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16312377 No.16312377 [Reply] [Original]

books to cope that one of my only friends from HS killed himself

>> No.16312385

Sorry to hear that OP, hang tough.

A good rec in this situation might be Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.16312390

you outlived him that's a win evolutionary speaking

>> No.16312394

Only if OP has a kid. Otherwise the genetic advantage isn't "cashed in" so to speak.

>> No.16312398

Meet friends you had in common and share the burden with them

>> No.16312406

true, op needs to take his friend's gf/wife and make a kid to cash in fully on those evolutionary points

>> No.16312411

Follow him

>> No.16312426

sorry to hear that op.

That's a tough situation. I always pretend they're on vacation and they'll come back next week. And then next week, you think the same thing. I think that really helps, especially when it really hits you, but apparently that's "weird" and "maladaptive". But whatever works.

Anyway, you just reminded me of a time I lived in a halfway house. An acquaintance of a girl I knew also killed himself and for a whole fucking week she would not shut up about it. A couple days, sure, but after that it's just tasteless. Then, at dinner, she started up again: "nobody knew! he was so happy!" and I snapped, "well, obviously not." Everyone glared at me, but I didn't give a shit. She shut up about him then.

>> No.16312427

after you

>> No.16312431

yeah same case here. He was bullied and shit. But he was "not depressed" and "happy" lmao. If I talk to my classmates (even the ones that bullied him) they'd say it had nothing to do with it..

>> No.16312445

>even the ones that bullied him) they'd say it had nothing to do with it.
yeah, no one wants to feel culpable. I think I actually had to read a book like that in school. About a kid that killed himself, and suddenly the whole school liked him, even though before they hated him.

I got bullied really bad- so bad that the teacher had to hold a fucking class assembly about it. He compared me to another kid who acted similar to me. You know what they said? "Yeah, but we don't know him." Apparently, that justified all their behavior in their minds. I was just weird, and they didn't know me very well.

Anyway, the next year I graduated and went to a different school. I was still "weird" but the people there were much nicer, and so I didn't bring a gun to school. Three years of hell. You can't do anything. You're loud, you're quiet, you're mean, you're nice, you do what they want, you don't- it doesn't matter. Fuck, I hate school.

>> No.16312454

Norwegian Wood

>> No.16312464

Yeah I had a pretty miserable time for like 12 years in school. This shit lives with you until you die. Even if you pretend that you have forgotten everything it stays with you. I wasn't bullied as much as him but still, it's not like I wasn't at all. FFS the guy started stuttering at age 15 for the first time, how does one explain that. But I never thought he'd kill himself.

>> No.16312468

I have both on my to read, but will start with them

>> No.16312476

Fuck you selfish retard. You don't give a shit about him. The only thing you care about is you lost a fellow loser who would listen to your shit without telling you to shut the fuck up.
If you really cared about him you would be happy for him because he is no longer in pain.

>> No.16312485

Have sex

>> No.16312486

Fuck your projecting retarded ass, you got nothing right.

>> No.16312487
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I liked Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide. I've shilled this book a few times because it's unironically a fantastic read.

>> No.16312488

sorry to hear that anon

>> No.16312498

>Even if you pretend that you have forgotten everything it stays with you.
god, yes, this. I pretended for a long time I was "over it" then I saw one of those kids again- not even the worst one- just a guy who never did anything, who laughed with the rest- and I wanted to stab him in the throat. I wanted to push my thumbs into his eyes. I wanted to spit on him, and watch him wallow in misery for the rest of his life. I had to go outside to scream at my friend how mad I was, how much I hated them for what they did to me. It fucking hurts forever.

>> No.16312511

Yeah I just recently realised how much I hate my class. Like I don't wish bad on no one but I don't wanna see them on meet ups etc.

>> No.16312514

Absolutely based. I hate nothing more than selfish faggots like OP who go woe is me after someone they "like" has the balls to do something they wish could. Fucking baby.

>> No.16312521

if you have the balls why are you still here?

>> No.16312528

>Like I don't wish bad on no one
I like to think I'm a good person. Everyone I know says I'm a good person too, but just... it just snuck up on me. It's an old hurt that festers. It helps that I have friends now, and I even understand that I was a very... unique child, that probably contributed to the whole experience inadvertently (I'm much better now), but that doesn't change what I experienced. All we can do is move on and ignore it.

>> No.16312534

If you have supressed the thought for a long time it's normal. As long as you don't act on them..

>> No.16312592

>He was bullied and shit.
Take his revenge then and beat up those fuckers one by one, physically or psychologically your choice.

>> No.16312630

how to tie noose for dummies

>> No.16312632

Deranged. If you were actually /lit/ you would know suicide does nothing to address issues.

>> No.16312640

This is what egoistic solipsism+anti natalism does to you kids.

>> No.16312650

>hang tough

>> No.16312651

Friends from high school makes me think you rarely talked for years.

Get a grip faggot, death is gonna get way closee than that.

>> No.16312965

When you guys talk about bullying, what specifically happened?

>> No.16313374

pretty bad trash talking, he also got beat up a bit for no reason once(at least). They got under his skin a lot imo.