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/lit/ - Literature

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16404538 No.16404538 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good right wing books?

>> No.16404543

There are none.

>> No.16404550

Mein Kampf

>> No.16404554

None, because right wingers are notorious retards

>> No.16404599
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most classic literature is right wing by modern standards

>> No.16404609

>hates jews
>worships a rabbi
Why are christcucks such retards?

>> No.16404612

Any right-wing book is by definition a good book.

>> No.16404627

Harry Potter

>> No.16404638

>Dostoevsky held negative views of the Ottoman Turks, dedicating multiple pages to them in his "Writer's Diary", professing the need to have no pity for Turks at war and no regrets in killing Turks and depopulating Istanbul of the Turkish population and shipping it off to Asia

>> No.16404642
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LMAO. Absolute retards.

>> No.16404655
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Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.
The philosophy contained in this book is arguably the most influential in human history. This is the philosophy of 14 US presidents, including George Washington; it's the philosophy of Ben Franklin, of Mark Twain and Mozart. I'm sure you can guess by now the organization he belonged to. Don't believe those who would demonize them - these were noble men. They shaped the Western World.

>> No.16404658

>He thinks White people can be conservative

>> No.16404667
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If you read any philosophy this year, OP, choose this.

>> No.16404692
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Just throw a stone anywhere in the Western Canon before the 1970s, and unless they are expliclity Marx, Engels or Lenin they are probably either
A.) Rightist, Conservatives, or reactionaries by their own time's standards
B.)Rightist, Conservatives, or reactionaries by our own time's standards

Hell, even people like Adorno and Marx had some very politically incorrect and "white" things to say. See Adorno on Jazz, or Marx on various ethnicities. Or Stalin on Homosexuals etc.

>> No.16404703
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Giovanni Gentile is also good. His book Genesis and Structure of Society is available on archive.org, which you can rent for 1hr and convert into e-book format if you know how. He has another book on b-ok.org, The Mind as a Pure Act. Most of his other books are untranslated.

>> No.16405001
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I made this. Thoughts?

>> No.16405017

political agenda books all suck

>> No.16405055

>wealth of nations on left
>harry potter on right
I chuckled

>> No.16405062


>> No.16405065

Barely any of the people in your image were Nazis. Junger was a monarchist, Evola hated German Fascism, Strauss was Jewish, and George hated Hitler. I don't know about the rest though, but I don't imagine they were Nazis.

>> No.16405072
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Smith was left wing:
>If one puts his views in context and does some careful reading of his work, it becomes apparent that Smith despised landlords and large corporations. He was also an egalitarian at heart. He thought that free market Capitalism would free people from oppressive hierarchies like landlords because, at his time, the threshold of the industrial revolution, free market Capitalism would allow most people to be self employed as artisans or farmers, free from the oppressive hierarchies of workplaces that include bosses.

>He would be utterly disgusted with modern capitalism.

>> No.16405083

A few come to mind...
The Illiad
The Odyssey
The Aeneid
The Republic
Aristotle's Ethics
The Prince
Brothers Karamazov
For Whom The Bell Tolls
The Grapes of Wrath
Tales of King Arthur
The Lord of the Rings
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Don Quixote
The Art of War
Heart of Darkness
Fear and Trembling
Paradise Lost
The Bible
Plutarch's Lives
The Anabasis of Alexander
Napoleon the Great
Caesar, Life of a Colossus
The Divine Comedy
Most of, if not all of the Western Canon

>> No.16405091

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
did you even read it

>> No.16405096

>If one puts his views in context and does some careful reading of his work


>> No.16405103

>the bible
>don quioxte
>Brothers K
>The Republic

All far left. what is this list?

>> No.16405108

He's just listing books

>> No.16405109

Capitalism is bad when jews do it?

>> No.16405110
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>most of, if not all of the western canon
yeah you fucking WISH burger

>> No.16405111

>The Republic is far left
Socrates’s ideal state is literally a fascist’s wet dream
>t. Fascist

>> No.16405117

Even PewDiePie remarked that Plato's utopia is like Communism

>> No.16405121

Fascism isn't right wing either

>> No.16405123

I would say none, but I do think Le Maistre is worth a look.

Pro-Turk sentiment is right-wing.

Not subscribing to contemporary pieties doesn't make something right-wing

>> No.16405132

weak bait

>> No.16405140
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>> No.16405148

then why did so many fall for it?

>> No.16405154 [DELETED] 
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>Thr Grapes of Wrath

>> No.16405156

Oh my sweet summer child, every single person with a Wikipedia page was actually a Nazi

>> No.16405172
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>The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.16405209
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This chart has decent right libertarian theory

>> No.16405308

useless. right-wingers don't read anything if it's not written by their yt role models

>> No.16405331

>right wingers

>> No.16405335

>The Grapes of Wrath
milky-milky is tighty-righty?

>> No.16405343

"literal Nazis" is just a cheeky metaphor for "they weren't progressives, neoliberals or neocons"

>> No.16405351

re-taking and purging Constantinople seems pretty right wing to me

>> No.16405654

Just read the Traditionalists.

>> No.16405722

First off, right-left dichotomy is a fuck, but here are the tidbits of "right movements" both older anti-enlightenment and the advent of the modernist right
>Burke, Reflections On The Revolution In France
>Pobedonostsev, Reflections Of A Russian Statesman
conservative revolution;
De Maistre is meh, and anyone else from the conservative revolution is not really worth the time imo.

>> No.16405747

>lists Burke
>"De Maistre is meh"
At least name Metternich then.

>> No.16405765
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the left and right wing is meaningless. it's all on the compass, made to frustrate any attempt for change. i want to break free from the war between ideologies. be beyond the compass. there must be a secret form of governing waiting in the void. perhaps a better way than governing.

>> No.16405783
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>> No.16405798

Never read, is he well articulated?
>Pro-Turk sentiment is right-wing
Found it, somebody get the raid
Just wait until the biopolitics kick in. You don't really need philosophy beyond the fact that you should be having as many white babies as possible.

>> No.16405802
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cringy attempt to be funny. What exactly is "left-wing" about Dorian gray? Because he was homosexual? Dorian Gray's message was reactionary in the end you midwit.

>> No.16405814

Plato's Republic is Nationlist Socialist.

>> No.16405838

>Foucault's Pendulum
>Reactionary right
What fucking retard made this? I doubt they read half of these books

>> No.16405848
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State of Fear

>> No.16405854
File: 1019 KB, 1500x984, reactionary lit chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the perfect Reactionary /lit/ chart OP.

>> No.16405862


>> No.16405869
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Come home, Eurasian men.

>> No.16405877

I haven't read him much myself yet, actually. He's been on my reading list ever since some friends suggested I give him a shot. Evola also used to recommend Metternich to youth that would approach him for guidance. Speaking of which, you might like Evola - he had a very critical take towards biopolitics. Ride the Tiger has a chapter on family life that might be of interest.

>> No.16405904

Dugin is too schizo for his own good, unfortunately. If he stopped being weird he'd make for a good political philosopher.

>> No.16405938

I'll check him out. I've never read Evola because I detest occultism, and I think of him as a bitter substitute for Junger, who I have much more respect for. Any other good biopolitical recs though?

>> No.16406011

Unfortunately no, I'm anti-materialist so I don't engage much with biopolitics. As to Evola and occultism, it's complicated. He writes polemics against occultists, theosophists and such, but he also does his own thing with spirituality, religion and tradition. I've found no better description for him other than "Traditionalist". Ideas like "spirit" play not only conceptual and metaphorical, but also literal part in his worldview, but that only makes his worldview more compelling IMO. He can sell qualitative hierarchy in a way few others can.

>> No.16406072

Just read Siege

>> No.16406081

I'm happy that libertarianism is generally agreed by all ideologies to be fucking retarded. Literal fascism is preferable to the cowboy free market mcdonalds state.

>> No.16406084

why is he holding his sword by its blade?

>> No.16406091
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fuck off kike.
we love our libertarians, anon.

>> No.16406100

It's in a sheath, look at the tip of the sword.

>> No.16406104
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>> No.16406142

kinda curious as to what that french revolution book is like

>> No.16406194

Bible left. Lol have you read it

>> No.16406200

you need to be older than 14 to post here

>> No.16406206
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>> No.16406259
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>implying that austro-libertarianism is not the furthest right wing ideology

>> No.16406274

Property - left wing or "right wing" - is the most boring shit in the world desu

>> No.16406346


>> No.16407879

"Like what communists think their utopia would be like"
there's a very important distinction in meaning depending on how you phrase it