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16429538 No.16429538 [Reply] [Original]

It's much more convincing than I thought it would be

>> No.16429558

Might I suggest reading a loaded gun.

>> No.16429583


>> No.16429866
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>> No.16429876

quick rundown?

>> No.16429878

Legal trash for hacks. Every charlatan law professor engages with this nonsense, but you perform a Marxist critique of the law, you are being too class reductionist and overly mechanistic by delegitimizing how the law literally only inflicts violence on Blacks and Browns

>> No.16429892

the law litterally only inflicts violence on black people.

if the law didnt exist, black people wouldn't exist.

>> No.16429901
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Critical race theory and critical gender theory are such absolute trash. Critical legal theory was ostracized by neoliberal shills in the 80s and legal scholarship has never recovered. While the fucking federalists take over journals and force feed bullshit research to judges elected or appointed by faggots on their deathbed just hoping to get a little richer before they croak.

Social justice has unironically murdered what remained of any sort of leftism in jurisprudence. It’s fucking retarded. I’m so fucking mad. Wow, redlining, wage inequality, and the prison system are all racist and sexist! Good deduction Sherlock, now what are you gonna do about it? IF ONLY YOU HAD SOME LEGAL FRAMEWORK BASED ON ACTUAL WORKING PRINCIPALS INSTEAD OF JUST COMPLAINING ABOUT IT.


>> No.16429933

Muh whiteness as property.
Whatever you say, Cheryl

>> No.16429948

Good post. And I will add: how does removing formal legal equality REDUCE the odds of discrimination occurring? Because that's what they're now calling for: the abandonment of formal legal equality.

>> No.16429959

no, literally. black people, as in people with darker skin would literally cease to exist on the corporal plain if laws were abolished.

>> No.16429978
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Hello brother

>> No.16430037

What even is the point of critical race theory. everything is an expression of white hegemony? yeah no shit cuz white people have all the money. when chinamen have more money than white people then they'll start dictating the terms of culture. thats how superstructure works. is the solution really to remove aunt Jemima from syrup or is it something more radical and redistributionary

>> No.16430042
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It's much more convincing than I thought it would be

>> No.16430062

Even if race is socially constructed, it still doesn't mean that all racial identities are equal or that their accommodation is equally desirable. How can someone look at the disastrous effects of jazz, blue, rock, and hip hop music on society and believe that the identity responsible for their creation should be given full accommodation by society.

>> No.16431006

Yeah, everyone would just fucking shoot them on their own inhibition until they're all gone except for Africans that would eventually get steamrolled (possibly literally) by everyone else.

>> No.16431010
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Bye bye funding.

>> No.16431124

What do you find convincing about it? I'm two chapters in and already have a handful of problems with it. A major problem is their lack of sources; they just expect you to take them at their word with a lot of their claims. For instance, in the question section at the end of chapter 2 they say that black Americans are going to segregated schools now more than they did before Brown v. Board of Education, which 1. They don't give any evidence for, and 2. Is either just flat-out wrong or a highly misleading use of language. I emailed one of the authors about it, but they never wrote me back.

>> No.16431150

That implies theres's a problem to begin wtih

>> No.16431151
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>actually wasting time on this

>> No.16431164

That segregated school stat is true, it's due to school choice and economic stratification. Critical Race theory is worthless though, you can't undo racial structures by moving within their confines in reverse

>> No.16431167

I don't find it to be a waste of time. I want to understand the theory, so I'm reading the book and I've asked one of the authors about the material. Maybe at some point I will find it to have been wasted time - who knows.

>> No.16431199

>it's due to school choice and economic stratification
That's what I meant about it possibly being a highly misleading use of language: they mean something completely different by 'segregation' than what was meant in Brown v. Board. In Brown, schools were legally allowed to admit or reject kids on the basis of their race and consciously did so, which is what the whole case was about; now, while *maybe* that still happens to a degree, the disproportionate amount of black, white, asian, etc. kids in schools are for other reasons.

>> No.16431224

shitty bait

>> No.16431227

Yeah, because of redlining. Which was intentional, but since now it’s economic leftovers, it doesn’t meet the intentional threshold of the brown progeny case law.

>> No.16432259

Anon, maybe you already know this, but if you do a little digging, you'll find that Brown was, rightly I think, sharply criticized in some quarters for the dubious social science findings the ruling rested on. Specifically, the thinly supported doll test. See in particular Herbert Wechsler, Towards Neutral Principles of Constitutional Law for a good starting point. It's interesting stuff, if you find this kind of stuff interesting.

>> No.16432624

Lmao no it's not retard

>> No.16432681

police brutality disproportionally affects whites more than blacks at this point

>> No.16432755

Why the fuck would they want that? The point is to suck as much as they can out of the system before leaving it dry. Do you seriously think that a group that calls itself "God's Chosen People" and believes that people who aren't part of the ingroup are subhumans made by God to be slaves cares about "discrimination"?

"Critical X Theory" only exists to make dumb White People not get angry when they're fucked over.

>> No.16432830

They want the end to formal legal equality because they are working from the premise that now, today, where legal equality exists in America, the discrimination is so bad that blacks and other minorities ought to get formal special treatment by law. This is an end to legal equality.

>> No.16432854

Again, why do you think the people in charge care? The US has never had legal equality, ever. Strictly speaking, you can never actually have legal equality. You can never have equality period. Inequality is a simple fact of life. The people with money and power will always be treated unequally.

The idea that says that "equality" of anything is an inherently desirable outcome in and of itself was created specifically to fuck you over.