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/lit/ - Literature

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16357223 No.16357223 [Reply] [Original]

What books have you been reading lately?

>> No.16357229
File: 344 KB, 931x960, 1589016749570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/, you subhuman

>> No.16357231

Go back to gay

>> No.16357247
File: 171 KB, 1050x733, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to /pol/, you subhuman

>> No.16357258

my liberal mother sent me "white fragility" to read. its rather bad, the author basically led diversity discussions for years and noticed that when she told white wagecucks they were inherently racist they reacted defensively. this is "White fragility". I don't like the book and it makes me wonder what is going on in colleges that they believe this hogwash

>> No.16357274

Im not a white supremacist but couldnt they just argue they are smart because of their white admixture? Most powerful jews are ashkenazi after all

>> No.16357284
File: 6 KB, 277x363, 1590331115513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking /pol/tards would go as far as arguing that Jews are white

>> No.16357301
File: 89 KB, 372x395, unnamed (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hide hylic threads, ignore hylic posts, do not respond to hylic posters

That said OP's pic made me kek.

>> No.16357312

dude get at least paid if you make /pol/ threads

>> No.16357354
File: 16 KB, 570x320, il_570xN.1092655977_n18z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite jest
>reminiscences of the cuban revolutionary war
>Sublime Object of Ideology
>On Anarchy
>Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.16357396

Anna Karenina, and then gonna start Tacitus' Complete Works. After that, I'm feeling some Plato, especially his five dialogues. Anna Karenina as a novel is so long that I need a break from novels for a while, honestly; it is a fantastic book however.

>> No.16357481
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>> No.16357501
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>> No.16357516

I dead that de maistre book becuase of that thread on him
more mishima :/
a lot of shit for school

take away: 19th century philosophers are 100% more pleasurable to read then 20th century "theorists"

>> No.16357518
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>> No.16357529

White nationalists don't deny this. It's an integral part of understanding the JQ.

>> No.16357531

....isnt op's pic a lefty pic tho?

>> No.16357575
File: 154 KB, 1050x733, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16357697


>> No.16357715

>thinking that anyone with deviant political views in the "right wing" direction is a raving schizoid who believes the earth is flat and you know what honeslty I don't really want to continue

>> No.16357895

Why do you faggots always respond to such obvious bait?
You're like yappy little dogs, everytime anyone walks past you start up your over aggressive barking, it never achieves anything but still you are compelled to always react.

>> No.16358010

>the lady doth protest too much, methinks.

>> No.16358421

Decline of the West
I cannot recommend it enough
It addresses your pic related too

>> No.16358774
File: 566 KB, 1080x1049, 20200914_093938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently a book about owls.

Prior to that, extreme horror, The Book Thief, Goosebumps and a so-so collection of Thai short stories

>> No.16358783

Most /lit/ posters are below 4channel average IQ

>> No.16358785

>everything I disagree with is /pol/
Keep coping

>> No.16358829

ethnonationalism should be about ethnic and cultural self-interest, not superiority. It doesn’t matter how capable they are, only that they are different

>> No.16358847

I think muh IQ differences is part of a wider argument about the incompatibility of various groups living together and I don't see how Jews having higher IQ would discredit that.

>> No.16358850

After the election /pol/ became the reddit board actually

>> No.16358990
