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16332666 No.16332666 [Reply] [Original]

Just completed the Jung chart of recommending reading and I'm a believer. Now what?

>> No.16332737

Can you post the chart? I want to get into Jung.

>> No.16332749

-Chapter 1 Man and His Symbols(the rest is optional)
-Modern Man in Search of a Soul
-A History of Modern Psychology Zurich Lectures(the best possible introduction)
-Two Essays on Analytical Psychology(1/ )
-Freud and Psychoanalysis(2/ these two aren't THAT necessary, but you should read them at some point)
-Memories, Dreams, Reflections
-Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
-Psychological Types
-Psychology of the Unconscious/Symbols of Transformation
-Contributions to Psychology
-his various essays from the thirties and forties such as the Wotan essay(see Essays on Contemporary Events)
-Then all the major works from the forties and onwards such as Psychology and Alchemy. Psyche and Symbol is also a very good and favourite collection of some his writings, including those later works. Read the Red Book when you believe you're ready, often it is very good to read it before you get too far in. But above all, Jung is exit tier, you should have basic of knowledge of history, philosophy, art, religion, science and less importantly psychology. And there are still so many other works of his.

Good luck anon. And some of his most important influences were Schopenhauer, Kant, Carl Gustav Carus and Hartmann. Jung actually said he was more of a Carusian than a Freudian while he was friends with Freud.

>> No.16332761
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Here you go, anon.

>> No.16332771


>> No.16333688

there's some serious powerful mythical occult energy radiating off those pages in the red book that looks sweet

>> No.16333698

God dammit I hate psychology. This is great as an esoteric thing, but they have to larp as more. Why.

>> No.16333718
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Read the Golden Ass by Apuleius and then read his disciple's analysis of it by Marie-Louise von Franz

>> No.16333735
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i came into this thread to make fun of you and wave the "sunk cost fallacy" in your face but
>now im a believer
>666 trips
why do 666 trips always happen on the most mystical posts? jung would call this synchronicity. they always come at the right time...

>> No.16333760

Is it really necessary to begin with The Forgotten Language when Jung wrote Man and His Symbols specifically for the layman?

>> No.16333855
