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16331550 No.16331550 [Reply] [Original]

This book is the final redpill.

>> No.16331561


Nutshell it for me anon.

>> No.16331563

For CPS funding* and defense attorneys pard vacation to the Bahamas. Absolutely sickening

>> No.16331583

Tldr: children CAN indeed consent. Supposedly adult-child sex-induced trauma in children (later adolescents and adults) is actually not sex-induced but societally instigated, fueled by rampant stigmatization of the pedophilic act and victimization. The thesis is supported by dozens of interviews, polls, meta-analyses and other research

>> No.16331595

>my data comes from institutions who have proof that infants can orgasm, don’t ask how they got it

>> No.16331599

Great. We all know where this is going

>> No.16331631

i have actually independently come to this conclusion by a) being an early bloomer who wanted to fuck adults as a preteen and b) studying history where such relationships were common
that said sex out of wedlock is a sin so child sexuality has no place in society outside of child marriage, which there is nothing wrong with

>> No.16331643
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dis gon be gud thread

>> No.16331653

>There’s nothing wrong with this thing that is wrong
Dam u are one stupid piece of shit

>> No.16331664

>if society didnt tell the kids i rape that they were raped, they wouldnt feel raped after i rape them
Damn. I never thought of it like that.

>> No.16331685

just like how I didn't understand what they guy did to me at 5 until the doctor checked my for hemorrhoids at 18 and I recognised the sensation and was like "holy shit that long wedgie was rape >:'D"

>> No.16331687


>> No.16331699


>> No.16331708
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>> No.16331707
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>> No.16331710
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'fraid not, schizo

>> No.16331711

the last two posts are only 17 seconds apart, can't be samefag

>> No.16331750

Kek, nice schizo deflection.
Phone + computer

>> No.16331754

>y-you're the schizo

>> No.16331755

>my argument rests on the time between posts btfo of my pathetic ideas

>> No.16331760

OP, this is literally what it's saying, is it not ?

>> No.16331765

I wasn't even in this thread, I just find it annoying when people call samefag all the time

>> No.16331772

Not that anon but not this one either

>> No.16331776

>there are more than 2 people on this board
Who could've ever imagined

>> No.16331781

There is only me. The rest of you are weak imitations

>> No.16331795

>tfw know multiple victims of child sexual abuse and have intimate details of how it occurs across multiple cases
>tfw abusers drug them, torture them, intentionally mess with their perception of time by giving them wrong information, mess with their sense of self by calling them by different names during the abuse, undermine their ability to report their abuse by having things happen that sound like they make no sense and will make the story seem like a weird fantasy, intentionally undermine their confidence in their memory by messing with it on a day to day basis, facilitate the creation of obedient alternate personalities or senses of self that are obedient and will obey instructions even as an adult, and more
>but some lady says their bodies can feel pleasure or some shit so i guess its all good
Wew lad. Wew fucking lad.

>> No.16331802

Prove it

>> No.16331809


>> No.16331815

You lost the game.

>> No.16331823


>> No.16331830

Back to the void you go. Maybe this time you'll learn some real solipsism

>> No.16331832

No. Its a true story

>> No.16331835
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Reminder that pedos deserve worse than medieval torture.
Anyone advocating for pedo-friendly values deserves anything that makes auschwitz look like a joke.

>> No.16331850

Huh ?

>> No.16331853

This entire thread is a CIA op.

>> No.16331863


>> No.16331868

>literal rape makes people feel bad
>ergo sex is bad for kids
one of those things does not really follow from the other
history books are full of boyfucking, but it's illegal now so of course only the people who care more about sex than the law are going to engage in it. what sort of person does that, do you think? it also raises the question then of how people act when it's not illegal: do muslims who engage in child marriage do that? or christians, before that sort of thing fell out of fashion? did the ancient greeks and romans do that, or the japanese, or the medieval muslims?

>> No.16331891

It’s OK that you liked some senile old man’s dick in your ass when you were a child, but that’s not everyone’s experience, quite the contrary and no amount of “critical thinking” is going to save you from yourself

>> No.16331892

>Bro, do these old ass retarded mentalities that hurted children say anything about sex with kids being bad??

Glad the entirety of Western history was for nothing then


>> No.16331919

Does the evidence even matter? If studies show that most people who have sex before 18 aren't harmed by it, would that even change anyone's opinion? It's not about the facts its about the visceral emotional reactions.

>> No.16331939

Do you disagree with the fact that infants can orgasm? It is quite easy to prove you wrong.

>> No.16331943

You Can't Vote, But You Can Fuck
by Shekel Rubbenstein, Ph.D

>> No.16331945

It’s about the future and specifically one where you’re pathetic excuse for a childhood isn’t the norm. I personally don’t want to go on Netflix and see A movie fronting as a coming to age story that involves children under the age of 10 Twerking

>> No.16331951

Yes. What is your point?

>> No.16331963

I can also prove quite succinctly that pushing you off a cliff can help with your constipation

>> No.16331969

>>tfw abusers drug them, torture them, intentionally mess with their perception of time by giving them wrong information, mess with their sense of self by calling them by different names during the abuse, undermine their ability to report their abuse by having things happen that sound like they make no sense and will make the story seem like a weird fantasy, intentionally undermine their confidence in their memory by messing with it on a day to day basis, facilitate the creation of obedient alternate personalities or senses of self that are obedient and will obey instructions even as an adult, and more
Do you have sources to back up these claims?
Do you have sources that back up the claim that such events are descriptive of most pedo- and hebephiliac relations?

>> No.16331982

Rape is a word with a definite connotation. It belongs to a family of other words and no matter how many history books you revise the music that follows a rapist will always be one and the same. A slut, for example, is someone who is unpleasantly sleazy, vulgarly loud about the hours of operation in regard to their genitalia. Just as we call someone who puts food above their health a glutton, or puts laying about over activity a sloth, we justly call someone who puts sex over decency and good sense a slut. You can be obese, be lazy, be slutty, or a rapist but know what it is that you stand for before trying to persuade others that the dictionary has suddenly been rewritten on account of some politicking

>> No.16331989 [DELETED] 

Pushing me off a cliff you cause great bodily harm. Licking or sucking on a set of infant genitalia would lead to the release of endorphins.

>> No.16332000

>Pushing me off a cliff you cause great bodily harm
no it won’t hurt a bit I promise

>> No.16332008

Yeah, but you're gay. There seems to be a thing in the gay community where older guys initiate teens into the gay lifestyle. But then that affordance could clearly be used as cover for actually raping kids. In order to keep as many kids not-raped as possible, we have an artificial consent age up at 18, or a bit less in some places.

>> No.16332017

t. foucault

>> No.16332024

>Rape is a word
Exactly. It is a word. Having sex with a pre-pubescent girl has nothing to do with any of your connotations of rape. It is specifically your connotations which cause little girls to become damaged and hurt.

>> No.16332032

Would you bet your sisters and/or baby daughters clit that this statement is true?

>> No.16332047

>But then that affordance could clearly be used as cover for actually raping kids.
Ahh I see, all researchers into sexuality are gays who rape little male children. Thanks for the deep insights into the male psyche.

>> No.16332064

Nah, gay teenagers are just horny, there were 14/15 year olds that bragged about sucking older man dick. There's rarely coercion involved

>> No.16332067

That's the most 85 reading possible.

>> No.16332081

Not contradicting what I said.

>> No.16332096

The data collected by various researchers all over the world point to a conclusion, on the other hand we have your emotions. I wonder which I will give credence to.

>> No.16332100
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Doesn't sound all that much different from the public schooling system.

>> No.16332102

So being "redpilled" is about being an unpleasant, arbitrary-contrarian now?

>> No.16332110

Anon, you don't even know what post you're replying to, you can't understand it, you're drunk or something, your comprehension is shot.

>> No.16332115



>> No.16332116

>words aren’t performative

>> No.16332122

Yes. Now please jump

>> No.16332163

Okay, give me an address once your baby girl is born and I'll show her a good time. Then you can jump.

>> No.16332174

I doubt it, kids cannot consent, this is a fact, if you disagree with it you can go to Saudi Arabia and convert.

>> No.16332185

tricky Pedo is tricky

>> No.16332200

>this is a fac
You suffer from mental problems. Please dilate.

>> No.16332236

The thing is anyone arguing for the study just wants to fuck kids, and anyone arguing against the study feels an intense visceral reaction of disgust and contempt towards someone who fucks kids and they can’t really explain why. I, being a true patrician, choose to not involve myself in such arguments of bad faith.

>> No.16332248

t. cicero

>> No.16332277


>I'll just simplify both sides down so that my pea brain can make sense of it then act like I'm taking a nonexistent high road

Well someone certainly is acting in bad faith here I can't deny that

>> No.16332305


>> No.16332308
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> Well someone certainly is acting in bad faith here I can't deny that

>> No.16332316

this is beyond strawmaning the discussion, at this point you're rolling in a barn full of wheat

>> No.16332325

>dude, slippery slope is not real

>> No.16332333
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*Ting ting ting!*
Excuse me, gentlemen,

Ahem, I have an announcement to make
It is of quite some importance indeed


>> No.16332350


>dude lets ignore scientific discourse and rely on our culturally determined onions moral feeling that were dictated by a bunch of feminists in 1980's
go back to twitter please

>> No.16332369

pedoshits should be shot on conviction

>> No.16332385
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>he thinks im CIA

>> No.16332395
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The final redpill for any faggot prone to child molestation is that no matter what argument you bring forth anyone related to the children you touch will rally others to torture and kill you.

>> No.16332416

>here is a thorough, well presented argument on why pedo hysteria actually hurts children and we have to come up with a new way of looking at adult-child sexual relations to help minimize the suffering of children
>waaaaaaaaaahhhh kill peeepeedoooos aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA MY FEEELINGS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.16332426

Dam must suck to be you

>> No.16332430


there is truth to this though. I mean go back a few hundred years you'd have 14 year old marrying and fucking old men and its fine. same thing happened now everyone would be telling her she's been abused and must be traumatised.

>> No.16332431

>anti-intelligence is so cool B - ) im BASED!

>> No.16332433


>> No.16332438

Yes let’s go back a few hundred years, children had it a lot better back then xD

>> No.16332443

Imagine that. Children so spoiled by the wealth that their ancestors fought and died for only to be questioned on account of their inability to find someone their own age to have sex with. What a world

>> No.16332482

Thats why you only go for orphans

>> No.16332501

Gonna say it now, just for the FBI, nothing in this thread is representative of my views

>> No.16332503

t. seething pedo

>> No.16332509
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>tfw watching film with friends
>child main character shows sexual attraction to older woman
>one of my friends says "wtf why is that little kid turned on by that woman, that's fucked up"
>other friends nod in agreement
>I say, "well young children can feel sexual desire as well"
>they all look at me funny and don't respond
>my friends now probably think I'm a pedo
I'm not a nonce, I'm just speaking from experience, I started wanking when I was 6.

>> No.16332634


>> No.16332669

wtf are you even talking about

>> No.16332687

these threads always end up being some anons trying to pretend they would be marrying underage lolis but the truth is (like with Focualt) it is always really about older gay men looking for younger boys who are likely under stress, homeless, drug addicts etc.. who they can sodomize.

>> No.16332704

Incorrect, pedarasty should remain illegal.

>> No.16332742
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>would lead to the release of endorphins
And then some!

>> No.16332804

No one is advoctaion for faggotry
Theyre two different dicussions

>> No.16332821

traditional morality > science

>> No.16332840

Paedophiles are associated with those kinds of behaviours because those are the behaviours they engage in, anon. People being anti paedophile isnt moral panic.

>> No.16332867

Homosexuals reproduce through pedophilia, you grooming kike piece of shit. You’ll soon find a rope in your life.

>> No.16332897

Neck urself pedo

>> No.16332899

>history books are full of boyfucking
No, it is fucking not. Fuck your 20th century revisionism. You were either exiled or killed for practicing sodomy, especially if little boys were involved. I’m talking about Greece and Rome as well before you try to write a meme response. Fuck. You.

>> No.16333099


>> No.16333142

who has ever hooked up because of /lit/?

>> No.16333153

Is that it? Really? Is Susan Clancy French?

>> No.16333157

>Clancy on critique of her book:
>Sexual abuse is never OK. No matter what the circumstances are, or how it impacts the victims, sexual abuse is an atrocious, despicable crime. Just because it rarely physically or psychologically damages the child does not mean it is OK. Harmfulness is not the same thing as wrongfulness. And why is it wrong? Because children are incapable of consent.

>> No.16333229

There's a special place in hell for people who come to /lit/ and argue in bad faith.

>> No.16333327
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You are totally misrepresenting the thesis of the book to make it sound like the author is supporting pedophilia, asshole

>> No.16333352

here's your (you), daniel
see you in church next sunday

>> No.16333363

look at this absolute chad making the pedos seethe

>> No.16333396

it's a scientific fact that all pedophiles sit 10 iq points beneath the local average

>> No.16333441
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Same thing applies to rape.
But thats another "redpill" the academics arent ready for

>> No.16333446

Fuck off jew shills

>> No.16333509

Sex concerns the most powerful of desires. If you give of this fire freely it will consume you, hence the principle of chastity and why it’s so important to bridle your passions. Forcing a child to fall into the fire of their sexuality before they have even been able to have a clear glimpse of the world is evil and demonic. All of you who are trying to push this pedo agenda are going to experience egregious suffering one day and I won’t feel sorry for you.

>> No.16333669

>trauma in children (later adolescents and adults) is actually not sex-induced but societally instigated, fueled by rampant stigmatization
Seems likely to be an overreach, but I would be unsurprised that the lion's share of trauma in general is exacerbated by society's stigmatization and fetishism about victims. It's not obvious that full-blown rape should be, or has historically been, as debilitating as it is regarded as today. Historically, when major traumas were much more common and expected, people still moved on with their lives, in general. I wonder how one would go about investigating and alleviating the overall negative impact of social impressions about what is or isn't harmful.

>> No.16333789

This is what they say for little children, that when they get hurt you shouldnt overreact because it will teach them that it is a bigger deal than it actually is. Not that you should act with indifference of course.
They can also internalize hiring themselves as a way of getting intention if you do that too.

I think both of those situations have parallels to the situation of victims of child sex abuse.

>> No.16333874

it has always been this

>> No.16333880

there is some truth to it, but it takes that kernel and builds a ludicrous premise. should it be sitmatized less? absolutely, but that doesn't mean we should turn back time. did some children benefit from working from an extremely young age? sure, but we dont want to roll back child labor laws.

>> No.16333888
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>> No.16333919
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According to this book, mental health problems are basically all from nutritional deficits, allergies or environmental toxins. Becoming a mental case and needing counseling is really because the brain in inflamed and fucked, and the counseling will do nothing

>> No.16333935

there will be no leniancy or tolerance for these demons. *cocks gun* let's go.. it's time again *gets erect* gonna kill some baddies

>> No.16334826

I mean you're not wrong.
I was watching an interview with that famous russian chick who is now grown up and pretty much all her suffering was caused by her peers not the guy that dicker her.

In fact when she says this a hambeast gets upsed and shuts her down by saying she's traumatized and has no idea what she's talking about.

I'm not saying we should fuck kids but saying all their trauma is just from one event of non violent sex is retarded.

>> No.16334984


>> No.16334996

This thread reminds me of the pedo threads on 9chan

>> No.16335091

That's why I've been telling people to respect children and their pussies. It's not about protecting kids but enforcing puritanism.

>> No.16335499

>no counter arguments, only moralfag seething
so this is the power of /lit/, huh?

>> No.16335881

Why are leftists so hellbent on normalising paedophilia? They all need to be shot.

>> No.16335888


>> No.16335898

1. You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.

2. The innocence of the creature is in inverse proportion to the immorality of the Master.

3. If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.

4.You hide, They seek.

5. Paranoids are not paranoids because they're paranoid, but because they keep putting themselves, fucking idiots, deliberately into paranoid situations.

>> No.16335908

pedophilia is a trad thing that was practiced by aristocrats back in ancient greece/rome you retard, its only bad because of progressives and feminists

>> No.16335911

I got banned once just for mentioning this book. I don't know why but it must have really triggered the janny.

I just agree with the notion that a lot of the pain that sexual abuse victims suffer comes from the way society treats them after the fact.

>> No.16335923

>"well young children can feel sexual desire as well"

uhh yeah i mean thats pretty objectively true but that was not the best choice of words. you should have said something like, "what? you didn't get boners at that age?". but oh well, at this point you ought to pretend it never happened. i have a friend who is pretty open about his pedo tendencies and nobody really cares, its mostly a joke between us.

>> No.16335929
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The slippery slope is not a fallacy

>Dude just give women rights
>dude just give non-whites rights
>dude just give gays rights
>dude just give transgenders rights
>dude just let transgender non-whites baby sit your children lol
>Dude just let them fuck them lol they can consent bigot! It's 20XX

>> No.16335998

Did anything happen in the three thousand years since then, paedophile? You will hang.

>> No.16336000

no wonder, pedophilia is the biggest taboo today. It is literally hated from all fronts, leftists, right wingers, normies, feminists you name it. Even when you discuss pedophilia without implying harm to children, even if you use scientific, historical data and present your arguments well, people still look at you suspiciously if you dont go full rage mode about pedophiles being ebil. I guess this will change eventually, because children are exposed to sexual stuff early due to increasing use of the internet, so it will be very hard to keep up the image of little innocent angelic creatures for very long.

>> No.16336013

yes, we live in the current year sweatie, so that means pedophilia bad hmkay? just go back to twitter please

>> No.16336022

I surprised I havent been banned for replying to this thread. And yes I can confirm that janny on /lit/ will give you a 3 day site wide ban for "replying to pedo bullshit". . .

>> No.16336036

Yeah I’ve always felt this might be true of most rape allegations too. Doesn’t mean rape Ann’s pedophillia should be normalised though

>> No.16336043

there's a difference between parent involved, consensual marriage between two individual post puberty and a creepy uncle raping a kid.

>> No.16336197

You groomed yourself retard

>> No.16336244

We could apply that logic to all forms of proscribed behavior. History is full of slavery. How would people act if slavery weren't illegal? Do Muslims engage in slavery, or Christians before that fell out of fashion? Society has thankfully progressed beyond the lawful oppression and abuse of weak people, because people will certainly do that if permitted.

>> No.16336270

Posting in an FBI monitored thread

>> No.16336280

ITT: americanized /pol/tards and redditors who are very edgy and based and haven't posted a single meaningful thing in this entire thread other than >muh trannies >muh slope >muh shoot you. /lit/ is dead.

>> No.16336295

>every moral rule has to he retrofitted into victimization / trauma and argued for or agaisnt on the these paradigms
This is your brain on liberal-communism.

I will find and kill you OP you absolute nigger kike.

>> No.16336304

but the point of the book is precisely the opposite. Trauma/victimization narrative is what is to be dispensed with

>> No.16336314

American spotted. I never not find it hilarious how orwellian your language has become, labeling everything you dislike as communist. You are utterly unaware of the oxymoron you speak of and anyone who had to suffer under a communist dictatorship cannot view you as anything else but an indoctrinated drone, following the party line.

>> No.16336318

More like bottom of the barrel trash that works al the retards of /lit/ into an autistic seethe, so maybe.

>> No.16336328

Are you trying to make a case that western culture is stupid and backwards because it doesn't let you rape kids?

>> No.16336329

This book's implications and OP are on the same trauma paradigm.
They say because trauma is societally-induced instead of directly from the act itself (which is a bullshit and meaningless artificial distinction) ergo trauma is refuted and pedoshit is OK, implying that these vile acts cannot be rejected on any other grounds.
Your pilpul doesn't fool anyone anymore Shlomo, day of the rope is coming.

>> No.16336332

Just popping into this thread to say all pedos and pedo apologists should be gutted with rusty kitchenware and dumped into a river.

>> No.16336335

Shut the fuck up nigger eurotrash, communism is liberalism's retarded bastard child and in this case (conception of trauma/mind/victimhood) they are exactly the same. We are not talking about le economy here.

>> No.16336394

Communism is purely an economic construct. I have no idea what you think it is but please stop projecting.

>> No.16336401

Just popping into this thread to say all non-pedos and pedo critics should be gutted with rusty kitchenware and dumped into a river.

>> No.16336421

Eyaup, dem libs are Stalin I tell ya.

>> No.16336422

dont even talk to him lmao, his arteries are clogged with burgerfat. They use concepts like children use crayons.

>> No.16336437
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>commie retard who agrees with liberalism on everything except some economic points is baffled how he doesn't see the 99% commonality and thinks liberalism-communism rest on only pure economic priors.

>> No.16336452

It's honestly kind of baffling. You do realize that communism is simply a way to structure the economy and nothing else?

>> No.16336465

It was fine by their standards, just like slavery, torture, executions etc. Doesn't mean it was good or it didn't majorly fuck up the victims. If you read up on history you'll see that the average joe was way more fucked up mentally, probably stemming from childhood abuse which turned them into an abuser as well, than the modern person. Although, the modern person is fucked up in different ways. The ideal era was between enlightenment and the invention of the TV.

>> No.16336470
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Can't this "reasoning" be applied to adult-adult rape?

>> No.16336482
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I had a conversation a few weeks back with someone who claimed to me that pedophilia was okay and morally fine. We went back and forth for a couple paragraphs, and he sited this book along with some study into the effects of trauma in later life. I looked into both the study and this book, dissected them, and explained to him that neither this book (which doesn't talk at all about how victimization and stigmatization leads to traumatic responses, but rather, how such things can exasperate already prevalent traumatic responses) nor the study he cited (which was rife with selection bias and such, and again, wasn't even attempting to prove what the anon had stated it proved, but rather something completely different) proved that pedophilia or sexual assault of minors was okay, along with multiple different arguments which he slyly ignored or misinterpreted. I then postulated that he was trying to rationalize his own pedophilia, at which point he stopped responding.

Anyone who cites this book is most likely both a pedophile and a retard.

>> No.16336487


>> No.16336498

Yes I'm a pedo. No I don't care about anything you said. Cunny.

>> No.16336501

And you enjoy ingesting trash.

>> No.16336513

bro, you've won internet argument, dont understand why you arent accepted into harvard for free yet.
>but rather, how such things can exasperate already prevalent traumatic responses
I've read this book and most of the people interviewed showed sings of trauma only after learning the victimization narrative which means trauma is symbolic and not inherent in the act itself, you're talking out of your ass. The author's point is exactly that when we are dealing with situations that arent straight up hard physically damaging rape, but sexual touching here and there, the first response from children is confusion/neutrality or enjoyment. Trauma is purely symbolic in those cases. Next time read up more than a summary.

>> No.16336522
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>it is always really about older gay men looking for younger boys who are likely under stress, homeless, drug addicts etc

Man, imagine a red-faced Stephen Fry showing up on your doorstep at three in the morning, reeking of alcohol. He has your eight-year old son tucked under one arm.

"Thanks for the good time, lad," he says, patting your only child on the bum as he sends him back into your home. "Really nice boy, that one." Fry then shambles off into the dark.

>> No.16336547

>Yes I'm a pedo.
>No I don't care about anything you said.
The point is that you're not trying to rationalize it like OP.
>bro, you've won internet argument, dont understand why you arent accepted into harvard for free yet.
Kill yourself retard
>most of the people interviewed
So pedophilia is okay as long as it's only some of the children growing up to have crippling trauma, not most?
>showed sings of trauma only after learning the victimization narrative which means trauma is symbolic and not inherent in the act itself
How was trauma defined? If someone is able to be 'tricked' into having debilitating trauma from some experience in their youth simply by being exposed to some narrative, then for some odd reason, I don't think everything was okay to begin with.
>The author's point is exactly that when we are dealing with situations that arent straight up hard physically damaging rape, but sexual touching here and there, the first response from children is confusion/neutrality or enjoyment.
Different ways of coping with trauma.
>Trauma is purely symbolic in those cases.
see: "So pedophilia is okay as long as it's only some of the children growing up to have crippling trauma, not most?"
>Next time read up more than a summary
Next time don't misinterpret studies and take surface conclusions from a book with a narrative.

>> No.16336569

>So pedophilia is okay as long..
I'm not even defending pedophilia you spastic, learn to fucking read.
>If someone is able to be 'tricked'
what the fuck are you talking about? We are talking about literal children that dont know wtf is going on and they understand those things only later in adulthood, no one is tricking anyone
>Different ways of coping with trauma.
yeah I can see why no one want to hold conversations with you. The author showed that most of the children respond with confusion, because when adults are doing their stuff they have to keep it secret so it looks weird. Or if the children like those adults, they feel happy when touched. No trauma here. Go read the book before acting like a knight of rationality you mong.

>> No.16336575

>it's bad
>because it's traumatic
>because it's bad

>> No.16336591

>what the fuck are you talking about? We are talking about literal children that dont know wtf is going on and they understand those things only later in adulthood, no one is tricking anyone
Read what I said again. You stated that trauma responses are a result of being fed a victimization narrative; I responded that, if someone responds with trauma after being exposed to such a narrative, but not before, it's likely that they weren't just "alright" before being exposed to that narrative, since someone without any real problems wouldn't go into a trauma response after such a thing. If you were eating ice cream last week, and then a bunch of people came up to you and told you how eating ice cream is a terrible catastrophe and your entire life is ruined, for some reason I don't think you would go into any sort of traumatic response. "Trick" was just a simpler way of explaining this.
>The author showed that most of the children respond with confusion, because when adults are doing their stuff they have to keep it secret so it looks weird. Or if the children like those adults, they feel happy when touched. No trauma here.
Read my above statement.

>> No.16336667

your analogy with the ice cream is just pure nonsense. Sexuality is way more intimate and the trauma narrative isn't preached by some random people, but literally everyone ranging from the "experts" and authorities on mental health to your loved ones. I'm a little big baffled by your points, why the notion that our perception is shaped by discourses is so controversial to you? I mean just look up conformity experiments on youtube, people on average are very susceptible to their surrounding discourses, especially when they touch very intimate and controversial topics. Its not that hard to understand, and you dont need to blame the victims.

>> No.16336804
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>for some reason I don't think you would go into any sort of traumatic response
Not any of the previous anons, but i seriously doubt that would be true. You have had somany societies and different cultures that worshiped different things that im fairly certain that you can almost traumatize everything with a strong enough social enviroment.

Thing is that this pedo talk doesnt make sense, just because those things are traumatized by the socius they belong doesnt mean people who already have it will stop suffering or that we ought to stop stimatizing it, people love to invest in social formations even if they are about "self-repression", people die in the name of "justice" (the current idea they have of it) flags, religions, fetishes, social formations like family, friends etc. If you have a hard time imagining how those social forms surpass even the most basic human codes and needs just take a look at monks and buddhists or even zealots with codes of honor that even kill their families.
Like some other anon here said, a real kick in the balls to these academics would be to write this same thing but about rape or something else that goes agaisnt their agenda. And you would see them backpedaling.

Its of no wonder how feminism and other social movements that are predominant today were very afraid of deconstruction and post modern philosophers like Deleuze even though they only used his ideas to dismantle the stuff they didnt like. These same ideas that melt the stuff they dislike can always be applied to the stuff they are trying to impose.

>> No.16337150

I'll refer to >>16336804 for the following argument. Let's assume that trauma is a result of the victim narrative, and that, if the social situation around pedophilic acts were to change and it were told to children that there was nothing wrong with what happened, they no longer felt the trauma from it.
If this is true, this could then be applied to just about all social ideals and 'constructs'. Trauma from rape, then, would also be the result of some victim narrative, and so too would sexual misconduct of many forms (outside of, as you described, heavily damaging rape).
Then, if such is true, why is there a narrative around the acts in the first place? Could it perhaps be that the narrative is set in place for some genuine reason? In this case, I'd say that there is a victim narrative around sexual assault victims of a young age primarily because they do not have the mental faculties to understand the damage to their life that such a thing may entail. It's possible that - if there was no victim narrative around such a thing - a young person who was a victim of sexual assault would grow to be, in some way, malfunctioning. That is, they may not place importance on sexual integrity/chastity, which in turn leads to observable negative outcomes like single motherhood. There is also the possibility that such a person would think it's alright to be a pedophile and nurture the same attractions themselves, then propagating a cycle in which they take advantage of children for sexual reasons only (as opposed to forming monogamous relationships, which are better for both individuals and civilization as a whole). You could then make the argument that if children were allowed to consent to relationships this would not be a problem, but the counter-argument to this is that, unlike an adult, children do not have the mental faculties to tell the difference between a predatory relationship and a genuine relationship, and so are much more heavily at risk to be used/abused/etc. In this way, the pedophile is affecting the child's later life negatively even despite the lack of trauma response. To explain my case slightly better (because I know you'll try to misunderstand it, although I'm at risk with this analogy of you ignoring the rest of my argument and only attacking the analogy), take this example: someone spits in your eye, but you have no concept of this being assault or dangerous, as you were never introduced to the social idea that such a thing should be taken seriously. This person could be a carrier of all sorts of malicious infections, and so a group of people tell you "hey, that wasn't right what he did to you, you shouldn't take it so nonchalantly." and, with this, you begin to form a genuine response to the situation, perhaps anger or fear, which came from the social conditioning mentioned. What is the negative of such a narrative; does it not only seek to assist the victim?

>> No.16337225
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>> No.16337269

>something is becoming normalized
>completely different barely related things are bcoming normalized
>therefore muh slippery slope, take away everyone's rights

>> No.16337301

Trauma comes when you pump and dump, no matter the ago, maybe till 25

>> No.16337322

livestream you suicide pedo

>> No.16337332

>only read the title in big font
>thought it was a cool book trying to undercut the tendency of every single faggot having TRAUMAH and needing THAERAEPAEI
>read >>16331583
>read subtitle
Get thee away from me, Satan.

>> No.16337399

>Trauma from rape, then, would also be the result of some victim narrative
yes, trauma from rape is also the cause of a certain narrative. I remember reading a book about women in Berlin who were raped by russians en masse in WW2. There was this one girl that understood the rape from purely egoistical narrative of jealousy, she was literally happy that she was chosen to be raped instead of her sister and took pride in it. The act itself isnt what is traumatic, its the narrative that gives it meaning.
>Then, if such is true, why is there a narrative around the acts in the first place?
I think I understand your argument and the problem you raise. As a response I will just say this, it will be chaotic but bear with me (and I'm taking most of the info from Trauma Myth). Adult-child sexual relations were always suspicious, but it werent so negative as it is today. E.g. until 1980's people thought children had their own sexuality and in some cases even seduced adults to engage in sexual acts (there were cases where children were blamed in courts for such relations). In 1980 feminist movements wanted to raise awareness to the problem of sexual abuse (mostly male parents taking advantage of young girls and it being underreported). But feminism and other social emancipatory movements after 80's view everything trough "victim-abuser" lenses. As you make your point, sexual abuse is a real thing. And the child abuse narrative is a reaction to a real problem. Everyone agrees with it. But the problem is that most of sexual abuse cases (one of the main points of Trauma Myth) aren't that harmful, its not physical rape or damaging abuse. It's touching, cuddling done by close people. But trauma narrative instantly says that all sexual abuse cases are hyper-traumatic. In this way feminist discourse on child abuse starts out with a good intention, to show more children (mostly girls) are abused than we have thought. But then it says "all of those cases are very very traumatic and the child is traumatized in all cases". That's where it does a disservice and creates more suffering. My personal stance on this is that we should not leave the last word about child-adult sex to those feminist discourses that are taken for granted, bc they ARE bad for children. We have to change the paradigm and create more talking points. It was like this in ancient greece. They werent going around and buttfucking every kid. There were very nuanced and well articulated discourses on how we should proceed to look at adult-child relations. Current paradigm can only talk about them in victimizing, traumatizing, reactive tone.

At this point I just suggest you read the book, it is way more detailed and well presented than my half assed arguments, but it deals with the exact problems you raise.

>> No.16337539

>Then, if such is true, why is there a narrative around the acts in the first place?
Thats because people are bound to form social norms and formations, which will always exclude certain stuff and praise others. Like i said, everyone (including you and me) loves to invest in these norms.
All those arguments of "malfunctioning", "not knowing the intentions" are still playing in already made presupposed fields of coordinates and assumptions of what is normal, what is good or bad, what is considered consent etc. All of our societies run on these things, even animals do it.
Heck one could even say that the pedo raping isnt even doing it out of evil but out of "love" that he doesnt have evil intentions, he just wants to rub his penis in some vagina, he doesnt even think people are struggling for it.
You also have in all of history plenty of underaged people that are forced into castration, male/female circumcision and even the most brutal rituals and still you dont see some "trauma" on it since it is so normalized by their socius.

I reject all this objectivism that people try to draw but i still subscribe to my dogmatics and dont support any of this pedo or mostly feminist talk.

>> No.16337698

I will pick up the book at some point.
>Thats because people are bound to form social norms and formations, which will always exclude certain stuff and praise others. Like i said, everyone (including you and me) loves to invest in these norms.
My argument is that things like sexual promiscuity as a result of childhood sexual abuse are/could very well be isolated effects of said abuse, not a result of the victim narrative. The rest of my post explains this, the "victim narrative" that then forms in response to these things are out of necessity/rational of the group to draw attention to things that require attention, which may then exponentiate trauma of the victim, but also make the existing problems and their causes, like sexual promiscuity from childhood sexual abuse, easier to detect.
>All those arguments of "malfunctioning", "not knowing the intentions" are still playing in already made presupposed fields of coordinates and assumptions of what is normal, what is good or bad, what is considered consent etc. All of our societies run on these things, even animals do it.
"bro is/ought dilemma bro nothing is real bro so pedophilia is okay bro!" Yes, objective morality is impossible to know due to the is/ought dilemma, that doesn't mean we should abandon morality and not try to structure civilization according to things such as religious morality, pragmatic morality (i.e what makes society run the best with the least amount of things that feel wrong), or even utilitarian moralities.
>You also have in all of history plenty of underaged people that are forced into castration, male/female circumcision...
These DO cause a sort of trauma though, regardless of the victim narrative, which is my argument. To understand it in the sense of circumcision; circumcision is medically agreed upon to cause negative effects, such as much less stimulation during sex later in life. The response to this negative effect is the creation of a victim narrative; this narrative may exponentiate or create the traumatic response to such a thing, but it also draws attention to the genuine negative effects of circumcision, which may then be dealt with by society however it is deemed fit - like making circumcision illegal. The "victim narrative" in this case is for a good reason, not just some social construct agreed upon by society.
>Heck one could even say that the pedo raping isnt even doing it out of evil but out of "love" that he doesnt have evil intentions
His intentions don't matter, what matters are the outcomes. You don't not punish someone for drunk driving because they "thought" they wouldn't run over 2 children at a park and had only the intention of getting home.

>> No.16337751


>> No.16337798

>that doesn't mean we should abandon morality and not try to structure civilization according to things such as religious morality, pragmatic morality (i.e what makes society run the best with the least amount of things that feel wrong), or even utilitarian moralities.
Those also have their own problems aswell. But thats my point in a way.
>These DO cause a sort of trauma though, regardless of the victim narrative, which is my argument.
You see a material change, regarding it as a negative or positive outcome is already subscribing to ethics and notions of it. You had socieites that regarded eunuchs as a positive since they looked down on sex and denied taking pleasure from it, medics have their codes of ethics aswell. How else would those procedures of circumcision came to be in first place and implemented in various societies? Do we need to even talk about the aztecs?
The whole point you are making is already playing with the foundations that lead to the victim narrative to begin with.
>His intentions don't matter
In the case you described they do matter.

>> No.16337805

This. The problem with pedos is they all just want to pump and dump children. Also they don't have any respect for them and just molest them whether they want it or not. That said though I don't really think child sex

Grooming them into a loving and healthy life-long relationship and only having sex with them when they come of age, isn't so bad though...
Beats the alternative of the trauma they will go though otherwise, where they get pumped and dumped repeatedly, until they get married, which then has a good chance of ending badly in divorce, or even worse. Or they end up alone for life.

>> No.16337865

>pedos are this pedos are that
citation needed

>> No.16337899

>You see a material change, regarding it as a negative or positive outcome is already subscribing to ethics and notions of it.
Yes, in the same way that anyone would who isn't lost in a maze of "but the is doesn't justify the ought." I understand that such things don't necessarily justify my opinion on them and how they should be dealt with; but there has to be a starting point for how we ought to act as humans regardless, as the only other option is to descend into madness and anarchy (or, in the case of solipsism vs. realism; one must choose the latter, as the former acts in the same way - leading only into chaos/madness/etc.). You could say that those decisions to choose the more pragmatic stance are, again, based on my own opinion, for chaos/anarchy as a result of solipsism might be morally good, but I would say that it makes more sense to continue oiling our civilizations and individuals with pragmatic moralities and stances on things such as solipsism, so as to eventually come to know whether or not one or the other is true, or come to some higher mode of being, and make an educated decision.
In the case of circumcision with this frame of mind, I would say that it's morally wrong to circumcise children, as it's an action without the consent of the child that has tangible negative effects on their life without any greater reasoning (except in the case of religions like Judaism).
>The whole point you are making is already playing with the foundations that lead to the victim narrative to begin with.
No, my point is that there are literal tangible negatives to circumcising children without any real positives, and the social narrative is a response to these negatives, and the only argument you have against this is employing the is/ought dilemma of "but other civilizations think it's alright" which, in its logical conclusion, leads to civilization collapsing completely.

>> No.16337937

I get the trauma argument
I don't get how this means that a child can consent though

>> No.16337951

>literal tangible negatives to circumcising children without any real positives
not the same anon, but it has real positives. My friend is the only close relative who I know who isnt circumcised and as a result he developed some shit inside of his foreskin and had to undergo a surgery which left him a big scar because of it, medics told him he it would have been prevented if he was circumcised when young. A lot of societies circumcise for this reason: simple hygiene.

>> No.16337955


>> No.16337966

>My friend is the only close relative who I know who isnt circumcised and as a result he developed some shit inside of his foreskin and had to undergo a surgery which left him a big scar because of it
I'm sorry anon but your friend wasn't washing inside his foreskin. That's not a result of circumcision, that's a result of not washing your dick.

>> No.16337976

Delusional pedo cope. If you have some kind of western/christian morality try to justify how you leech off kids just for your lust.

>> No.16337982

>and the only argument you have against this is employing the is/ought dilemma of "but other civilizations think it's alright" which, in its logical conclusion, leads to civilization collapsing completely.
My argument goes a bit further than is/ought imo, but thats my point. Why keep trying to play these games of cards that everyone keeps twisting the rules and pointing out logical problems when you can simply adopt a rule of dogmatism and tell them to fuck off? Its literally what people having these arguments already do to some extent. Simply go, I dont like this and i will impose on everyone else this rule.

>> No.16337993

>Why keep trying to play these games of cards that everyone keeps twisting the rules and pointing out logical problems when you can simply adopt a rule of dogmatism and tell them to fuck off?
You don't do this to convince other people of your position though, you do it to convince yourself of your own position and that it's right.

>> No.16337997

clancy never says children can consent. im guessing you never read the book. she says in the book that the act is of course criminal and predatory but that "recovered memories or trauma" are perhaps overblown and being pushed by overzealous therapists and investigators

her earlier book on "alien abduction" is pretty good too

>> No.16338013

obvious lots of anons in this thread have never read this book, or likely even heard of it before.

its more about "recovered memories" and discovering past truama in therapy than the legality of child marriage.

>> No.16338017

The news

>> No.16338037

Nobody is ever going to publish a book saying that unless they are suicidal.
Someone you have to read between the lines of what is already there.

>> No.16338051

Gather with the people that have the same views and deconstruct the pedos and their friends.
The act of convincing is already pretty much just bending circles of signifying chains and social forms together to justify and form new concepts to latch on to. These whole movements are almost the same as viruses that infect and convince people and who ever convinces the right people or at a faster rate "wins". So deconstruct and deterretorialize the pedo narrative from spreading further and you will "win".

>> No.16338057


>> No.16338063

>i get all of my information about pedophiles from news
anon, you can do better than that

>> No.16338075

My point was that you don't argue others to convince them or "win," you should argue others first and foremost to convince yourself that your arguments are the better and that you have the superior stance, and if you don't, cede to another stance. Any convincing of others should follow first from this.

>> No.16338078

lets deterritorialize pedo narrative to the point where we can experiment and have sexual relationships freely, without any fear of judgement and authoritative knowledge. There is a reason why D&G signed the AOC abolishing petition.

>> No.16338091 [DELETED] 
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It's ridiculous to believe that have a finger on your dick at age 5 traumatizes you for life, all you know is it feels good. Pedo hysteria is a continuation of puritan social ideals that feel sex as dirty, and thus that children are having something "taken" from them, their purity and innocence.

Naturally when you grow up and feel like something has been robbed of you, it will be painful.

>> No.16338106

Yes I'm basing myself if the arguments I'm reading here

>> No.16338134

she does say they consent, even if she doesnt mean the same things that the legalistic discourse ascribes to the notion of consent. just open up pdf and ctrl f the word consent

>> No.16338190

cont for those who cant
>"Further, the fact that children cannot understand or react appropriately to sex is why, from a legal standpoint, children cannot technically consent to having sex with adults. For consent to truly occur, two conditions must prevail: A child must know what he or she is consenting to and have the freedom to say yes or no. So, in a court of law, children cannot consent. The problem is that most people do not live in a courtroom. We live in the real world, and in the real world, from the perspective of child victims, they do consent. They rarely resist, run, scream for help, or report the perpetrator. As adults we cannot fault them for making the choice they do"

>> No.16338256 [DELETED] 

>all this theorycrafting
>no experience
I had a sexual relationship with a girl from 11-13 and it only stopped because I had to move away. Even then when I go home if we run into each other we usually end up having sex. She's 16 now and I fucked her last Christmas. She isn't traumatized.

>> No.16338274

You could do the reverse on their ethics and notions of freedom and justice and blow them apart. D&G knew very well how far they could use their philosophy before it backfired.
Thats why its important for them to keep academia to mold people to fit into their narratives and not others. So only people able to use their tools are the ones already approved.

>> No.16338341

>freedom and justice
if you had read at least wiki on them you would know that they dont appeal to freedom or justice, but to experimentation. They arent moralfags.

>> No.16338370

I know, but most of their products and even their personal views were centered around leftist type ethics and justice.

>> No.16338401

based at ritual abuse-redpilled

>> No.16338411

who cares, their philosophy is neither right nor left wing inherently and that's the only thing that matters.

>> No.16338904
