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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 206 KB, 882x858, F1.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16407534 No.16407534 [Reply] [Original]

>Without belief in god people would never be moral.
When Chimpanzees fight, the losing chimpanzee is often approached by younger ones that put an arm around his back and do things to soothe it and calm it down, seemingly consoling him.

Do chimpanzees believe in God?

>> No.16407548

Elephants are known to bury their own dead under foliage and often stay with the body, apparently in mourning

>> No.16407552

Yes, all animals do

>> No.16407559

fucks sake keep all this religion shit in one thread
or preferably just fuck off to /his/ or /x/
what is wrong with you people. think about something else for a change

>> No.16407563

where would be morality without meds and nicotine?

>> No.16407565


All hail the mighty tree monkey

>> No.16407577

yea, jerk off to kat reading 31 books.

>> No.16407583

Religiosity is primitive, animal-like behavior.

>> No.16407591

then why aren't animals religious and why does the rise of organized religion coincide with the rise of 'society' and technology. i genuinely don't care how you feel about religion but please be honest. you're a fucking braindead retard and its difficult for me to accept we breathe the same air.

>> No.16407598

What are you then.... some perfect post human ego?

>> No.16407600
File: 64 KB, 1125x1184, o5shnl82i9841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.16407610

Damn, sounds like I hit a nerve.

>> No.16407613

The question is not “is ‘moral’ behaviour possible without religion?” but “what is ‘moral’ behaviour and why should one behave morally?”

>> No.16407649

How do you know chimps do not have a relationship with God?

>> No.16407657

half the literary and philosophical canon could be described as religious. seethe forever, its not going away from here

>> No.16407867

chimps don't ever try to convert you

>> No.16407885

chimps dont feel the need to explain themselves

>> No.16407893

>or /x/
No pls, /x/ is already filled with schizos who saw Jesus in their cereal this morning

>> No.16407918

The point isn't that belief in God makes you moral, or that non-belief makes you immoral, but that in the end morality can only exist if God exists. Morality, which is inherently transcendental, can't exist if the material universe is all there is. So if one chimp comforts another chimp, it's not moral or immoral, it's just an action. Why are atheists so incapable of understanding this, every fucking argument with them just devolves in 'Well, I don't believe in God and I'm still a moral person, hurr durr therefore God don't exist'

>> No.16407927

Furthermore than that, it is being good that engenders beleif in God, not the other way around.

>> No.16407964

This is just stupid, sorry. I try not to be an a hole on lit, but the picture is of a female chimp and her offspring.

>> No.16408429

What are you complaining about? /x/ is literally Schizos - The board.
It's like complaining that there are readers and writers on /lit/

>> No.16408432

I go to /x/ for ARGs and green texts, and they are being drowned out by the schizos.

>> No.16408438

>Do chimpanzees believe in God?
According to Islam, yes.

>> No.16408445

Only comment itt that isn't dogshit. God, the absolute state of this board

>> No.16408448

Read Plato.

>> No.16408452

chimps also gang rape each other and eat shit. nice morality you've got there, joe rogan.

>> No.16408480
File: 85 KB, 590x590, Peter_Sloterdijk,_Karlsruhe_07-2009,_IMGP3019 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't exist.

>> No.16408703

lol. two world wars. genocides. nicotine, meds, synthetic foods. nice morality you have humans.

>> No.16408706

you'd still rather be you than a chimp. checkmate.

>> No.16408718

I d rather be dead already.

>> No.16408729

they don't want to save you from ... uh.. god, hell, punishment. either they are fucking assholes or they don't believe in this shit.

>> No.16408742
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, Baptism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but theyre also psychopaths

>> No.16408769

Religion is logically incompatible with morality, however you define it.

>> No.16408803

>yeah but theyre also psychopaths
Your video is a direct contradiction to your statement. All it proves is that "men are assholes" is a universal truth.

>> No.16408809
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, Drowned elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His dad never threw him in the water when he was a kid
If he doesnt throw his kid around then itll become a pussy. His mom is too soft on him anyway.

>> No.16408812
File: 32 KB, 277x351, shocked20rogan20template20clean_zpstw99rlto1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waat? I'm just a multimillionaire who tells my audience that drug use is a good idea 100% of the time, and then I go shoot an elk that I don't need kill in order to eat. How dare you! (stolen from Steven Brody's act)

>> No.16408819

My dad taught me to swim by standing next to me with a hand under my chest to make sure I didn't drown while I learned.

>> No.16408820
File: 2.92 MB, 480x480, Horton feels a HooHoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and look at you now, pussy
Meanwhile, pic related had to learn how to fend for himself

>> No.16408821

shooting your own elk and quickly ending its life (when it would otherwise die a horrible death from predation or slowly via disease, old age crippledom meaning dehydration, etc.) is based and mercypilled tho

you faggots talking shit when you eat the meat of cows raised in body horror anime tier scenarios are peak hypocrisy. deal with it, huntlet.

>> No.16408849

Ooh the Hollywood actor kills his own meat! So manly and brave. What is he trying to compensate for with his black belt karate obsession, his guns and his pussy staged big game hunting anon? What could it be? Short man complex? Tiny pp syndrome? Enlighten us.

>> No.16408850

>then I go shoot an elk that I don't need kill in order to eat
You're a fucking idiot. Killing your own food is morally superior to buying it from a store on every conceivable level. Killing your own food means that you put effort and dedication into getting your food, which is an animal that grew up completely wild, instead of crammed into a barn. There are hundreds of laws regulating what, where and when you can hunt, including regulations on how, so as to minimize the pain the animal goes through. Your effort is rewarded, and gained through hard work. It's something you respect.

Not to mention that population control is necessary since we killed all large predators.

>> No.16408872

Rogan's podcast made him $33 million a year, before he signed his $100 million contract with Spotify in 2020. He's never eaten the poor quality, barbarically processed meat that you or I eat. Can you guys not suck his dick in /lit please? His show is only worth listening to when he has a legitimately intelligent guest on, and only then if Rogan shuts the fuck up long enough to let his guest speak, which is rare.

He doesn't need to hunt, he can afford to buy humanely treated animal protein, and you guys need to stop with the hero worship NOW.

>> No.16408875

How the fuck would you know if animals were religious?

>> No.16408881

Based Nelly

>> No.16408888

It's sort of off topic, but I've been thinking about this.
I've always though that the idea that the most sexually successful man being the most admirable man amongst men is a false one.
Joe Rogan sells a type of Machismo that is very appealing to men (the same that drives teen boys to watch wrestling or Dragonball Z), but I think most women would find him verging on the ridiculous.
Even as an adult, who is not a huge fan of Rogan himself, I can see the appeal in knowing how to kill a man with my bare hands, being physically powerful and hunting for my food (whilst I would not stop eating meat, I like animals and
do feel like a bit of a pussy for outsourcing the moral burden of the animal's death whenever I think about it).

I don't think he's actually compensating for much. I think he just knows his audience and why they follow him. He's not very funny, but he's primarily a stand-up comedian.

>> No.16408889


>> No.16408910

Women are generally attracted to successful men.The arena where a man derives that success doesn't matter; hideous looking gangsters have no problems with attracting loads of women. I will tip my hat to Rogan for having a successful career. He's not a funny comedian, but I think his audience pays to see him based on knowing him from his podcast and the UFC.

>> No.16408943

I'm not talking about Rogan. I don't even know who he is. I'm talking in general.

>> No.16408964

>Women are generally attracted to successful men.The arena where a man derives that success doesn't matter; hideous looking gangsters have no problems with attracting loads of women.

Women of a certain level of pragmatism (which often comes with age) will always want a man who has resources. I think that is finding a man economically attractive, which is different from finding a man sexually attractive. The search for that type of man often comes after fruitless dalliances with strings of "sexier" men. Before the economic realities hit women (i.e. in university and before), I found that sexually successful men were those that were physically attractive and had a mild sense of superiority to women in their interactions with them.

>I will tip my hat to Rogan for having a successful career. He's not a funny comedian, but I think his audience pays to see him based on knowing him from his podcast and the UFC.

This is my point. His machismo is his brand. He's one of the richest stand-up comedians on the planet, but I've never met a single person who has found him exceptionally funny. Even someone like Kevin Hart, whose humour is sort of low-brow is still a very good performer. Rogan is part of the industry of virtual surrogate fathers, in the same way Twitch streamers are virtual surrogate friends/girlfriends.

>> No.16408969

>It's like complaining that there are readers and writers on /lit/
oh god i wish there were at least a few instead of you godbothering mouthbreathers

>> No.16408971

No idea, but I've been thinking about how animals (including humans) will just randomly help each other, and even go so far as to seek each other out for help.

Animals coming to humans for help, wild animals helping humans, wild animals helping each other... I'd really like some books on the subject, actually.

>> No.16408974

that elephant is disturbingly good at fondling tits. He seems to really know what he's doing

>> No.16409017

i love my dogs bros