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16330474 No.16330474 [Reply] [Original]

Georges Bataille’s life was an uninterrupted search for the divine. In his wanderings and writings he consistently wrote of the necessity of scientific knowledge, critical reason, and theoretical evaluations. He did this, however, in order to firmly delineate the horizon beyond which these epistemological approaches prove insufficient, misleading, and even poisonous. His scientific search led him to a religious atheism and systematic account of non-knowledge. In his posthumously published Theory of Religion he talked of “the sticky temptation of poetry” that he thought caused illegitimate anthropomorphic descriptions even in the exact sciences. Bataille associated clarity and consciousness with rigorous scientific analysis, and he attempted to apply the tools of analysis to the phenomena of religion. At the same time, he had a desire to give an account of what precedes and comes after the clarity of self-consciousness and scientific rationality. In his slim, fiercely naturalistic exploration of religious thought and practice he hoped to play midwife to a new joining of clear consciousness and the ecstasy previously associated with forms of religious mysticism. According to Bataille, the conflict between religion and science could not be alleviated by a thin synthesis or a partition of duties. Instead, the joining of violence and consciousness must produce a new form of post-Christian and post-rational religion.

>> No.16330479

Many of the raw materials for the volume are, as Bataille openly admitted, eclectic in the extreme, drawing from the works of sociology, ethnology, and history of religion. Theory of Religion opens with a long passage taken from Alexandre Kojève’s Introduction to the Reading of Hegel and the bibliography contains standards from the likes of Émile Durkheim, Mircea Eliade, and Marcel Mauss. The living form of this text, however, is due entirely to the intensity of Bataille’s personal experience and desires. He is not interested in setting down another explanation of religion which will be set on the shelf next to other respectable academic labors. His theory is at the same time an uncontainable longing which exhorts the reader to join him in a common project. He addresses himself to those for whom life is an experience to be carried as far as possible. Although this sounds rather benign and perhaps even banal, what Bataille has in mind is more energetic and archaic than what J.S. Mill most likely intended in arguing for different experiments in living. Far from jettisoning archaic modes of thought, Bataille thought that the history of religion was like a hieroglyph or the riddle of the Sphinx which had to be deciphered. One of Bataille’s most eloquent admirers, Jacques Derrida, would later write persuasively of the myopia in Hegelian semiotics that identified hieroglyphics as a temporary and imperfect phase of linguistic development destined to give way to the parousia of the phonetic alphabet. Bataille parted ways with this eschatology of reason (although he appreciated the Marxist readings of Hegel provided by Kojève) convinced that it was an bloodless substitute for actual desires and a misunderstanding of consciousness. The sleep of reason that produces monsters so feared by Hegel was something Bataille hoped to induce deliberately by excavating, interpreting, and applying one feature of religion in particular: sacrifice.

>> No.16330502

>woah dude... transgression... so extreme... muh limit experiences...
>what? cool it with the antisemitism! you can't do that!! the jews' feelings will be hurt!

>> No.16330504

>“ On my own, I’ll have to face the same difficulties as Nietzsche—putting God and the good behind him, though all ablaze with the ardor possessed by those who lay down their lives for God or the good.”

>> No.16330509

thank you so much for your wonderful contribution

>> No.16330529

lol francoid """""""divinity""""""" isn't my divinity faggot. i don't associate freedom with fucking teenagers. god i hate francoids and the miserabilist simp caste that's grown up around them. we urgently need light in this world, not more kitschy nietzschean goths.

>> No.16330536

no problemo...

>> No.16330547

>i don't associate freedom with fucking teenagers
amerifag paws wrote this

>> No.16330559


>> No.16330572

>the highest destiny of man is teenage pussy

ahahahahah right on cue. faggot. shitbrained animal. go coom and stay away from philosophy.

>> No.16330598

Do you think Bataille would like the concept of Gnon? I feel like it would have been useful to him but I haven't really read much of his yet

>> No.16330626

It's interesting but also seems to me like he was being crazy on purpose(not that he didn't believe it). For the practical relevance of any real content this has, it's also and always will be incredibly departed from reality, sense and the majority of that which builds his argument up into these major points.

Your welcome.

>> No.16330643


>> No.16330809

btfo by Rene Girard (pbuh)

>> No.16330828

Just in general or is there a specific book where he does this?

>> No.16330830


He was a beautiful man and an beautiful mind

To go to the end , if you don't admire that in philosophy I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.16330850
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>> No.16330854


Not really, Bataille wanted to touch God where he is at his most absurd, hence sacrifice. Also he thinks the dice roll in nature is the law, in a certain sense a non-anthropomorphic God but still something divine. Not a mechanistic God in a Spinozist sense in any way.

>> No.16330861

>muh sociological metaphysics is enough to combat transgressions

>> No.16330883
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reality is a very malleable thing my friend.

>> No.16331033

I will read ONE book written by Bataille.
The first post replying to this post chooses which, unless overwritten by dubs.
BUT if its shit I will shitpost EVERY Bataille thread making a mark on this board to death
Choose wisely

>> No.16331048


p- lease don't do anythi... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-BmKFgJJog

>> No.16331051


The solar anus

>> No.16331061
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>> No.16331106

>its real

>> No.16331119

The Accursed Share

>> No.16331270

Violence and the Sacred is basically the Genealogy of Morals for Ritual Sacrifice and Tragedy.

>> No.16331289

>muh mystic nonsense and edgy transgressive aesthete

>> No.16331321


>> No.16331329

>Kojève listened to us [Caillois and Bataille], but he dismissed our idea. In his eyes we were putting ourselves in the position of a conjurer who wanted his magic tricks to make him believe in magic.

>> No.16331337

Not a book

>> No.16331348

The failings of others are the jagged edges for my way of ascent

>> No.16331597

Happy 123rd birthday to Bataille btw

>> No.16331640
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Dude couldn’t even read Hegel correctly lol what a brainlet

>> No.16331651

If Cofveve disapproved I'll read it

>> No.16331671


Based description

>> No.16331875

lol those acephalic retards really be like this

>> No.16331957

>dude wym you get closer to God through asceticism and prayer?
>obviously it's through weird sex and murder!