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File: 94 KB, 750x625, 61661428-DCA0-406A-BB6E-FBED34A57C0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16345095 No.16345095 [Reply] [Original]

how to deal with it? All these books on it suck

>> No.16345350

This is not a Psychology board. Anyway, read this:

>> No.16345918
File: 30 KB, 260x260, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehehe, these memes starting to hit too close to home.
it is uncomfortable.

>> No.16345941

God this meme is inside my boypussy and I really like it. Also why do weekends fly so fast...

>> No.16346123

What the fuck. This is too relatable.

>> No.16346262

I feel more and more that those "oomer" pictures don't apply to me.
I'm super cringy irl and my hobbies are reading, playing video games and taking the number of girls I meet in bars and not answering to their texts.

>> No.16346764
File: 158 KB, 524x478, 1599453051726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too close to home

>> No.16347075

>Doesn't waste his (limited) existence on video games, TV, anime, social media or vapid consumerist products
>Doesn't require the approval of other people for his hobbies because they are inherently self-satisfying

>Any of this is somehow a bad thing

>> No.16347176

You missed the part about being terrified of mentioned your hobbies online and rarely going outside.
The first is a sign of conformism, if anon didn't care about the approval of degenerate strangers on the internet he wouldn't be afraid of being ridiculed for his hobbies.
The second is a proof of lack of physical exercise and connection with nature, which everybody from the Greeks to the English pragmatists have recognized as a brainlet move.

>> No.16347241

I am this guy but I have a good normie mask for when I do go out. People like me but I can't get close to them because I fear them seeing that I'm empty.

>> No.16347915
File: 663 KB, 1382x2048, MV5BNWMyZTA1MTItMzFhOS00NGY5LWJlZDMtMzczZmRjOThkMmViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUxMTY3ODM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll like "I'm Thinking of Ending Things" if daydreaming is a big problem for you, I know I did. Might spur you to action even.

>> No.16348190


>> No.16348214

This movie SUCKED

>> No.16348245
File: 67 KB, 828x823, mdabjiwp1zn31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically worried it will help drive me to suicide

>> No.16348320
File: 100 KB, 983x752, 1599269089309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at exactly what point does daydreaming become "maladaptive"?

>> No.16348350

this, my daydreaming just fills in the real lack of gf and friends, that's not maladaptive at all

>> No.16348435

Same point a habit becomes an addiction. Per the definition of addiction: when it starts interfering with your day to day activities.

>> No.16348442

"maladaptive dreaming" is probably just a byproduct of OCD or ADD. see a psychiatrist

>> No.16348446

Sometimes when I go to bed I imagine my novel becoming a cult hit 50 years after its publication.

>> No.16348568 [DELETED] 

day dreaming is my day to day activity.

>> No.16348764

Well you'll have to test it then by getting a career well-suited to you, a place of your own in the town of your choosing, a lady who speaks your language and at that point you can determine whether it's taking away from your ability to get things done.

>> No.16348794

yeah but the image says "4channer" that means his hobbies are watching gore, porn and unfunny anti-humor YLYL memes on /gif/ which is worse than video games.
And in OP's context shitposting on 4chan and watching YT vids is more productive than daydreaming.

>> No.16348800 [DELETED] 

if the lady in question was a loli i can raise into a wife i would give up day dreaming all together.
maybe it's not an issue for me.

>> No.16348854


>> No.16348860
File: 312 KB, 1200x1200, LOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse.

>> No.16348867

B-but I'm a 4channer and my hobbies are reading the Greek and reading the people who read the Greeks.

>> No.16348869

If you have concentration problems daydreaming isn't just filling in alone time, it's making alone time, it saps your attention away from what your friends/gf do and say in activities.
This will damage relations, they will make fun of you or stop doing things with you. Also if you can't concentrate on emotions, they will control you, then you become reclusive so that you don't have to deal with uncontrollable negative emotions from social interaction.

i haven't read a book in 7yrs because i can't read more than 2 paragraphs without going on wild tangents, posting on /lit/ is easier. It's like crohn's disease of the mind.

>> No.16348986

Well maybe if you read less greek and socialised more you'd understand that i and the image are both referring to the 4channer stereotype of a basement dwelling NEET in the misery of his "self satisfaction".

>> No.16349062

i don't socialize out of my own volition
and my self awareness allows me to excel at socializing even over normalfags while still expressing otherwise contentious viewpoints.

>> No.16349077


>> No.16349116

In-spite of that you still didn't notice that i and the image are both referring to the 4channer stereotype of a basement dwelling NEET

You're not the average 4channer, realize that.

>> No.16349125

This shit is driving me to thinking of suicide and I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. I’ve constructed an entire imaginary self and life in my mind. Any recs?

>> No.16349127

it is a fruitless endeavor to speculate on what the "average 4channer" is because it changes board to board, year to year.

>> No.16349228

I'm a schizoid so naturally a lot of this fits me.

>> No.16349333

You could read books on current generation thibking patterns. Only ones i can think of are "thinking fast and slow" and "the shallows". You couls also read "Deep work" if you want a more selfhelp kind of novel.
A lot of our issues stem from being unfocused and our mind constantly being "busy" with the constant barrage of info and small dopamine hits that the internet fuels.
Really the only way to deal with it is to have a schedule, and do your best to reduce the amount of time you spend online. Many people find a schedule tedius, but having a plan prevents you from falling into bad habits and helps you focus on what you actually want to do .(eg. Read book for an hour, do coding for 2 hours, go for a walk for 1 hour, etc) does not need to be strict, but instead a guidline to follow.

A schedule provides freedom and control of your life my friends.
Thats why im here posting this instead of following my schedule as we speak. Because im hardwired to love these lil hits, its hard to break. But ill keep trying, even if i fail every day.