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16243170 No.16243170 [Reply] [Original]

>Gabriel Garcia Marquez admitted the English translation of 100 Years of Solitude was superior to the original

>> No.16243214

I imagine that’s the fault of the Spanish language. Borges said the same thing.

>> No.16243217

He was known to be indulgent with interviewers. I would take that statement with a grain of salt.

>> No.16243226

He didn't speak English.

>> No.16243232

>Borges said the same thing.
Borges was a known anglo cock sucker.

>> No.16243264

why is spanish so inferior bros

>> No.16243367

He was right

>> No.16243417

Extremely rigid, sterile, and relatively standardized. No room for play.

>> No.16243437

Same as with Borges. Pretty self deprecatory sense of humor and very polite and laudatory when speaking with some people.
You get the real Borges after you've spent weeks interviewing him or you trigger him into giving an honest answer.

>> No.16243453

It's almost as if he was trying to sell his book to earn more money.

>> No.16243457

he was probably just being self-deprecating

>> No.16243462

He was being polite. Gregory Rabassa is a wonderful translator though

>> No.16243464

In the hands of a competent translator, everything is better in English. It's the best language for literature.

>> No.16243482

you have no fucking idea how wrong you are. you don't even know what you don't know

>> No.16243665

It’s for niggers and kikes, wops and greazers, pansies and skallywags

>> No.16243673

I know everything

>> No.16243719

You've been known to cope

>> No.16243731

cope this is pathetic

>> No.16243745

English is much more rigid and standardized than spanish.

>> No.16243783

why do angloids say stupid shit like this?

>> No.16243792

Nabokov would say about himself: “My head speaks English, my heart speaks Russian, my ear speaks French, and my maid speaks Spanish."

>> No.16243945


this kind of retards are those who say that Quixote is just about a madman involved in cavalry fantasies

>> No.16243998

Which isn't particularly weird considering:
1. He was a quarter anglo from her grandma's side.
2. Partially because of this, he grew up with anglo literature around, which also made him understand english at a young age.

>> No.16244015

extremadamente basado

>> No.16245367

lmao sure

>> No.16245689

The problem with Spanish is the words are too long. You have to say twice as many syllables as in English to convey the same information. It's why they talk so fast

>> No.16245722

that's not a problem though, retard.
god... angloids are so fucking stupid.

>> No.16245758

Seriously. I don't speak spanish, so I don't have a horse in this "race", but anglos must truly be liguinstically the most narrow minded people of our age. It's natural product of the prevalence of English perhaps, but still, I find it fascinating. They either romanticize a certain language and engage in self hate, or affirm their dominance like a blind man comparing colors and concluding that black is the best.

>> No.16245785

>blind man comparing colors and concluding that black is the best.
You talk as if anglos have no experience of foreign languages. I had French and German lessons at school and remember having to learn loads of useless bullshit like noun genders, cases etc. which don't add any meaning

>> No.16245824

They do add meaning. You just learned barbaric ways of knowledge from heart and couldn't comprehend the nuance of latin influence.

>> No.16245831

Limited, purely functional vocabulary due to its unfortunate past as purely vulgar latin derived language.

>> No.16245840

They need to spice up their language will all of those bullshit inflections, because there's only ever one way to say things in most non-english languages.

>> No.16245846

>liguinstically the most narrow minded
imagine thinking anyone would even care to be more or less "linguistically narrow minded"

>> No.16245851

stop talking out of your ass, do you have no shame?

>> No.16245865

I'm sure the English translation made him a fuckton more money than the original. So maybe he's right in that sense

>> No.16245869

Yeah Borges came across as such a polite and sincere person with Buckley.

>> No.16245872

Based af

>> No.16245873

Holy based characterisation.

>> No.16245881
File: 35 KB, 596x515, English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is the greatest language to ever exist.

>> No.16245894

Lol no. Learn about the analytic-synthetic language distinction.

>> No.16245899

Information density is a stupid metric to judge how good a language is

>> No.16245908
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>> No.16245912

What the fuck is MA?

>> No.16245915

Holy fuck look at japanese's shameful display
weebs btfo

>> No.16245922


>> No.16245924

Lmao cope. This is why the Anglos always win--presented with reality, and you stomp your feet in protest

>> No.16245929

What the hell, so does this mean that Mandarin is the best language of all time?

>> No.16245939

Look at the graph again, English has the higher information rate

>> No.16245940

It's information dense, but it can only communicate barbarous chink concepts. It lacks nuance.

>> No.16245941

you think this monolingual retards would know that? they are like barbarians that have no clue about the outside world.
we're trying to explain color to a blind man

>> No.16245948


>> No.16245951

Yes Paco tell us more about your "nuance" and "latin passion"
Perhaps you would find it easier to type in spanish

>> No.16245959

Spanish isn't even my native language, angloid. I understand 3 languages and i'm now studying a 4th one

>> No.16245974

How do I know that this study isn't strongly biased in favor of English?
How do I know that this graph perfectly represents the "information rate" of the entire language?

>> No.16245980

"Angloid" here that knows 4 and is working on his 5th here to tell you to stop sullying my beautiful language you retarded favela monkey.

>> No.16245985

el copo

>> No.16245986

>How do I know that this study isn't strongly biased in favor of English?
Because it was peformed by a bunch of Frenchies

>> No.16246025
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>"Angloid" here that knows 4 and is working on his 5th
wait, when did we start writing fictional stories? a real dragon would be more likely than that

>> No.16246027

Lol, let me guess: Portuguese, Spanish, English? You fuckers are so predictable

>> No.16246043


>> No.16246049

>a real dragon would be more likely than that
Not at all. Statistically, any given Anglo is more likely to be language scholar (not merely bilingual) than any given 3rd world favela monkey.

>> No.16246057
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>> No.16246074

Lmao spot-on

>> No.16246090


>> No.16246284

>because there's only ever one way to say things in most non-english languages.
Enjoy being retarded.

>> No.16246303

I know about the distinction, what is your point?

>> No.16246470


>> No.16246541

"Computer" in chinese is "electric brain", a caveman-like description at best. Many such cases!

>> No.16246577

What a self hating negro de mierda.

>> No.16246587

That's literally how new words are made retard, just look at German as the most stereotypical example.

>> No.16246603
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>tfw trilingual
>tfw the EoP retards ITTs will never have the joy of experiencing Spanish and Japanese works in their native tongues, with all their cultural nuance, and will continue to make retarded threads like this one to delude themselves and dilute the pain of being intellectually inferior to multilingual individuals

>> No.16246615

English is s terrible language for literature.

>> No.16246625


>> No.16246627


>> No.16246630
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>> No.16246642

>electric brain
That's pretty awesome, ngl

>> No.16246644

Keep on coping you insect. It feels good to flex my superiority over you.

>> No.16246647

Meanwhile in French:
>courrier électronique
>téléphone intelligent

>> No.16246652
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>flex my superiority over you

>> No.16246658

And computer in English is literally: “thing that does computations.” I think that’s way stupider and far more literal than “electric brain” you’re just retarded and far too detached from the lexicon of your own language to understand how it’s structured.

>> No.16246668
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>> No.16246675
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>> No.16246677

lmao I'm 99% sure you're not white

>> No.16246679

Computation is a specific task signifying rote, repetitive calculations. Chinks lack the linguistic precision to even talk about such a concept, so they are reduced to the vague, inaccurate, and misleading "electric brain" construction.

>> No.16246695

why do ameriburgers have this need to just make shit up when they are talking about something? you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, why pretend otherwise? why claim things that you have no knowledge of?

>> No.16246696

Whether he's white or not doesn't make you any less stupid for only being capable or reading third rate english

>> No.16246707

No, because you’re translating the meanings of their words into your own language, interpreting the nuance behind how its inferred based on your own tongue. Remember that their words don’t mean the same thing as your words in most cases. Words carry more than one meaning. Thus, translations are more often than not approximations, not literal equivalents. Context matters, and you’re a retard. You’d know this if you actually spoke more than one language.

I’m basque, so I’m pretty sure that makes me far more white than you.

>> No.16246722

Basques are neanderthals with an eternal chip on their shoulder.

>> No.16246724

COPE! you just decribed gayglish

>> No.16246729

The final hiding place of the btfo'd non-english speaker

>> No.16246731

>only being capable or reading third rate english
Projection on your part

>> No.16246738

>I’m basque
You're a frontal-lobe-deficient cave-man.

>> No.16246743

Said the mutt who has no clue of what his actual genealogical roots are, and can only speak one language, and at a mediocre level at that.

Whatever it takes to ease the pain of being an inferior mutt.

>> No.16246759

in another thread, you're probably talking about how chinese people can only think about rote, repetitive calculations

>> No.16246760

All I hear is an assortment of grunts, all spelled with too many Xs, Qs, and Ts.

>> No.16246764

That's precisely why they equate "brain" with "computation".

>> No.16246772

You say that, yet you’re unable to keep up with me in English debate resorting to net-slang and ad hominem to redirect your argument because you’ve got nothing else. If you truly had mastery over the English language, you’d be flexing it right now, instead of using middle-school tier memes.

>> No.16246776

It's no surprise that English as the current lingua franca and language of empire has the most expressive power. Just as power only flows down a gradient, so does meaning.

>> No.16246780

they have separate words for computation retard

>> No.16246794

As i am spanish i read in portuguese, spanish, catalan and italian.

If the author is either english or german i read them in english.

Don't really understand why you can not read a novel in it's original language and why if so, you say that your language is superior as to excuse your lack of language knowledge.

>> No.16246796

>debate me!!
Poast physique

>> No.16246825

Why are the overwhelming majority of Anglo and English haters Spanish and/or Portuguese speakers? Where did this chip on their shoulder come from? What the fuck is their problem?

>> No.16246829

Americans have a massive inferiority complex over the fact that they’re too retarded to learn more than one language, thus they ameliorate themselves by pretending that English is the only language that matters (it’s not).

To me, this thread has proved to be a rare opportunity to flex on them, and remind them of just how intellectually inferior they are compared to rest of the civilized world.

>> No.16246847

This Basque troublemaker has recently learned the word "flex" and he doesn't seem to quite grasp its cringe connotations.

>> No.16246848

Twitter fag

>> No.16246856

I don’t hate Anglos or the English, in fact, English is my favorite language, and the one I’m most fluent in. I just hate burgers with their ill-founded superiority complex.

And no, I did not make a mistake there, Anglos and the English referring to Anglophones the people in the English Isle - I hope that’s self evident for anyone starting to type anything thinking they’ve got me in a grammatical “gotcha.”

>> No.16246864

Spanish speakers are eternally butthurt about everything because of their Latin temperament.

>> No.16246866

>Anglos can't understand creativity and problem-solving. That's why they have to use the vague and misleading "brain storm" construction

>> No.16246874

>make a “haha we’re better than you“ /int/ bait thread
>get reminded of how stupid you actually are
>gee why are people so butthurt
Learn your place mutt.

>> No.16246880

Non-Anglos do cringe things like this because they're divorced (to different degrees) from the source of the collective cultural milieu--the world soul--which is currently Anglo-situated. The spirit of history only flows into them after flowing through us, and as a result they're always a little bit behind us.

>> No.16246882

more like it's a glorified creole and thus easy to learn

>> No.16246893

>>get reminded of how stupid you actually are
This has yet to be demonstrated. Meanwhile: >>16245881 Anglo-empiricism wins again.

>> No.16246894

That is literally it, unironically.

>> No.16246900

Our call to fame philosophy is pragmatism so its generally not useful to know other languages day to day.

>> No.16246902

The problem is Brazilian teenagers specifically

>> No.16246906

You are not your language, and your ignorance of other languages and linguistics doesn’t make you superior, no matter how much you try to bluster that it does.

>> No.16246911

>thus easy to learn
That doesn't follow, some creoles are incredibly difficult to learn.

>> No.16246933

thread is about a work in spanish so duh...

>> No.16246949

>Americans have a massive inferiority complex over the fact that they’re too retarded to learn more than one language,

Are you American ? Or know any ? Most I grew up around never had the thought to learn another language seriously beyond high school German, Spanish or French, you will hear them say things of along the lines of ''why learn language x when they already know English'' or ''how its a huge waste of time''. The only Americans I know who are bilingual are people with emigrant and strong cultural backgrounds, along with a small group of what you the call literati Kids who love different cultures so they immerse themselves in said culture. The only Americans with this inferiority complex your talking about are ones into literature, and while getting called out for being monolingual cucks will post on about how English is superior to any other language.

>> No.16246961
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>the world soul

>> No.16246970

Yeah but I've noticed it in other language threads too.

>> No.16246994

You’re a monologuist who can barely speak one language and must resort to charts to validate their own emotions and hide the fact that they’re ignorant of other cultures and ways of thinking from others.

The majority of the civilized world speaks English. This doesn’t make you special. People who speak English fluently as well as their native tongue are significantly more cultured and intelligent than you. You in fact, don’t even fully understand what it is that makes English such a flexible and descriptive language, because you have no frame of reference to compare it to. Meanwhile, a multilingual person will have a much more thorough understanding of your own tongue, as well as understand the trade offs that exist in regard to expression between various languages. For all the strengths English does have as a language, it also comes with a significant number of drawbacks, that compared to other tongues can make it very lacking in a number of areas. Of course, you’ll never truly understand this, let alone appreciate it, because you have to rely on translation, and can never appreciate works of literature and art in their native tongues.

If you’ve ever heard of linguistic determinism, you’d understand that because culture and language influence each other synergistically, there’s a certain richness found to understanding culture and the way people truly think and view the world by learning their language. Remaining ignorant to that will forever keep you in the dark from being able to truly grow as an intellectual and gain significantly more contrasting perspectives on the world. People who are multilingual gain a lot more than a significantly expanded vocabulary. Being multilingual is a lot more than translating words between tongues, it’s opening your mind to think in different ways.

But you do you. If you wanna be an ordinary man with an ordinary life with no interest in the world we live in, you’re more than welcome to.

>> No.16246995

You'll get their eventually, little buddy

>> No.16246998

You're half right.
Creoles are only easy for people who speak the constituent languages that it is based on, and doesn't mean it's any easier for people who don't speak the related languages. This fact is evident in the reason why creoles form in the first place, to make communication between multiple languages easier.
For example, germanic language speakers would learn to speak English very quickly as would romance language speakers to a lesser degree, however it's still very difficult for say Japanese or Chinese speakers to learn English as they would experience with any other romance or germanic languages.

>> No.16247018

>You’re a monologuist
Projection. I'm fluent in English and French, and I'm currently learning Hindi. The rest of your comment is non-sequitur; I ignored it.

>> No.16247033

my mistake

>Are you American.
Like I said, I’m basque in blood, but I wasn’t raised in the Basque Country. I was actually raised in the states throughout my teenage years, so I met tons of Americans and experienced their brazen cultural ignorance first hand, as well as the butthurt from the ones who tried to pose themselves as more “cultured” much like you described.

I’ve travelled all over the world, and have met people from all sorts of different countries. Outside of the US, I lived in Madrid for 8 years, and met people from all over Europe. I travelled all across Mexico and LatAm, and I’ve been living in Japan since my late 20s (which is why I know Japanese). So I’ve had various frames of reference to compare how people from all over the world think. Americans are by far the most ignorant and uncultured, despite being arrogant in their defiance of pretending otherwise.

> The only Americans with this inferiority complex your talking about are ones into literature, and while getting called out for being monolingual cucks will post on about how English is superior to any other language.
Basically this thread in a nutshell.

>> No.16247035

You're also half right.
>Creoles are only easy for people who speak the constituent languages that it is based on.
Until sufficient typological transformation has occurred.

>> No.16247053

what? there's nothing wrong with that description. it's more correct in spirit than our word for it, which brings more to mind arithmetic calculation than a bona fide external entity capable of "thought", in a sense. it makes way more sense to think of computers as retarded people than as fancy calculators

>> No.16247055

>no punctuation
So this is the power of the “superior” American mind.

Please don’t use words you don’t understand. The rest of the post addressed your point exactly, getting butthurt cause you had no way to address it doesn’t mean it’s not relevant to the point at hand.

>> No.16247067

You may be more familiar with the term "weltgeist"

>> No.16247081

Computers are precisely calculators. Everything they do is step by step calculation. When they're not executing a calculation, nothing is happening. They are nothing like a person or a brain.

>> No.16247096

Your conclusion did not follow your premise, and your premise did not even land in the first instance. It was non sequitur. Try harder next time.

>> No.16247099

At its most simplified level, yes. But that’d be like saying “the brain is just neurons firing electrical impulses.” Simple processes can produce very complicated effects, and computers and brains share a lot more in common than you’re seemingly willing to admit.

>> No.16247111

>So this is the power of the “superior” American mind.
I'm half mexican lol

>> No.16247129

Do you program at all?
Name some similarities.

>> No.16247145

It followed it perfectly. You apparently just don’t have a very good understanding of English.

>You’re a monolinguist ignorant of other cultures.
>the varios nuances between languages and how understanding multiple languages can give you a different appreciation for not only other cultures, but also your own tongue
>Conclusion (literal copy/paste):
> Of course, you’ll never truly understand this, let alone appreciate it, because you have to rely on translation, and can never appreciate works of literature and art in their native tongues.

Again, don’t rely on claiming logical fallacy because you couldn’t follow basic essay structure. Be thankful I didn’t use Japanese style essay structure, you probably would have fried a neuron trying to figure it out it seems.

If you truly are multilingual, my argument basically leaves you with two options: attack the core of what I said (which would be debating linguistic determinism, good luck with that), or concede that I’m right, and reflect how in your own experience, you’ve witnessed the same things. Of course, I have serious doubts you’re fluent in anything, as you barely even know English it seems.

>> No.16247153

Do you know neuroscience?

>> No.16247157

>must resort to charts to validate their own emotions
Lol. "Resort to empirical evidence". What are you doing then? Resorting to emotions to validate your emotions?

>> No.16247213

>resort to empirical evidence
More like misconstrue empirical evidence due to being unable to understand the implicit meaning of it. That chart does not support your argument that being a monolingual anglophone is in any way better than being a bi/multilingual who has English as a fluent second language.

Your argument is basically:
>I’m native English, haha, I’m better than you because my language is more expressive according to this chart
And my counter-argument is:
>lol, no you’re not, because I’m also native level in English, and in fact being multilingual I not only have significantly far more expansive vocabulary than yours (3x in my case), but also a more thorough and deep linguistic understanding of English due to having various points of reference to compare it to. Not only that, but that chart is only measuring one aspect of the language, and doesn’t account for the trade-offs English has as a language in order to be as flexible as it is. Understanding other languages allows you to see different ways of thinking and expressing yourself which are in no way possible in English, and you’ll never be able to experience this so long as you remain monolingual..
>but muh chart!

>> No.16247216

Your premise
>I'm a monolinguist
Your argument
>Monolinguists lack understanding of culture
Your conclusion
>I lack understanding of culture
>I'm fluent in 2 languages and learning a third
So is argument simply wrong?

>> No.16247230

>That chart does not support your argument that being a monolingual anglophone is in any way better than being a bi/multilingual who has English as a fluent second language.
I never claimed that, retard. So stop arguing with phantoms. I WILL claim, however, that English is the GOAT language.

>> No.16247238

>3x in my case
Unlikely. English has a way bigger vocab than most languages.

>> No.16247243

your argument*

>> No.16247259

If you disagree with my stance that being multilingual makes you a more cultured individual with a more thorough understanding of language and culture, then it’s hard to believe you’re multilingual at all.

The one being non-sequitur here is you, as my original post since >>16246603 has always been that being multilingual is always superior than being a butthurt EOP trying to rationalize their own lack of effort toward understanding other languages and cultures.

When someone disagrees with that statement, then the only logical conclusion to draw is that that person is a monolingual EOP who felt personally attacked by it, especially since you never presented any significant counter-arguments that logically addressed my core point. Again, if you truly are multilingual, the only easy argument for you to make here, is to agree with me. If you disagree, feel free to present why. I’m open for discussion if you’ve got a strong case to make, but if your aim is to derail the conversation by claiming that you are multilingual, without ever addressing the core argument, or presenting any significant counter-argument, then there’s nowhere to go from here as this tangent was never relevant to what was originally being discussed. You being multilingual or otherwise has no relevance on what’s being discussed, and as I said, it’s hard to believe you would be if you genuinely disagree with what I originally said.

>> No.16247266

lol this

once you have an english and mandarin translation, it's time to pop the champagne.

>> No.16247275

You're right that there are languages that are worth more than English. But yours isn't one of them

>> No.16247277

not him but no dumbass. you guys are so fucking stupid... the English language can be said to have the largest vocab when you take in account all the words but this doesn't mean that the average angloid has a larger vocab than a bilingual person. the average angloid has a vocab of 40k words
my god, you guys are so fucking dumb that it hurts.

>> No.16247298

*the average university educated angloid

>> No.16247302

You will IGNORANTLY claim that English is the GOAT language. Because there are trade offs, which prevent it from being “the best” same as any other language, and various languages present various different pros and cons. If you’ve ever read Japanese literature in its native tongue, you’d comes across some brilliant ways in which nuance and meaning can be codified in Japanese, purely due to how the language is written. Something totally impossible in English due to it not using Kanji. Spanish, similarly, can offer rich and powerful phonetic vibrance not possible in English PRECISELY because of how flexible English is. There is no “GOAT” only an idiot would claim this.

Of which you only know roughly 20,000 to 30,000 words. Just like how your average Japanese person doesn’t know every word or Kanji in the Japanese language. And of those 20-30,000 words you know, you actively use 2000 of them 80% of the time, just like anyone else. Using your language at a generic level and claiming to be superior despite never actively delving deeper into the true, richer aspects of it, doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Conversational English is just as retarded as conversational anything else, and on an artistic level, as I said before, different language all offer different and interesting artistic nuances unique to them which are fascinating to experiment with.

Saying “English is better than Spanish cause it’s more flexible” is like saying “watercolors are better than oils because they’re easier to paint with!” Again, a statement only a simpleminded ignorant moron would make.

>> No.16247311

Hence "unlikely", and not "certainly". But, someone that has a 50% understanding of English would know more words than someone with a 50% understanding of Spanish. It's not hard, anon.

>> No.16247312

>Dios está azul

Try to translate this verse, angloid

>> No.16247345

Forgot to follow up on the word count for this >>16247238 idiot. You know 20,000-30,000 English words, maybe 40,000 if we push it. I did University in the States, my English vocabulary is equal to yours, but in addition, my vocabulary is comparably rich in Spanish and Japanese (with Japanese being my weakest, being advanced but not fluent). So if we both know roughly 40,000 words in English, then we add the 30,000 words I know in Spanish (since my Spanish isn’t as rich), plus the 10,000 words I currently know in Japanese, if we ASSUME that you have university level English (which you’re clearly not demonstrating), then my vocab would be at least 2x as expansive as yours.

>> No.16247357
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La criatura no sabe de lo que está hablando.

>> No.16247360

>Americans are by far the most ignorant and uncultured

There are arguments and factors for why this is the sad case in America, but I'm sure you got a few ideas. Other than that I see we agree that its more an issue with book reading monolinguals who post here in their inferiority and a general apathy amongst the larger American public to pick up a new language.

>> No.16247394

I’m native in English and Spanish, with my English being academic level. My Japanese is my weakest as it’s my newest language, but it’s still advanced and rapidly growing since I live in Japan. I’m not native, but fluent. As for English and Spanish, I’ve been speaking and reading both since the age of 5, with Spanish TECHNICALLY being my mother tongue. But I can read native literature in all three of these languages today. Of course my overall vocabulary is significantly more expansive than yours.

Any multilingual even if they’re non-native level in English will forever have an overall more expansive vocabulary than a monolingual, because any academic level will know 40,000 words more or less in that tongue, so 40,000 + however many other words they know in their second language (fluency requires roughly 10,000). Every language on Earth has more words in its vocabulary than even the most advanced speakers of that tongue know. Even if English has 500,000 total words or whatever, no person alive knows all of them. Again, your average person in any language knows roughly 20,000-30,000 words of their mother tongue, with academics knowing more to varying degrees. Just about every language out there has more than 40,000 total words. Far more.

See, this is why people hate EOPs, you make the stupidest arguments cause you’re so ignorant about language. Including your own.

>> No.16247400

I just ate a bunch of burritos and farted super loud. It was like pthththpthpppppth

>> No.16247415

I've never ate them, why are they called "burritos"?

>> No.16247417

This is retarded. The elemental unit of language, and thus understanding itself, is the morpheme, contained within the utterance, not the word. The word is merely an abstraction, as is the concept. You knowing the word/concept "cat" AND the word/concept "gato" does not mean you have twice the understanding than someone who doesn't. You think you're smarter than the person you reply to, but in reality you are just as, if not more retarded.

>> No.16247465

We’re talking about vocabulary, not morphemes. Several words exist in English (and Spanish and Japanese), which are synonymous, or even contain the exact same meaning, but offer different nuanced. Languages offer different ways to say the exact same things, all languages do. The difference is a matter of context or flavor. A simple example is the words “pretty” and “beautiful” or “captivating” and “engaging.” If you think English is unique for doing this, you’re retard, as pretty much every language does this.

And yes, there are core concepts in various languages are are untranslatable, as once again, linguistic determinism, one good example was already posted ITT by another anon >>16247312. Even if you manage to capture the literal meaning of it, you’ll miss ALL of the nuance and artistic value. Every language also offers its unique form of word play, Japanese is notorious for this. With various words being homophones (tons of them in fact), but carrying different readings due to their kanji. In fact, wordplay is one of the areas where English falls significantly shorter than both Japanese AND Spanish. Because it has too many vowel sounds. But anyway, this is all tangent. Point being, these are all various aspects of a language that offer meaning to it. Things you’ll literally never fully understand so long as you remain in your ignorant ways.

>> No.16247476

The level of cope in this post is astronomical. EOPs truly are a sorry sight to behold.

>> No.16247497

Why are you so fucking bad at arguing? I agree with your points but for God's sake are you slowly jerking yourself off while typing this? >wait did I tell you about how many languages I speak yet? dude trust me I'm an expert on this, actually when you really think about it I have three or four times your vocabulary, because I'm just that much more intelligent. Did I mention I'm Basque?
Like lol okay pal we get it. Maybe you wouldn't have to write a small essay for each post if you actually thought about how to get your points across.

>> No.16247517


was it stinky?

>> No.16247542

Yes, and it's an utter distraction to speak in terms of vocabulary and words. Someone with twice the vocabulary does not have twice the understanding of the world. To even speak in terms of "understanding the world" is mistaken. Language is not a tool designed for this purpose, as many of us are lead to believe—a product of placing mistaken primacy on the word and the declarative sentence. Again, language is a finite collection of meaningful utterances; an extension of our actions in the world.

>> No.16247566

You’re the one who tried to argue about morphemes when the point was comparing richness of vocabulary.

And multilingual individuals also have a deeper understanding of things that are untranslatable too, yes. Concepts that cannot be carried into other languages as they’re imbedded in culture.

>why are you jerking yourself off
I thought that was self-evident. It’s what I came to do from the very start, make all the EOPs fellating themselves feel bad, by reminding them that no amount “Anglo-Impericism” will compensate for the fact that their understanding of the world and even their own language will always be significantly more narrow than that of any multilingual.

Next time don’t make shitty /int/bait threads if you don’t wanna be reminded of where you stand. Or, get over yourself, and start learning a second language. Spanish is easy to learn for Anglophones, and Japanese has plenty of learning resources.

>why are you bad at arguing
I like being verbose and overly-specific to a fault as I’m detail-oriented, and I never proofread my posts.

>> No.16247580

You forgot to use the word "flex"

>> No.16247593

>dude you're the one who tried to argue..., you're the one who tried to make the thread
No I'm neither of those people. I'm a neutral anon, who is telling you that you are bad at arguing and at proving your own points, and also that you sound like you have Aspergers. You're "detail-oriented"? You're so detail-oriented you crawl up the ass of whichever post you happen to be quoting, and don't even bother to question its terms.

>> No.16247620

>twice the vocabulary does not have twice the understanding of the world
I don’t think I ever said “twice the understanding of the world” idk where you inferred that. I said “richness of vocabulary.”

> Language is not a tool designed for this purpose, as many of us are lead to believe—a product of placing mistaken primacy on the word and the declarative sentence. Again, language is a finite collection of meaningful utterances; an extension of our actions in the world.

And the purpose of language is...?

Expression and Communication. Language carries with it the innate ideas of how its speakers view the world. This is the foundational idea behind linguistic determinism, I keep repeating this cause you people don’t seem to grasp it. For a board obsessed with philosophy and reading, you’d think some of you would be aware of some of the literature behind the philosophy of linguistics. It’s simple, language shapes culture, and culture shapes language. And what is culture but a reflection of how a people view and understand the world. By learning a language, you begin to assimilate various aspects of that culture into your own understanding of the world, because many times it’s important to understand those ways of thinking in order to understand more nuanced aspects of the language. Yes, there’s a deeper aspect to this that you’re definitely not grasping, but it surely can’t be that difficult to comprehend... I’d provide an example of this in English, but I honestly can’t be fucked and I’m getting tired of arguing. Part of why these are getting so rambly is cause fatigue is settling in, and my brain is starting to shift into stream of consciousness.

>> No.16247644

To add, this idea of "untranslatable concepts" is itself a product of this mistaken view of language as consisting of "words", which results in the attempt to match analogous words in different languages, and failing to produce any substantial results. In reality, these analogous words are only apparently so. The solution: find (construct) true analogues https://intranet.secure.griffith.edu.au/schools-departments/natural-semantic-metalanguage/what-is-nsm

>> No.16247647

>muh wordplay
Should be banned desu

>> No.16247680

>linguistic determinism
Has been overcome by NSM theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_semantic_metalanguage..
Every language can be boiled-down to the same set of semantic primitives, with different words/concepts in different languages sometimes differing in terms of their prime composition (hence soft-determinism, hence the aforementioned "false analogues"), but these differences are inter-translatable and can be overcome due to the shared metalanguage (hence no hard-determinism).

>> No.16247689

>And the purpose of language is...?
Doing things in the world.

>> No.16247747

>and also that you sound like you have Aspergers
I actually wouldn’t know, as I’ve never been diagnosed with anything, but you got me to look into it, and idk what to say, lol:

>extreme intellectual or artistic interest
Yes on both, I’m very creatively driven and love learning new things
>speech problems
Depends how you define it, I like being specific and verbose in English, but in Spanish and Jap I’m more direct. Also I’d argue that being multilingual goes against the notion of communication problems
>delayed motor development
I was always unathletic as a kid, and as a result a little clumsy at sports, but I never struggled to learn how to ride a bike, swim, or hold a pencil
>high integrity
>not socially driven
>poor social skills
Kinda? I’ve never struggled to make friends, and can get very extraverted if I get into the habit of going out a lot, but I’m a natural introvert, so if I stay at home a lot I can be socially clumsy at times
>master of routine
Kinda. I like routines, but I can only hold them for so long before the monotony starts to drive me up the well
>depression or anxiety
A little kinda
>hypersensitive to sounds
>extremely good visual process
>challenges with empathy
No. Defininite no. I actually have the opposite problem with empathy where strong emotions can affect me too, and so I keep a wall up. It’s not uncommon for me to cry at movies
>difficulty with routines
Last minute changes are a pet peeve of mind, yes
>not good at reading the air
Definite no here, I’m very observant of body language
>extreme focus on specific topic
When learning something new I like being very thorough and understanding it very deeply, but never to the point of obsession, but maybe that’s subjective
>stereotypical repetitive behavior
Idk what this means exactly

None of these have ever been disruptive, but apparently Mozart was an Aspie, as are several artistic, creative, and intellectual minds. So idk, maybe I am.

You tell me, really. Now I’m curious as to how many others itt fit into this.

Physical I don’t display any “autistic” traits, I’m actually often told I’m very handsome, and have been all my life, but I’d be lying if I said that despite that I’m super socially charismatic, cause I’m not. I can be, in bursts and within the right mood/context, but it’s not uncommon to notice myself committing social faux pas here and there. I am keenly aware of it though. So idk. Maybe I do have Assburgers.

>> No.16247790

Also, on the sports thing I should add that only as a little kid I was clumsy. As a teen I got into martial arts, weightlifting, and parkour, so I became the opposite athletically.

Also for anyone else interested in self-diagnosing, “trouble with routine” meant that you struggle to break routines, or repetitive behaviors, and really hate it when forced to do so. I don’t so much mind breaking routine, but changing things at the last minute when I had other plans in mind, does bug me. Me, for example, for a time, if I had plans to stay at home on a weekend and draw, write, or play vidya, if friends on whatsapp made last minute plans to go out, I’d usually decline. In contrast, if we planned to go out since earlier in the week, I’d look forward to it, though, if those plans fell through, it really would bother me so much, so I guess it’s just more of my introvert nature. Plus, when dealing with girls it’s not uncommon to see last minute flakes or changes of plans (even if she likes you, girls just do that, sometimes even to test you), so I quickly learned to not give a shit if plans get cancelled.

>> No.16247822

Give me a nineteen word summary.

>> No.16247894

Don’t feel like it.

>> No.16247929
File: 9 KB, 229x220, 1594736169157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16247959

>I’m basque in blood
Holy balls get over yourself. It's a language and culture, not a bloodline. You're no better than an off-the-shelf amerishart who declares himself Irish or German.

>> No.16248013

It’s not though, and the reason the distinction is made is cause the north of Spain never got conquered by Moors, meaning the Basque, Asturians, etc... can trace their genealogical roots exclusively to the Celtic tribes of that area, the nearby Franks, and the Visigoths who came down to Spain after the fall of Rome. Hell, they don’t even have the Latin traits other Mediterraneans do, aside from perhaps trace amounts from the Romans.

So Basque, is among the few places of Europe that can claim purity in being white, as the dominant bloodlines are Celtic, Frankish, and most importantly Visigoth.

When you see Spaniards with blonde hair and blue eyes, is cause their genealogy can be traced directly back to the Visigoths.

The more you know...

>> No.16248104

Classic materialist hylic judging languages by muh efficiency

>> No.16248115

Name one (1) thing that isn't information.

>> No.16248147

Because it got simplified and mixed with american expressions (both from english from the USA and words from the native cultures that once were Mesoamerica and the Andes' culture). Spanish in it's purest form was found in medieval chivalry like with Amadis de Gaula or El Cantar de Mío Cid, and with writers from the Golden Century like Miguel de Cervantes, Luis de Góngora, and Francisco de Quevedo. All the modern writers like García Márquez or José Emilio Pacheco used a more coloquial dialect as both a voluntary choice to either have more credible dialogues in the context of the stories, or because it was easier to them. Borges was the exception, I fondly remember reading him in high school and not understanding shit despite being me being a fan of medieval literature and Don Quixote, but like a couple of anons pointed out, Borges had relatives that spoke english as their main language.

And as a final note, Gabo was just being polite.

>> No.16248523

>It’s not though, and the reason the distinction is made is cause the north of Spain never got conquered by Moors, meaning the Basque, Asturians, etc... can trace their genealogical roots exclusively to the Celtic tribes of that area, the nearby Franks, and the Visigoths who came down to Spain after the fall of Rome. Hell, they don’t even have the Latin traits other Mediterraneans do, aside from perhaps trace amounts from the Romans.
>So Basque, is among the few places of Europe that can claim purity in being white, as the dominant bloodlines are Celtic, Frankish, and most importantly Visigoth.
>When you see Spaniards with blonde hair and blue eyes, is cause their genealogy can be traced directly back to the Visigoths.
biggest cope I've ever seen. Sad!

>> No.16248568

Yeah if you listen in anime there's a lot of times where a character will say "So you're saying (thing you just said)" And it's because there's so much shit that needs to be clarified like this in Nip all the fucking time.
Why the fuck am I studying this stupid language fucks sake.