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/lit/ - Literature

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16432302 No.16432302 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread?
Bookshelf thread,

Requesting to see taschen-bro’s stuff again. Dig that art collection.

>> No.16432314
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>> No.16432345
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I'm going to try get the third row done before the end of the year.

>> No.16432381

Goals. I have a folder full of books from libgen though.

>> No.16432392

I have like three different shelves but they are kinda scattered around the room, each half full of books and half full of storage (due to the design of the shelves). I’m jealous of anons who have one place to put them all. I feel like the dude that just has stacks of books fucking everywhere.

>> No.16432554

that's nice. is it yours? what do you do, anon?

>> No.16432571

It is mine. Currently a law student who is supposed to be working at an impact litigation organization if everything works out well

>> No.16432580

word. good law school? what are your interests with/for your library?
one of the better collections on here desu

>> No.16432586

like i'm guessing ivy-league or ivy-league equivalent undergrad or grad, yeah?

>> No.16432591

Why do other law students not actually read? We spend three years reading dense and obtuse nonfiction, my ability to read and analyze has skyrocketed. Like, they all have this newfound or enhanced skill set and none of them use it. It’s insane. I fucking hate this field. Put a bullet through my head and bring a wrongful death action against society for me, anon.

>> No.16432600

>Zettel's Traum published in translation by Dalkey Archive
You've never read that, and you never will.

>> No.16432684

Not a T14 law school. My school opened up opportunities easily for me to intern with the CCR and The Washington Lawyers' Committee since our students are primarily PI-Govt focused. My interests with/for my library is because I grew up in poverty and never had access to books and by working construction throughout undergrad I would buy, read, and collect as many books as possible. I have a fondness for expanding my taste, exploring new books, then adding these books to my library. Obviously I can't wait to have an income so I can have nice shelves live OP, but cinderblocks and wood is cheap and is a nice workout.

No, only State schools (both undergrad and law). I just started interning as a 1L and volunteered with as many legal orgs providing pro bono services to the low-income/homeless communities in my area. And continued this throughout my 2L career. Despite not being at a T14, legal orgs and firms value this experience more than only doing law review and moot court. My grades were okay my 1-2L year: split between As and Bs.

Honestly, it is frustrating. I read fiction, poetry, and plays in my free time because doctrinal classes are stultifying. Critical Race Theory is popular among my classmates, but I generally tend to explore more Leftcom theorists along with reading a lot of Carl Schmitt for my exposure to political-legal theory. Currently, reading Death on the Installment Plan and honestly my legal education has made reading this book much more enjoyable in the poignant sense understanding how relevant the book is to the present day. But the general sentiment among my classmates is that they do not read in their free time and have not touched fiction since undergrad.

Possibly. I have read 80 pages and then stopped when I moved. I have read everything else available by Arno, so it is not farfetched, but you're probably right: I will be a faggot and never fully finish it.

>> No.16432688 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16432725

Solid anon is good anon.

How old are you? What type of law do you want to practice? Where, roughly, are you from?

Piqued my interest. Interesting collection; respect for your method and will to read.

>> No.16432729

Have people with shelves this large actually read all of the books on them?

>> No.16432787


>> No.16432812

If you mean from cover to cover, probably not. Some people (in some countries) are able to obtain large amounts of books with little or no financial investment. Then you have a vast amount of works to choose from when you are picking something new to read and even if one gets boring you can always drop it and choose another one right away.

>> No.16432817

Is that a lifting belt?

>> No.16432827

I am 29. I am from Mississippi, but also lived in South Carolina. I attended law school much later than my classmates. The only thing I had on my resume when I applied and started law school was construction and some farm-labor gigs. This made me insecure when I first started, but after getting legal experience and talking with attorneys in various fields during my internships, they honestly said my background was a positive in the application process. Some T14 students tend to be already wealthy and successful (in the PMC sense) and come with a holier than thou attitude, so I would not worry if someone reading this is not at a T14. I am going into public interest law. My dad killed himself when the bank foreclosed on his house and he lost everything as a result of his injury on the job. After reading up on bankruptcy law while in school, I realized that if he could have afforded an attorney (this was before I started law school), he had a decent opportunity to prevent foreclosure. Since I have no debt from undergrad and law school (scholarship), I want to use these skills to help working class Americans.

>> No.16432874
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The fuck anon you actually seem like you’re a good man

What your “next step” so to speak? You reading just for general interest and self-improvement? Is there an end or specific project in view viz. your books?

You part of any reading groups or any communities that would help extend/foster your mission?

>> No.16432875

Wow, you're a good guy, anon. Do you want to practice law in Mississippi, SC, or somewhere else?

>> No.16432906

What has 4 eyes but can't see?

>> No.16432933


>> No.16432999

Yes lad

>> No.16433015

Thanks, anons. I hope you find fulfillment or already experiencing it. Hopefully, we all make it one day, bros. As for reading, I actually studied comparative literature and philosophy in undergrad. When my mom died of cancer when I was 16, my dad made it his goal for me to get a degree because I would be the only one in my entire extended family with one and he wanted to break that generational poverty chain. He was very supportive of my choice and was proud of what I was doing and encouraged/persuaded me when I wanted to drop out from my insecurity: I felt stupid and ashamed of my upbringing; never felt like I belonged in college, since I still had to work manual labor during the supposedly best years of one's life. To this day, being ashamed of my dad and my upbringing during those years fills me with sadness and I wish I could take it back. Since I never made many friends in undergrad, I spent all my free-time reading as much as possible. I'll admit, I have been on and off /lit/ since 2011 and this place has been my reading group. I am reading for self-improvement and general intellectual development, so one day I can attempt to write a book like James Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (impossible to achieve, but it is my goal), but from my experience as a poverty law attorney in the South.

>> No.16433019

>tfw the automatic stay could have made your dad stay

Sorry anon.

>> No.16433029
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>> No.16433039
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>> No.16433047
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>> No.16433054

How do you like that rotating shelf, anon? That's pretty cool and I never saw those in one's home before. How study is it?

>> No.16433059
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>> No.16433064


>> No.16433071

it’s really cool, very sturdy and comfy
my parents bought it for me before going off to university

>> No.16433079
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what are you working on now? primarily law stuff?

Anon i like you and want to help you
NOT in a condescending, patron-oriented way, but in a: "hey, you seem good and close to the center of things; i want to get in on that, behind that; i want to support that" kinda way.

at the very least i want to connect more. join my discord, anon. you're exactly the type of reader i think a real online community of thinkers could benefit from.

>> No.16433089

Thank you, I'm in college in SC right now working on my degree in Economics and International Business, and I'm thinking about going to law school after undergrad because I liked my business law class so much. I'm confident that you'll make it, it seems like you have it figured out better than me.

>> No.16433136

Do you know the brand? Seems like a cool piece that can be set up in different rooms

>> No.16433139

Also, some advice from one of my favorite professor who had a similar experience in college to you is to fake it until you make it, because you'll never feel like you belong, but as long as you have the mindset that you are supposed to be there and working on your success, you'll keep growing, both as a person and in your professional life. Keep at it, I know it isn't easy, but you'll make it if you set your mind to it.

>> No.16433148

*my favorite professor, not one of my

>> No.16433186

한국말 해?

>> No.16433245

I can barely speak / read ):
I focus mainly on German, Russian, Japanese, and Mandarin in my studies so I don’t have a tonne of time for Korean
I’ve studied like 34 languages in total but can only keep like 6 actively usable in my head
I’ll probably focus on Latin a bit more soon
sorry anon, i couldn’t tell you ):

>> No.16433345

Yeah it's easy to pick up 한글 but the grammar is quite complex and vocabulary takes a while obviously. I'm thinking of learning a bit of Russian, but I should probably focus more on improving my Korean first

>> No.16433374

Primarily law stuff. I write shitty poetry now and then. Just trying to enjoy reading fiction to prevent burn out, which I feel close to manifesting. Sounds like a great community. I'd love to join (Rhizombie#2439).

>working on my degree in Economics and International Business
If you have time, check out Richard Posner's economic analysis of law. There is a current revitalization in legal academia in an economic theory of law (not sure if you are already familiar). I won't dissuade you from law school. Other people in online forums will, but you just need to be honest and true with yourself and understand that it is a 3-year commitment of challenging work: physically and mentally. With your background in undergrad, a law degree will open many doors, so do not think you need to go into a firm specifically. There are a lot of opportunities with a law degree, but students tend to be myopic because their goal is Big Law to pay off the debt, then hate the profession (met a former big law attorney who is now working a comfy HR job making great money and has a relaxed life while another one is doing policy work). "better than me" Anon, you will make it and will figure it out. I learned the hard way late in life to not compare my sense of worth toward the accomplishments and dreams of others. Stay true to yourself and be in a community that fosters and supports your growth.

Thank, anon. Your favorite professor sounds awesome. Make sure you don't lose that connection. I still talk to my favorite literature professor to this day through email. "mindset that you are supposed to be there and working on your success": this is great advice and I wish I had this mentality early in my life. This is especially true in places like law, med, and business school where it is hyper-competitive. This principle along with the notion of encouraging and supporting others is a great way to success. We will make it even if life seems hard at the moment!

>> No.16433474
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For what its worth, anon, your story is immediately compelling. It is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I make no comment as to the difficulty of actually living through hardship like that, only that at this point, and in the right hands (which i think you have), that is some real and tangible ammo. Not to sound too neoliberal (I work in advertising and PR), but you really do have a “brand” here that puts you a cut above/beyond a lotta people. Not that you should, or even want to, but you could leverage your history at this point into some really interesting positions, etc. You could uniquely capitlize on all of it.

Would love to discuss and connect more; I’ll send you a discord invite when I’m back home. Cool beans, anon.

>> No.16433493
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Also, not to pry too much, just curious as someone who has cancer myself: what type was your mother’s?

>> No.16433541

based warrior philosopher

>> No.16433569

whenever i see one of these threads i think how irresponsible it is to amass such quantities of junk, i feel for whoever it is that's left to dispose of it all once the hoarder's dead

>> No.16433580

>I felt stupid and ashamed of my upbringing; never felt like I belonged in college, since I still had to work manual labor during the supposedly best years of one's life. To this day, being ashamed of my dad and my upbringing during those years fills me with sadness and I wish I could take it back.
Dirty hands make clean money. There's no reason to be ashamed about doing manual labor (which it seems like you realize, though you regret realizing later than you would have preferred).

You seem like you have your head on straight. Good luck to you anon!

>> No.16433609

you're on the wrong board to be calling lots of books 'junk'

>> No.16433615
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I dunno if you’re really in the loop or not, i myself only hear winds of it, but there seems to be this new trend going around called “family” where—and get this crazy shit—some things are actually passed down, like a library, after someone dies.

I know, i know—i think it’s a whole lotta hype, too. But we’ll see. Someone smart could make money off it, i bet.

>> No.16434150

Holy based rapture
Post pics of taschen library

>> No.16434179

Cool dino

>> No.16434328
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>> No.16434329
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My lovely little shelf before it was decimated by a cross-country move.

>> No.16434341
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>> No.16434381

just moved shits sporadic

>> No.16434445
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>> No.16434474

Sounds like a scam to me.

>> No.16434527
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ebooks are the future. Much less likely to be destroyed, no waste, no expense. 10000 books will cost you $120.

>> No.16434551

I'd like ereaders more if they were bigger, the few big models that exist are also super expensive so I can't buy them.

>> No.16434553


>> No.16434610

Yea the really upscale ones are still bready expensive. I predict large price drops in the next few years, however. Can't recommend one enough.
>Not keeping in touch with your small group longtime friends
Sad, really.

>> No.16435133


>> No.16435140


>> No.16435146
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>guns germs and steel
>jordan peterson
>max hastings

>> No.16435628
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>guns germs and steel
Read it in high school. I thought it was interesting, even if the conclusion of "it's just geography breh" wasn't all that satisfying.
>jordan peterson
Had to see what all the lobster fuss was about. The prescribed "rules" aren't all that bad (he is a psychologist after all) and I honestly enjoyed it for the most part. Most of the flak came from seething reddit trannies.
>max hastings
Was the assigned text for a 1st year WWI course.

>> No.16435851
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Finally assembled my whole book collection in one house. Commencing dump


>> No.16435866
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>> No.16435882
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>> No.16435897
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>> No.16435911
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>> No.16435916

as the oob author, I'm proud to see another chad

>> No.16435969

Stupid question, unread books are often more valuable than read ones. Look up the concept of the anti-library
Fucking based
>multiple Umberto eco books
>The bell curve
How can one man be so based and so cringe at once?

>> No.16435995
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the language is romanian

>> No.16436026

yeah because the grammar is so similar to japanese that's not the problem for me, i just have trouble with finding time to study

>> No.16436082

Do you find it difficult to find things in Romanian or no?

>> No.16436088
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>> No.16436100
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>> No.16436104

Based but bluepilled. The legal system is designed to uphold coercion and exploitation. You should have picked a different profession.

>> No.16436105

Lads, if given the option should you buy paperback or hardback? Is paperback for poorfags or something?

>> No.16436108
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>> No.16436143

Oh shit, very nice taste

>> No.16436145

not at all

>> No.16436201


>> No.16436269


Formidable collection, man. I love your History stuff.

>> No.16436310
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this you?

>> No.16436334

go into construction, but be very aware of your surroundings and the probability of danger, use your legs to lift things

>> No.16436355

yeah that’s me, I figured someone would eventually recognise my books

>> No.16436737

Is there such a thing as too many books?

>> No.16436747
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Not being cruel but I cannot distinguish your gender whatsoever.

>> No.16436848

lmao i don't really care about my gender i guess i'm a tranny but i'm also transphobic
i just like being cute, also it helps me get boyfriends

>> No.16436860
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>> No.16436868
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>> No.16436876
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>> No.16436878
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Well if androgynous is what you're going for then you're killing it, qt.

>> No.16436884
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>> No.16436900

I like paperback because even if I take decent amount of notes and tabs in the books, I rarely ruin my books cover and sides so I’m not too concerned with the advantages of hardcovers (unless I literally always ruined paperbacks).

>> No.16436906
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>> No.16437281
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>> No.16437391

thanks anon, i've always looked kinda androgynous
got bullied a lot as a kid for looking / sounding kinda girly
how's the barnes and noble translation of tolsoy? i was thinking of buying it as a present for a friend who doesn't speak russian

>> No.16437951
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I only keep books I haven't read (or really love) handy. The rest is in storage.

>> No.16438754

>guns, germs, and steel in the background
kys liberal faggot

>> No.16438945

Where do you get the books for that cheap? Everything I want to read costs more digitally than as a used paperback. And the free sources hardly have anything, and when they do the metadata is so fucked that it makes me sperg out when my Kindle is all disorganized.

>> No.16438999

wow, someone who has read mindhunter

>> No.16439856

is that an abridged version of les miserables you fucking plebian

>> No.16439911

I refuse to keep any books that don't match my standards. As such, I have kept only Parzival and Garfield: his 9 lives. Both books are very similar.

>> No.16440032

This is how I imagine Achilles.

>> No.16440725

alexandros too

>> No.16440986


>> No.16441005

only to faggots

>> No.16441115

>quoting Taleb
ISHYGDDT. However lots of people's shelves have unread books on them. People who read a lot generally don't purchase one book at a time.

>> No.16441387
File: 289 KB, 1200x1991, nice try cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope it's a complete unabridged version in paperback

>> No.16441421

its an ok translation as long as you get one by constance garnett, though i personally like the newer translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky

>> No.16441490

as a boy on estrogen who's primary goal is to find a husband? strange way to imagine the number one warrior of the ancient world....
thanks anon good advice (:

>> No.16441668

Best copy of the idiot

>> No.16441817
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Alright here's mine, call me cringe.

>> No.16441981
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That $120 was for the kindle and the case ALONE, but you didn't hear it from me. Donate if you can too.

>> No.16441989

I imagine it's sheer exhaustion. Law students have to put those analytical skills to use day-in, day-out - as enriching as it might be to turn those skills for your own interests in fiction, philosophy, etc., it's now tainted. Why do something to relax and unwind that's just going to remind you of your studies?

I don't think it's universal. At my law school, all my peers seemed to be really into the popular presidential biographies (LBJ, Grant, etc.).

>> No.16442000

is the text tiny or are the pages very thin?
the germong version I have is much bigger

>> No.16442009
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Also use calibre to fix the metadata and sort things.
>i guess i'm a tranny but i'm also transphobic
>as a boy on estrogen who's primary goal is to find a husband?
What did Transchilles mean by this?

>> No.16442085

Pretty heavy on political history and IR realism, but nothing there is particularly fingers cringeworthy. I do recommend expanding your reading into other fields though, including English literature. Especially in fields like IR it pays to be well-rounded.

>> No.16442093

(Please excuse the extra word 'fingers;' I am phone-posting from work)

>> No.16442265

i am so transphobic that i still see myself as a boy regardless of how i sound or look
also other trans people make me physically ill (except other cool ones like me)

>> No.16442277

It's almost as if it's retarded trying to resolve mental issues with physical solutions.

>> No.16442423
File: 137 KB, 585x615, newbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mostly expecting the Chomsky and Douglas Murray to be labelled cringe. Anything you would recommend? I'm currently waiting for these to arrive in the mail.

>> No.16442504

>i still see myself as a boy
Why the hormones then? Why not just be a homosexual?

>> No.16442583

thin pages, it's about 1500 pgs.

>> No.16442624

>Lord Byron masterworks
Chad detected

>> No.16442660
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Tolstoy is that WAP
Some good ones here
That's why you have children instead of cadtrating yourself, dilate.
Wrong JBP and missing 2 vol of Gulag.
How dry is Diplomacy?

>> No.16442703

Bone dry, it's something like 830 pages. I enjoyed it a lot though.

>> No.16442788

how does /lit/ organise their shelves?

>> No.16442810

Diplomacy is a great read if you are interested in the subject matter that is

>> No.16442898
File: 32 KB, 214x262, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I only have the abridged version of Gulag Archipelago with the Jordan Peterson foreword.

>> No.16443108

As expected. My father in law has it so I'll probably end up w it eventually.
I'm on a history binge so it would probably dovetail in nicely.

>> No.16443178
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC_wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its this one

>> No.16443212


I've heard Buchanan's Unnecessary War is actually very good. Just some food for thought.

>> No.16443259
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>> No.16443281

fuck off dumb fag

>> No.16443350

What are the books on top of the shelf

>> No.16443412

A history of central banking is conspiracy lunatic tier shit. It's plain inaccurate and retarded, I couldn't get past page 10.

cringe, read your kindleberger instead

>> No.16443488
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>> No.16443557

ok thanks Moshe I won't read it now.

>> No.16443596
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, uvgetwwte0r31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16443636

>re-edits texts you bought digitally

>> No.16443648
File: 1.05 MB, 3096x4128, 1505206640006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16443798

Lol I haven't started it but I plan on reading some of it soon. Bought it after reading Eugene Onegin

>> No.16443808

you can say that about anything. clothes, cars, house, etc

>> No.16443838

thanks for proving you didn't read it

>> No.16443942

>page 10

>> No.16444085
File: 1.94 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20200926_000720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for most of the time i only buy new books after i finish another one. even so i often read a few books at once, sitting on the floor as a true champ!

>> No.16444095
File: 2.11 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20200926_000749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16444429

What happened to your copy of Lila?

>> No.16444431

i think i fit in socially better if people think of me as a girl also it makes me more attractive to guys and it makes me feel less bad about myself

>> No.16444526

holy shit i didnt realize the photo was rotated at first and i thought you had some sinister "the books are the bookshelf" type deal going on

>> No.16444544

visual dictionaries
anything in specific anon?

>> No.16444547
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x1960, 20180718_011235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog liked it too.

>> No.16444568

A curious case.
Is that a .22 and a p*tbull? What an odd combination.

>> No.16444574

Total chad.

>> No.16444587

I'm not sure what I like more, the dog or the 10/22

>> No.16444690
File: 976 KB, 826x616, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked these up today for about $10

is wurthering heights any good? i only got it because it was buy 4 get one free and i remember hearing the name a bunch

>> No.16444717
File: 992 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20180802-154019_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pits are white culture appropriated by dindus. 22 is locally made.
He's a good boy

>> No.16444818

I really need a bookshelf, I have my books scattered in various shelves and areas of my desk.

>> No.16444823
File: 131 KB, 1190x760, 2-period-14-years-dog-bite-fatalities-2005-2018@x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care how nice yours is, Pitbulls are the joggers of the dog world and should all be put down.
>just bad owners breh
No we bred them to kill things. They've got to go. Nice locally made gun, however.

>> No.16444878
File: 1.22 MB, 718x930, Screenshot_20200925-200441_Gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Doesn't live inna woods
They're great dogs. They're shit dogs inna city.

>> No.16444901

Alright I agree, they're probably not an issue if you live far away from anybody else. Mind your family though. Pits have a nasty habit of eating toddlers.

>> No.16444951

How is In Praise of Shadows? I've thought about giving it a look but haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.16444953
File: 727 KB, 781x1840, 20200404_004603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're nanny dogs.
He doesn't really care about kids unless they're throwing his toy into the pool.

>> No.16444991
File: 630 KB, 3024x4032, Tim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're nanny dogs.
Okay mate just keep an eye out. They've been specifically bred to kill things and frequently attack other dogs or people. Not my opinion, these are facts. I would be rather upset if one of these things ripped apart my dog because its genetic third eye opened momentarily.

>> No.16445215

oh gay apparently that crusades book is basically an ultra biased political hit piece. oh well is was only $2

>> No.16445648

I see...House of Leaves?

>> No.16445674

A/s/l NOW

>> No.16445693

Wuthering Heights is great.

>> No.16445786


Nice Beevor and Hastings collections.

>> No.16446533

Yeh it's pretty good. I'd definitely say read it, even if you don't like it you won't have wasted much of your time.

>> No.16447996

What an exciting thread has nothing to do with books except for physically displaying them as a decoration.

>> No.16448009 [DELETED] 

Based. Favourites?

>> No.16448025

Based, favourites?

>> No.16449027

I can't recommend the works of Pierre Berton highly enough, particularly The Arctic Grail.

>> No.16449134

no. but thats besides the point. cant think of anything more useless than having a bunch of books you've never read.

>> No.16449641

I think some people like having the ability to select any book from a huge shelf whenever they want. Also it's nice to have a long backlog of things you plan to read eventually. All in all, there are much worse things to collect.

>> No.16449689

sorry i meant to say that i can't think of anything more useless than having a shelf of books you've already read.

i mean, i reread books but most books aren't worth reading twice

>> No.16449721


What's your favorite of your fash lit?

>> No.16449726

Ooh. Still I think it's nice to have a collection of things you've read in the past. Gives you the option of rereading, if that's your thing. If you MUST collect something, I think a big shelf of books you've read is a much better thing to have than a collection of vidya or funkopops. Personally I'm fully digital because I like the portability that hard minimalism allows, but I could see myself building up a library if I settled down somewhere.

>> No.16449807
File: 870 KB, 1380x862, 1592269882211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16449811

Not something I'd normally read but since you have good taste I'll check it out anyway, thanks.

>> No.16449826

this is the cutest thing i have ever seen

>i guess i'm a tranny but i'm also transphobic
this is the godtier take

>> No.16449981

>tfw no literati trap bf
why even live

>> No.16450011

So much dust

>> No.16450020

Who the fuck made this graph is fucking retarded

>> No.16450065

The axes are inverted. Ooops.

>> No.16450071

Well to be quite fair I don't know many people who've read as many books as are shown on the right. Having THAT MANY books just laying about is usually indicative of someone who just kind of likes collecting books.

>> No.16450106

Camp of the Saints. It was extremely prescient, having been written in the 1960s. Raspail had an excellent understanding of leftist psychology.

>> No.16450463


Where does one get an English copy that doesn't cost an exorbitant amount?

>> No.16450469

Wasn’t the taschen dude just a reddit LARP?
Nice collection, though.

>> No.16450805

It is no longer in print. I bought my copy years ago. Arktos should make themselves useful for once by republishing some of these sought-after texts.

>> No.16450959

the first ten pages deals with jews and romans and the origins of usury. none of that is false...

>> No.16450986

lmao using a dollar as a bookmark.

im going to one up you and get an israeli shekel for that book. it will be perfect.

>> No.16451045


I agree. I'd like one, but I don't want to spend upwards of $100 for it. Likewise for some rare Devi texts like Gold in the Furnace.

>> No.16451168

it doesn't feel based, i just feel sick
my birth was literally a curse
yea it's strange although now that i blend in relatively well things are pretty okay
camp of the saints was unironically really interesting to think about even if i'm not a fascist
there are definite parallels to the modern world lmao
there are probably people out there like me i guess,,, i'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find someone for you anon (:

>> No.16451247

This is some weird form of gender dysphoria. You're clearly not happy living as a female, but for some reason you think your sex is a curse. Have you tried basic psychotherapy instead of jumping right into hormone replacement therapy?

>> No.16451282

no i am happy living as a female, it's just that i'm not happy when people see me as a tranny
i wanna be a girl, not a tranny. but if i can't be a girl i'd rather people see me as a cute boy
also yea i've had therapy and stuff but life has gotten better a lot so i don't really need it / my insurance changed policy i think so,,,,

>> No.16451374
File: 231 KB, 512x414, 1570955241290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see. Well if it makes you feel any better I thought you were a girl until you called yourself a tranny. Just be glad you can actually pass, you could have been born a big-jawed hairy muscular guy, in which case you'd look grotesque right now. Either way you're cute... n-no homo...

>> No.16451425

you arent a girl. you are a man who wears woman's clothing. stop being mentally ill and come to terms with yourself.

>> No.16451457

did you enjoy er ist wieder da? i'm thinking of buying the english translation if the humor actually translates to english

shut the fuck up dork she's more mentally stable than you incels

>> No.16451554
File: 116 KB, 1024x680, Tommy-Lee-Jones-no-country-for-old-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i doubt that. but if you insist.

>> No.16451566

idk if anyone's seriously thought of me as a man before, even pre transition i looked androgynous and people would usually just call me a boy
i'm biologically intersex which is why i pass i think, most trannies look repulsive, and also just have repulsive personalities desu
yeah i enjoyed er ist wieder da, but idk about the translation
i try really hard not to read anything in translation, even if it means learning a new language lmao

>> No.16451590

>i'm biologically intersex

>> No.16451597
File: 865 KB, 1380x862, 20200927_014130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I've fixed it for you

>> No.16451598

klinefelters syndrome,,, which makes me worried that i was meant to be a super genius because i'm not really retarded

>> No.16451599
File: 162 KB, 680x717, 1583286992553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i try really hard not to read anything in translation, even if it means learning a new language
absolutely patrician

>> No.16451607

I can’t believe willow migrated to /lit/.

>> No.16451609


>> No.16451618

That's not being intersex. That's just having wide hips and some gyno. Let's see body so I can judge for myself

>> No.16451620

all i do is learn new languages basically lmao i plan on eventually getting a phd in germanic philology i think
yeah fuck /lgbt/, posting on /lit/ in anon is better

>> No.16451630

it's xxy chromosomes ? it's an intersex disorder
also i'm not a whore anymore so no posting my body that's only for my boyfriend :3

>> No.16451637

i just looked up willow on /lgbt/

>she got egged on to camwhore on chaturbate by /tttt/ then got cold feet and rebounded to the hardline conservative femboy thing she has going on now


>> No.16451646

How did you figure out that you had it? I thought that sort of thing was really difficult to detect.

>> No.16451655

yeah it wasn't good for my mental health
also i stopped calling myself a femboy because i had a breakdown about how i can never get pregnant so i stopped that cope
things are better now i guess, still really upset that i can't get pregnant but oh well i guess my future husband and i will have to adopt or use a surrogate

>> No.16451659


>> No.16451660

take the childfree pill. i think the idea of children sounds more appealing than the reality.

good on you for not being a whore any more.

>> No.16451667

i just want a husband and children and to be able to do research on my languages and have a nice peaceful life
children are a blessing anon~! i always feel bad for people who don't want a family

>> No.16451673

willow how did your boyfriend land you i need to find someone like you tell me how he did it

>> No.16451686

In the womb or did some symptoms or something prompt you to get one?

>> No.16451697

Please go to Church and try to overcome your illness, praying for you anon.

>> No.16451702

symptoms made me go to the doctor for it about a year ago because i was wondering about some stuff
idk i like either tall fit masculine guys or femboys, but everyone i tend to fall for is autistic
so i guess have autism and go to the gym

>> No.16451717

i converted to buddhism at a relatively young age and spend a lot of my childhood volunteering at a prominent monastery under a very well known monk
i know that being trans is basically a mental illness or deformity caused by estrogen exposure in the womb (unless you're agp), but i try my best to fit into society and i just want a peaceful life
i appreciate your prayers though (:

>> No.16451732

Do you want me to post me retard antinatalism thesis for criticism and the like?

>> No.16451736
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, BA30AE5F-18E8-4240-AE8E-2670DD727C9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16451737

>autism and gym
describes me perfectly!

oh... never mind

>> No.16451746
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x3024, B1D60B18-5195-4B68-ADFC-6C38F91BDF05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(The Ben Shapiro and Trump Jr. were gifts from mom and dad...)

>> No.16451748

well just taller than me
unless you're a femboy in which case it's different because the aesthetic is different (:

>> No.16451750

nah dude i'm not interested in antinatalism. i just don't want kids. there's no philosophical or pragmatic argument behind my very personal preference

>> No.16451757

what kind of parents buy you ben shapiro books lmao

>> No.16451759
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>> No.16451763


>> No.16451773
File: 733 KB, 720x703, 1570953910097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i click willow's twitter pinned tweet

>> No.16451775

yo i'm pretty sure i've seen your dick. did you use to take nudes?

>> No.16451782

Semi-based ones that wanted to be thoughtful...the book actually wasn’t so bad, just basic western civilization was founded upon Christianity and Greeks kinda stuff.

>> No.16451787

yes, it's one of my worst regrets
that and stealing $20 for roblox from my grandmother

>> No.16451801

what's her twitter anon?

>> No.16451813


by the way I'm straight and not into trans people but this girl is definitely pretty I just need to pretend she doesn't have a penis

>> No.16451841

That’s really interesting...I don’t think I have ever seen a Buddhist monastery or temple. You seem alright and not like a troomer faggot. Glad you appreciate the prayers and nice shelf.

>> No.16451850

there's one in my hometown (not gonna give it away because a lot of the staff and monastics there know me pretty well and it'd be a dox)
it's really nice, built in tang dynasty architecture and kinda in the woods

>> No.16451908

Try to get a nose job. That beak immediately clocks you.

>> No.16451912

willow are you jewish or american?

>> No.16451924

i'm jewish though anon!
either way yeah i gotta get a nose job uwu
jewish german by ethnicity,,, american by citizenship

>> No.16451940

i just saw the pic of you pre transition and let's just say i think you made the right choice, because this guy is right
> he looks like that guy in every college history class that always cracks embarrassing jokes that makes everyone uncomfortable. Now he's a pudgy twitter trap with legions of thirsty weebs wanting to suck his flaccid circumcised member. Is this the solution to the incel epidemic?

>> No.16451945

>ebooks are the future
they've been saying that since the 90s. it's just not happening. physical books' sales increaseed massively during the pandemic.

>> No.16451958

i'm not pudgy wtf!!!
i'm actually trying to gain weight
also i would probably cry if someone sucked my dick i've literally cried and felt sick whenever i've had sex with a woman
it's the most awful feeling

>> No.16451977

ye I like physical books but I appreciate the potability of ebooks to much.

>> No.16451981


>> No.16451985
File: 453 KB, 802x419, 1583378125578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has got to be the most successful transition in history

holy fuck i'm 100% heterosexual and you totally got me

>> No.16451992

>i've literally cried and felt sick whenever i've had sex with a woman
Please explain this I'm super curious. How did you even get an erection?

>> No.16452005

definitivt en kvinna som har den här "samlingen"

>> No.16452007

you can get an erection just through stimulation and stuff
every time i've been unable to finish and would cry in the bathroom afterwords
lmao thanks anon

>> No.16452019

Pls date me anon

>> No.16452024

Can we talk about books again instead of simping over the femboy?

>> No.16452025
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1350, 1580517294026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best pic of you

>> No.16452032

Naw nigga we simping now

>> No.16452036
File: 2.76 MB, 1381x2048, 1583687040696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the second best

you look much better here than your twitter selfies

how is this simping? it's more like orbiting

>> No.16452043

sorry i'm taken anon ;-;
that would be nice
what's your favorite book anon? mine is Dazai Osamu's 人間失格 (No Longer Human)
it was one of the first proper novels i read in Japanese
yeah that's a pretty good one, i don't really wear makeup very often
also idk if i prefer my hair darker or lighter
my bf likes blondes though so for now i'm sticking with my natural hair color :3

>> No.16452049

if you're going to actually orbit me please buy me all the books from my amazon wishlist,,, there's so many and i can only earn so much money from tutoring languages

>> No.16452055

also are you actually proficient in these languages? do you study languages at university or self-taught? which are your best and what level?

>> No.16452077

i'm only proficient really in english german japanese russian mandarin and norwegian
i also speak okay yiddish and can read pali and classical chinese
i study languages in university and have been devoting a couple hours daily to language study for the past several years, although i can only keep about 6 in my head at any given time (you have to use them or else they fade)
natively i speak german and english, and learned chinese via the monastery over the course of several years
i did a lot of japanese self study and also went to an immersion program for two summers which helped me a lot
also my amazon wish list is https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/TRVZ57AMTJPF?ref_=wl_share
it's got quite a lot on it lmao

>> No.16452103

that's impressive. you should stop engaging in stupid pol/lgbt internet communities and focus on your philology and linguistics career. honestly just drop the communism crap you'll realise it's a waste of time.

>> No.16452115

i'm not a communist in the american sense, i'm voting trump
i like zyuganov and xi politically is what i mean
also yeah the lgbt community is insidious and politics is basically just arguing with boomers
better to focus on yourself and your friends / family uwu

>> No.16452138

Willow post a new video on YouTube about languages. The last video is three fucking years old.

>> No.16452139

jidf tactics. too many right wingers here in the past months, time to ramp up the shitposts so they leave. we will not.

>> No.16452158
File: 642 KB, 2316x3088, trump hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought i privated all my pre transition videos?
idk maybe, i've been thinking of making new videos but i'd have to figure out filming and stuff
once i get windows i'll probably start streaming on twitch though (:
no fuck u anon

>> No.16452159

They’re both cringe.

>> No.16452176


>> No.16452186

ah, just fixed it
i had it as unlisted to share it with a friend
i'll make new videos eventually (:

>> No.16452188

I bet 10000 rare pepes that one of these faggots will buy you something

>> No.16452194

i'd hope so
i'd thank them and be very happy

>> No.16452217

i was going to buy her one of the cheaper books but i feel like it would encourage her to waste her time trying to find more drooling orbiters on the internet

willow i just saw your cam stream and it is just sad that you're talking intelligently about languages while in bed naked with your dick out for money.

i actually feel disgusted at myself for watching it and promoting this kind of stuff. please just stop all of your whoring activities or you'll end up another tranny suicide statistic

>> No.16452245

i told you i stopped being a whore, i haven't streamed on cb for a while and i regret that sort of thing deeply
i hate porn and i only did it because of a deep insecurity about my appearance and stuff, but my bf and my friends have been helping me a lot and things got better so i stopped being a whore

>> No.16452248

Kek good call, do they sell them on eBay + tip? Jews would sell their currency for a markup.

>> No.16452255

She actually did? Where?

>> No.16452274

>stopped being a whore
>lets internet losers buy you crap for a crumb of attention

>> No.16452276

Oh cool
A thread that is literally a compilation of every single negative stereotype one could have of a trans person
Way to help yourself/the movement

I’m kidding. You’re a total embarrassment; you’re desire to seek attention, and your manner of doing so, is truly fucked up and clearly represents someone riddled with insecurities. Thanks for making this thread your plaything.

You make this board a shit place.

>> No.16452284

i'm not the guy above, but i have to agree with >>16452274 and >>16452276 in that you are still attention seeking on the internet

i don't think she's stereotypical (not the sjw type) but she is attention seeking.

>> No.16452311

You're still a whore, but just a different kind--arguably something worse, something less honest. If you had any self-respect you'd stop feeding into this vicious cycle of internet-induced psycho-pathology.

>> No.16452323

i'm sorry anon i have an issue with attention
i'll stop answering questions and stuff now to discourage it (:

>> No.16452324

You’re 100% right, you really need to straighten your shit out femboy. Stop attracting orbiters...you’re gonna end up a 41%-er. Inb4 backtopol.jpg

>> No.16452340

hey i'm gonna go but i enjoyed talking to you. good luck with your future life and yes stop all whoring-related activities of all kinds.

>> No.16452355

ebay and etsy has a ton of them, theres one ending soon right now for like 2 dollars total, 6 bids

>> No.16452374

Stop being a whore, stop letting losers buy you dildos and wigs in exchange for attention. Remove the amazon wish lists from your twitter bio immediately.

>> No.16452376

Jesus Christ man no one fucking cares
Nobody cares if you have a problem with attention; nobody cares if you don’t; nobody cares if you’re “doing better” or some fucked up stupid bullshit; nobody cares if you’re “doing worse,” etc.

The very fact that you don’t get this, that you need to be reminded of it—you get that’s what separates you, yeah? The fact that you didn’t jettison that insecure bullshit around high school like the rest of us?
Fuck man, you just don’t get it.

But, since you posted here, and since you want the attention, let me be a little voice of “reality.” You look like a fucking foot. Seriously, anyone with two eyes can tell you are a dude trying to be a fucking girl; you hardly “pass,” and even in “passing”—i mean, have you ever stepped outside? Have you been to a park—ever? You do know what girls, what attractive girls, look like, yeah? Bro, you ain’t it, you ain’t even fucking close. Like a lot of people, and to be frank, you are pretty ugly. Nothing big—just nothing to ever look at, stare at for its own aesthetic value, etc. At BEST you will forever be some repressed dude’s “strange,” some sounding board for him to “not be gay” but still have “feelings” for you, like “woah man you’ve really convinced me!” Nah. You ain’t convincing anyone who is straight, who isn’t repressed. You should know that so maybe you can move the fuck on. I don’t think you will, but hey, your desire for attention invited my honesty.

>> No.16452383
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1592066274088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is giving this girl free therapy

>> No.16452394

This is based and truthpilled.

>> No.16452396

cope, she's clearly pretty. it's probably because she's pretty that she has attention problems.

>> No.16452404

>You ain’t convincing anyone who is straight, who isn’t repressed
I feel attacked here, because I am genuinely straight (with girlfriend) but found her to be pretty.
Perhaps her body might look masculine but you cannot call her male-looking.

>> No.16452411

Look at her cam vids. Without the artifice of angles and lighting she's quite obviously a dude.

>> No.16452413

You need to go back.

>> No.16452415

you dont need to write all that. just tell the dude the truth. when he hits 30, 40, all that makeup and lighting and angles isnt going to hide the tell tale signs of a middle aged man.

>> No.16452424

Yeah buddy you might look feminine now but you’re gonna look really weird circa 15 years

>> No.16452431

she looks anorexic and underdeveloped, kinda like a young boy. i don't feel good looking at her cams.

>> No.16452440

Ok, even with that assessment, do you have any fucking standard when it comes to women?
This fucking bro is your standard for cute?

Dude, ima go out on a limb here and say your “gf” ain’t exactly a looker.
It’s cool. We all sublimate different things. But goddamn; you either blind or have never actually seen an attractive women to even think this dude is anything close.
Again, that is if you grant the whole “passing” thing—literally the only time anyone straight, anyone i know who isn’t gay, would double-take this dude is to ask themselves “holy shit, is that a dude pretending to be a girl?” The answer ain’t exactly hidden.

Ugly as a boy, ugly as a girl. Given their posts and their declared history, not too hard to say: ugly as a soul, too.

>> No.16452441
File: 25 KB, 474x361, 1591176492040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread, /lit/izens. It' almost 3am in western EVROPA and I should be asleep already, but it was worth watching this board in its prime time of degeneracy

>> No.16452442

I just looked at his/her twitter feed, and honestly, he/she's probably beyond saving. It's just anime uwu porn sickness and attention whoring all the way down.

>> No.16452443

you can post this shit and fit in with the rest of 4chan but here on /lit/ we're not crass midwit incels who take out their anger onto others

>> No.16452444

can we just get back to the books? simping for the e girl is just as bad as bullying her. let's talk about the books please.

>> No.16452449

Go back, first of all. Second he is male looking. It’s a feminine man.

>> No.16452457

I'm going off of the pictures posted (>>16452025), which are mostly likely creating an ideal version of her face in my imagination. And your argument that I have never seen an attractive woman is just bizarre. You think at 30 years old I have just somehow missed attractive women?

>> No.16452458

1. I didn’t get angry at anyone, I stated a truth.
2. You sound like a faggot and you’re probably British too.

>> No.16452466

why do you want to talk about hitler? are you an anti semite??

>> No.16452468

you're british too, admit it ya nonce

>> No.16452473


>> No.16452482

>call me a nonce
>you’re fapping off to a young and confused man

>> No.16452489

Oy vey no reading goy

>> No.16452490

You called him “cute”—you don’t think that strikes me as “bizarre”? You don’t think that announces you as someone with no goddamn taste or eyesight?
You call him “cute” and you open up a whole world of language-game liabilities. I know little about the way you are going to act beyond the fact that you sublimate repressed sexual desire into attraction to a trans dude and still feel “attacked” when being called out. I don’t know how to coordinate with someone who lacks such obvious self-understanding, who lacks the capacity to see what their statements look like to others.
So yeah, at 30 i think you’re pretty fucked in the head, one way or another.

>> No.16452492

i didn't fap to anything. i just got sort of invested in the story.

>> No.16452496

>her cam vids
where negro?

>> No.16452500

Did you see my shelf anon? Could you post your own to get us back on track or comment on mine?

>> No.16452519

Starting to sound a bit pompous now. These analyses are shallow and inane, and you act like your giving us revelations here. Yes she is pretty, and the fact that my finding her cute bothers you says something about you more than me, because I'm in the majority.

>> No.16452525

everyone thinks she's cute, the people who are calling her ugly are just coping. even though she looks kinda male, she looks like the sort of cute ideal guy that the greeks all wanted to fuck.

>> No.16452527

My bad, I went back up in the thread and you aren’t an orbiter.

>> No.16452529

To the tranny, who is no doubt still monitoring this thread: delete your twitter account, immediately. Lest you remain a whore in perpetuity. I'm going to check back in an hour, I hope for your sake that it's gone by then.

>> No.16452531

Bro, whatever you need to help you psychologically sustain a coherent identity—I feel you, I understand. Being honest with oneself and the world is hard, too hard for him, too hard for you, even too hard for me. We’ll keep it our little secret ;-)

>> No.16452547

Actually I'm very honest with myself which is why I have no problem complimenting people, be they men, women, girls, boys. It's a purely aesthetic judgement, not a sexual one. Androgyny can be pretty, and it doesn't make me a deviant.

>> No.16452550

Nah. The idealised greek femboy body was fit. She on the other hand looks deformed and malnourished.

>> No.16452553
File: 363 KB, 655x509, 1587213246398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys we need to keep this conversation going. when this thread dies i will feel like i've lost several friends.

>> No.16452559

true, she needs to eat more. maybe she'll look more feminine too then, if she gets real hips and tits.

>> No.16452573

just make a discord server faggot

>> No.16452589

here's what would happen whenever someone starts a discord server
>few people join
>they talk for a while
>conversation slows down
>people start leaving
>week later most have abandoned
>dead server

>> No.16452598

yea there's no way to organize a community project like that
it's cringe anyways

>> No.16452637

Ayyy, I liked reading John Douglas' books as well. They're real dark, but granted a better understanding of the downwards paths people can go down.

>> No.16452663

I go by subject, and seriate by height. Right now I have a psychology section, a philosophy section, a classic lit section, a biology/mathematics/general science section, and a miscellaneous section.

>> No.16452676

I hope to have an in-home library like this someday.

>> No.16453287

someone begs admin to make a porn channel
the entire discord becomes a furry, anime porn den and people talking meme gibberish in the general chat. always happens.