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/lit/ - Literature

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16373527 No.16373527 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the push in the last few decades for YA fiction has nothing to do with readers and everything to do with a dying industry. Its the marketers last hail Mary to get whatever is left of this dying hobby to cling so some surface level addictive writing like fantasy or sci fi. Thats why the new Yorker pushed Cat Pearson so hard. Its also why movie upon movie, which everyone knows beforehand is heavy handed dribble gets released and eaten up. Its the final climactic yawp of a suffering franchise. Dont hate the change. Embrace it. Eat mcdonalds.

>> No.16373535

i fucking love mcdonalds

>> No.16373538

Cheers brother

>> No.16373574

I think it does have to do at least partly with the readers. I believe that since the Boomer generation Americans (and perhaps all westerners) have become more coddled. This has caused a sort of mental stagnation that would make YA more attractive to older people because mentally, they are still young.

>> No.16373622

1. Television took over the medium of exchange from the written word for Americans over the past hundred years.
2. Entertainment became passive and easier to consume.
3. The barrier to entry for media creation has severely decreased, anything from hand held cameras to word processors
4. In reaction to an influx of content, media corporations consolidated, both in mergers after deregulation in the 90s, and in what content they released.
5. In reaction to the idea of a "block buster" in the 80s, all media expectations have been dramatically risen due to corporate greed and the ability to get away with it.
6. This rise in expectation has led to more "safe bets" be it sequel films or YA due to an audience who grew up and were education by television (see 1.)
7. The internet has made accessing movies, television, music, and literature far easier than it ever has been.
8. Marketing budgets continue to skyrocket as ease of access to content has developed.
9. Corporations continue to place the majority of their budgets on "safe bets" and even more on the marketing of them.
10. Communities that allow non corporate interests are flooded and inundated with submissions from "content creators"
11. These communities are co-opted by corporate interests who then place their big budget content at the forefront.
12. The majority of the consumer base has now been alive long enough during this period of visual stimulation that their norm is the consumption of what is provided by these interests.
13. I don't remember where I'm going with this, something something, capitalism.
14. Oh right, this is happening to all industries, we just feel it the most in literature because it's death has been happening for the longest.

>> No.16373758

There will always be some small group into lit. That is enough.

>> No.16373763

should I still be trying to get published? i'm confused

>> No.16373835

I think it’s the opposite. Younger generations looked to the boomers and saw no differences between adulthood and adolescence.

>> No.16373844

no one in the USA even reads books anymore. its pathetic. its only niche minorities of literature enthusiasts

>> No.16373867

Is literature a common interest outside of the US? I've never been.

>> No.16373869

tl;dr the jews

>> No.16373906

What is a more hygenic practise.

1. Reading your phone in the bathroom
2. Reading the newspaper in the bathroom
3. Reading a book you brought into the bathroom
4. Reading a book that happens to be in the bathroom
5. Staring at the wall while you shit
6. Drawing on the wall while you shit
7. Drawing /writing in your journal while you shit
8. Drawing/ writing in a notebook you keep/is kept in the bathroom.

>> No.16373912

I imagine it's staring at the wall since your hands aren't touching anything potentially contaminated.

>> No.16374259

Remember when students where an elite community in society that influenced the book market? Pepperidge farm remembers.