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16472842 No.16472842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When is the pretending to be religious meme on /lit/ going to end? We all know you’re only doing it to spite soibois who crashed your atheist sekrit club.

>> No.16472873

Cry more you little bitch nigger fuck. Better yet take a fucking knife and slit your throat

>> No.16472894

The cringe atheists are leading more and more to come back to the God of Abraham

>> No.16473801
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I'm a politically liberal Catholic who supports politicians such as Andrew Yang and Bernie Sanders.

>> No.16473971

All beliefs are religious. I am not pretending to have beliefs.

>> No.16474744

it not 2008 anymore anon, there are not many cringe atheists left, except those oldfags living from their 10 yo cringe atheist internet memories
they are delusional coping retards, they know there is no way their religion makes sense but they just use it to LARP as conservatives

>> No.16474784

>All beliefs are religious.

>> No.16474789
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>laughs in occultism

>> No.16474832

>we all know you're doing it to spite the soibois
yes, that's called dialectics. They're bad atheists, so we're using our superior intellect to mock them from the perspective of a theist, forcing them to consider metaphyics, so that we can switch back to atheism, mock them once again to make them atheists, but this time with the idea of God better internalized so that they aren't foolish sciencists that unwttingly lapse into naive metaphysics while denying they're doing metaphysics at all.

>> No.16474843

so like a lot of Catholics including Biden? how unique!

>> No.16474851

I was going to start a legitimate thread about religion but it seems some gay shit is going on here so I'll wait until this blows over

>> No.16474860
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>The ultimate idol is the personal God of theology . . . the only discourse about God that is not idolatrous is necessarily an atheistic discourse. Alternatively, whatever the discourse, the only God who is not an idol is a God who is not a God.

>> No.16474869

not that guy but it’s true. it’s all relative. atheism, scientism, christianism, communism, capitalism. everyone believes in magic, all beliefs are given to you from your environment. any belief you rid yourself of is insantly replaced by another, and every belief at it’s root is completely arbitrary and built on an unsupportable, “unfalsifiable” axiom. so after knowing this all, where do you go from here? you’re probably better off ignoring this and continuing to pretend your beliefs are right and the other guys are wrong

>> No.16474880

>we all worship, man

>> No.16474887
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>it not 2008 anymore anon, there are not many cringe atheists left
Almost. Most normies have converted to silly neo-paganism, or modernist spiritual practices like Wicca. However, there is still a camp pseudo-theological liberal humanists that are in a late and terminal phase of their belief system that need to be brought into the light of critical metaphysics, and the first step is to understand God. Give it 3 or 4 years before Geist's new movement starts to get going, but you're right that it's soon.

>> No.16474903

no, this is uncritical and chaotic. You are right that all belief-systems rely on axioms that must be taken as a ground for everything else to be built upon, but, that doesn't mean some axioms aren't stupider than others. Their stupidity lies in their immanent contradictions which produce results that are within the belief system's own axioms bad.

>> No.16475004

I was under the impression that I was responding to the anon who (probably hastily) wrote that all beliefs are religious..
I don't for a second believe.. that you're asserting that all believing's religious, nor that the preceding anon was asserting a tautology: that all (religious) beliefs are religious..
So.. what the f*ck is going on here?

>> No.16475037
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Seething ath*ist, the intellectual elite will always be religious, no matter if it's paganism, christianism, Islam, judaism or weird esoteric cults. Plain atheism it's for the petit-bourgeois and other soulless elements of our age.

>> No.16475090

I’m Catholic and the best writers are Catholic so I am staying on /lit/

>> No.16475233

I mean that anon basically described what I believe. I probably wouldn't have used the term 'magic', but I don't think I disagree with their usage based on the context.

>> No.16475253

Everybody knows OP is a newfag, right?

We were having debates on religion on /lit/ in 2013, 2014, and 2015. /lit/ has been the most religious board on 4chan for years now.

>> No.16475262

>1 billion christians worldwide
>none of them actually believe

sure sounds legit

>> No.16475503

That's a cope if I've ever seen one.
Accept that /lit/ is a Christian board, and accept Jesus into your heart

>> No.16475518

>there are not many cringe atheists left
I found one at least

>> No.16475601

When will the pretending to divine what other people think meme die on this board?

>> No.16475622

what book is this?