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16326092 No.16326092 [Reply] [Original]

>"Dark Academia"

shut the fuck up and study for your intro to earth science exam you fucking pseud

>> No.16326103

I bet someone wanted to ruin the SEO for all that dark web intelectual business with jordan peterson, the proud boys, moldbug and all that.

>> No.16326142

>empty mugs of bitter black coffee
no one is doing this
>balancing upon a pile of musty obscure books
fuck off, this is by someone obsessed with aesthetics (ironically just like 66% of this board
>love letters from fellow poets
haikus and shitty limericks by talentless hacks, you mean
>the whole second paragraph
who the fuck writes this?

>> No.16326146

Ya bro go study faggot kek

>> No.16326148

16 year olds who haven't gone to college yet and who's grandparents were gen x and thus never experienced having a grandpa who made all this shit uncool.

>> No.16326159

A beatnik?

>> No.16326188

It's just the commodification of the idealized bourgeoisie lifestyle from 100 years ago. It is the performative aesthetic of a wholly dead generation. It's just american psycho fetishization of the perception of consumption all over again.

>> No.16326225

This needs cocteau twins or dead can dance to go with it

>> No.16326238

>>empty mugs of bitter black coffee
>no one is doing this
I drink a lot of black coffee but generally my mugs are either empty or of coffee, theirs not much both

>> No.16326253

apologize for the haiku part

>> No.16326259

Jan van den Tempel.

>> No.16326280
File: 156 KB, 2000x1333, feels-good-man-film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, American.
>study abroad
>go to the Trinity College Library wearing all black.
>study for some months (Kant and Hegel)
>walk across the Charles Bridge in Prague, buy a small souvenir from the Kafka Museum
>rent a studio in Berlin and live there, write some songs, drink wine, get tattooed
>go home.
>feel empty inside. No one wants to hear about travels they can't afford, people and places they will never see.
>memories will die with me.
>deeper in debt
>even spent student loans on maroon and black clothing, fancy notebooks, etc.
>I learned very little and became no more employable than I would be with a community college AA.
>Bachelor of Arts.jpg

>> No.16326304

Tough, should of went to trade school.

>> No.16326310

This didn't happen.

>> No.16326311

*should have

>> No.16326313

>Dark academia
Cringe. Who the fuck thought about such pseud term?

>> No.16326321

I'm amused that you found my post unbelievable. Care to elaborate why? I have laid my life bare and I don't feel the least bit sensitive to criticism at the moment, being my own worst critic and all.

>> No.16326324

is burning the shape of an angel on my knee with cigarettes in order to stop my kneepain the same as painting angels?

>> No.16326326

To be more specific, 16 year-old tumblerites with a fascination for The Secret History. It's like higher-tier Harry Potter fantasy in a sense (I say that as someone who liked the book).

>> No.16326328

oh and I went to Rome too. so add
>stood in the Coliseum
to my bingo board.

>> No.16326331

I wish it did for whoever anon posted that.

>> No.16326336
File: 162 KB, 820x822, 1489A478-FBBE-4779-BA4C-DF8A75488AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got community college AA at 18
>no expenses except that of the vending machines and cafeteria
>got invited to research conferences
>was going to give a speech at graduation (nerfed by corona)
Pic related it’s me

>> No.16326339

it's me. It did happen. It's fine, I will become a lowly teacher one day.

>> No.16326342

>burning you knee with a cigarette to stop kneepain
I understand why you do this but isn't there a better say?

>> No.16326344

I am happy for you and you sound smart or lucky or both. I think I will find satisfaction in life too, I just make stupid fucking decisions.

>> No.16326345

A dilettante studying abroad for a while before student loans ruined his life isn’t that hard to believe. Many such cases.
That said it requires believing someone on /lit/ actually went out and did something at any point in their life so you may be right.

>> No.16326348

Jordan peterson is a pseud.

>> No.16326356

Oh, my life isn't ruined by loans necessarily. my college was a cheap one and teaching public school gives you an opportunity for loan forgiveness and good first-time home ownership programs. I just took on more debt than was necessary, because smart people don't get into that pickle. I was always aware that the debt could be avoided but I'm lazy. Whatever, I'll live my mediocre life and work my shit job and hopefully read a lot of books before I croak, before which I will repent and believe the Gospel.

>> No.16326360

and thank you for the fancy new word, I like it. I am actually well read, believe it or not.

>> No.16326371

That doesn’t sound bad, hopefully you can be the fun teacher the little shits actually respond to.

>> No.16326372

say? say what? No, it made sense to me at the time. I was covering my legs in germs burns and I had pain in my right knee so I felt an angel's guidance would help me. So I started drawing an angel. All it took was 7 burns. And I'll note I don't have any pain in my knees currently.

>> No.16326378

thanks anon. I'll be good at it. Haven't started my teaching certification program but I'm ready.

>> No.16326386

I meant a better way but I have been up all night and I'm starting to become seriously retarded.

>So I started drawing an angel. All it took was 7 burns. And I'll note I don't have any pain in my knees currently.
Surprisingly efficient, but going to a doctor might have been better no? Depends on where you live I guess.

>> No.16326435

I'm not sure why you find this cringe but not "trad cath", "cottagecore", "doomer/bloomer/etc".
If boomers had horoscope and other hippie shit, gen X had MBTI, it seems like this is your "special snowflake" feel special button. This image is exactly equally as cringe as any of those other "literally me!" things people post all the time.

>> No.16326449

All those things are often called cringe here. But this particular trends seems especially aesthetic and hollow. At least tradcath fags try to learn some theology.

>If boomers had horoscope and other hippie shit, gen X had MBTI, it seems like this is your "special snowflake" feel special button.
I guess the current 4chan equivalent would be the "oomer" stuff but it's pretty recent even by 4chan standards.

>> No.16326451
File: 1.29 MB, 244x250, 7198A133-ADDC-4A18-977D-DCFB4DF9C89A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Empty mug of coffee.

>> No.16326470

what makes it dark though

>> No.16326476

>intro to earth science exam
i'm not a stemkek though

>> No.16326478

This is gayer than 3 men doing the eiffel tower

>> No.16326484

just another expression of the retreat from reality as society breaks down in anomie

>> No.16326487

What the everloving shit is "cottagecore"

>> No.16326504
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1000, cottage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be amazed what zoomers come up with in their free time.

>> No.16326513

I want to strangle them

>> No.16326519

pastoralism making its return after people realized the horror of the cities.

>> No.16326534

my life, sweetie.

>> No.16326536

I personally find it pretty hilarious, it's like those endlessly self-dividing emo scenes that existed when I was in high school. There is something so entertaining about other's people superficial fantasies, maybe it's just cope on my part, but it never fails to make me laugh.

>> No.16326544

What makes you think I don’t also find those things cringe? This is a literature board, this is more relevant than the others, moron

>> No.16326547

>he doesn't eat apricot jam on toast in the park while reading a Willa Cather paperback to attract hot young cottage-pawg concubinage?

>> No.16326549

Do you not know what a general education requirement is

>> No.16326576

>Acting like a clown to get approval of "deep" girls.
Been there. Will never do it again.

>> No.16326603

Had to google Willa Cather but apricot jam sounds tasty and hot young cottage pawg sound even tastier. Where do I sign?

>> No.16326615

You just described the pastimes of a woman. Try chopping firewood and reciting the Psalms from memory.

>> No.16326621

cute bunny

>> No.16326633

My grandfather drove sports cars and got rich off dell and then fucked off to Thailand to fuck his 44 year old wife. His youngest daughter is the same age, just for reference.

>> No.16326634
File: 24 KB, 377x500, American-Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try chopping firewood and reciting the Psalms from memory.

>> No.16326636

The dark longing of the romantic soul... or something equally stupid.

>> No.16326651

Youre a pseud too

>> No.16326656

Why does he have Mediterranean/Jewish features?

>> No.16326714

>Why does he have Mediterranean/Jewish features?
because the spirit of america is the hybridization of the greeks and jews. you didn't know this, anon?

>> No.16326731

Only underage people drink vodka

>> No.16326733

How so? Giving an aesthetic a title, a format to show examples of, its thematically spelled out. This isn’t some movement or naturally developed cultural phenomena, it’s an intentionally designed fetishization of a cherry picked period spanning hundreds of years. It’s made specifically to be consumed as an image and idea without any real confluence of purpose. There is no goal, there is no real meaning. It’s a quickly thrown together set of symbols to evoke an emotional attachment to a fictional reenactment of something that never existed. This is hauntology in its prime.

>> No.16326856


>> No.16326874

The US is primarily a mix between the Eternal Anglo and Scottish barbarians. Meditteranean strands only come much later.

>> No.16327084

oh i assumed this would be another gay thing like the intellectual dark web

>> No.16327106

so it's like northern england?

>> No.16327153

>>empty mugs of bitter black coffee
>no one is doing this
I do but it's because I'm lazy not for aesthetics

>> No.16327172

I think you've stumbled upon something big here anon

>> No.16327228

Your problem isn't studying abroad. Your problem is that you tried to turn it into some sort of vanity project. Hindsight is 20/20. Sucks that it didn't benefit you, but at least you realize now how much of a faggot you were.

>> No.16327252

>goes on /lit/
>has to google Willa Cather

>> No.16327266

ITT: bitter incels obsessing over high school kids trying to find a personality

You are unironically no better than those you’re mocking. Go and read a book, go outside.

>> No.16327326

>visited trinity, Berlin, Prague, Rome
Is this what Americans brag about? I had visited all those places before I turned 18 (and many, many more) and have gone back again since to party and see shit.
Visit a real place instead of staying in capitals.

>> No.16327996

>making Peter Rabbit cardigans for rabbits
This is fucking genius, brb catching myxomatosis

>> No.16328014

She's not exactly Homer, and I have even less reason to know her than many people on /lit/ since I'm not Anglo. I had heard her name and knew she was a writer, but I didn't know what kind of books she wrote.

>> No.16328020

Personally I'm not obsessing over it nor bitter about it. I merely find it funny and cringe in a mildly endearing way, I think most people itt are on the same page, minus the endearment.

>> No.16328065

If they were earnestly looking for personality nobody would be insulting them but they aren’t, one glance at all this lets you know they’re just chasing an aesthetic and are romanticizing everything instead of just doing something and being a part of it. They only care about looking the part, this shit is bashed all the time on /fa/ for the same reason

>> No.16328149

i think people here just compulsively lash out at well-considered comments

>> No.16328163

We have to fly across the Atlantic and not just take a train or a $150 plane ticket, are you really surprised less Americans have visited Central Europe than Western Europeans?

>> No.16328171

Miss me with this harry potter gay bs

>> No.16328270

The original template was a med but that specific version was made for an instagram guy named Durango Carnaje, who's Puerto Rican and Cuban
He runs a neat page where he catalogs old Americana, nearly-or-completely-dead American regional languages, and little profiles of the pros and cons of world leaders he likes
As an instagrammer he can be a bit up his own ass sometimes but a lot of his posts are neat

>> No.16328344

Don't worry about it anon, the Euro is arrogant until you put him in the US, and then you see them talking about visiting LA, Vegas, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls in one weekend road trip because they have no idea how big the States are. That, or they piss away their money on the worst tourist traps any city has to offer, because they have the aesthetic sensibilities of 5 year olds when out of their element. If I had a dollar for every tourist I met who could "never deal with the craziness of NYC" but never went more than 2 blocks from Times Square, I could afford to live in Manhattan.

>> No.16328345
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