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/lit/ - Literature

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16334360 No.16334360 [Reply] [Original]

brainlet here

i haven't read a single novel since high school, and have only been reading technical manuals and 4chan for the past 5 or so years. i want to get started reading for pleasure again. could someone please recommend me some easy to read and easy to comprehend books that i could read to get my brain used to reading and understanding narratives again?

>> No.16334364

The Bible

>> No.16334369
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>I love reading linearly

>> No.16334380

Start with the greeks

>> No.16334395

Animal farm
Farenheit 451
Time machine hg wells
The word for world is forest
Try looking into short stories that pique your interest.

>> No.16334396

You probably read it in high school but Of Mice And Men would be great. It's short, classic, easy to read, and memorable.

>> No.16334397
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>> No.16334404

Start with the Greeks

Immerse yourself with Plato. It may just change your life.

>> No.16334410

i dont think my brain is big enough to properly understand the bible desu

what does reading linearly mean?

doubt i could pick up a plato dialog and fully appreciate it now, my reading comprehension skills have really, really atrophied over the last few years

Thanks, I'll check these out

>> No.16334461

I was in the same position as you and I picked up “gorgias” on a whim after someone who I respect recommended it.

I will admit I had a difficult time understanding it at the start. I had to restart multiple times to understand the arguments Socrates was making. After that I started reading the apology, Crito and pheado, then the republic. It led me to stoicism and other Neoplatonism. It took me on a dive into philosophy. Don’t over think it or believe yourself to be incapable. The dialogues are very easy reads and is a great introduction into philosophy. You shouldn’t do it only If you are physically unable to read words, which is unlikely considering our conversation.

>> No.16334491

Greek and Latin Literature
Homer Plato Aristotle Aeschylus
Sophocles, Euripides.
Cicero, Virgil, Ovid , Horace

>> No.16334492

linear this dick bitch

>> No.16334496
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Like many others have said, start with the Greeks. Pic semi-related. I’m in the same boat as you, and been taking it slow. Almost done with Mythology. I’ve been having trouble choosing what translation/publication to read, but I hope to make a wise decision once I get to Herodotus, Sophocles, and the philosophers.

>> No.16334507
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Here’s another list I saw that expands the Greeks.

>> No.16334509

Start with this dick

>> No.16334513

Start with the Sumerians

>> No.16334522

Start with the Africans

>> No.16335446

Try Murakami. Probably Norwegian Wood. His books are well put together and intelligent, while still being accessible, highly readable and entertaining.

>> No.16335455

Why does Leo look like Jack Nicholson now?

>> No.16335668

This fucking shit again