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16339956 No.16339956 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about it?

>> No.16340093

Well, it influenced one of my greatest inspirations in life, George Soros, so naturally I have quite a high opinion of it.

>> No.16340171

Hegel and Plato as the godfathers of totalitarianism is a tepid take. Read Kaufmann's rebuttal on Hegel which shows he barely read him.

>> No.16340224

Popper is THE perfect normal world (and normie) Philosopher.
Popper is all the real working world needs as philosophy.
What constitutes science, tolerance in society, falsification methode, etc. Popper is perfect and near everything he came up with still holds today in the world where it wasnt outright or instantly rejected (e.g. chemsits write their lab reports in poppers falsification system).

I like this self loathing kikeism kike :)

>> No.16340266

Wiped out by that sick Kuhn-t.
Couldn't handle the Feyera-bend-s.

>> No.16341031

Pure ideology

>> No.16341036
File: 619 KB, 800x1000, islam tolerance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16341046
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x1500, antifa tolerance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16341049

I liked the characterization of the totalitarian mindset as being a sort of desire to protect against change and the flow of history. Aside from that I don't remember enough of the book. I just remember reading a philosopher who wanted to qualify what Popper had said about Plato by accepting that, yes, Plato had totalitarian tendencies, but by god HE WAS NOT A RACIST DON'T YOU DARE SAY THIS.

>> No.16341087

Refuted by Leo Strauss

>> No.16341100

Where? The Strauss / Voegelin letters aren't so much a refutation as a condemnation. (Not that it was the intent of the letters to be some kind of deep philosophical analysis. Strauss just wanted to know "Is this guy gud?")

>> No.16342177

>literally every newspaper is posting this