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File: 122 KB, 800x420, social-anxiety-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16482798 No.16482798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am fucking scared jesus christ them creatures outside my door and there judgmental eyes fuckers

>> No.16482805

this board fucking sucks ass

>> No.16482810

read the sticky, fucking idiot

>> No.16482820

I'll shag ur mum
just wait till I get over my fear of people and i'll ask her out you mong

>> No.16482823

kys underage subhuman piece of shit

>> No.16482844
File: 33 KB, 712x452, 1601443508168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have such little regard for other people, that the opinions or presence of others has no effect on me.

If everyone is trash, nothing about them matters any longer. Simple as.

>> No.16482846

the courage to be disliked
thank me later

>> No.16483236

how not to be scared of people wo being a flavourless misanthropic dryguy

>> No.16483256

"stop being a faggot" by Anon Anonberg

>> No.16483264

look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.16483296

wtf there are asian self help books?

>> No.16483309


Is there anything worthwhile in there, or is it just a personalized life coach?

>> No.16483322

You're right to be scared of people, anon. What society calls paranoia I call a healthy wariness tuned over countless millenia.

Here's something to bear in mind: if ever a mad psycho loony just picked your name at random from the telephone book, or passed you in the street and fixated on you, or chose your address for some frothing occult motive of his own, he WOULD be able to kidnap you and subject to you unspeakable tortures. There's no way you can protect yourself against a cunning and unknown enemy who is prepared to devote his every waking moment to plotting your excrutiating demise.

So really, your entire existence relies on there being NO such mad lunatic. You're spinning the roulette wheel, every day of your life, and hoping it doesn't come up zero.

Sweet dreams.

>> No.16483337

Stfu with this cuck shit. You'll find more substance by watching Osho lectures on youtube.

>> No.16483345

Here's my tip: if you are from America, leave America.
I am a complete normie outside of America, but whenever I go back I become a shut-in schizoid.
There is something about America that paralyzes you.

>> No.16483510


Stoner By John Williams.

>> No.16483520

I used to have inferiority complex like you. What unironically helped me was getting into arguments with anons on 4chan and realizing how stupid people truly are as well as leaning tome comeback/insult skills (even beyond the basic cope/dilate/seething/have sex).

>> No.16483747

Ask yourself why you care what they think of you OP, and why would they have reason to judge you?
they do not matter

>> No.16483760

The reality is that you can't know what other people think, OP. Pondering it is a waste of mental energy and will just drive you in infinite loops.

>> No.16483968

>Book on how to not be scared of people

Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

This is legitimately a good book.

>> No.16484162

I don't know if a book will help, anon. You just need to practice even though it might be scary. You will eventually realize your fears are unfounded. Try to find a friend or family member who can help with this practice if you can.

>> No.16485228

the creatures on the internet are those same creatures. don't ask a lion about how to avoid being eaten by lions. you're completely on your own, everything that surrounds you is darkness and fear and there's nothing you can do to escape, nobody you can turn to who isn't one of them

>> No.16485259

>If everyone is trash, nothing about them matters any longer. Simple as.
this is exactly what I'm learning another language but just for reading purposes

>> No.16485276

If you see them staring at you, are you then not also starting at them? What are they thinking in that moment? Perhaps they are wondering what you think of them.

>> No.16486187 [DELETED] 

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