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/lit/ - Literature

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16291360 No.16291360 [Reply] [Original]

>one must imagine sisyphus happy

>> No.16291365

Is that Angela?

>> No.16291370

>oh noes look at all these people working in a clean work environment and not some field digging holes to plant turnips

>> No.16291406

If you are not happy with your job you are not supposed to force yourself to be happy retard that's not what Camus said, just quit your job you drooling ape

>> No.16291433

Brilliant take on the quote, this is EXACTLY what Camus meant, Sisyphus could 100% quit his job of rolling that stone, like bro, just hand your resignation letter to Thanatos and go back to college.

>> No.16291530

>rolling a rock up a hill? No way! I’d rather be working on a computer in a refrigerator surrounded by copy machines who sexually harass me

>> No.16291566

sisyphus is happy because he finds the divine design in his futility

>> No.16291616

Lmao fucking faggot don't compare a greek fairytale where some divinity forces you to do something, there's no Zeus stopping you to quit your job, this very same topic was touched by Sartre, he was enraged by how worries about money stopped us from being free, just man the fuck up and quit your job or keep being a wagie slave and live a miserable life, like I care, faggot.

>> No.16291622

>I've never had to work in order to survive : the post

>> No.16291629
File: 116 KB, 750x781, 969ED480-D7AF-48FB-8683-DD8B0F287820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAHH! I’m fading OUT! Reality is c o m I ng to p. Ie C e

>> No.16291662

Sucks to be a poor nigger I guess, keep working hard wagie

>> No.16291687

People who idealize the filthy sweaty lives of our ancestors are retards, but that doesn’t make 50 hours a week sending emails somehow awesome. Both of those things suck. Life has always sucked, on the whole, but recently humanity has created new and innovative ways for it to suck

>> No.16291708

I didn't expect you to be able to argue, thanks for proving my point brainlet

>> No.16291712

>surrounded by copy machines who sexually harass me
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16291726

I would have guessed that he is a Chad being sexually harassed by cute female interns, but considering this is /lit/, he's probably a schizo hearing voices and genuinely thinking that the actual copy-machines in his office are seeking sexual intercourse with him.

>> No.16291759

Friendly reminder you are replaceable part of a machine, the exact same as any other, regardless of any identity you may feel! There is a reason global corporate hegemony doesn't want any "hate" in society! No back to work Jamal, Pareesh, Jose, Carl, Karen and Tyrone!


>> No.16291763

There is always that one guy who says fuck it an blinks out of existence the first day you get a new project. Such a Greg move.

>> No.16292117

hahhahahahha btfo

>> No.16292122

you are stupid and wrong. leave the board immediately.

>> No.16292198

I would 100% rather work 15 hours a week at a gas station and grow my own food at home rather than work in an office forever

>> No.16292204

Could have picked a better image. That one looks comfy and definitely isn't the norm

>> No.16292215
File: 129 KB, 640x960, gooningcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One must imagine sissypuss gooning 12 hours a day.

>> No.16292231

Why is almost the entirety of the modern population of humans so fucking pathetic?

Try opening up your options. Maybe you'll feel less powerless. Get in shape. Learn things. You'll feel way less constricted by a broken car if you know how to fix it and also it's not daunting to walk for miles with tools. Knowing nothing and being physically pathetic is the source of powerlessness.

What kind of fucking retard would only be good at one thing?

>> No.16293172

>one must imagine sisyphus happy
Camus was a hack and this is the only good part of his book. A very catchy sentence indeed. Imagine Camus wanking about his aphorism.

I wish I was born a burger, I would just enlist as a firefighter instead of wageslaving in an ugly office.

>> No.16293425

>trying to argue
>immediately resorting to non-arguments and meme etiquetes like NEET and wagie when his retarded argument is refuted

jesus, you dont even try to hide that you are a faggot

>> No.16293435

the question is if you enjoy it. and that varies depending on the person i guess

>> No.16293498

If only rolling that stone couldn't mean a variery of things and the book had more to say on how to reach that conclusion, instead of one line and a singular implication (as given by OP and other trolls).

>> No.16293505
File: 94 KB, 750x625, 1594498758058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your options to get out of it, /lit/. Work, invest responsibly, and live within your means and in 40 years you can retire and enjoy a standard of what is about 60k a year in today's dollars.

OR you can take all that savings and buy lottery tickets for a slim chance of success while young. My life has no value after age 40 so this so called reckless option is better for me.

>> No.16293586

Kek, based

>> No.16293632

It's sad that there are both people who would waste their time on making and looking at these.

>> No.16293640

>sits in air conditioning / cozy heating all day
>gets free lunch like once a week
>goes home with $60K+ salary and benefits
I do imagine him pretty happy, unless he's retarded and doesn't understand the point of comfort and money.