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/lit/ - Literature

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16472169 No.16472169 [Reply] [Original]

>Harold Bloom claimed to read at a rate of 400 pages per hour
Why didn't an interviewer or student just shit test him to find out if he was lying? All you would need is a newly published book that you've read and know the plot of. Give Bloom the book. And then at the end of thr hour, ask him to describe the plot and name some characters and basic facts. I guarantee Bloom would fail this test everytime. He also claimed to retain nearly everything so you could call him out on his bullshit by asking specific questions.

>> No.16472184
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Bloom was an anglo pseud, no surprise that he would lie

>> No.16472198

Because who cares about some irrelevant grandpa creaming his pants over Shakespeare

>> No.16472219

I guess that he didn't really mean stuff he had not read before. Bloom had a prodigious memory, he could remember entire pages, and that would have improved his reading speed.

>> No.16472229

I can't even turn that many pages in an hour.

>> No.16472237

>Why didn't an interviewer or student just shit test him to find out if he was lying
Because they wouldn’t have had a career in academia after that

>> No.16472244

the infamous anglokike hybrid

>> No.16472265


>> No.16472277

This. Anytime I hear his name, I think of myopic Shakespeare worship and those stupid "covering cherubs" from The Anxiety of Influence. Utterly irrelevant. I'd rather read L. Ron Hubbard.

>> No.16472310

Wow. Just a few years ago /lit/ worshipped Bloom. What happened?

>> No.16472322

Bloom reminds me of that principle from dead poets society.

>> No.16472324

New people comes in, memes change. Fun, right? Well, you would know if you weren’t new.

>> No.16472344
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We worship Maestro now

>> No.16472353

>Why didn't an interviewer or student just shit test him to find out if he was lying?
well you dont just go up to your extremely powerful and famous professor and challenge him based on a quote that anyone with an iq over 90 knows is bullshit and a consciously pompous joke

>> No.16472397

I don't think it was a joke. Colleagues commented that seeing Bloom read was "scary".

>> No.16472446

well maybe in that case he shouldve slowed down because there are a lot better scholars than him

>> No.16472601

Chapofags pushing "theory" and "diverse voices". Bloom's too problematic now.

>> No.16472629

place went from being smug about having good taste to being smug about having le based political views

>> No.16472673

He's an angloid with no knowledge of other literatures like the Spanish one.

>> No.16472691

Really? I thought it was the opposite: JBP-esq reactionaries riding off his "school of resentment" talk.

>> No.16472712

We always mocked JBP from what I could gather. Just like we have always mocked Guénon.

>> No.16472716

Most people here liked him because he was anti-political correctness in the arts and that he created the first /lit/chart with the Western Canon book he released. It was also helpful to have a Jew as a mascot to keep /pol/fags away. The people who hate Bloom are the philopolitifags who came after the election (some may be Peterson fans). The types of guys who say "reading fiction is useless, you should read Marx".

>> No.16472722

the only modern scholars worth reading are frogs

>> No.16472730
File: 16 KB, 400x263, harold bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that no one, NOT ONE person on this board is intellectually serious enough to engage with Bloom and gain something from the experience. Everyone here either memes on him or looks up to him in some kind of faggot "anti-postmodernist" way, as a defender of the canon against feminists and other imaginary enemies. Almost no one has the brainpower and the knowledge to read even his most basic works (Anxiety of Influence or essays on Shakespeare) and comprehend them; the few who might actually be able to understand him are understandable turned off by the idiots spouting memes and stay away.

>> No.16472763

For the most part but there was a decent amount of time of Peterson posters. I just assumed they were the same people pushing Bloom simply for the anti-academia narrative.

>> No.16472781
File: 464 KB, 1200x800, End of Canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politicofags from /pol/ and /leftypol/ took over. This board is pretty much "recommend me books that are based according to the meme ideology I decided I believed yesterday" nowadays.

>> No.16472786

>he doesn't know about Flight to Lucifer

>> No.16472794

>We always mocked JBP

>> No.16472800

>¿Where are the Marxists Jordan?
>Wash your Penis
>12 Rules for Washing Your Penis
>Clean your room
Suuuure lil bud

>> No.16472804

Why is it that when I read fast sometimes it feels like a superpower and I know everything going on and other times I read fast I feel like I’m not even reading I’m just looking at words?

>> No.16472820

Well literary theory in general has never been that popular here. A few get mentioned now and then but Bloom was significantly more popular, which I attribute to anti-academia and constant touting of canons rather than his actually criticism.

>> No.16472823

>recommend me books that are based according to the meme ideology I decided I believed yesterday
The entire history of angloamerican academia is resumed in that assertion lmao

>> No.16472863

We have taken the Guenon (pbuh) pill and are now esteem the great Sanskrit epics over the anti-traditional canon of the modern West

>> No.16472865

I've always hated him and I've been here for a while now

>> No.16472877

Concentration is a sliding scale. The cognitive resources you have access to changes depending on many different things.

>> No.16472891

And why not? If I were in a hiring position I'd totally want them as long as the rest of their credentials are up to snuff.

>> No.16472904


>> No.16472923

prob get bad papercuts or something

>> No.16472935

I've read voyage (found it in a charity shop) and it was scitzo, pretty original.

>> No.16472940

God damn it why can’t I just be a master at reading and processing and remembering things. ;-;

>> No.16473132

You could, conceivably, become that. Just not all of the time.

>> No.16473331

Just be born with a photographic memory. It's that easy.

>> No.16473901

newfag, that shit was way after when /lit/ first started posting about him. He was well liked here before he got popular with normalfags and reddit, then /lit/ turned. Use warosu and educate yourself, retard.

>> No.16473910

school of resentment took over /lit/ too

>> No.16474395

Isn't this a character from the Mighty Boosh? the one with the tache?

>> No.16474944


zizek mogged him so hard he went into a benzo spiral only to come out the other side as a puppet to his derranged daughter (who happens to be an ultra-thot)

>> No.16474974

I watched an interview with him and he said he taught himself Yiddish by age two, some other language at age three, and taught himself to read in english by age four

how do you teach yourself a foreign language at *two fucking years old*

>> No.16475978

he died

>> No.16476029

What's that got to do with anything?

>> No.16476033
File: 13 KB, 340x271, Batemandisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1930s Bronx
>foreign language

>> No.16476045

>And then at the end of thr hour, ask him to describe the plot and name some characters and basic facts.
'It involves Russia.'

>> No.16476061

>he taught himself Yiddish
I think he grew up in a Yiddish-speaking household? he also claims to have learnt english by reading william blake iirc

>> No.16476074

Because no onegives a shit who big someone's e-peen is

>> No.16476140

Terry Tao apparently taught his older brother to do Mathematics when he was like 4. I wouldn't underestimate what child prodigies can do.

>> No.16476831

Stories are meant to be read, aloud. You can't digest paragraphs at a time and experience the book properly. It's like watching a movie on 2x speed.