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16455471 No.16455471 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the purpose of this endless progress?
People nowadays aren't happier than during the Stone age or are they?

>> No.16455484

Read Simone Weil

>> No.16455485

Working towards eternal galactic warfare so that we may redirect our inherently violent nature towards those lifeforms which would put up a good fight without giving us real trouble.

>> No.16455491

Technological progress makes your life more comfortable.

>> No.16455497
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>> No.16455504 [DELETED] 
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gotta herd the nigger cattle

>> No.16455505

Creating yet more sophisticated and horrifying torture chambers in the scorched landscape of the Kali Yuga

>> No.16455512

Not everyone is an american.

>> No.16455518

I miss him so much, bros.

>> No.16455526

Too comfortable. Thanks to modern technology one has many option to be a lazy piece of shit, become fat and unfit. The existence of these options forces one to put up will power to reject these options, whereas in a time without technology you wouldn't require this will power because these options didn't exist.
This requirement of willpower for everything in turn makes life nowadays very stressful and not comfortable at all. So i don't know what you think by it makes life comfortable. Most of humanity is constantly stressed through a "lack of time" which makes them miserable since they think they haven't achieved what they wanted to achieve since they didn't have "enough time".

>> No.16455528

I used to have nightmares about those sorts of things. Like an automated CNC machine designed to drag out a human execution as long as possible. Even providing you with nutrients to prevent you from dying of blood loss and dehydration, just so it can keep poking you with needles and breaking your fingers.

>> No.16455531

It would certainly humble us if we had a rival that isn't our own species, but i don't think you could classify this as the purpose.

>> No.16455536

To reach the Kingdom of Ends

>> No.16455537

>So what's the purpose of this endless progress?
To improve quality of life

>People nowadays aren't happier than during the Stone age or are they?
Happiness is relative to context and if not anything else we’ve achieved a flexibility and a longevity to happiness. Primitivism is mostly baseless and reinforces this claim, ironically.

but also not /lit/

>> No.16455538

Read I have no mouth but I must scream

>> No.16455549

Yeah I need to check that out. I remember reading the synopsis on Wikipedia a long time ago but never got around to it.

>> No.16455551

go outside, find a friend who holds the same morals as you, get into a fight

>> No.16455556


>> No.16455587

Neither am I.

No, not humbling. Conquering.

>> No.16455604

How do you define quality of life? Through material circumstances or the happiness of your mind?

>> No.16455612

Material circumstances

>> No.16455615
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>> No.16455620

So you'd argue that we're happier nowadays since we have material circumstances that improve our quality of live?

>> No.16455625

Wealth inequality is bigger than we had during Egypt pharaohs. Suicide rates keep growing. People feel increasingly alienated. We have had constant wars in the middle east and the Taliban is stronger now than it was in 2001. Environmental doom has been talked about since I was young but political leaders only pay lip service to it while getting money from big oil. Wages have kept stagnant while profits and production increased.
We need socialism.

>> No.16455643

Why socialism? Doesn't that alienate people even more by removing the social hierarchy?
You talked about the Egyptians, why not have a system like they did?

>> No.16455675

Socialism because a democratic workplace decreases alienation. Socialism isn't without hierarchies, it's without private capital owners.
>You talked about the Egyptians, why not have a system like they did?
Let's go back to a time where priests and pharaohs control us like slave labour.... it's dumb.

>> No.16455691

I’d argue we have a greater chance at happiness.

How original

>> No.16455700

we are still trapped in animal mentality of eat and reproduce just with fancy bells and whistles, i dont know if we can ever collectively break free of it tho

>> No.16455722

Man cannot live on comfort and entertainment alone

>> No.16455742

There is no point, progress is transient and it always resets. Time is cyclical

>> No.16455779

Depression and suicide, especially among young men, is at an all time high and doesn't seem like it'll stop going up.

It used to be that you could work everyday as an honest man in your town, make enough money to own a home, support a family, and then comfortably pass away being fulfilled. Nowadays you're programmed into being an eternal wagecuck for an international business that seeks to destroy all moral principles you hold for the sake of money, you'll be forever indebted into renting out a horribly overpriced apartment, and never have children because either
>My career is far too important!
Or every woman also says
>My career is far too important!
And you pass away without ever feeling any sense of fulfilment even with all the material possessions you gained.

There is a solution. Move out to the country, buy some land, and start going to the local church. Hell, but even this might not last much longer as the mystery meat leftist masses also want to destroy rural towns by importing masses of niggers, arabs, and spics.

Modernity was a fucking mistake.

>> No.16455791

Hunter gatherers are constantly hungry and worrying for their own safety and survival and the simple process of getting food alone is extremely dangerous, a minor wound that gets infect can kill you, it's not a very happy life. Happiness and technological progress is really more of a bell curve.

>> No.16456770

If we had a greater chance then we wouldn't have a massive depression and suicide epidemic.
I think we have a greater choice of how to achieve this happiness, but the over-abundance of choice does the contrary, it makes finding happiness more difficult.

Let me make an example: Today you have the choice to do so many different things to get physically active. You can do so many different sports, you can go to the gym, you can do a job that requires physical labor, ... but even though all of these options (and the knowledge that physical activity makes you happier) are available, people are less physically active than ever and we have a huge obesity epidemic.
In contrast to this, during the stone age, it was a necessity for survival to be physically active, so you wouldn't even have to think of how to activate the bodily mechanisms that make us euphoric after being physically active, because you had to do it every day for the simple reason of survival.

By straying further from the natural way for which the human mind and body was built for, we're creating a necessity for things to unnaturally fix the problems that are created by this straying away.

>> No.16456776

Hitting fat dabs while binging netflix is peak civilization

>> No.16456800

>Socialism because a democratic workplace decreases alienation.
Just like political democracy, it is an illusion of importance. Individualism was a big mistake, now every human thinks he's in charge of his life, while continuing to be manipulated by people who take advantage of this illusion.

>> No.16456835

That is a valid point, but even though these things sound horrendous to us, you could also find joy in them. For example: Who feels happier? A prehistoric man who just slaughtered a mammoth with his bros and secured the food stock for his tribe over the next month or a modern man who goes to the supermarket to buy his food day in and day out?

>> No.16457925

>If we had a greater chance then we wouldn't have a massive depression and suicide epidemic.
What a shitty claim. You sound like a whiny bitchboi named Werther.

>> No.16457964

good argument

>> No.16457986

Anon, it's specifically mass urbanization and overpopulation that's the issue

>> No.16458004

Overpopulation is a meme. What is the perfect, exactly correct number of human beings that we are supposed to be keeping?