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16463937 No.16463937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/, I'm not a regular on this board, but, I have an assignment for my AP English class in which I need to explain how my:

-social class
-sexual orientation

have hurt or helped me in my life.

Do I cuck out and acknowledge my White Privilege? Or do I write something a little more controversial? I will appreciate any suggestions.

>> No.16463941

Jannies the assignment is related to the book outliers so it has a connection to literature.

>> No.16463953

Just write whatever your English teacher wants to hear if you want to get a grade above a C-

>> No.16463958

The absolute state of education. At least this shit wasn't fully implemented before I left the school system.
If I were you, I wouldn't "cuck out" or be an edgy boy. Write a sincere and nuanced answer. Instead of writing some blind and empty statement on white privilege, go into detail about how, precisely, your being white may have privileged you - but also write about how it may have hindered, or may hinder you (eg affirmative action).

>> No.16463971

>also write about how it may have hindered, or may hinder you (eg affirmative action).
OP do not do this. This will get you points knocked off and might even brand you as some kind of racist

>> No.16463979

just cuck it. the future is more important than the now.

>> No.16463980

This is probably the most sound advice but OP will probably get an F on the paper for following this advice

>> No.16463992

you could do a reverse uno and say that since you're white you've faced guilt and persecution because of your perceived privilege. Probably a bit unoriginal at this point though.

I would probably just point out that power is inseparable from justice, and that only the powerful can help the powerless - not equality. Make a case for natural hierarchy, point out that wokism is merely an inverted aristocractic power structure (or asthenocracy) and that it too is hierarchical though its members are ranked according to oppression rather than class. What do you have to lose?

>> No.16463993

Be a complete class reductionist and blame absolutely everything on capitalism and power structures of the elite. Make hints about the jews, but maintain the fact that the poor are the truly oppressed and that everything else was subsequent projects by the wealthy to keep the poor oppressed. Race, sex, gender, it's all fabricated bullshit to keep the poor disorganized.

>> No.16463996

dont do this, the teacher will fail you and brand you a racist or something

>> No.16463998

stop kowtowing to communists. by complying with their demands, you are just allowing them to tighten their grip and further establish control.

what do you need an AP in English for anyway? so you can continue to subject yourself to the process of indoctrination in higher education? If your goal is to leave school and be an actual productive member of society - or conversely, to be a NEET without pretense of your self worth - the qualification will be practically worthless. It's only necessary if you want to embed yourself in the Marxist politburo.

>> No.16464009

It has hindered you because you will have dedicate your life to playing daddy for all the 70iq barbarians instead of colonizing mars

>> No.16464012


Write about how you've benefited from your race/class/gender because people of that race/class/gender are inherently superior.

>> No.16464013

>what do you need an AP in English for anyway? so you can continue to subject yourself to the process of indoctrination in higher education?

Yes, I need to go to college to maybe have some influence on the world instead of being terminally online.

>> No.16464014

I really doubt some random kid deciding to write something contrarian for their essay will really prove any point. If anything it will further solidify the belief within the teacher and the education system that "racism is still prevalent and must be dealt with."

>> No.16464016

they're not communists. Commies will at least argue with you about economics and history, listen to what you say, and respond with their points. These woke people will tolerate absolutely no dissent about their points, just no discussion at all, only attempts to silence and ruin people.

>> No.16464024

All I can say is if you write a ballsy essay like >>16463992 suggests, it may be a pain in the ass for a week but after that you will never regret having written it, and it may be a formative moment that makes you someone who has the balls to live out their own principles. Good luck with the essay OP

>> No.16464027

Yeah I mean do this OP, the teacher won't SLAY you for being nuanced expect if you don't go full edgelord mode. If you have examples for your points, you should honestly be fine.

>> No.16464029

do what you must then. I personally have no tact and wear my convictions on my sleeve, so I couldn't lie for a passing grade. but more power to you if you feel you can be of use combating them on their own turf.

>> No.16464035

Oh Super Relevant:
My teacher is a person of color.

>> No.16464044

Both are correct options, if you don't plan on doing some political / not pc shit in the future and just want to write books about riding dragons then best to cuck out and forget about it, but if you plan on writing something that will be more on the extreme then might as well start with it already. If your teacher gets triggered enough it could even kickstart your career.

>> No.16464048

yeah, good luck writing anything without making your teacher upset. If you write anything they could possibly consider racist, you will likely be expelled or some stupid bullshit

>> No.16464054

Think critically about it, if you want to get a good grade go on google scholar and find literature to reference. You can't just say no, because you have had privileges that help you out in life over people that don't have the same. It's just a fact of life, checking your privilege doesn't make you a cuck that annoyingly checks their privilege like in the cringe compilations, a moderate sincere privilege check can help you better understand and relate to the people around you. Thinking critically about being a white male or whatever won't turn you into a meme. Most people who talk about checking privileges aren't the irrational people having a moment that get put into those puerile cringe compilations. Thinking you will be cucked by thinking about yourself and your place in the world critically is peak incel behavior

>> No.16464062

This desu. As for the essays, it's hard to give a good answer if we don't even have your opinions on the matter OP.

>> No.16464065

just write Black Lives Matter over and over again. Not even memeing. Some black kid did that and got admitted into Yale or Harvard or something.

>> No.16464067

Yeah OP just don't be a racist. Pretty simple shit.

>> No.16464069

It's cuck to talk about white privilege without mentioning Affirmative Action, which is the only actually legally enshrined privilege given to a race, and it doesn't benefit whites.

>> No.16464070
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Say you're actually some other race, so even though your fair skin has helped you pass it has also alienated you from your true cultural identity. Professors have zero recourse for this. (Even in the worst case scenario, for her to even ask for you to prove your marginalised identity would be risking to lose her job. I'm going to guess with confidence that your teacher is white.) In my case this is actually true and I've fucked with a few professors because of it--no better feeling then putting people like this in a liminal ideological no man's land.

>> No.16464072

Okay, this makes things more interesting.
Leftists love to go on about "institutional power", and institutional power is an actual thing for sure, but I cannot agree with their equating institutional power with "whiteness". If you want to soften the blow and score points with your teacher with a more nuanced approach, you could talk about institutional power in the context of policing, for example. You could talk about the tension between police departments and black communities, and how whilst the reasons for antagonism between them may be complex, ultimately the onus is on the police, as the "institution of power", to lead the way in healing relations.
But the reason I brought up this whole deal about "institutional power" is because your black teacher is in a real, institutional position of power in relation to you, because she's a teacher. The institution of power can be challenged, but it ought not be oversimplified and reduced to race - otherwise the power that she as your grading teacher has over you becomes theoretically voided simply because she is black and you are white.

You want to be an edgy boy, that's one way to go about it. Directly challenge her on the fact that she has institutional power over you.

>> No.16464092

No, affirmative action has literally nothing to do with the writing prompt op mentioned or checking your privilege. Shut up you bitter cuck, youre white.

>> No.16464096

>the only legal race privilege is not relevant to a discussion of race privilege
lol at your critical thinking abilities

>> No.16464114

Op's prompt didn't even mention race you delusional bigot. It was about ops privilege, if he is a benefactor of affirmative action sure he can talk about it. But otherwise it has nothing to do with ops privilege. Just because you look for any excuse you can to shit post your idiotic stale and increasingly irrelevant talking points doesn't mean other people should. Now get back in your cock cage.

>> No.16464123

>Op's prompt didn't even mention race you delusional bigot.
>Do I cuck out and acknowledge my White Privilege?

So I guess in addition to your critical thinking ability we can add in abysmal reading comprehension

>> No.16464126

to quote OP
>I need to explain how my:
>-social class
>-sexual orientation
>have hurt or helped me in my life.

OP does not have to benefit from affirmative action in order to write about it.

>> No.16464128

Talk about how you're assumed to be racist because you're white. Talk about the myth of white fragility empowers black fragility. Talk about how can you reconcile demonization of white fragility while praising black fragility.

>> No.16464129

my sides

>> No.16464148

Claim to be Irish and talk about how the Gaels have been oppressed by stinky anglo proddy's for centuries

>> No.16464158

My capacity for critical thinking obviously far exceeds yours. op's white privilege is not the same thing as white privilege in general and any comparison of it to affirmative action is utterly irrelevant to someone in highschool who hasn't even applied for college yet. The fact that I understood this without remembering ops post is proof of my superiority to you.

>> No.16464174

>OP is tasked to talk about race privilege
>hurr de durr nobody was talking about race
lol you're a fucking retard

>> No.16464183

If your teacher has actually given you an assignment like that, it means they're a leftist ideologue. What that means for you is that if you do not answer along the "correct" political lines then they will likely fail you.

>> No.16464185

I might have misremembered ops post but at least I am not making utterly irrelevant assertions that have no logical relation to ops assignment.

>> No.16464194

Show your radlib english teacher that all struggles are class struggles and that class reductionism is a myth peddled by liberals. You can do it, anon. Just be smart. You will simultaneously be based and woke, raising it to a higher synthesis.

>> No.16464197

He wasn’t even black, he was pajeet and it was Stanford, arguably a much better school

>> No.16464200

>discussing legally enshrined race privileges that will affect OP his entire life is not relevant to a discussion of race privilege in OP's life

>> No.16464215
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>Just write whatever your English teacher wants to hear if you want to get a grade above a C-
got damn it this will never not make me SEETHE
I wasn't even a liberal arts major and every time I was faced with some feminist cunt professor who blatantly assigned shit like this, I just wanted to tell them to get fucked

>> No.16464232

How has affirmative action affected ops life? He's in highschool, any potential effects affirmative action has on op is in an imaginary future. Your takes on affirmative action are also retarded but It's irrelevant and I have no interest in arguing with a frivolous keyboard warrior like you. Shut up, op asked for advice not your toxic shitposts, you must be very stupid.

>> No.16464247

just because something is in the future, doesn't make it "imaginary". he's not "imagining" that he has to achieve a higher GPA than his melanoid peers in order to gain admission to the same universities. that is a fact.

>> No.16464254

I'll add that if you were in college, OP, and you wrote something which your teacher could vaguely construe as being "racist" then you would also run the risk of being expelled. You're dealing with people who believe in their political ideology at a religious, or perhaps psychopathic level, and who desire to crush all dissent. They view the educational sphere as an area to occupy, in a military sense, so that they can mold young minds into their desired image, and destroy the academic and career prospects of any who resist, so that they will not be able to pose a future institutional threat to leftist hegemony.

>> No.16464257

You people are so boring

>> No.16464259

>OP is applying to college in a few months, so he is working hard to have good grades to get in
>he has to work much harder than other races if he is white or asian since they need higher scores
Yeah no relevance to his life right now at all.

>> No.16464283

tell them that white privilege doesn't get you handicap points when applying to uni

>> No.16464302
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Fuck the system, OP. Flip it around.

The truth is, being white hinders you. Whites are subject to negative stereotypes in movies and music. White women are targeted for the most depraved kinds of pornography. Whites have workplace discrimination as companies encourage non-whites to apply (i.e. everyone but you). Best-selling books make unfounded claims about your fragility and evil ways, but reverse races and the author would never be published. Whites are bullied in school because of their race.

Fuck this propaganda bullshit. Argue your case well. You'll get an F because your cunt teacher will grade your opinion, not the merit of your work, but the noble speak the truth no matter what the cost.

>> No.16464328

Another tack, OP, could be to frame being white as being in between asians and blacks in terms of privilege.
>Being white privileges me in university admission compared to asians, but detriments me in comparison to blacks.
>Being white privileges me in terms of likelihood of being subject to police violence compared to blacks, but detriments me in comparison to asians.

The idea of whiteness relies on whites being at one statistical extreme or another. The political narrative can then be constructed in such a way to make that extreme the "bad" side. If you draw attention to how middling whites are between asians and blacks, where does the distinction of whiteness go?