprised me.

>> No.16501826

Spengler if he was retarded

>> No.16501872
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I'm with you, brother.

>> No.16501887

A live worth living is suffering
Life itself if a constant fight
And the purpose of man, the fight itslef until death

>> No.16501966

>be me, 19 y/o male
>filled with fury, literally screaming and crying even when there are strangers there, tryng to explain why I would not do certain things because I have traffic related trauma
>my mother just repeat the same sentence. i doubt if she really listened to me and keep arguing just to not lose the argument
why do normie are like this?

>> No.16501995

unbelievably fucking based. books for this feel?

>> No.16502165

The other day I finally “got” Qualia. As in the fact that subjective experience operates through some really mysterious mechanisms.

This might be babby’s first philosophy shit, but idk it’s a real mindfuck

>> No.16502216


>> No.16502268

Language is so fucking small and illconstructed that language comunication must seem like dog barkings to other entities.

>> No.16502290

/lit/ hasn't read 99% of the books it peddles

>> No.16502437

There is a certain way to be a pessimist and be happy. Sometimes pessimism really goads on depression when you refuse to concede that good has happened, or when you try to overshadow good things with "oh well nothing matters anyways" or with "there are so many miserable things happening in the world who cares".

I realize if you expect the worst but still allow yourself to be pleased when something good happens you can be happy even if you're a pessimist by nature.

>> No.16503641

McLuhan was right about anything.

>> No.16503645


>> No.16503665

Never take anything personally.

>> No.16503678


>> No.16503680

That the weather has more an effect on my emotions than any amount of willpower could. It was so nice outside today. I was so blissfully happy and in the moment just smoking a cigarette and staring at the blue sky, feeling the wind on my face.

And then I went inside and the harsh realities of whatever simulation you fall my life came flooding back in.

>> No.16503711

I don't see how one can conclude that history can be driven, let alone what drives it. I also don't see how this conclusion can be made without the most godlike use of statistics ever seen. Also what's the purpose of concluding such things? To change public policy?

>> No.16503717

>What truths have you come to realise recently?
Arguing your beliefs is f*cking gay; instate or deflate

>> No.16503740

That I'm not interested in what the highly connotative abstract term you may use "means". I'm interested in what YOU mean. Debating the definitions of such terms are a distraction from the conversation.

Any meaningful conversation gets bogged down by debating definitions.

>> No.16503853

Reminder most leftist are conservatists and keeping us in a 20th century mentality.

>> No.16503877

It’s very difficult to shove bottles up my ass, but still more rewarding then having to read my brother’s girlfriend’s feminist dark fantasy poetry.

>> No.16503885

There are not going to be any more collapses. There are too many failsafes. This is forever.