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16167594 No.16167594 [Reply] [Original]

I was reading about this ugly frog thing's sexual lifestyle and it always bothered me how he was capable of fucking that many young virgins?

>> No.16167611

>french women
even you could do it anon

>> No.16167613

How. I'm French and they all love bbc. It's hopeless for skinny white twinks like me

>> No.16167621

If you view women as difficult and inaccessible, you've already filtered yourself.

>> No.16167626

>skinny white twinks

>> No.16167629

Absolutely not. I'm straight.

>> No.16167634
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all frenchies are irredeemable coomers

>> No.16167635

OK simp.

>> No.16167640

I get panic attacks when I talk to women unironically :|

>> No.16167651

Just be yourself brah

>> No.16167655

But I'm literally leagues more attractive than this ugly toad and I only had one girlfriend my entire life.

>> No.16167657

So is spaghetti until it gets wet ;)

>> No.16167668

No I tried doing gay shit. Made me want to puke. It was more traumatizing than my dad abusing me. I also hope you get aids.

>> No.16167689

>literally drugged women and raped them
>payed hookers
That's it. He died alone and loveless.

>> No.16167690

He was a famous intellectual in a country that fetishizes intellectuals, plus Simone did some of the leg work, women will trust another womans judgment on men a lot of the time. Especially another famous intellectual woman.

>> No.16167700

Why would that useless slut help some old French coomer? Did he have dirt on her or something?

>> No.16167704

Ignore >>16167657 I'm a girl

>> No.16167710

Same reason Weinstein was able to.

>> No.16167714

Money and demagogy

>> No.16167729

I'm not buying it.

>> No.16167744

what did you think of being and nothingness?

>> No.16167749

Didn't read nigga shiieeeet. Keeping it real

>> No.16167767

men are simps
women are whores
it's not hard to be a simp and not hard to be a whore

>> No.16167778

they kinda dated

>> No.16167787

>country that fetishizes intellectuals
everyone should be like france.
meanwhile where I live the only people who get respect are fucking soccer players and in us it's retarded hacks like elon musk.

>> No.16167790

Bitches love intelligence and knowledge

>> No.16167795 [DELETED] 

The intellectuals they fetishize aren't Aryan. They're generally aids ridden (((Marxists)))

>> No.16167800
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>> No.16167803

No. They love attention. Nothing brings more attention than dating a celebrity.

>> No.16167805

Now we know you are both a shitskin and a weeb, any more defects?

>> No.16167806

You're not a woman. You're a disgusting man in a dress. Kys

>> No.16167809

fuck off back to pol

>> No.16167810

They didn't get attention or fame out of it, name me one whore that shagged this ugly cunt only Beauvoir and that's because she read feminist bullshit in her free time

>> No.16167811

Yep. Definitely a tranny.

>> No.16167817

Make me motherfucker

>> No.16167822

she wrote*

>> No.16167830

They thought they would get attention. They didn't.

>> No.16167860

this. you start talking about a how life is like all absurd and shit to girls and they will start trowing themselves at you

>> No.16167892

women loved his BEP (big existentialist philosophy)

>> No.16167968

I tried this strategy and it only worked on fat chicks.

>> No.16167995

at least Camus isn't alive to eternally btfo you as well
stand still and be happy

>> No.16168020
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it also works on hot mentally Ill girls anon so get out and get some pussy!

>> No.16168027

pretty much this right here

Sartre got women for the same reason Steven Tyler got women despite being hideous. Because he was famous.

>> No.16168038

Steven Tyler was good looking before all the plastic surgery and old age

>> No.16168050

imagine Sartre's O-face

>> No.16168053

How do I actually make real friends? But maybe not girls because girls are very often idiots.

>> No.16168069

Okay now those are both stories we should hear.

>> No.16168117

Join the chess club

>> No.16168131

just b urself bro (if you're not in school anymore you're fucked)

>> No.16168165
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>hello, would you like to hear the good word of Dagon?

>> No.16169159

>have a face like a leprous toad
>wake up the morning in the bed of whichever socialite you met at the gallery opening last night
>drift down to the cafe for coffee and chit-chat
>write a letter to the papers about age of consent laws
>flirt with the waitresses eventually meet up with an acquitance who gives you a dose of synthetic mescaline
>wander around paris tripping balls with your little lobster buddies
>make it home to your completely unfurnished apartment in the evening where your girfriend has groomed a 14 year old for you
>bang them both the pass out

In France at this time being a high end philosopher was like being a rockstar in the 70s.

>> No.16169191

Did Beauvoir ever write or contemplate about her rather unfeminist behaviour as concerning the frog-man?

>> No.16169266

It helps to be one of the most famous intellectuals in the world. Women care about status more than looks.

>> No.16169415

god I wish that was me.
will my life be like this if I move to paris?

>> No.16169438
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He was from France, ugly men with beautiful women are a time-tested tradition there.

>> No.16169441


>> No.16169451

you'll never pass tranny

>> No.16169459

do you get to fuck the waitress at least? what's the point if you don't?

>> No.16169465

you have to be a shameless emotional manipulator and also many of them were teenagers so it was very easy to impress them.

>> No.16169471

Reminds me of india

>women are okay or hot and reasonably grounded
>men are all some horrible mix of socially retarded nerd and normiecore consoomer

>> No.16169665

>>men are all some horrible mix of socially retarded nerd and normiecore consoomer
it's their school system. it crams so much shit down their throat it breaks them

>> No.16169740

He mostly fucked kids

>> No.16169758

age of consent laws are bullshit made up by the jews to keep the GAVLIC man down

>> No.16169774

>nooooooo I can still be a twink at 30
Nothing more pathetic

>> No.16169887

french philosophers are mega based for making /lit/ constantly seethe.
>NOO you cant just fuck hot young french women and be a famous philosopher you need to date your age!!!

>> No.16169907

exactly, what's even the point of being famous if you can't use fame to fuck 12 year olds?

>> No.16170070

>hot young french women
>implying hot
>Implying women
He didn't need to date his age, but dating 12 y/os who already wear tweed and still don't return your calls is a new low. It's like getting rejected by a postwall fat chick who knows you earn good money.

>> No.16170480

the war on drugs was a mistake
imagine all the great philosophy we could have had

>> No.16170552


>> No.16170628

serge was a beautiful, fuck u

>> No.16171024

oh, so that's why he spent so much time describing trees while wandering if they are actually real

>> No.16171229

His life partner Simone de Beauvoir was a notorious pedophile. She would seduce children and when they grew beyond her tastes pass them off to Sarte.

>> No.16171415

she is my favourite feminist now

>> No.16173128

wtf I love femminism now

>> No.16173170

This is going to sound sarcastic but talk to them more often and don’t over sexualise the conversation unless you are sure she is comfortable and you aren’t feeling nervous.

>> No.16173176
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>Intelligence and knowledge

>> No.16173894

They shared the girls.

>> No.16174040

Straights don't describe themselves like that anon

>> No.16174048

They do. Fuck off tranny groomer.

>> No.16174135

what would be sartre's opinion on trannies?

>> No.16174332

trannies existed back then too you know
It's France so he most likely banged a few

>> No.16174339

cutting a person's dick and calling it the result a woman is a modern innovation

>> No.16174450

>harasses schoolgirls as a full grown man
Gee I wonder

>> No.16174462

you hate him cause you ain't him

>> No.16174467

>you hate this sociopath kike frog because you secretly want to be him
How many times have I heard insecure fags spout this shit?

>> No.16174475

I'm about to read Nausea, what am I in for?

>> No.16174495

he was packing a 10-incher in his pants, don't ask how I found out

>> No.16174505


>sleeps with girl
>boyfriend knocks on door
>boyfriend says she's mine
>she doesn't belong to you or me
>she's free
closes door



also fuck all you pseuds go read a book namedropping attention span lacking passionless gargling onomatopee borborgyms in echo chambers

>> No.16174525

he wasn't jewish tho right?

>> No.16174570

Read his letter SEETHING at Celine over anti Semitism. He may as well be

>> No.16174612


the fuck is wrong with you ever heard of j'accuse, the dreyfuss affair and spitting on graves

Celine was a soldier mind you

The shadow of partre is that he met with leaders that wagered war and so much for his legacy

>> No.16174625

>also defended pedophilia in an earlier post
Many cases

>> No.16174644

stop talking like such a CUTIE!

>> No.16174677


cases of what?

>> No.16174709

I want to headpat and cuddle with this anon uwu

>> No.16174755

tranny hands typed these posts. Get help you freaks.

>> No.16174820

fags and trannies are not the same thing anon

>> No.16175103

it's french existentialism, so it's about a lonely guy who's walking around town and thinking about things. no arabs shot in this one, but there are some memorable phrases about existence and whatnot

>> No.16175653
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>french "women"
they are all just spunk collectors. French women are genetically programmed to cuck their weak men for the BAC (big anglo cock)

>> No.16176630

is this how I pick cute twinks up irl?

>> No.16176707
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Underrated day-old post

>> No.16176943

>still think women give a fuck about looks
I know it's a good excuse to not face your problems, but cmon.

>> No.16176957

How so? Attractive men are dripping in pussy 24/7 while most guys would pay money just to see a digital pussy.

>> No.16176967

That's literally the only thing women care about. I could tell you're either a tranny or a whore,becquse no man actually believes this.

>> No.16177013

that's only true on places like tinder where there's nothing but looks to judge you on.

real life is not tinder

>> No.16177022

>real life is not tinder
There is no real life

>> No.16177028


>> No.16177039

The problem is not that you're not attractive, the problem is that you are not men.

>> No.16177046

He wasn't shitposting on /lit/

>> No.16177048

there's no tinder either

>> No.16177051

no it's the attractive part

>> No.16177057

I am a man.

>> No.16177076

what is there then?

>> No.16177086

incels BTFO

>> No.16177122

What do you want? Sex? Ego boost? Status? A slave?

When is the last time you even talked to a woman?

>> No.16177127

manning up, becoming a woman, murder/suicide, suicide or slow suicide by denial

>> No.16177131

>When is the last time you even talked to a woman?
I gave a presentation several months ago and a female 60 year old professor asked some questions

>> No.16177134

Before the quarantine j had just broken up with some random tinder slut I met and dated for a couple of months. But since then I haven't spoken to a women

>> No.16177150

position of power and being a predator. bet he'd have loved the age of consent removed too.

>> No.16177156

You know what I was asking about.
I'm sorry, could you state your problem again.

>> No.16177167

>You know what I was asking about.
yes, and I answered your question anon

>> No.16177175

I think looks are the only thing that matter. You told me women don't care about looks and I asked how so then you asked me when's the last time I spoke to a woman.

>> No.16177190

looks don't matter. if you are interesting to a girl and make her laugh you will get her even if you're a fat fuck. it's your mind that matters anon. either that or money, so some golddigging whore settles for you

>> No.16177205

for example see sartre, about whom this thread was supposed to be

>> No.16177218

Okay. I was just giving you the benefit of doubt.

Ah, I see. So, looks are the only thing that matter in what?

>> No.16177220

>golddigging whore settles for you.
That's my only option. I'm too anxious and shy around women. I make them uncomfortable. I have an anxiety disorder and not some roastie e thot type of anxiety. Like real deep seated social inability to function properly and engage with people especially women. I still managed to fuck lots of easy whores. But I never had a long term gf like most people.

>> No.16177230

>that matter in what
Fucking them lol

>> No.16177238

So just sex? I'm sure most rapists would disagree with your notion.

>> No.16177242

get out of my board

>> No.16177271
