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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16263054 No.16263054 [Reply] [Original]

>let's pretend our phones were not made by starving kids in Congo.
>let's pretend that our clothes are not made by starving children in Bangladesh

Books abou how morality is all a sharade?


>> No.16263060

Impeachment of Man.

>> No.16263064

I support child labour, the other day I just bought this white shirt a local family's mother made together with her kids.

>> No.16263075

>Impeachment of Man is a book by Savitri Devi, in which the author recounts a history of the general indifference toward the suffering of non-human life.
>>non-human life

anything else?

>> No.16263206

Well if you want books about moral decay just read the ones that inspired true detective.

Morality is all a sharade is pretty bs.
There is no justification for morality based on logic alone, but when you consider how our brain gives us pleasure, joy, etc... there is no need for a justification outside of our biological needs.

>> No.16263299

REEEEEEEEE why arent all people on earth living like me in my culture reeeeeee
This is literally slave labor reeeeeeeee how dare people not get forced into education till they are past 25 reeeeeee
Where is the female representation reeeeeee
reeeeee blacks cant possibly be happy reeeeee

>> No.16263418

Nice b8

>> No.16263429

Technoslaves would do anything to keep the system intact

>> No.16263440

Can't wait to buy new iPhone 12 in the next couple of months.

>> No.16263442

>let's pretend it's wrong to enslave inferior tribes

>> No.16263444
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Like the Ox works he plough so too do africans and asians work for the white man.

>> No.16263446

Billions would die in very shot time span if western civilization just took and disappeared

>> No.16263454

bro you got more in common with them than with the billionare that would enslave you and your family for profit
>b-but I'm white
yeah so?

>> No.16263461

Slavery is a condition of higher cultures

>> No.16263464

>let's pretend to know anon

>> No.16263472

Technological progress is pretty easy to understand when you realize that it requires vice as fuel. Vice is common among humans by default, thus giving the initial ground for technology to develop as it has, and in turn technological societies select for vice, in turn leading to more fuel for technological development. In short, a (virtuous) human does not need technology and thus does not pursue it; a vice ridden one *thinks* he needs it and thus pursues it (among other things, of course, although the other things do not have the selecting force of technology nor the ability to spread vice among others)

>> No.16263495

Why do these kids depend on me to not buy a phone in order for them not be taken advantage of? Why don't their parents or their state protect them?

>> No.16263505

Any state is a joke when it comes to solving problems of the citizens

>> No.16263524

So why aren't the chinese for example held accountable for american and european hyper-consumerism? Why doesn't anyone shame them into stop making cheap phones and trinkets so we can't consume them?

>> No.16263565

>let's pretend our phones were not made by starving kids in Congo.
>let's pretend that our clothes are not made by starving children in Bangladesh

This, but unironically. Life is short, for all I know I won't even live another day, hour, minute, second. I'm just going to enjoy what I can and not give a shit about what I either can't control or problems I would only cause myself unnecessary misery throwing myself at for the remainder of my brief life. I'm not having kids, I don't commit crimes, so all of this moral bullshit can fuck off.

>> No.16263585

I used to think Ted K was some genius, but now I feel like if he had sex once he would have lived a relatively normal life.

>> No.16263674

Fine margins.

>> No.16263716

You should really read the essay "Morality and Revolution" by Kaczynski. It's in the 2010 edition of Technological Society. It might be online somewhere.

It's definitely the best few pages on the topic that I've ever read.

>> No.16263727

what's your point?

>> No.16263737

all the more reason to never have sex, it drags you down to mediocrity

>> No.16263738

thank god he didn't. maybe his fire would have been quenched and then we wouldn't have his extraordinary and truly revolutionary work.

>> No.16263747

no ethical consumption under capitalism

you want to stop this shit, fair trade won't do it. donating to charity won't do it. buying local won't do it. the times call for revolution

if you're okay with child labor you belong at the end of a rope

>> No.16263766
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>> No.16263830


>> No.16263849

why are these kids parents' ok with child lavor?

>> No.16263854

Capitalism really turned communism into an logo to slap on tshirts lmao

>> No.16263866

Go back

>> No.16263869

the hypocrisy of this post
tell me should i care more because they are children ?
so if they suddenly turn 18 we should start caring less ?
stop using "children" for your agenda
btw i don't care about niggers making my phone
i literally feel nothing

>> No.16263898

>the times call for revolution
The times I've seen this shit posted on social media without anything happening is absurd. Do something or fuck off faggot.

>> No.16264343

The kids have a job so they're not starving. Denying them their job might actually make them starve

>> No.16264437
File: 105 KB, 525x719, 1578353259967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shirt was made by a woman on the border of Thailand and Burma. Or I wear thrift shirts. The phone though, no excuse. But nowadays a college student can't not have a smart phone, I literally have to use it to log in and pay my tuition.
I honestly believe that if Teddy K. had found a nice woman that provided him with a stable rock in relation to his chaotic worldview he would've either been a much better terrrorist or a systematic reformer.

>> No.16264517

I can't be mad this is an excellent reply

>> No.16264529

short of being reborn black and getting murdered by police I'm not sure what I alone could do to compel people to direct action

much better to fight the culture war by posting, for now

>> No.16264668

Buying local will do it though, if you buy from local manufacturers of goods then you know where your products come from
Sucking the cocks of big businesses that use overseas slave labor is the problem here

>> No.16264971

you can never be assured that your goods and services are entirely free from exploitation, even if we stick to exploitation of the not universally accepted kind (ie wage slavery)

for instance, you could buy a cellphone designed and manufactured domestically. chances are there's no way for you to even tell where the lithium in its battery was mined. as a matter of fact, many enterprises completely dedicated to the practice of procuring materials adequately (for instance, diamonds) have been caught outright fucking lying about it : https://thenextweb.com/insider/2017/06/17/shady-online-diamond-dealer-proves-conflict-free-is-no-guarantee/

lastly, the power of ethics in regulating the purchasing behavior of individuals is extremely weak in comparison to the value propositions offered by larger, less scrupulous businesses who can operate on lower costs and larger scales. since monopolies are a natural product of markets, all your "ethical" and "local" vendors will simply be absorbed or go out of business, leaving only the big businesses whose dicks you will have no choice but to choke on

>> No.16265308
File: 23 KB, 219x298, SMILE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books abou how morality is all a sharade?
Beyond good and Evil. Seriously, it's a good book anon.

Mines are meatgrinders, especially in the 2nd and 3rd world. Seeing one irl is a grounding experience and I want to give that my children when they are older (18-19). It really made me appreciate my western life and understand immigrants who flood first world countries.

>> No.16265348 [DELETED] 

>It's incredibly difficult to live life without causing some suffering somewhere, (especially under capitalism, sorry). However you can try to minimise this suffering as much as reasonably expectable. For example, buying ethically made clothes if you can afford it, eating less or no meat, donating to charities if you can.

>> No.16265366
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So how about we just shoot you two instead and the rest of us get on with moving forwards?

>> No.16265379

Yes, and the generations after them will be much happier and living the way people are supposed to. If we got rid of the factory farming of meat, and all went vegan, vegiterian or ate meat from small farms the amount of livestock animals would fall drastically, but the ones who do survive would be living much better lives. You can't argue that factory farming is good for animals because it creates more animals, just how you can't argue civilisation is good because it creates more humans.

>> No.16265403

It's incredibly difficult to live life without causing some suffering somewhere, (especially under capitalism, sorry). However you can try to minimise this suffering as much as reasonably expectable. For example, buying ethically made clothes if you can afford it, eating less or no meat, donating to charities if you can.

>> No.16265437
File: 430 KB, 800x553, 1__duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just how you can't argue civilisation is good because it creates more humans
obviously one million einsteins is infinite times more powerful than half an einstein and billion times more powerful and hundred einsteins, come on dude, space faring civilization has all different kind of edge on hunter gatherers

>> No.16265449

>and hundred einsteins,
*than hundred insteins

>> No.16265458

Fuck's up with this meme? Fucking a woman doesn't change shit.

>> No.16265470


Literally what else would they be doing?

>> No.16265487

We aren't space faring and we have countless downsides on a hunter gather society.

>Rampant mental illness
>new and widespread disease
>way more work and way less leisure time
>tainted thought process through increased symbolisation of thought
>Environmental destruction
>anonymous, crowded cities
>forced unnatural sleeping habits

But at least we have Xbox and Netflix right?

>> No.16265495

no one forcing you to live in a city.. well, in democrat states they just literally might.. but anyways, you can leave.

>> No.16265499

>Well if you want books about moral decay just read the ones that inspired true detective.
Which would be...

>> No.16265511

I don't live in a city, but hundreds of millions do. Cities have negative effects on everyone, due to how anonymous they are, the crime in them, the noise and pollution and light coming from them 24/7, how many people live in them, the litter, the energy usage.

You couldn't pay me to live in a city.

>> No.16265985

>obviously one million einsteins is infinite times more powerful than half an einstein and billion times more powerful and hundred einsteins
Einstein is also partially responsible for the existence of the nuke.
>space faring civilization has all different kind of edge on hunter gatherers
Stop watching Star Trek.

>> No.16266109
File: 10 KB, 235x156, itsscience_adeptus_mechanicus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Einstein is also partially responsible for the existence of the nuke.
Even better, we don't want to be toothless
>Stop watching Star Trek.
Hydrogen is a superior fuel to fossil fuels, human co2 emissions would drop over 90% by replacing it with hydrogen in cars, trucks, trains, ships, helicopters, airplanes, space shuttles, rockets. The gas giants and the sun are practically inexhaustible pools of the stuff, its the most abundant element in the entire universe

Humans in star trek do not mine their gas giants or stars, afaik. Future is now old man, get on with the program.

>> No.16266394

Anyone here could become a multi-millionaire though, over there there's no chance

>> No.16266446


>> No.16266977

>morality is all a sharade
"Out of sight, out of mind." It's hard to feel responsible for things that you're not aware of.
>"b-but morality must be absolute!"
Then don't ever go outside again, because you may step on an ant and kill it.

>> No.16267056

Right wingers don't actually care about the impoverished. If they say they do, it's literally just for "optics". All they respect is power and the only demographic that matters to them is rich whites

>> No.16267061

>You can never have qualms with society or want to improve it because you participate in it

>> No.16267075

>>way more work and way less leisure time
Objectively wrong. All zoom zooms do today is eat hot chip and game. There's more free time than ever. In the past you'd actually have to be constantly out hunting, micromanaging your family, preparing to save food for the winter, dealing with infection, bugs getting to your food supply...etc

>> No.16267088

you have more spare time actually considering you don't die at age fucking 27

>> No.16267111

>People still actually possess no knowledge of how average lifespan works
Newsflash, when infant and early child mortality are extremely high, it brings the average down. Once you got past childhood, people didnt suddenly feel surprised they reached their 40s

>> No.16267112

t. American techno-primitivist

>> No.16267124

t.coddled suburbabbie with soft hands that never ventured outside his little safe zone community.

Why is it always zoom zoom NEETs who idolize primitivist lifestyles living despite being entirely reliant on modern technology?

>> No.16267149

Honestly I care less about ages and living conditions and more about natural rights. And protecting the American worker.

>> No.16267158

>no true ethical production

>> No.16267164

In the U.S. yes, I believe one out of every 17 or 16 Americans is a millionaire

>> No.16267214

Not true but keep projecting.

>> No.16267312
File: 27 KB, 330x330, IFLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even better, we don't want to be toothless
Yes we're toothless in comparison to a nuke, what's your point? Why do you want even more weapons of mass destruction to be developed in the first place?
>Hydrogen is a superior fuel to fossil fuels, human co2 emissions would drop over 90% by replacing it with hydrogen in cars, trucks, trains, ships, helicopters, airplanes, space shuttles, rockets. The gas giants and the sun are practically inexhaustible pools of the stuff, its the most abundant element in the entire universe
Again, to what end? To what end must we "progress" as we endlessly consume resources to fuel the aggrandizing process of technological development until we ensure our great great grandchildren the opportunity to live in a World of ugly gray towers that tear through the skies in a soulless utilitrarian society? Why is it so imperative that men must be forced to adapt to such a standard of living in the first place?
>Humans in star trek do not mine their gas giants or stars, afaik. Future is now old man, get on with the program.
If the future is an extension of today, then I don't want to live in that future. Fortunately some men are rising up to escape this techno-skinnerbox.

>> No.16267330

I live in the ghetto and I'm poor as shit, and got harassed by niggers every day growing up, but thanks for telling us a little bit about yourself I guess. Being so weak and milquetoast must be such an awful existence for you.

>> No.16267387

t./pol/tard that derived his world view from a couple of shoddily edited memes to cope with his mediocrity
>Y-yeah I just got harassed by DA BLAX everyday! Look at me I'm so tough Mr. bronze age aryan man!
everyone can see through you, bud

>> No.16267406

>For a period in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being a female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist, but changed his mind in the waiting room and did not disclose his reason for making the appointment.

Was Ted trans?

>> No.16267439


>> No.16267479


>> No.16267499

>>tainted thought process through increased symbolisation of thought

>> No.16267540


>> No.16267550

It is impossible to fight the system from without the system, thats why we must accelerate

>> No.16267579

You're both fools, your hunter-gatherer theocracy will have its shits pushed in by the first people to scrape together a few machine guns, bolt-action rifles and a few two-way radios

>> No.16267639

If you're going to be a tankie, at least cook your own meals and don't post from the latest iPhone XXL Pro Turbo Championship Edition

>> No.16267648
File: 52 KB, 300x300, Viper_You'll_Cowards_Don't_Even_Smoke_Crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a w*man would have "fixed" the person that tried to warn us all of the future

>> No.16267670

t.internet """""""fascist"""""""" that lives with mummy and never worked a day in his life

>> No.16267692

imagine this level of projection
most american tankies are supremely privileged kids with nothing to do but spend daddy's money and go out to pretend they're Che Guevara reincarnated. hopefully they go out the same way as him

>> No.16267729

Most american """Fascists"""" are incredibly privileged. Just look at someone like Nick Fuentes, Spencer or most of the internet right wing. They're all upper/upper-middle class zoom zooms that are well off materially but have nodrive to do anything else so they blame "da jooz"

>> No.16267775

Can confirm, live in a rich democrat area. They're usually like this until around 25 or so when they get hooked up with a decent job, then they simmer down with the economic aspect of it

>> No.16267782

funny because I noticed the same thing wit /pol/ios

>> No.16268265
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A blessing on all the judgemental women who never threatened K's Ol' Virginy.

>> No.16268279

>isn't it terrible that poor children are being given jobs instead of just dying
What is your point? That the world is not perfect?

>> No.16268290

>Implying I care about kids I don't know
Why bother? There's always bad shit going on somewhere in the world

>> No.16268534


>> No.16268583

Or they can live through the hell of the remnants of western civilization until they all die horribly.

>> No.16268592

That's what I'm talking about retard, everyone just tries to compel others to act instead of doing anything. There will be no revolution from your people, they've lost their will to sugary food, drugs and porn.

>> No.16269340

it's like you're not capable of rational thinking. it's sad.

We don't seek to build a "hunter gatherer theocracy" or any world for that matter. it's simply about ending the current industrial system.

>> No.16270203

>one million einsteins is infinite times more powerful than half an einstein and billion times more powerful and hundred einsteins

I am reading "We" right now, and this legit seems like someone living in the United State would say

>> No.16270298

Being a faciat is not contadictory with being priviliged.

>> No.16270711

>unironically believing NYT
And even if he is, his ideas should be adopted or discarded on their own merit

>> No.16270783

>tfw conflict mineral free tech supported by child labour in Ghana and Mali instead
>tfw cloth made by traditional weavers in sustainability programmes in Uruguay, India, and Ethiopia instead
It's "charade" btw

>> No.16271076
File: 21 KB, 327x499, 41w1og2cLuL._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this brings up shit that if you've read uncle ted's books or been on 4chan long enough you already know, but after reading it you will know why you need to leave to get away from people who write this crap

>> No.16271108


>> No.16271332

Billions will die anyway when this house of cards comes down inevitably, better now than later

>> No.16271342

Have you read Ellul? If no then you should read that first before looking for other books on the topic.
If you have read it, then I assume you have read many books on these topics and I would like to ask you which books on internet you would say are worth reading for someone who has read uncle Ted's works.

>> No.16271368

>Have you read Ellul?
no, tech society or prop first? haven't read much on the internet. Those studies where kids were more depressed from likes?

>> No.16271400

>muh boogeyman

>> No.16271560

Consumerism is the only factor preventing civil unrest. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't touch television, internet or video games

>> No.16271568

Ted K was trans and had a meltdown when they refused his sex operation

>> No.16271581

yes that's the point.

>> No.16271594

No, you are objectively wrong and if you did any research at all into the subject at all you'd know that there's basically a consesus that hunter gatheres did around 4 hours of work a day.

>> No.16271601

pretty sure even peasants in feudal societies worked about half as much as we do

>> No.16271603

You're confusing the average age of death and the likely age of death. Infant mortality was high, but once the filter of infancy was passed people regularly lived to the normal human age, which is over 60.

>> No.16271696

Symbology has caused the way we think about everything to be removed from pure thought, which is what we primarily had before language.

Time for example is now thought of as a linear progression, with us being in the present, the future coming towards us, and the past being something that has gone. However this is only become the case since we started measuring time and days. Many hunter gatherer tribes today see time as all encompassing, the past and future is all occurring at the same time. Time isn't a real, tangible thing, but measurement has convinced our minds it is and we can't go back.

Language itself corrupts pure thought. Take looking at a lake with tree's and horses: without language you can see this and perceive it in it's entirety for what it is in pure thought, but because of language we can't help but perceive it in words and grammar, which we didn't create and don't have complete control over. Looking at a sunset can cause you not have the right words to describe it, so you simply say it's beautiful or nice, this is because we aren't able to see it and think of it in pure, language-less thought.

There are other examples of symbolism tainting thought, such as counting and the creation of numbers. Also, hunter gatherers, Cro-Magnon and proto-humans all managed to communicate just fine and live in tribal bands without the need for language, so it isn't a necessity for humans to do, we was language-less longer than we have had language.

>> No.16271720

How many multi-millionaires do you know? No E-stats.

>> No.16271741
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>sexual fantasies of being a female
Seems to me he's an autogynephile who realized he was a pervert and wasn't actually dysphoric

>> No.16271754

I mean I live in a bay area town where the average home sells for over a million, so if you count that then pretty much everyone here and at work (aside from people who commute and do stuff like janitorial shit). For people that have over 2 million I personally know about 5, and 2 of those are first generation immigrants that came here without a lot of money.

>> No.16271779

>San Fran

Oh, so you know people who have a mortgaged 2 bedroom house and middle class amount of disposable income? Being a millionaire in a place where the average graduate earns 100k and the cost of living is 75k a year does not make you rich.

>> No.16271811

Not him but
>25k a year disposable income
is not normal for the middle class. That's definitely upper middle class.

>> No.16271812

Not San Francisco anon, I hardly know any people there. South bay area, should've specified.
>average graduate earns 100k
The people I know/work with aren't new grads. It's true that cost of living is also high, but at the end of the day tech pays very well.

>> No.16271872
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Besides myself, around 30 who have gone through their finances with me, including 2 billionaires. I know some others who I suspect are rich but I dont actually know. Most of them came from working and middle class background, although both billionaires did inherit their fortune. Becoming a billionaire is almost unachievable, but it is true that anyone (in the first world) can become a millionaire. However, most people do not make decisions that are conducive towards building wealth (especially as a young student and when choosing their career.) Many people cannot cope with the fact that it was their own poor to mediocre decisions that led them to their present circumstances and blame the system and those who succeed within it for their failure to thrive. The only thing that stopped you from pursuing the path that I did was you, I am hardly an exceptional person.

>> No.16271967

people don't disclose this sort of information to everyone so it's likely we all know a couple without realizing it. known anyone who two or three houses?

a fuckton of upper-middle-class boomers probably have over a million dollars in assets just from a lifetime of building equity and making prudent investments. if these boomers die then there's a good chance their 1-to-3 children will become millionaires as well, either instantly or down the line. then there's tech industry people who start making six figures in their twenties. it's not rare or impressive.

this notion that "anyone" can become a milionnaire, however, is dumb liberal bullshit. it's mostly accessible to well-to-do white people.

>> No.16272070

Teddy K. is the living embodiment of the idea that it's easier to imagine the end of the world than it is the end of Capitalism

>> No.16272137

only if the end of industrial society is the end of the world in your mind.

>> No.16272175

>let's pretend our phones were not made by starving kids in Congo.
>let's pretend that our clothes are not made by starving children in Bangladesh

Not my fault other races are unable to build up a functional economies and make fare business deals.

>> No.16272199

And it's not mr bergstein problem that your family couldn't accumulate wealth, now take that order to table 7.

>> No.16272233

>Ugh hunter gatherer socities with modern luxeries only worked 4 hours a day and spend the rest of the time playing vidya and 4chan!
lmao shut up zoom zoom. If you were transplanted to a hunter gatherer lifestyle you wouldn't survive for a week and after 24 hours you'd be crying for your phone and vidya

>> No.16272242

Northwest euros have the most billionaires. That anon is just the bottom of his race but still wants to cling on to racial identity despite having more in common with some serf in congo than a rich euro

>> No.16272274

>it's not mr bergstein problem that your family couldn't accumulate wealth
I never said that because it is absolute humbug

>> No.16272419

>If you were transplanted to a hunter gatherer lifestyle you wouldn't survive for a week and after 24 hours you'd be crying for your phone and vidya

What's your point? I wasn't raised to survive in a hunter gatherer world so of course I wouldn't be able to survive. But if I was born into it I would, just like the people who lived in them for hundreds of thousands of years.

Hunter Gatherers still only worked 4 hours a day though, now get back to your shift wagie.

>> No.16272477

>lets not look for ethical alternatives before condemning the product

>> No.16272731
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>mfw he pulls out Fairphone on a date

>> No.16272755

lmao I guarnatee I hunter-gatherer lifestyle is harder than being some zoom zoom living with his parents and going to his part time job

This romanticized idea of "our ancestors had it so easy!!!!" is a complete lie. We're just weaker and lazier than ever before

>> No.16272793

>Easy =/= Better

You have a shallow mind

>> No.16273601

Ted even disputes this.


>> No.16273699

> Billions would die.

I do believe that's the idea

>> No.16273754

>I may be a slave in this world, but in my ideology, you're the slave
>now feel bad about yourself so I can recruit you

>> No.16274032

>wowowowo hunters only worked 4 hours a week bro we work all the time modurnity sux :((((
it's obvious what you're implying

>> No.16274210

I don't care about nigger fucking Africa, please get that through your head. I'm not making excuses. I don't need to justify myself to you. I'm not pretending anything. I don't care.
Please shut the hell up already, or at least drop the ventriloquist act.

>> No.16274227

kids' parents

>> No.16274236

well we don't have a billion einsteins, we have a billion trayvons instead

>> No.16274304

funny because I noticed the same with punks huehuehue
kids are retarded, what else is new

>> No.16276070 [DELETED] 

I legit want to buy that phone because it is supposed to last longer. I couldn't care less about kids in africa that are going to die anyway.

>> No.16276080

I legit want to buy that phone because it is modular and wasn't made in a way to force me to replace it after a while

>> No.16276206

Ted isn't an anthropologist.

>> No.16276398
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>3rd worlders should be put to use in any manner we deem necessary.

>> No.16276399

Let me guess, you're actually retarded enough to think that the slave labor lowers he price for western consumers rather than going straight into company profits

>> No.16276659

>he thinks that sweatshop labor is sustainable
>he thinks that eventually the sheer capital accumulation that is generated by the labor of starving kids won't generally increase their or their descendant's quality of life to the point where sweatshop labor will fade away

Even Chinaman workers are on a better standard now than they were twenty years ago.

>> No.16277026

>moving forwards
To where? why? and at what costs?

>> No.16277050

No but he cites several anthropologists to support his point that the hunter-gatherer life was not idyllic

>> No.16278366

this. he might as well be an anthropologist. he's basically a living encyclopedia of anthropology knowledge.

>> No.16278569

Most people being moral hypocrites does not make morality a charade. In fact, being able to recognise hypocrisy and moral decadence is a hint toward a true morality we as a society are failing to reach.

>> No.16278585

Yes that is the intended result. If I end up being one of them, so be it

>> No.16278725

Yes, he cites some, there are many more journals and studies that support the notion that HG's spent a lot less time "working" than we do now. The difficulty or precariousness of there work aside, they did less of it.

>> No.16279213
File: 13 KB, 398x257, based department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, brother, that's the spirit we need, inshallah one day this travesty of humanity will come to an end and Earth will be a better place for all life, even humanity if some of them survive

>> No.16279526

They did because work was seasonal

>> No.16279663

except people were way more likely to die of simple infections in young adulthood. tooth sockets are pretty close to the brain, get an infection there pre-antibiotics and you're fucked

>> No.16279729

you could have become a multimillionaire by buying BTC in the early 2010s, ETH in 2016, or LINK in 2018 through simply visiting /biz/

>> No.16279848


>> No.16279864

We abolished belief in an afterlife, so there is no morality beyond get it while you can. Get to know any Jew or atheist and you will see this attitude, either more or less implicit.
Also, we really need to stop feeding subSaharan Africa. The sooner the population there dies back and they learn to feed themselves, the better.

>> No.16280476

that's the only thing i wish for

>> No.16280486

but most right wingers aren't neither rich nor white

>> No.16280496
File: 51 KB, 499x499, 1427500049154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i smile upon you my child

>> No.16280540

>don't get sex
>start thinking about the meaning of life and the future of human civilization
>rebel against industrial slavery
>become a famous figure of resistance against modern society
>die knowing that you made an impact on society

>have sex
>become a brainwashed normal person
>spend your life obsessing over money and in the process making someone else rich
>nobody will ever remember your name
>literally who wageslave lays here

>> No.16280554

oh come on eating fucking burgers and using an iphone isn't necessary for you to survive
this is just consumption for hedonism and shows that the guy doesn't really care about the cause he claims to support
don't bullshit around

>> No.16280855

The washington men are responsible for this shit, not me

>> No.16280904

The book and its writer seem really unique. I'll read it.

>> No.16280991

This. But also, Jews control the world bank and live off human suffering.

>> No.16282321


>> No.16282462

This will happen either way, better sooner than later then.