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16441890 No.16441890 [Reply] [Original]

You read and read and read, but at the end of the day, do any of you hold any steadfast beliefs? What do you do about the sides that are opposed to your views? When it's obvious that two viewpoints cannot coexist, is it not each "beliver's" duty to campaign for the destruction of the other? Isn't that the very core of Philosophy? "My way or the highway". They all try to explain reality and put forth their arguments. But at the end of the day there's "one" way to explain it, so eery Philosopher is pitted against the rest.

I suppose I just wonder if anyone here actually feels something is true, instead of just reading and reading, seeking it.

>> No.16441894


>> No.16441909

I am a neolithic Brythonic-Celtoid supremacist. I believe the ancient Brythonic-Celtoid builders also known as the Hyperboreans were not only direct descendants of biblical Adam but also not of this world. I know I will be attacked by insidious Saxon and Hebrew shills for revealing this truth to you, but it matters not.

>> No.16442190

skepticism. humans cant reach truth

>> No.16442209

but you cannot know that you do not know this. take the empiricus pill.

>> No.16442307

you dont have to. its a belief

>> No.16443643

Bumping this for more answers. Come on.

>> No.16443716

Nothing in life matters. We're all going to die and be forgotten.

>> No.16443726

I'm critical, in the classical sense.

>> No.16443732

Nietszchean perspectivism.
>every great philosophy so far has been the personal confession of its author and a kind of involuntary and unconscious memoir

>> No.16443982
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There is a truth and objective reality. And essentially this truth is God itself.

I think I do believe in God even though I have my doubts sometimes. I'm also partially open to believing in lower deities such as the Greek Gods and nature spirits since they're fun and also in the imagination animates the world and gives it life, unlike in some Christian thought where the world is seen as dead matter for humans to shape.. Though there is still the singular Christian God

As far as society and human nature goes I believe
1. It should be shaped according to human nature and not trying to shape it. Not to say it can't have some sort of morality or attempt at improving the society, but any attempt at utopia is ultimately retardation and self-destructive.
2. The ultimate goals of it are to create a slightly better life for the children of the inhabitants, not the broader humanity but simply the children of the original inhabitants. The other goal is to create and environment aimed not at maximizing happiness for its citizens, but at the fulfillment of their life. Essentially the state should be based around encouraging what Schopenhauer calls the 'will to life' for its citizens. Creating them a life that they'll be contented with when they're on their death bed
3. We don't need electronics and modern appliances as much as we think we do, and we would all probably be happier if we were living on family farms ingratiated with nature.
4. I am utterly against modern factory farming, I think its practices are vile and evil.
5. Race is real. Identity is also an essential part of our being. People say "One race the human race" are retards. Its not just that we need an in-group and an out-group, we have no choice in the matter. There's a saying that goes something like "you can cut off the left side of a block but there will still be a left side". All of humanity is simply too large and if anything will leave you with no group identity which is the path to atomized individualism and nihilism and depression. We need a group to be part of, ethno-religious groups are simply the best evolutionary groups humans developed for our fulfillment. They are essential to living a good life.
6. Religion and spirituality are essential to people living a fulfilling life.
7. People that are ideological about economic systems are retards. Just do what allows local communities and families to thrive. This will not be the same everywhere.
8. Provide easy paths for young people to become part of their community and society. Almost all would help if they could making them beg for shitty office jobs that don't even provide much productivity is retarded. The way the current job market works is retarded. Get rid of HR. Also no more foreign workers.
9. Mythology, heroism, and overall violence is underrated.
10. Traditional gender roles are unarguably better for creating a healthier and happier society.
11. Bearing children and marriage is essential to living a good life.

>> No.16443996

There may be others but those are my main beliefs I think. Also I mean to say the truth of reality is God itself though I don’t know or think it’s the entirety of what God is if that makes sense.

>> No.16444024

The only thing i believe in is my own entertainment.

>> No.16444036
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Oh also basically everything here.

>> No.16444299

I believe I'm bad at whatever I do

>> No.16444543
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>> No.16444583

Empirical evidence should be your only lodestar. The rest is in your head.

>> No.16444605

>don’t trust your consciousness and subjective experience goy, just believe in the material that ultimately disproves your existence and truth and beauty itself

>> No.16444654

>your consciousness and subjective experience
What do you think empirical evidence is?

>> No.16444730

I believe in free will even though I recognize that causality prevents it. I believe that truth is more powerful than fact. I believe that the last anon that posted from the hotel I'm staying at got banned for spamming the n word.

>> No.16444839

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

>> No.16445011
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I love my parents and the rest of my family, as well as friends (online too). Even if this is all meaningless.

>> No.16445468
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I just want free shit. Gibs me dat.

>> No.16445484

>What do (you) believe in?
I have no idea. I'm not sure I believe in anything. I'm not even sure this is an adequate evaluation or just a byproduct of depression.

>> No.16445930
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That's a good question, and I don't have a great answer. If I'm pressed I'll say I believe in the "human spirit" or "love", which means something along the lines of - It seems to be the case that I exist in space and time along side other humans, and we really only got each other, and for whatever reason (cultural, biological, evolutionary, hell maybe even objective) we should treat one another with dignity and respect. I don't hold any strong metaphysical beliefs and maintain an overall skepticism (which only gets stronger as I read more - how can we truly make heads or tails of anything?) and I am beginning to think that Buddhism / Western Buddhism / wherever we're at now with Buddhism is the sharpest religion / world-view to follow. It seems fairly psychological in nature and it doesn't tends to ignore/shoe away strong metaphysical questions and claims (since those questions will cause more suffering). I'd love to have the faith and swallow the Catholic/Christian pill that a lot of you here seem to - but I simply don't have strong faith in God and Jesus Christ.



>> No.16445974


>> No.16445984

you gotta give me more than that

>> No.16445989

Everything matters, otherwise we wouldn’t be here

>> No.16446004

I will when you give me more than juvenile.

>> No.16446023

I believe in everything I've been exposed to simultaneously

>> No.16446045

>how your actions affect others is more important than your intentions
>people aren't born equal but it's the point of society to offset that
>humanity is not a species but a mutual agreement to treat each other decently. following that agreement is the only condition to be human
>justice is not served if the perpetrator has suffered less than the victim
>fate is a work in progress, so tell the story of your past in a way that makes the future you want seem predetermined
>quality is not objective, and people who insist it is are assholes

>> No.16446048

The more you read, the less confident you are in your beliefs. This is the Dunning-Krueger effect.

>> No.16446053

False. There is no reason to believe we are owed any meaning or purpose in our live. We're born. We die. Everything in between doesn't matter. Being the head of state who gets to fuck all the current porn and pop stars is the same as dying in a gutter with heroin needle in your arm which is the same as achieving enlightenment and becoming a literal fucking god. Society just tries to convince you certain ones are better the others.

>> No.16446218

>You read and read and read, but at the end of the day, do any of you hold any steadfast beliefs?
I think most people have too many beliefs

>> No.16447172
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I just wish I could be autistically obsessed with something. A function, a single goal. Even an animal has a nature. What is mine?

>> No.16447289

>There is no reason to believe we are owed any meaning or purpose in our live.
There is cause to believe we have purpose, actually, but you simply choose to deny it. The fact we have consciousness at all raises a multitude of questions that simple science cannot explain, thus could hint at a metaphysical purpose.

>> No.16447291

The main thing I believe is that humans aren't supposed to be alone. You can be alone in all kinds of ways. Maybe you hate other people, maybe you hate yourself, maybe you're just alone. It's all really bad, and all kinds of bad things stem from that.
Solipsism is the great enemy, and anything that gets you away from that is good in my book. Loving God helps, meditating and reducing your attachment to ego helps, having fun with your friends helps.
I think almost everyone is alone right now, especially in the west. I think that's why we're so unsure of everything. The premodern mindset was probably very certain of itself. But we can't go back. We have to be grown-ups and figure this out and not pine for humanity's childhood. We're angsty teenagers now.

I don't know what this means. Aren't you alive right now?


>> No.16448374

I find that a problem of today too. The over abundance of information, the lack of any real filter, and the vast amount of knowledge, make people afraid to choose a path and walk it, so they pick and choose, aimlessly going through life yet worried about it.

>> No.16448936

>There is cause to believe we have purpose
Whatever helps you sleep at night. I live under no such delusion.

>> No.16448987
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>> No.16449075

Once again. Just because we're alive doesn't mean there is a reason for it.

>> No.16449277

Yeah, maybe not externally applied by God or whatever.
You build that reason in collaboration with other people. Enjoy it while you live, then you die.

>> No.16449314


Well fuck niggers for one

>> No.16449436

You can do whatever and have personal meaning and personal purpose, but that doesn't mean your life has meaning or purpose. What you and I are talking about are two completely different things.

>> No.16449460

What other purpose could it have? I don't get you "life is meaningless" types.
You always use a strange and inhuman reference point to prove that, why? Where do you get off doing that? It's nonsense.

>> No.16449512

Because humanity as a whole is too stupid a species to ever have real significance. That's my reasoning at least. Some people are driven by that insignificance, some are crushed by it. I have no problem owing up that I fall in the later. The truth is any one of us could have not been born and not only would we have been better off personally (to paraphrase Aristotle), but the world would suffer no loss from your non-existence.

>> No.16449528

I believe that God is good and he loves us all so much that eventually he will bring us all to the fullness of the truth and we shall all be saved.

>> No.16449558

buddhist worm

>> No.16449589

Well, that's not what happened, is it? We're both here.
I'm partly feigning ignorance here, I know what you're talking about. Once you've gotten over that stuff a bit, you realise you have a responsibility to make meaning. It's beautiful that we do that together, it's magical. It's BETTER than a storybook reason for why things should be.
I say it's only partly feigning ignorance, because when you move past it, your perspective makes less and less sense.
You have to drop this idea of cosmic insignificance. We're alive and real, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.16449679

We'll just have to agree to disagree then. This thread is more about stating our beliefs rather than trying to change others after all.

>> No.16449760

Okay, anon. It's just because you said you felt crushed really.

>> No.16449776

How I feel is irrelevant.

>> No.16449786

lmao, good one

>> No.16449810

It's true.

>> No.16449836

Depends. On issues that are empirically verifiable, I try to seek the belief that most closely aligns with what the data states.
On philosophical problems, I try to acknowledge the usefulness of whatever dialectic is being presented in analysing a topic, and then I pick the lens that most aligns with my personal values.

Take the statement "many of the problems of modern America result from the concentration of capital". The first thing to do would be to try to test this claim empirically, yet this quickly breaks down because it is a historical claim and, moreover, not rigorously stated. So then you look through your values, and go: "Aha. I shall answer with a tentative yes/no because this claim seems to align with a collectivist perspective, and I do/ do not care for collectivism. The claim is too broad/ too badly defined for me to answer otherwise!"

This is truth for me, I suppose. Now all I need is female affection.

>> No.16450536

>Now all I need is female affection.
But can you really reach the heights of your potential if you let a female drain you?

>> No.16450553

Poster realizes the Absolute Nothing of self consciousness then wishes to REANIMALIZE himself! Many such cases.

>> No.16450559

Other people, especially those close to you, are the most important thing in life. Also capitalism

>> No.16450601

The Warhammer books have been boosting my lust to die. That's about it.

>> No.16451483

They still make Warhmmaer books? Is the Horus Heresy still going?

>> No.16451753

Not sure about the Horus Heresy books, but at the beginning of 8th edition they started moving the main story forwards and there's been some books in relation to that.

>> No.16451827

Huh. I downloaded about 130GBs of WH40K stuff form /t/. I've been meaning to get back into it.

>> No.16451868

I believe that because the horizon of ignorance is infinite, so is the frontier of knowlege. Therefore, everything we currently think we know is somewhat wrong and incomplete, so you must keep questioning and investigating or freeze and go dry up.

>> No.16451974

Ignorance and knowledge are the same thing from different perspectives.

>> No.16452047

>theres no reason human should exist
>therefore there's no reason for our existence
The absolute state of atheists. The fact is we exist, if there is no reason, we simply wouldn't because the universe itself is fickle and is barely capable of having the right properties for biological life to gain existence.
The universe's constant itself is '"constant" and not arbitrary. Your faculties have to be stunted for you not to see this.
The delusion is on your part.

>> No.16452062

>I wonder if anyone here actually feels something is true

I believe that racial equality is good, and that it would be good even if the worst /pol/ poster's wildest theories were correct, because even if other 'races' *were* categorically different (which I do not believe to be true), and had different behaviors we could still learn how to cope with such things.

I believe people should be able to change their bodies to the fullest extend our technology is capable of achieving without social backlash, and that changing your social role shouldn't be hard or incite social backlash.

I believe we should work towards meeting everyone's basic needs and maintaining a basic standard of living for every human, not just those within one border or another.

>> No.16452089
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>entire thread of people unsure of their beliefs, trying to find meaning through deep research
>displaying humility and a desire to be moral yet pragmatic
>only cunt who's literally deep-seated in its beliefs is a redditspacing faggot with no actual backing up of its leftist beliefs
It's truly apparent that you are not proper people. More like halflings.

>> No.16452101

Ok Mr. "Enlightened One', if you are so smart, what is our ultimate purpose? I'm a personal, chosen purpose. I'm talking the one that we literal would not be able to not fulfill. You can lay in bed all day and still fulfill. You can be the be the most benevolent or malevolent individual we the capability to be and still fulfill this purpose. This purpose can never be disproven. If you can't do that, then life has no purpose and we all need to stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.16452108

*not talking

>> No.16452124

>Deep research
>displaying humility
...They're regurgitating what this or that philosopher said with no unique takes on it, or really any signs that they understand any part of it beyond how much they love the way it sounds and complaining about atheists being dumb.
Not to mention not even properly answering the question posed by OP which, I'll remind you, was "What do you *believe*?"
I.E. what thing do you consider to be a fact?

Forgive me, oh great one, for the unforgivable sin of answering the question and using a format you don't like.

>> No.16452132

belief is free will holding a tainted lens over experience, forming the comfy prison of self

>> No.16452242

I believe that humans cannot properly function in groups larger than small-medium sized bands, and this oversocialization is one of the largest factors in the current social crises we find ourselves in. It was already building up for a long time, it's just that now it's all coming to a head. Our brains simply cannot handle such large social circles.

>> No.16452267

I believe in Spinoza’s Ethics and OOO

>> No.16452683

I can't speak for the other people talking to you, but I suspect that they're commenting because they, and I too, have been where you are w/r/t nihilism and we want to help. there is not a purpose besides the millions you have the potential to make up for yourself, and while you might not yet know that to be an 'ultimate purpose', it'll take a lot of the pressure off once you realize that the purpose you will decide for yourself is just as real as any ultimate purpose could have been. and it will be all the more meaningful because you will be its author.

>> No.16452694

meant for this poster:

>> No.16452792

I repeat what I states earlier, you and I will just have to agree to disagree.

>> No.16452836

Agnostic Buddhist Existentialist Socialist. All contradictory, probably makes me retarded.

>> No.16452869


>> No.16452884

I am privy to the divine secrets and God has chosen to reveal his inner nature to me. I have told nobody my divine secrets except those i knew were too stupid to repeat them. I have written over 300 polished pages and several more hundred pages of notes on a work that estabishes an absolute criterion for truth, a novel metaphysic, and applies it to all the categories of existence. My theory revolutionizes a number of disciplines, namely physics, geometry and dramatic art. I am conflicted over whether or not to publish it or to let God do with it what he may. Something about revealing what is already unveiled seems vain and there is something disgraceful in revealing such things to the vulgar. I have been blest with superhuman insight into the inner workings of reality and a big part of me feels I was meant to die with this unbelievable knowledge.

>> No.16452897

So are you some kind of foundationalist (in a Kantian sense, perhaps)? Do tell.

>> No.16452941

Don't listen to him. He's drank the kool aid. In a kingdom of retards the halfwit is king.

>> No.16452960

The work contains a criticism of all the noteworthy philosophers. It will start with the Skeptics and establish an absolute criterion of truth from their standards. There is a lengthy section wherein it is reconstructed in absolute from Euclidean axioms. It is demostrable in a pure series of ilustrations. It can be applied to Kant and Fichte and even British Empiricists. It is really remarkable how it can synthesize seemingly opposite philosophies. There are a number of methods that work in explicating the truth. I alone have the key to all Greco-Roman drama, the key to unlocking the hidden significance of Greek philosophical and geometrical work, a better simpler theory of gravity, a new conception of void and matter, a re-examination of the forms and it can all be absolutely proven beyond doubt from irrefutable evidence.

>> No.16452976

God abandoned us a long time ago. He doesn't get to have an opinion on what we're doing.

>> No.16452982

Sounds pretty great, anon. Post it here. Also, have you taken into account theories of language (primarily, that of the post-structuralist critique)?

>> No.16453020

I have a pretty thorough understanding of philosophy from the beginning up to German idealism, but have read little of 20th c. philosophy, other than occultist literature. What is the main thrust of the post-structuralist critique of language? I assume it is that words are described by a series of words and so on in the manner of Greek Skepticism.

>> No.16453160

Sorry, it took a while. I pressed the escape key.

It begins with Saussure, who denied the theory that the origin of language is onomatopoetic. Only certain words can be explained in that way. He categorized words as signs that refer to things, and when combined, represent the world. A sign is composed of the signifier (its physical existence in the form of its sound, written form, etc) and signified (the mental concept).

The post-structuralist critique of language is in essence, the opposition towards the belief that it truly depicts the world as it is. Even philosophers like Wittgenstein believed that language is ultimately contextual, in that the meaning of any given word in a sentence is determined by its neighboring signs. Let’s say that you don’t understand the context of a given word. From there, you might be so inclined to look it up in the dictionary. The problem, to Derrida, is the fact that the definition refers to other words whose definitions too refer to other words. Signs are self-referential in that they lead to other signs. Furthermore, any word can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. A lion could symbolize a king, a king embodies an empire, an empire exemplifies conquest, and it can go on. Thus, the post-structuralist position on language is such that the symbolic, or sign, has overtaken the real, or referent. Language is divorced from reality. If you’re interested, look into Burroughs. Basically, he sees language as a parasite from outer space (or as a virulent meme).

>> No.16453171

Oh yeah, please publish your work.

>> No.16453184

That may be so, but they are mirror image inversions.

>> No.16453202
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I believe that there is a 'real' world that exists. There's an independent nature of causes and events that exists in the real world. If you step in front of a truck, you get hit and die. This is ultimately why science has produced so many technologies which actually work and have an effect upon us and the universe, because we can see how the universe actually operates and its physical laws and then exploit them in order to produce new things. Reality itself is some kind of power matrix, where causes and events interact in somewhat predictable ways. Whether there is some transcendent being like a God, I don't know. It's possible. I lean towards a panpsychic vision of consciousness, that consciousness emerges from information systems and that there might be a "world soul" of all integrated conscious properties. Christians have some good arguments, but ultimately I can't get behind the idea that Christ literally came back from the dead. I can't make that leap of faith. Although I'm kind of open to other quasi-supernatural things like UFOs and ghosts, but ultimately I don't have enough evidence (besides a personal experience with a ghost and the USS Nimitz videos of UFOs). Philosophically I lean towards Shopenhauer recently, in that I think he is right that life is ultimately full of suffering and we don't get what we want. The hedonic treadmill appears to be real anecdotally. As to politics and morality my beliefs are a lot more fuzzy. I think there are multiple political systems that work to some degree or another. Communism/fascism/totalitarianism/theocracies all work somewhat to organize individuals and ensure the survival of a civilization. I lean towards some social democracy right now, but I think people can survive under a wide variety of systems, and all of them have tradeoffs (like neoliberalism moves jobs overseas and atomizes individuals). Basically, I think there is objective truth to the world, but probably no ideal way to organize civilization.

>> No.16453216

What twitter tells me

>> No.16454267

Kidding aside, I do wonder how such people function. How do they go about their daily lives?