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/lit/ - Literature

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16266200 No.16266200 [Reply] [Original]

friend of family has a highly gifted boy, about to turn 14.
father not in the picture
mother is very good to him, but busy.
boy is lonely and smart af, in super-gifted program...
...BUT they mostly do math and science which is fine but this kid loves fiction, reads voraciously.

he doesn't seem to have male role models.
when I'm there, he wants to know all my old stories/adventures, what I'd do in this or that situation, etc. I tell him what I can, but I'm not hero, still he really eats it up.

so, I want to start him with a bookshelf of serious literature with good strong male role models.

I asked a prof, she recommended:
>Adolphe by Benjamin Constant
>The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe
but these are NOT role models, they're annoying wimps.

tl;dr: masculine role models in great literature needed

>> No.16266210

you are not smart

>> No.16266226
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>serious literature with good strong male role models
Jordan B. Peterson books

>> No.16266227

Pay for sex

>> No.16266245

no shit, that's why I'm asking for help

he's 14

>> No.16266250

Feeling especially useless today, are we?

I wish I could recommend something. Maybe Diomedes in the Iliad. Or perhaps, seeing as he likes to read so much and is himself looking for a male role model, just give some good books and let him figure it out for himself. He will mostly anyways.

>> No.16266315

Solo Faces by James Salter
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee
Last of the Mohicans by Cooper

>> No.16266323

Alexander von Humboldt. One good and easy book about him is "The Invention of Nature", by Andrea Wulf.
Theodore Roosevelt. "The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America", by Douglas Brinkley, may be good for your purposes.
If you're American, "Robinson Crusoe", by Daniel Defoe is good for your cultural background.
I don't know he'd be able to power through it, given the long descriptions, but "Nostromo", by Joseph Conrad is nice, too.
"Germinal", by Émile Zola. The old socialists were very different from today's. It's a good YA novel, teaches determination.
"An Enemy of the People", by Henrik Ibsen.
Might want to check out some Jack London, too.

>> No.16266398

Proust's parent's bought him a whore when he was 13 because they were worried he was masturbating too much.

>> No.16266414

Desu will probably do that for my son if it seems to be a problem

>> No.16266431
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>> No.16266472

Orages d'acier (or whatever the fuck anglo-niggers call it) by Ernst Jünger and the Iliad

>> No.16266484

I think you are approaching this with a much too instrumental view of literature as well as a narrow view of what intelligence is and needs. This boy needs a broad view of the world. Reading about strong male role models won't fill the hole left by his own father, it might just make it worse, because you will be pushing him deeper into missing his father instead of making the boy a well-balanced and intellectual person. Gift him books that will show him the many facets of the world and of humanity, including the bad and pitiful, while also rooting him in conviction and belief in the human spirit. A sheltered aristocrat with literary male role models won't fare as well in this world as would a person with a broad base in the world of literature and art. To be a strong person is to face (and not shun) many differing and opposing views and perspectives while still being true to your own conviction.

>> No.16266489

Fuck off, faggot

>> No.16266507
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I read the Forever War around that age

>> No.16266513


>> No.16266526

Very bad suggestions. These suggestions will just scar the boy because he's 14 and these are boring adult tier pretentious books for pencil necked armchair enthusiasts

>> No.16266527

Buy him Bronze Age mindset

>> No.16266534

Get him to read jakob bohme and then hegel

>> No.16266541

>jakob bohme
starter book?

>> No.16266543

i'm sure you have excellent suggestions

>> No.16266545

Harry Potter

>> No.16266562
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>> No.16266576

Why? OP can do it himself for FREE

>> No.16266622

Fuck his mother and become the male model dumbass gay

>> No.16266633


>> No.16266634


>> No.16266640

sorry annon i skimmed through your post thinking it was a «my ‘friend’ needs help xd» type post. I dont have any books for you im afraid, but i hope you find something for him. Im proud of you for taking care of this kid, it means more to him than you can imagine.

>> No.16266646

Make him read Hemingway
Also read Sound of the Waves.

>> No.16266716

Moby Dick, obviously.

>> No.16266717

Confederacy of Dunces.

On the Road The Original Scroll

>> No.16266749

you're not "saving" anyone, you retarded scum

>> No.16266756

Chekhov's short stories.

>> No.16266760

This. Take the kid hunting or something.

>> No.16266767

for my legionnaires by corneliu zelea codreanu

>> No.16266801

God damn man isn't it obvious? Start with the Greeks and Romans. Read Herodotus, the Greek plays, Plutarch, etc.

>> No.16266889

I'm trying to help someone.
But what are you doing?

>> No.16266919
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<--- maybe this?

>> No.16266963

Homer is an obvious choice

>> No.16267120

Navel gazing isn't the answer. Get the kid into team sports or some other sort of activity that puts him into contact with other males.

>> No.16267148
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>> No.16267174
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count of monte cristo, my man

>> No.16267544

the oddyessy

>> No.16267687

Just take him to the book store every so often and give him $100. If he is as smart as you say, he is the best person the decide what he needs to read.

>> No.16267948

try Rudyard Kipling, Conan Doyle, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Joseph Conrad, Philip K Dick, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, CS Lewis, Borges, Wilde, Chekhov, Tolkien, Stephenson, Salinger, Oates, to just name a few

If I could digest Vonnegut at the age of 12 then this kid should have no problem with the aforementioned, even if only as a literary amuse bouche

>> No.16267972

taste develops with age—an intelligent 14 year old will still inevitably read a higher ratio of shit than a less intelligent 24 year old will who's still interested in literature

it takes a second to understand that michel serres is significantly more interesting than many of his more popular contemporaries like derrida

>> No.16268003
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>> No.16268018

Give him a bit of everything.

>> No.16268019

why the misanthropy?

GET HIM IN A SPORTS TEAM. That is far more important than to make him read books.

>> No.16268023

Thats a value judgement, not an objective fact. If he is the voracious reader OP says he is, he will find his way. Telling someone that they should only read what you find worthy is a pretty sure way to turn them off reading, or at least give them an aversion those books.

>> No.16268075

i never said taste was these platonic ideal of what is perceivably good, but that it develops with age, necessarily

it's a process of trial and error

i didn't claim someone has to read exactly what someone else has told them to read in order to ascertain what's good or interesting, my examplee
pertained to me—arguing for its universal applicability is a separate issue

>> No.16268084

um hello, can i have a cup of that based juice?

>> No.16268087

regardless, saying 'X isn't an objective fact' is necessarily a subject proposition, whether objectively true or not

X may very well be objectively true, however for you to claim with objectivity that it lacks any objectivity or not is an error of misguided subjectivity

>> No.16268121

>literature with strong male role models
Holy cringe. Let him read proper books by people like Goethe and become a spiritual aristocrat, don’t force him to read your decadent dudebro nonsense. By making him read literature with "positive" role modes you will just turn him into one of those neurotic faggots constantly thirsting for motivation and reaffirmation (Like you). Just give him some Ancient Greeks if you want the masculine angle.

>> No.16268136

I never once claimed objectivity, but since neither you nor I can demonstrate what is an objective truth in this case might as let the little fucker find his own subjective truth.

Yes i too was once 18 and played such pointless logic games.

>> No.16268181

Shogun by James Clavell is a great read. If you haven't read it's an English guy on a Dutch ship that accidentally lands in Japan. It's really great

>> No.16268185

War and Peace

>> No.16268198

The Ego and Its Own
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Immoralist

>> No.16268598

If he reads french, get him Amos D'Aragon. It's a heroic and fantastic serie for young boys (i read it when I was 10-12 but maybe he'll like it) and it has inspirations from many classics. I wouldn't like reading today had I not Read this when I was younger.

>> No.16268619
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Dude you need to make him read the Iliad and the Oddisey, you know how it goes "Start with...

>> No.16268688

"a value judgement, not an objective fact"

logic game—do you only call it that when you lose?

language isn't pointless, my dear watson

>> No.16268703

>If I could digest Vonnegut at the age of 12 then this kid should have no problem with the aforementioned, even if only as a literary amuse bouche

Ugh... cringe, for so many reasons

>> No.16268715

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.16268730

I never said it was, but you knew what I meant, you are playing games.

>> No.16268738

At the risk of sounding like a fag, I was a lot like the boy you described at that age. My father wasn't there, was very quiet, in the gifted program along with all advanced classes, etc. The main difference was that my mom and older sister abused me quite a bit and I grew up in poverty, so around 15 I got into drugs and fell into some pretty bad depression/DPDR/PTSD and only pulled myself out of it 2 years later - after getting kicked out of school already a bunch of times. I cannot stress enough the importance of having male role models in such a situation and at such an age; you should try to talk to him as much as you can, and teach him about things like virtue, loyalty, the difference between superficial and real friendship, etc.

In terms of literature and that sort of thing, firstly I'd recommend you to introduce him to history, especially the history of great leaders and conquerors like Alexander the Great and Napoleon. If he already uses the internet, introduce him to "Epic History TV" (he has amazing playlists and videos on those two above) and also "Fire of Learning" (he has very good videos on historical periods, civilizations and nations). If he doesn't use the internet, don't even mention it, this place is hell. It would also be good to introduce him to spiritual people like the Saints and such. Give him the Iliad/Odyssey, both are very good books even for a younger kid. You should get him some Nordic/Hellenic mythology too, his age group eats that shit up. Anything dealing with both virtue and masculinity is good, if you give him just one direction or the other he'll become lopsided.
Don't do this >>16268198 If you're going to get him into philosophy, start him with the Greeks. Giving him Nietzsche or Stirner will only turn him into a massive cock sucking nihilist faggot, just like this poster.
You are very cool, anon! You could read "hard.book" that early? Well done!

>> No.16268866

Anything by Robert e Howard. Beowulf isn't a bad option either.

>> No.16268994

He needs friends and a summer job.
Preventing him from becoming a neet is more important than anything else.

>> No.16269006

Goethe would actually be very good for him, but not Werther. Look into Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. It's exactly what he needs.

>> No.16269007

Always always always Don Quixote.

>> No.16269038

>why the misanthropy

just this boards resident femcel seething.

>> No.16269041

The odyssey, or greek mythology in general

>> No.16269105
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Anything by Jack London - Self determination, laws of nature
Chekhov's short stories - An honest look at different motivations
Demian by Herman Hesse - More self determination

>> No.16269196

Give him Faust

>> No.16269351

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.16269469

I might be biased cause I just read them, but Odd John and Sirius. They both have highly intelligent, thoughtful protagonists who can still be cruel and callous, but ultimately try to do good while making sense of the world.

>> No.16269511

This. Perfect read for high IQed fellas

>> No.16269522

Give him some Savitri Devi books.

>> No.16269679

>Ugh... cringe
>for so many reasons
not stating reasons

>> No.16269766

Not OP, can you recommend some easier to read french works?

>> No.16269798


>> No.16269803

Aurora, Three Principles, 40 Questions on the Soul and Magnum Mysterium. Imo Bohme is a hidden key to understanding Schelling/Hegel.

>> No.16269918
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Teach him to be an unhinged sociopath who only desires money and sex and that love and trusting people is a weakness he must purge from his body.

>> No.16269994

If you want something short, somewhat easy and yet still "lit", read the shorter works of Éric Emmanuel-Schmitt (such as Lorsque j'étais une oeuvre d'art) or any short stories by french post-modernists. Don't listen to what some here will tell you, french post-modernism is actually good and a good introduction to french literature.

>> No.16270053

are you actually well read yourself?
I would recommend the Odyssey (lattimore translation), and that you discuss the book with him

if you know how to do things like hunt or fish, those would be good, but it depends on how much you want to take him under your wing

>> No.16270075

>french post-modernism is actually good
Sure! Are you perchance a member of the tribe?

>> No.16270084

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

>> No.16270104

I second this.

>> No.16270110

>Oh ohhh anon, ohh anon pas ça, pas ça anon, , oh non, oh non, pas ça, pas aujourd'hui, pas maintenant, pas après tout ce que tu as fait, aie aie aie
Schmitt is shit, shit is Schmitt. What are you gonna recommend next? Werber? Musso? The yellow pages?
Try some Malraux, Mauriac, Maupassant or Daudet.

>> No.16270140

reminds me of when I was a precocious wee lad posting on 4chan / the internet in general looking for advice for 'my little brother' or 'my son'

good luck kid

>> No.16270154

Small gods terry pratchett

>> No.16270178

Hand him Aesop's Fables and encourage him to contemplate its meaning. I believe its an appropriate launch pad into manhood.

>> No.16270192

Start with the Greeks bro. Why do you think we still refer to them to this day? Go with the Greeks

>> No.16270217

Meaning french?
Shit take, you just outed yourself as an anglo that never read schmitt

>> No.16270353

Écoute mon con: quand la meilleure recommandation qu’on peut donner rapidement c’est de lire les élucubrations pseudo-littéraires d’un mondain superficiel, on ne se permet pas de supposer quoi que ce soit sur qui que ce soit. La littérature pour bourgeoise ennuyée : aux chiottes ! Et désolé aux lectrices du Figaro Madame et à leurs fils spirituels. Tu devrais toi aussi t’inspirer des recommandations que j’ai donnés pour commencer à tâter de la bonne littérature, je ne voudrais pas causer un anévrisme chez mon petit anon-lecteur-de-Schmitt en lui proposant des livres plus audacieux.

>> No.16270465

If hes so fucking smart he can save himself.
Seriously though: Start with the Greeks, otherwise Old Man and The Sea and Storm of Steel are pretty fitting and make sure to direct him into lifting ASAP and dont feed him any oriental shit ESPECIALLY mishima he will turn into a faggot.

>> No.16270472

It's always sad to see your former high school classmates become single mothers

>> No.16270478

Basé et rougepillé

>> No.16270548

Je réaffirme mon propos; tu n'as jamais lu Schmitt

>> No.16270583

If you think he can handle it, The Three Musketeers. D'Artagnan and Co. are a group of masculine men who do cool shit and have awesome adventures. It'll teach him how to be a gentleman, but also how to be discerning with women.

>> No.16270591

Je vais même m'expliquer tout de suite. Si tu as lu Schmitt, tu l'a lu avec les yeux pleins de merdes propres aux arriérés du vieux-continent. C'est-à-dire que tu l'a lu comme si tu te cherchais une bible; c'est de la littérature, les mots n'ont pas plus d'ampleur qu'ils en ont sur une feuille. Si Schmitt est de la merde, Maupassant et Rimbaud sont aussi de la merde, seulement avec une saveur différente. La littérature est artistique et sans plus. Et si quelqu'un cherche des ouvrages faciles pour s'initier au français, alors oui, je vais leur recommander Schmitt, parce qu'il est un auteur talentueux et facile d'accès pour les étrangers. Mais vas-y, continue à te prendre pour le trou de cul du monde et à chier sur Schmitt, mais souviens toi qu'il aura beaucoup plus contribué à notre langue et à notre littérature que tu ne le fera jamais.

>> No.16270696

Jack London's Klondike novels and stories
Ken Dryden's The Game (non-fiction)
Sometimes a Great Notion by Kesey

>> No.16270737
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C’est l’allusion au Figaro madame qui te met dans cet état ? Je sais que les lecteurs d’Elle se plongent aussi l’été dans ce genre de bouquin, excuse moi de n’avoir pas su deviner ton magazine de cœur. En tout cas ton message me fait bien rire : “Maupassant et Rimbaud sont aussi de la merde”, merveilleux alexandrin à l’hémistiche brillante... Si c’est une parodie, c’est très réussi. Bien qu’on sente peut-être un peu trop l’influence de cette page de Huysmans, et qu’il est dommage que l’on se moque toujours de ceux dont on se moquait déjà il y a plus d’un siècle. Si ce n’est pas une parodie, alors j’ai le malheur de t’annoncer que ton absence de goût et ta neutralité médiocre sont probablement incurables et issues d’une atrophie du lobe frontal. Au demeurant, laisse moi te donner au conseil : afin de contribuer plus positivement à notre langue et à notre littérature que le premier Schmitt venu j’ai fait le choix de ne pas polluer les librairies de mes états d’âmes.
Et tu te trompes en disant que je ne l’ai pas lu, mais crois ce qui t’arrange.

>> No.16270832
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pic FUCKING related

>> No.16270912

Dieu que tu es chiant, laisses les gens lirent ce qu'ils veulent. Et non, je ne sais pas c'est quoi "Figaro madame".

>> No.16271000

De plus, tu prouves mon point: tu as lu Schmitt en essayant d'y voir quelque chose de plus grand que ce que c'est et donc tu ne l'a pas lu. C'est un livre, comme tous les autres, aussi mauvais que tous les autres et aussi bons que tous les autres. Le fait que tu veuilles prendre position sur tout et rien est le signe que tu n'est pas assez mûr pour la littérature, comme tout art, elle est purement subjective. Si tu veux vivre dans ton petit monde imaginaire où il faut se polariser sur le dernier livre, la dernière chanson et la dernière merde de pigeon sur le trottoir, fais toi plaisir, si tu veux t'inventer des adversaires amateurs d'une revue ou d'une autre, encore une fois, fais toi plaisir. L'art n'existe que pour l'art, ta passion mal placée est la marque d'une adolescence mal vécue.

>> No.16271081

The Paul Street Boys

>> No.16271297

A te lire on croirait que tu n’as jamais été touché par quoi que ce soit et que la littérature est un bien de consommation comme les autres. Que fous-tu sur /lit/ ? Modernité mal vécue, certainement, mais la médiocrité ne saurait engendrer que la médiocrité et je la refuse. D’ailleurs ton nihilisme axiologique est une impasse puisque dans son aboutissement il te faudrait reconnaître que ton discours vaut le mien et que nul ne peut rien proposer. Mais je suspecte qu’il s’agit plus d’une réaction puérile qu’un véritable système de pensée. Ou bien de manière plus vernaculaire :
Cope harder

>> No.16271552

I hope to god OP is reading this - you should most definetily remove your undesirable intentions from this boy - as intelligent as he is he is also by the same attentiveness extra malleable; he is listening to you. As he is already in a clearly isolated situation you do well not to teach him anything.. Do not try to teach him anything. If you can´t open-heartedly communicate with this boy, just stay silent.

Hope your listening or youll end up isolating him even worse.

>> No.16271565

it's pure facks

>> No.16271584

you poor thing, you've been here too long haven't you

>> No.16271590

i don't think you know how language is supposed to be used

>> No.16271591

Get the message

>> No.16271616

if you're implying OP is 14 years old, none of the advice becomes irrelevant or bad

>> No.16271671
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le EPIC traditionalist indoctrination

>> No.16271673

Even the sheepiest little lamb can learn from this book. For example: what would happen if this was required reading in schools across the world? My guess is a lot less fleecing.

>> No.16271683

Kenosha shooter isn’t a mental incel. He’s a HERO and killed a white nigger, don’t be a sad cuck about that

>> No.16271690

Boots aren't a nutritious meal

>> No.16271724

if american "whites" look like this then it's no surprise americans are so obsessed with blacks
now kys americhud

>> No.16271743

He's too young for stuff like this. It's easy to put a kid off of reading by giving him things that are too difficult.

I would say, make sure he's read the classics for kids -
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Lord of the Flies
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5 and Cat's Cradle
To Kill a Mockingbird is alright but its advising against racism and kinda dragged on for me when I was 14.
The Hobbit? Personally wasn't a fan but a lot of teenagers like it.

>> No.16271807

>Reading about strong male role models won't fill the hole left by his own father, it might just make it worse, because you will be pushing him deeper into missing his father instead of making the boy a well-balanced and intellectual person.

Wrong. Your bond with your father is your incarnated bond with ethic and culture itself. Its a male relationship that transcends brotherhood/friendship because as a child/teenager the father is "looked up to" as a source of higher wisdom. That is why intellect is masculine (and also why women suck at writing).

>> No.16271818

is this true? if there is source for that i will throw away my proust books

>> No.16271832

Same with Niezsche, just that in that case it was a medical advisory and Wagner, not the parents.

>> No.16271854
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Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

>> No.16271873

most young guys on lit gained a better understanding of the world because of JP no matter how much they wanna deny it

>> No.16272222

Motherfucking Robinson Crusoe
20000 leagues
Tom sawyer
old Men and the sea
Coelho's light warrior's manual
Maria (15 1/2) because a man needs romance, the three musketeers also counts as romance (fuuuuck)
War of the worlds

>> No.16272378

I forgot...reader's digest magazines were good

>> No.16272500

>but it's advising against racism
I think looking out for all the members of your community is pretty masculine.

>> No.16272640


>> No.16272654

>But it's advising against racism
Yes, that's something young men need to read so that they don't end up like you.

>> No.16272671

Anything by Tolkien
White fang , The call of the wild , Odyssey

>> No.16273198

give him science fiction books

>> No.16273224

Thoreau is about the worst role model a child can have

>> No.16273311

Sure do, I just realize that in normal communication being a pedantic ass is being an ass.

>> No.16273315
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Roadside Picnic and then take him to a park to search for treasure (that you have planted beforehand). Don't watch the movie though, they turn the main character into a pretentious little bitch

>> No.16273766

What, so they don't end up a woman?

>> No.16274293

What a fucking sperg lord you are

>> No.16274325
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bro just any fucking shounen manga, he literally cant get tolstoy or shakespeare or dante yet, he has to hit puberty. like bro hes 14 chill, he might be fucking mozart but its still a kid, wisdom comes with experience and he just doesnt have enough of it.
beserk (actually probably scratch the last too kinda graphic for a kid esp beserk)
hajime no ippo is rly good too
also pic related op

>> No.16274352

Unironically Berserk manga

>> No.16274365

Hero of our time might be good.

>> No.16274368
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ass shit ass fucking garbage ass
fuck you retard you were raped
this is pretty good actually
tell him to learn german first if hes such a fucking wunderkind
heres a rec: suicide
this but not sound of waves have him read based sun and steel
too much for the boy rn, might turn gay too, he cant understand the nuance of manly love
coomer shit
hyper based this exactly too based for this world
14 yo attention span says no nigger
you read at a high schoolers level i actually cant believe you post here
came here to rec this, might as well redpill him early, it only hurts more the more time you take
hes 14 tell him to read the fucking bible first
hyper pseud spotted holy fuck kys
havent read this but i know you only know about it from vagabond so im guessing its too violent/sexual, which im not going to be puritan, but he obviously cant understand such alien topic manner, w8 till he gets a boner
and before you ask, your welcome you all wanted my opinion

>> No.16274437

pretty much

>> No.16274459

probably too much rape for a kid eh?

>> No.16274467


>> No.16274605
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14 year olds can definitely handle mature themes. I had a certain respect for our technology teacher when I was young, because he treated us as mentally adult.
I think Berserk has rare beauty because it goes where few will, the controversial themes are necessary. Life isn't roses, but the ups and downs contrast eachother for some sort of meaningful tint to it all. Guts is a traumatized orphan. But he keeps swimming, he cries, he protects those he cares about, a strong character
However not dense to read at all due to the format but certainly visually inspiring

>> No.16274829

post body

>> No.16274867
File: 33 KB, 327x499, 51Zg0X6vW9L._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Flashman series
The Aubrey-Maturin series (what the movie Master and Commander was adapted from)
The Horatio Hornblower series
These books will put hair on his chest as much as they put thoughts in his brain and a love for brotherhood and adventure in his heart.

>> No.16274884

Lolita was somewhat a joke.Obviously, no teenager should read Lolita, there are books that should only be read by people who have had certain experiences. If OP's
protégé wants to know abysses of humanity, Lolita might be a good choice. However, if he is just looking for role models I would rather read books like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Of course, Homer's Odysee is a good choice, too. I think even Dumas' Count of Montechristo might be a good choice.

>> No.16274996

i mean i agree that its very good, and the gore and rape parts are not gratuitous by any means, but i think its difficult for a 14 yo to understand that on the level that the mangaka was expecting.
i read lolita before i was even allowed to post here just out of the meme, i connected with it a lot personally actually, i feel like isolated teens can understand it, read it after crime and punishment so i was really going through the edgy gamut

>> No.16275030

Top tier choices.

I also recommend:
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Three Musketeers
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
A Princess of Mars
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Treasure Island
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Call of the Wild

>> No.16275054

if hes lonely hang out with him and listen
dont recommend books you havent read
be honest with him, give your heart to him
he will love you forever i promise you

>> No.16275134

This thing right here

>> No.16275188

>18 May 1888
>Thursday evening.
>My dear little grandfather,
>I appeal to your kindness for the sum of 13 francs that I wished to ask Mr. Nathan for, but which >Mama prefers I request from you. Here is why. I so needed to see if a woman could stop my awful >masturbation habit that Papa gave me 10 francs to go to a brothel. But first, in my agitation, I broke a >chamber pot: 3 francs; then, still agitated, I was unable to screw. So here I am, back to square one, >waiting more and more as hours pass for 10 francs to relieve myself, plus 3 francs for the pot. But I >dare not ask Papa for more money so soon and so I hoped you could come to my aid in a >circumstance which, as you know, is not merely exceptional but also unique. It cannot happen twice >in one lifetime that a person is too flustered to screw.
>I kiss you a thousand times and dare to thank you in advance.
>I will be home tomorrow morning at 11am. If you are moved by my situation and can answer my >prayers, I will hopefully find you with the amount. Regardless, thank you for your decision which I >know will come from a place of friendship.
He was actually 16 when the letter was written.

>> No.16275189

I’m sure it’s already been mentioned in this thread, but encourage him to have his own adventures. Go fishing/hiking/camping. Go on a mini road trip with him. Teach him a useful skill like carpentry or how to fix up cars. He’ll value these more than any book. As far as books for a 14 year old boy: The Old Man and the Sea, The Hobbit, The Road, and The Odyssey might be right up his ally. Since he likes adventures, he may also enjoy nonfiction stuff like Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition.

>> No.16275193

Gifted teenagers love Dune. Paul's a wierd combo of ridiculously OP protag seeking revenge and doomed, miserable martyr trying with little success to minimize a disaster. There are plenty of other good male role models as well.

>> No.16275889

Yes, and it has ruined me.

>> No.16276057

Its not bootlicking if its my boot

>> No.16276081

I wish whores were this cheap today..

>> No.16276091

I read Count of Monte Christo at age 15, I think a 14-year old can handle it.

>> No.16276102

Whores are probably one of the things where it's worth paying for a good one.

>> No.16276358

>one sentenced mass replies
hyper pseud spotted holy fuck kys

>> No.16276778

>coomer shit
what are you even talking about?
that's just dumb

>> No.16276786

the franc was devalued or whatever by 10, right, so this was 10x more expensive than it seems.
don't think the Prousts were poor, either

>> No.16276899

Don’t be a dumb fuck and make a nerd out of him
Give him some light CS Lewis, Tolkien. Goethe comes around at like 16/17 Anything more may put a strain on him if you le start with the gayreek

But encourage him for sports and more social activities.
Encourage a little more dissent, rebellions, warrior spirit in him

>> No.16276907

Agreed, this board truly is populated by 105 IQ faggots who've read, at max, 40 books in their entire lives

>> No.16277074

What kind of genius do you want to mold him into?

>> No.16277107

>Encourage a little more dissent, rebellions, warrior spirit in him
This is a terrible idea. If you encourage that sort of thing in him he would most likely become violent and aggressive as he gets older, as opposed to being a balanced person. Encouraging him to train his body with sports, and to stand up for himself when pressure, are both important, but encouraging "rebellion" and "dissent" will just turn him into a cunt.

>> No.16277143

Sports is a waste of time

>> No.16277210
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Fitness is useful, so is a group of friends so he can learn how social interactions work. Playing together is probably the easiest way to make friends. I only played tennis and the club boys were all faggots though, I'd still say it was useful.

>> No.16277254

only redditors truly believe this

>> No.16277307

I understand what you mean.
> If you encourage that sort of thing in him he would most likely become violent and aggressive as he gets older
This would only happen if he is allowed too much of a free hand

> rebellion" and "dissent" will just turn him into a cunt.
I mean he should sneak out once or twice to party/concert but be responsible doing it not do drugs and be a degenerate

He needs to understand all of these emotions good or bad if he’s to grow into a wise man
Oh op tell him to stay away from drugs/alcohol and not to give into peer pressure

>> No.16278019
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i want everyone to realize that these two are complete fucking dolts and they fell for the most obvious bait

>> No.16278057

>sneak out once or twice to party/concert but be responsible doing it not do drugs and be a degenerate
If he sneaks out to attend a party or concert then he is absolutely also going to take drugs, these two things go hand in hand.

>> No.16278178

>Oh op tell him to stay away from drugs/alcohol and not to give into peer pressure
tell him not to get caught and get it all out of his system in hs so he can focus in college
hes going to do it eventually or hell just remain this innocuous pos

>> No.16278202


>> No.16278224

Give that faggot a copy of The Conspiracy Against the Human Race so he can be one with the singularity.

>> No.16278301
File: 27 KB, 242x371, 70D587E4-BF06-4F14-B15C-B5B827D5FFC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically give him Flashman. Covers are a bit of a joke, but there was seriously impressive historic research put into these books. They tell about Flashman’s adventures in the British Empire across the 19th century. I am sure they would be very fun to read for a young man. Flashman himself may not be your first idea of a role model has he often acts incredibly immoral, however he is definitely very masculine, and explains the world as it is without some bullshit maoralistic perception distorting it. As well it’s told as like a memoir of Flashman retelling his adventures in his retirement during the early 20th century, and remarks on where his failures were and when he was led astray.

I think it’s an excellent series to lead a boy into manhood.

>> No.16278363

Why? Because he doesn't resemble the ideals of modern society? What a poor standard to judge a role model, considering that the average modern man is depressed and wagecucking for life

>> No.16278733

Yes, exactly

>> No.16279762

John Carter of Mars, Conan the Barbarian, pulp stuff like that from the lat 19th/early 20th century.

>> No.16279861

These and Doc Savage are great additions too. If he like one from this set, and if so, give him more.

Then provide him with some history stuff that's cool and in a similar vein, like stuff on Conrtez and the Conquistadors, stuff from famous mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, so on and so forth.


I'd recommend Frederick Russel Burnham, Josiah Harlan (inspiration for The Man Who Would Be King), Mad Mike Hoare and William Walker as cool historical figures.

>> No.16280040

Ragged Dick, and the best Horatio Alger stories would be great, I think.

>> No.16280513

Old Man and the Sea
Islands in the Stream (maybe the loss of a son will strike a chord with him

>> No.16280635

lol look how many triggered faggots here were relating themselves to OP's story when you just shattered their world.

Sorry guys, you just aren't smart. You're not the chosen one.

>> No.16281100

You're missing the point, buddy; people are trying to help a smart kid - that doesn't mean we have to be smart, just have some experience, maybe even somme wisdom.

>> No.16281286

Apologies in advance for any repeats.
Greek/Norse/Egyptian mythology. The Odyssey, and also the Percy Jackson books are an entertaining series for his age,
All Quiet On The Western Front (unless you think the war imagery would be too brutal),
The Grapes Of Wrath,
The Magician's Apprentice (fairly basic but I enjoyed it quite a bit when I was just about his age),
The Lord Of The Rings, Silmarillion, The Hobbit,
The Canterbury Classics selection of Science Fiction and Fantasy (my great uncle got this for me when I was 13 or 14)
In The Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides (non-fiction)
The Outsiders,
Sherlock Holmes (or anything else by Arthur Conan Doyle),
Even though they aren't great in retrospect the Harry Potter series is often a good read for people his age (the problem comes when adults obsess over it, the books themselves aren't awful).
Good luck!

>> No.16281376

with the qualifier of being pedantic, you mean

>> No.16281387

the universe wants you to know that you're never going to be happy

but you already know that

>> No.16281397

'ave a hug luv

>> No.16281412
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do they like math so much ?

i hate it



>> No.16281447

fuck off faggot, dont try to falseflag

>> No.16281509

Masculine role model? Try Odysseus or Aeneas. Someone with backbone and self-assurance. I'm partly kidding but if he'll read anything you put in front of him, don't put modern, agonizing, angsty bullshit in his way. Give him stuff that makes him believe in his own powers as a human being and individual.
And, this should be obvious and you're dumb for not doing this, but ask him about what he's interested in and tailor it to that. Don't just imperiously force what you think he should read on him.

>> No.16282146

Teach that kid chess, play it with him
Tell him to only read white, straight males

>> No.16282168

Chess is a waste of brainpower for anyone actually gifted.

You spend your years attuning neural pathways for what is ultimately, inapplicable in the real world.

>inb4 it makes you logical!!
No, it teaches you learn arbitrary setups on the board and recall the solution for each.

Learning to play the piano and improv, is far better since that actually teaches you pattern recognition and expands your working memory.

>> No.16282235

Do both then

>> No.16282245

Your intuitive comprehension is a limited resource.

>> No.16283138

Endorsed by PG Wodehouse?! Is that for real?
Never heard of these, will def check immediately.

>> No.16283264

Fantômas by Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre
Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc

Also, that prof sounds like a dumbass, The Sorrows of Young Werther were not only a torture to read, but it supposedly inspired many young people of the time to commit suicide.

>> No.16283339

Well, fren. I don't know what is and isn't non-fiction, but Ivanhoe seems nice. I also have this book called black arrow, but that one is cruder. Oh, I have Hannibal's autobiography too, though it ends badly, Alexander too, though it can get a bit sexual. Nothing else I can suggest. I apologize.

>> No.16283406

Work him up to the World as Will and Representation

>> No.16283927
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>> No.16284440

>i read lolita before i was even allowed to post here just out of the meme, i connected with it a lot personally actually, i feel like isolated teens can understand it, read it after crime and punishment so i was really going through the edgy gamut
Which aspects of Lolita did you connect with? I only really felt this "Being in search of something that has been irrevocably lost in the past" but otherwise I thought that H.H. was a massive asshole. Even Dolores became an obnoxious character and towards the end only a shadow of her former self. Lolita is a very well written psychogram tho

>> No.16284496
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>> No.16285304

>help save a very smart kid
your issue is pride

>> No.16285561

Get him into a team sport. Preferably soccer since the competition (in USA) and physiological constraints are lower than basketball. I hated it as a kid but I'm glad my father forced me to do it throughout my child hood. I would have been a complete loser without it. It has to be a team sport. If he's too nerdy get him into choir or orchestra and speech and debate. 14 is close to too late for him to develop lasting male friends.

>> No.16285819

How so?

>> No.16285834

You are a gay pedophile OP.

>> No.16287188

WTF? neck yourself

>> No.16287209

>Fantômas by Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre
>Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc
googled and this shit looks dope af. surprised hollywood hasn't stolen this yet

>> No.16287717

tom sawyer

>> No.16287728

best answer

>> No.16287767

>Alexander von Humboldt. One good and easy book about him is "The Invention of Nature", by Andrea Wulf.

good book not at all like what >>16266526 said, its an easy interesting read

>> No.16287804
File: 1.38 MB, 881x1125, 0135062F-18F2-4CFE-8E90-A337CDE147F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

Atlas Shrugged is an immaculate conveyance of the value of striving with reason for greatness by virtue of value in one’s mind and expressing it through action, while simultaneously being aware of the pitfalls of falling into the societal trap of destroying one’s self and negating his self-esteem for the benefit of bitter vultures. The book may save him a lot of pain and let him know that there are people out there who understand the importance of individual mastery and seeking endless growth of personal value. It can be a very lonely life being gifted and passionate.

>> No.16288177

b a s e d
t h r e a d

t h a n k
y o u