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16239055 No.16239055 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any proof that not having friends or people to talk to makes you crazy? I have been friendless for at least 5 years now and I feel fine. Of course, if I really am going nuts, I wouldn't be able to know it myself.

>> No.16239077


Maybe everyone else is nuts because they have friends, and you only think you might be nuts be because you are defining nuts by comparison....

>> No.16239086

I mean ure talking to us, the argument is no social relationships

>> No.16239096

>friends are people who make fun of you and seethe at your success
No thanks

>> No.16239140

I have this theory that mental illness is contagious. I wouldn't be nearly as paranoid and insecure as I am if it weren't for other people projecting those thoughts and behaviors on to me.

>> No.16239181

There is proof that if you post off-topic frog threads, then you're an idiot. That might get you in the general ballpark.

>> No.16239211
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All my friends attempt to use me as their therapist so I concluded I am the only sane one and ghosted every single one of them.

Done with normies who are actually mentally ill children.

DROP these useless people from your lives and jump into the ocean of knowledge.

>> No.16239218
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Based. Fuck people who brain drain you with useless drivel then go do the same shit they were complaining about. Endless fucking cycle they enjoy being in. And when you need to vent a little? Like cockroaches, they hide.

>> No.16239224

I've been friendless for years, and I'm unironically starting to hallucinate. I sometimes see people who aren't there in the corner of my vision, and I sometimes hear random noises like animal noises that seem fake. There was a machine-like voice that seemed like it was trying to talk to me. I don't really feel loneliness anymore, and I have no idea if the two are in any way related.

>> No.16239230

Those are true friends besides the seethe part. My fake friends or rather acquaintances which is the word I'd rather use because I think people use the word friend too liberally and knowing someone for a year doesn't make them your friend. A real friend which I used to have we just made fun of each other and everyone around us 24/7 it was just like reading a thread on the 4channels.org then acquaintances which you are speaking of not real friends, are the ones that seethe.

>> No.16239239

>we just made fun of each other and everyone around us 24/7

>> No.16239244

It wasn't in a friendly manner in anyway

>> No.16239270

I’ve been isolated for a little under two years, though I still routinely talk to my large family. I used to be very personable and congenial but I think i’m losing the knack of it. Like, think it’s harder to call up those skills whenever I choose to use them and every month I don’t make an effort to lay myself out to be agreeable at work makes me even more comfortable with the prospect of never doing so again. I think nowadays I’m probably often thought of as being pitiably shy and I don’t even care.
I’m 28 btw, and before I quit drinking was quite normal in most respects and had an active social life.

>> No.16239283

No, you’re describing people who’ve watched too much television and think every 30 seconds a quippy sitcom put-down is expected of them. Real well-adjusted people don’t do this that often.

>> No.16239630

Social isolation lowers your lifespan significantly, indicating that it's probably not healthy.

>> No.16240193

Since this is palpably one of the most level-headed and self-aware posts I've seen on this board today, you'll be fine, if not optimum or overflowing with regular episodes of ecstasy. Still, it's an eagle on this course.
Yet results will vary by temperament and background, particularly if in the course of measurement one takes financial circumstances into account.

>> No.16240547

Those friends can also be incredibly toxic and lower your self esteem significantly. Banter is normal but sometimes other incels are just cruel.

>> No.16240550


>> No.16241988
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>> No.16242732

> I think people use the word friend too liberally and knowing someone for a year doesn't make them your friend
It's useful to classify people as 'friends' liberally (i.e. as your 'allies,' no SJW connection intended). People look at you strange when you say "I have one friend," but if I include acquaintances I can rely on for career help, I can up that to "sure, I know a bunch of friends in the x sector."

It's also not really based on 'time' but rather 'quality of time.' You can create a strong lifetime connection with someone over a few months of hardship (e.g. in conflicts) vs. a year being in the same club.

Agreed. I like to joke about inconsequantial or highly exaggerated topics, but way too many guys in friendly scenarios use it as a means to put someone down in a socially accepted way.

>> No.16243093

this is my doubt as well. If you have mediums such as video, music and especially something like a image(messaging) board which you use, you really arent truly isolated from social interactions desu.

>> No.16243101

Isolation is proven to be detrimental to human mental health

>> No.16243102

sending bad vibes your way
>and oedipus complex is real ;)

>> No.16243116

Rhesus macaques (93% shared DNA to humans) subject to social isolation experience substantial brain atrophy. The same isolation studies cannot be ethically conducted on humans--although a autopsy of a solitarily confined prison inmate might confirm this--but the evidence in all probability suggests social isolation literally decays your brain. Some studies report that loneliness is negatively impacts mortality as much as smoking.

>> No.16243122

only talk to people around which you feel no strain and when being around them feels light
helping them in tough times is normal, obviously, but drop those who constantly try to drain you

>> No.16243125

Let me qualify this however in saying that OP could very well be autistic. In which case their social requirements are less impactful given their neuroatypical wiring.

>> No.16243142

On the one hand, that may be part of it but another part is that I simply think most of you are annoying morons. I want to support myself and have actual friends. I don't want to hear about bazinger or Netflix or Twilight or whatever. I want to go to a Pasolini rescreening and not hear constant whining and blabber during it. By all means, insult me or whatever but you know I am right that it is hard for me to find real friends. I work as a dishwasher. I can't exactly bond over Socrates with anyone.

>> No.16243193

Why can't you guys just be more lile Bogey? I like an elderly Canadian guy I have never met more than most of you frankly. He wouldn't whine about subtitles and Pasolini.

>> No.16243259

In the same boat except for one bro i still chat with on WhatsApp.

Even though family, coworkers, and neighbors cant provide "deep" conversations, they still keep you in the loop socially so you dont end up wearing jeans shorts and a fanny pack talking to yourself at the beach