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File: 514 KB, 1200x1628, 1200px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16345346 No.16345346 [Reply] [Original]

Why do tards like him so much?

>> No.16345356

>why do degenerates hate him so much?

>> No.16345361

Seething christian?

>> No.16345366

Simple really. They didn't read Kant.

>> No.16345367

>Making fun of others for being degenerates

>> No.16345374

Too bad I'm not an atheist, faggot

>> No.16345499

Because he appeals to low IQ people, being a midwit himself.

>> No.16345511

Wrote lots of contradictive stuff, had a nice style, you can interpret some stuff to mean anything you want

>> No.16345530

He is universal on topics and appliance, has a very tempting, likeable character and knows a lot about topics that are new to his readers.

>> No.16345545

He does seem to have a strong wall built around his mentality, which often seems to be midwitted, but in later works showcases just his emotional immaturity, nothing more imo

>> No.16345548

Only Marxists and Christians dislike him, both groups famously being low IQ and constantly overestimating their own worth. They don't even read him, either, because they're pseuds who talk big without ever putting themselves on the line.

>> No.16347415

He sounds like a supervillian from the genre trash they read / watch

>> No.16347427

Physiognomy attracts like looking persons. Ugly people feel a kinship to him because of their and his looks.

>> No.16347478
File: 76 KB, 334x450, Friedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not ugly. He does radiate a classic masculinity that is lacking in a lot of lives today, however. I think he mostly attracts people on that basis.

>> No.16347565

He is edgy and his writing style is very emotional, very strong.

The philosophers he criticized were better than he was. But he wrote in a very powerful way. He is the kind of guy who could argue that 2+2=5 and some people would eat it up.

>> No.16347619

>and some people would eat it up.
He never argues without a goal. He doesn't play devil's advocate or seek a contrarian position for the sake of it. If he argues that 2+2=5, it's to make another point. Zeno did the same.

>> No.16347645

Because he's the first, easiest and most significant redpill, Put into text form.

That all Morality is technically false, but of course he leaves out thag since we evolved with it, trying to break us away from higher values creates a nightmare world of atheism he was trying to prevent after the death of God.

>> No.16347647


>> No.16347651

Because of the mustache and easy to digest bullshit.

>> No.16347668

suck my dick

>> No.16348627

If you fail to understand him,he gives you an easy answer(nothing matter fuck all lol god not real morty)
That's it.Pseuds love their misinterpretation of him because it feels sufficientely philosophic to them,but also because it's very easy to incorporate in their empty hipster lives.

>> No.16348717
File: 402 KB, 1279x744, ayn_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's babys-first egoism

>> No.16349137
File: 142 KB, 210x442, 652C1315-775A-4773-856D-F3785D58CA89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16349182

>Be most important philosopher in the western tradition since Socrates
>Get made fun of by buttmad Christcucks and discord trannies on a Tajikistani yak milk sniffing enthusiasts image board 2 centuries later because they don't actually read him and just want to bait for replies

>> No.16349197

nietzsche created nihilism. nietzsche said chirsanity was nihilism, but he created the nihilism of the secular humanist bourgeois that the middle class crave today. Plus he shitted on the bourgeois democracy, which humanists love from their inheritance of self destruction of the christian fathers. Half of the humanists dream of an ''''''''''''''enlightened figure'''''leading a totalitarian republic, because humanists know deep down they have no idea what they are doing in their parliament and on how to run a country... Humanists crave being totld what to do by a enlgihtened daddy, jsut liek the christian crave being told what to do from their sky daddy.

nietzsche says that facts are irrelevant and created the moronic meme of creating one's values. this is how braindead he was and why the bourgeois took over. When you combine this with humanism, you get the mixture of capitalism with bourgeois humanism, bourgeois republic where the middle class feels righteous for just creating their won values through the goods they purchase. THe field of activities in the bourgeois republic, ie Purchasing goods and making capitalism thrive while shitting on capitalism during their arm chair philosophy time is the best basis of society that the bourgeois could have built for the middle class to feel smart and righteous while embracing an ideology which will always shit on them.

This is why the middle class likes nietzsche

>> No.16349202

His books are full of snappy, smart-sounding, quotable truisms. In fact they almost deliberately consist of nothing but. If you are uncritical or talk primarily to uncritical people it's no wonder quoting Nietzsche comes across smart.

>> No.16349216

Looks like you summoned one of them already

>> No.16349226

We all know by now that Nietzsche was part of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. He was part of the Hidden Hand, and there is even a photo of him hiding his right hand.
He's a zionist and only appeals to pseuds who think are way too edgy for religion and for those kids who thought were too special or "felt different." I fucking hate all of you.

>> No.16349272

>He was part of the Hidden Hand, and there is even a photo of him hiding his right hand.
That had nothing to do with Judaism / Zionism. You are a brainlet.

>> No.16349765
File: 1.78 MB, 1080x720, Primer Nietz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16349955

>he created the nihilism of the secular humanist bourgeois that the middle class crave today.
Not Darwin, Marx, Newton, and the general triumph of A*glo materialism, liberalism, and scientism which so plagues the western world today? Try again bud.

>why the bourgeois took over.
The bourgeois already took over by the time he was born. Sure there were still monarchs and aristocrats around but they were already just figureheads more than anything.

You haven't even read him have you?

>> No.16349969
File: 2.82 MB, 568x320, profound nietzche quotes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with this take but I find it tough to argue against, iono

>> No.16350447

You should smoke crack if you don't already. Not much of an intelligence to waste

>> No.16350450

Philosophy from f*moids