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/lit/ - Literature

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16183097 No.16183097 [Reply] [Original]

How much does /lit/ read in a day? I'm doing 20 pages and it doesn't feel like enough

>> No.16183108

If it doesn't feel like enough then read more retard

>> No.16183140

I read more than 20 pages a day. After dinner each night, I usually read for a few hours. It's interrupted by conversation and stuff. I finish about a book a week. I don't necessarily read every day.

>> No.16183145

anything less than 80 is pathetic

>> No.16183154

i havent read in a couple months because i am hopelessly addicted to wasting time playing diablo 2 and browsing 4chan

>> No.16183200

I dedicated most of my day to reading this past Sunday and only got to like 60 pages... Granted the pages have small font and I took a lot of breaks but 80 a night would be nigh impossible unless I read as soon as I got home until I slrpt
I'm addicted to the internet as well, feels bad man

>> No.16183229

i feel like i could read 200 a day if i didn't spend 6-8 hours shitposting here

>> No.16183258

same, feel like chucking my phone and computer into the ocean lol

>> No.16183330 [DELETED] 
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What is the most /lit/ language?

>> No.16183336

first time I tripped on acid I had a huge urge to toss my phone in a river. Only reason I didn't is because I didn't want my parents to freak out when they couldn't call me

>> No.16183377

Usually 50 - 100 aka comfortably in midwitt territory

>> No.16183510

Finishing books in under a week is a decent achievement nowadays

>> No.16184137


>> No.16184801

ever since the /pol/acks arrived reading seems to be the last thing on this boards mind.