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16363305 No.16363305 [Reply] [Original]

>spend literally your whole life (40 years) on studying for writing and writing the longest English epic poem (130 THOUSAND fucking VERSES - almost 3000 pages), possibly the longest epic poem of any language save for the Mahabharata
>live in irrelevancy, die completely forgotten (never having been remembered to begin with), with your major life’s work rotting away in complete irrelevancy without anybody reading even 1 page of it



>> No.16363379 [DELETED] 


>> No.16363387

Is it like Braveheart?

>> No.16363390
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>nothing personnal kid
the starting verses of the Ballad are still some of the best opening lines of an epic poem ever
>hurr it does not call upon the muses
he is a catholic why should he

>> No.16363394

Was his friend as good a poet?

>> No.16363469


>> No.16363489
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>he Archangel Michael and his hosts—on behalf of the English—and Lucifer and his hosts—on behalf of the Danes

>> No.16363624

Cringe we forfeited our lineage when we converted to the jewish cult

>> No.16363630

Back to /pol/(reddit).

>> No.16363667

Its true and peak brainletism to convert to such a life denying and pacifistic jew scheme in the middle of the dark ages and it makes me mad

>> No.16363678

what was the alternative? faggot paganism? getting fucked by some goat god for fertility or some nonsense?

>> No.16363694

Sure just go ahead and throw out buzzwords that don't fit anything other than artificial modern ideologies. You Pagan faggots really all just wilfully converted to this "peaceful" religion didn't you retard?

>> No.16363761

Yes because Alfred letting his enemies live on his land and converting them turned out better
At least converting until later. Maybe after when the pussy christians lost to muslims so the Greek scholars could go to Italy

>> No.16363837

>we were dumb moron fags before the jews showed us the truth!
Do you ever stop and wonder why these Pagan types keep showing up? This is why. Because you tell them they're right. You literally just confirmed everything he said about you and your beliefs.

Evolaposting has ruined you morons, you're so allergic to actual tradition and history that even when you embrace religion, you can't stand the thought of having a connection even as far back as just two generations. You think "tradition" is an item, rather than an act, so you abandon the faiths of your forefathers (Methodism, Baptism, Lutheranism, and/or Quakerism) and instead jump on 20th century Italian Catholicism. But that's not good enough for you, so you have to go even further and sperg out about how the Pope isn't the real Pope, so you redo the entire fucking Protestant Reformation by LARPing about SSPX, all while not even being baptized.

>> No.16363868

No you retard I'm saying that he calls the religion that conquered them and subjugated them and in many cases they willingly desired to become a part of is not tragically some evil corruption of their souls-- and is certainly not some modern silly ideology like "pacifism", no religion could be reduced so.

Can you not read? Besides I greatly admire the best of paganism, but "paganism = good" is a common belief for morons like yourself and you never actually take up the question if the definition of religion or paganism at all. I've literally gone through a long rigmarole with one LARPer anon about the definition of paganism only for him to say "pan paedophile cult of ancient Greece would probably be good yes but I'm not sure", just total refuse to make an answer and even when he does it shows how unstable his moral beliefs are.

Christianity was a spiritual development above paganism, but that is not to say that past is bad, or that it does not equal Christianity in many of its specific achievements.

>> No.16363884

But I grew up Catholic and I'm baptized, faggot.

>> No.16363894

Berry picker slaves

>> No.16363898

You literally cannot help yourself. You're an NPC. You can't even stop for a second to think
>wait a minute; what are they ACTUALLY saying, and why are they saying it
The moment you perceive someone attacking Christianity - which I'm not, I'm attacking you - you throw a fucking fit.

You've managed to not only demonstrate that the Pagan is right about you, and your LARP, but also that I am.

>> No.16363902

The berries that your pagan faggotry worships so much LMAO

>> No.16363914

>Everyone who critiques my Jewish cult is a pagan
They own your mind

>> No.16363924

yeah there's a weird sort of humor to it. their entire conception of religion comes from arguing about this shit online. they arent trying to actually "convert" anyone, they just want win arguments (which you cant actually do, by definition). but then these people grew up in an environment where thats all religion really is. theyre all fundamentally the same lukewarm protestants and agree on everything that actually matters. they dont actually know HOW to evangelize.

>> No.16364047

No you brainlet, you literally misread my post initially, I am replying to you specifically and the common character of LARPagans on /lit/ to practically just ignore what the person says. This is what you have done, you ignored the actual technicalities of my post to make you rant.

>> No.16364106

>No you

>> No.16364120

The Jewish faggots own your mind so much that you mistake them for Christianity. Ironic.

>> No.16364121
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At least he got to get most of it done in his life.

>> No.16364128

>"Christianity is pacifism and jewish"
>I say that is blatantly wrong and a stupid reduction
>"blahblah I wasn't insulting Christianity!!!"
>"christians must all just want to argue and hold no true spiritual beliefs"

Just look at this guy>>16363894
Yeah that's a real argument in reply to my much longer post. And this guy>>16363898 completely puts words in my mouth "we were dumb morons before jews showed us the truth", where that is obviously an insult against Christianity because I believe Jesus was not a jew, and that paganism in its real historical existence is an admirable thing, as any true religion. You people are literally just the definition of /pol/ npc's who've learn the word yourself, none of you think and you say others don't think, neither of you can form a sentence correctly without sperging out and somehow stating that I'm calling non-Christian religions evil and assuming all sorts of ridiculous insults against my character because you're literally just bitter that someone said Christianity is not bad. Your whole LARPagan rage started when one of you faggots said practically that the Aryan/European has lost all ancestral pride and honour when he became a Christian. I rightfully called him a retard for this, and then he came out with the typical "le pacifism waaah" shallow insults against religion which are very suited for the sub 80 iq level of /pol/. You're literally all brainfried Evola tier revisionist fags that jump the gun as soon as there is any mention of "muh paganism". I have only ever insulted the stupid anons LARPing as Pagans in this thread, not Paganism, but you all have most certainly made an effort to insult Christianity. Please kill yourselves you worthless sacks of potatoes that add nothing to this board.

>> No.16364135

Yes you retard, can you not understand that you misread my post and went on a spree because of how much you hate Christianity while cowardly pretending you did not? So much for Pagan honour.

You're all helpless honourless cowards.

>> No.16364197

Cope harder Jew slave to a Jew book

>> No.16364219

you've got it. some working class pentecostal illiterates from a poor neighborhood of the city, that's capital T Tradition because unlike the catholics in the richer neighborhoods, whose churches are social clubs for soccer moms, there's genuine religiosity there.
larping about protestantism aside, it doesn't matter to them.

>> No.16364281

died unmarried

>> No.16364290

Literally nothing in the thread other than someone saying "I'm Christian" has caused that anon to state we're all LARPing and apparently all upper class and all Catholics.

>> No.16364296


>> No.16364314

I’m not the Jew slave seethe or not