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/lit/ - Literature

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16282826 No.16282826 [Reply] [Original]

>At the heart of St. John’s College undergraduate program is a liberal arts curriculum focused on the most important books and ideas of Western civilization. Following a reading list that includes many Great Books, all classes are conducted seminar-style, with faculty facilitating the discussion. Our liberal arts undergraduate program is a truly comprehensive education that is perhaps the most rigorous in America.
>Freshman reading list includes the works of Homer, Aeschylus, Herodotus, Plato, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Thucydides, Aristotle, Lucretius, and Euripides

Is this the most /lit/ university in America?

>> No.16282832

nothing more lit than going 200k in debt and being unemployable

>> No.16282841

Any school that is primarily devoted to, or has a degree devoted to, the Great Books is pretty based and /lit/.

A bit more affordable, but Baylor University has something similar with their Honors College and their Great Texts program.

>> No.16282862

You could actually become a university professor very easily after going there. It's considered the top of the liberal arts schools.

>> No.16282885

I hope they can keep making the school of resentment seethe going into the future. They're probably trying so hard to undermine this and similar programs right now

>> No.16282888

>You could actually become a university professor very easily after going there. It's considered the top of the liberal arts schools.
sounds lovely making less money than the average college grad with 200k in debt just to learn a hobby

>> No.16282902
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Yes, but it's only /lit/ because they read them in translation.

>> No.16282906

No, they don't. They learn Latin.

>> No.16282921

>Homer, Aeschylus, Herodotus, Plato, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Thucydides, Aristotle and Euripides wrote in Latin

>> No.16282929

They learn Latin and Greek at that school. Look at their wiki page at least.

>> No.16282952

Just because they have "language study" does not mean that they read the texts in the original. There is no way that they do, especially since their reading list takes classics from world literature, not just the Classics. Either it's a college for Bloom-level geniuses or it's a college for translation pseuds.

>> No.16282955

What I wouldn't give to go back and be a "translation pseud" in undergrad

>> No.16282963

My philosophy prof went there. I love her ;__;

>> No.16282973
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>Either it's a college for Bloom-level geniuses or it's a college for translation pseuds.

>> No.16282990

Their reading list is largely Latin, Greek and English texts. They have a separate program for east asian philosophy.

>> No.16283013
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Look at their reading list past the freshman year. I'm sure it's a worthwhile education in many respects but there is no way they are reading the texts in anything other than translation. You probably wouldn't even read all of the texts listed in their freshman year in the original during a whole Classics degree at Oxford.

>> No.16283022

My high school philiosophy teacher strongly recommended I go there rather than community college. 2 years of (incompleted) community college and 8 years of wage cucking later, i wish i had listened to him. Unfortunately my parents kinda sold me down the river of "community college is so much cheaper"

>> No.16283041

the only job you would get either way is teacher,

>> No.16283046

Being a teacher in a university would be way better than wagecucking. It's barely even work.

>> No.16283058

If he went to St Johns, he would be teaching at very well off universities.

>> No.16283062

>went to community college then a trade school
>still can't get a job now because of covid
This is the last time I listen to boomers

>> No.16283104
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Everything is based except the pure seminar format. Bitch I ain't paying $1k/month for me to tell you what I think. In moderation, fine, but discussion alone is not academic progress.

>> No.16283106

>university professor
Possibly the least /lit/ job in existence

>> No.16283117

>If he went to St Johns, he would be teaching at very well off universities.
the average salary for st johns graduates a decade after uni is just barely higher than the national median salary, which is still way lower than the average salary of actual uni graduates

a life in academia is monotonous hell and you would pay of the loans you took to go there at about age 55-60, if ever

>> No.16283134
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>He didn't get a full ride

>> No.16283163

They only read books written or translated to English there.

>> No.16283171

They learn Greek and French. There are student study groups for Latin, but it's not taught.

>> No.16283186

They'll probably cuck out like all the rest

>> No.16283190


They may learn Greek or French but they don't read any of the classics in those languages. Maybe some grad students do.

>> No.16283202

I didn't say they did.

>> No.16283207

Drove up there to walk around once. Very pretty campus, never seen so many (completely full) ashtrays

>> No.16283213


The conversation has become a question of whether they read in original languages. I am merely going along with the conversation. Your inclusion of the languages they study seems to align with that conversation.

>> No.16283220

Santa Fe or Annapolis?

>> No.16283223

I have a pretty similar experience. Teacher pushed for me to consider it very hard, but I ended up just not applying for any colleges. I work a pretty decent culinary job now, but sometimes I wish I had just said fuck it and gone the full uni philosophy student path. The idea of reading the classics up in the hills of Santa Fe seems idyllic, but I suppose I may be constructing a post hoc romanticized idea of the place because of my regrets.

>> No.16283224

Don't be autistic dude, I was addressing sperging over whether they studied Latin. Obviously they read translations outside of their language classes.

>> No.16283227

Santa Fe. I live in New Mexico- forgot they have a Maryland campus to be

>> No.16283228


Then let the conversation flow my friend.

>> No.16283485

Honestly that seems like it's the second best part after the curriculum. I love the desert Southwest.

>> No.16283667

Im biased but I think it's the most beautiful part of the country. If you ever get the chance, there are some really pleasant hiking trails just outside of the Saint John's campus that are both accessible and pretty laid back.

>> No.16284194

>"Classics" at Oxford
Even Cambridge is much easier these days too, but either university has language prereqs at least. There seems to be none here. I'd say judging by the list, even with translation, they're not reading a lot of whole books well. It looks like they're reading Lucretius for physics for example. I think the books at the bottom might be the ones they read through and study like /lit/ students, whereas the ones up top probably get about as much discussion as a local bookckub. The American system is probably at a disadvantage too, overall, because they don't have shit like classics highschools where a lot of these would be covered much younger and not in translation.

>> No.16284295

I live in New Mexico and i always forgot St Johns exist. I'm not in Santa Fe tho so maybe that is why

>> No.16284345
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>money is all that matters

>> No.16284377

>pay 300k of tuition to read about bunch of refuted theories like Ptolemaic astronomy
OH NONONO HAHAHAH do Americans really?

>> No.16284382

I went to community college and then a large public uni. Majored in English anyway. I saved money but do think I missed out on a pretty good opportunity to go to a more rigorous school.

>> No.16284387

Prove to me the Earth isn't the centre of the universe. Prove it right now. You can't.

>> No.16284465

>mostly harmless planet orbiting unregarded sun in unfashionable end of a galaxy in ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha is the centre of the universe
Your book is glitching.

>> No.16284482
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>a liberal arts curriculum focused on the most important books and ideas of Western civilization
I'll take a cheeseburger, fries, and a large soda.

>> No.16284794

>imagine going to school and getting a degree in rhetoric
Why would you study Great Books only to study Grecian and Roman rhetoric? Pretty stupid.

>> No.16285877

That's just the freshman reading list. You read other important works from the canon in the other three years.

>> No.16286601

Yeah, that doesn't include math or science readings.

>> No.16286885

this really should be a high school curriculum. are there any affordable k-12 schools with rigor in the US?

>> No.16286926

Believe it or not, this course specifically is amazing for networking and looks really good if you're going for very specific non academic positions
Much like the greats in Oxbridge, it's an instance of a typically useless degree actually being very useful

>> No.16286945

It does?

>> No.16287145

Look at what I was responding to.

>> No.16287152

I hear the Great Hearts Program does something like that, but I also hear very mixed things about it.

>> No.16287444
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wow, actually based. too bad they aren't in my state.

>> No.16288127

Why only “Western” classics tho. What about India and China etc? Also Ancient Greece in any ways whatsoever doesn’t belong to Western Europe. Tired of these scums subtly trying to appropriate the Greek culture by claiming shit like Plato was the Greatest “Western” philosopher etc.

>> No.16288224

The European classics form the main part of the curriculum, but Eastern classics are read in elective classes

>> No.16288299

Better than listening to Bloomers

>> No.16288340

>anime posting

Off yourself

>> No.16288480
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>Americans pay 200k to discuss books middle class Europeans discuss with their school friends aged 16
>gaining a surface level understanding of classical texts at a *university* is considered special

Ameribros, please come study in Europe if your IQ is above 120, America has nothing to offer you and you don't even know how bad it is

>> No.16288497

Eastern Classics are taught in the Santa Fe graduate program.

>> No.16288517

Theres a bit of a meme where because the average degree is worth less ifs not worth going. The proper response to that is to make sure youre in the % of college students for whom it was worth it.

>> No.16288775

Leave newfag

>> No.16288946

Lol @ this bait

>> No.16288997

Fuck off faggot, I’d never go to your pisshit hell hole. Suck my dick because you’re too minds are coming here and NO I’ve talked to Yurocucks and they aren’t discussing philosophy at 16

>> No.16289022
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>to discuss books middle class Europeans discuss with their school friends aged 16
