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16420085 No.16420085 [Reply] [Original]

How would you handle this philosophically?

>> No.16420095

I just pretend to be mute and deaf.

>> No.16420111

I seize the cup in the name of the working class and redistribute it. Homeless people are just as parasitic as CEOs.

>> No.16420122

I take the cup and run, simple as. Kicking the cup would be just an inconvenience, he could gather it up again. If I take the cup
1. He wouldn't be able to get back the money he had.
2. He wouldn't be able to collect more money because he has no cup
3. I get money

>> No.16420136

I kick the beggar.

>> No.16420142

>do you kick the cup
that would be an inconvenience to me so no.

>> No.16420177

Based lumpenprole hater. Hobos and homos have no place in the Worker's State.

>> No.16420191
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I would kick the cup. The man is a lost cause, but the harm he causes is still real.

>> No.16420197

I have public sex with the beggar

>> No.16420202

Nice bait desu

>> No.16420502

>5 women, 1 man
makes you think, does it not?

>> No.16420598

What it I dont have any legs?

>> No.16420678

What kind of dumb bullshit is this. Stop shitting up the board and keep those schizo ramblings for yourself.

>> No.16420698

i have public sex with the cup

>> No.16420979
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The answer is simple

>> No.16421002
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>leftists actually defend these people

>> No.16421180

I would, under the cover of night, kill the beggar.

>> No.16421209

>posting an ironic scene in which a trust fund (((nepotism)) hire who literally never works when he's at his "job" and just makes dinner reservations is arrogantly mocking who was merely born under different circumstances and thus wasn't just given a high paying job

>> No.16421462

only the politicians for the most part, the Labour supporters I knew despised them, or at least their culture

>> No.16421490

it's the will of god that some are born into wealth and power and others are born into poverty. there's no such thing as chance, or luck, or meaningless randomness, only the power of god

>> No.16421499

I would kick the cup because then I get to hear the jangle of coins and see the coins twinkle in the sunlight

>> No.16421509

How can he have no agency while also planning to fund organized crime? Am I misunderstanding this?

>> No.16421513

Yeah it makes me think you can't count

>> No.16421525

Not even a Marxist but I see this shit way too often.

>> No.16421573

Sarcasm (I kick the cup)

>> No.16421584

If he's going to do something wrong with the money, it doesn't matter whether or not he learns anything from it. He needs to be prevented from doing the wrong thing, regardless of his own outcomes in the situation. If he learned to not do more wrong things, that would be the desired outcome, but you do not prevent evil simply for the hope that evil might learn to be good - you prevent evil because it is evil, and cannot be abided to exist.
So, no, I wouldn't kick the cup - I would take the funds, and then further imprison the man if he is of such a state that he will definitely commit acts of evil with no hopes of rehabilitation. If he ever demonstrates rehabilitation, I would free him then and only then.

The problem, my not-so-subtle racebaiter, is that no such people exist on Earth, despite your constant claims to the otherwise, except for perhaps white people.

>> No.16421594

It's because according to orthodox Marxist theory under communism you'll be given everything you need because production under socialism will generate such a surplus.

Fundamental misunderstanding of human nature, when we get more we always just want more.

>> No.16421916

>But, the man is of an ethnicity which lacks any agency
How can a person's ethnicity affect their agency?

>> No.16421919

Lower IQ, obviously.

>> No.16422049

kill the beggar to end their suffering and lessen the strain they have on society

>> No.16422221
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>has no faults prohibiting him from working
>is of an ethnicity which lacks any agency