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16127653 No.16127653 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a christian but I'm a theist and sympathetic to christianity. I cannot deny the influence this man has had on the contemporary culture and elites. Is there any way for me to read him or get to know what he's all about without losing the favor of God?
Should I just read him? Where do I start?

>> No.16127754

Do you want to worship a god who gets super mad about nono words? Imagine if you were a jew who wanted to learn about the holocaust on your own, and because you're diligent and open-minded you read holocaust-denial books and then your parents disown you. Are they good parents for shaming you for your curiosity?

>> No.16128039

>Do you want to worship a god who gets super mad about nono words?
Depends. I have realized my own limit and weakness in many areas. If God actually forbids something, there must be a good reason for it. A good parent makes sure his children stay away from drugs.
Are you a thelemite?

>> No.16128064

>are you a thelemite
No. I'm just interested in history and politics and figured out that
>do what thou wilt
Is simply human nature without pretenses.
>if god actually forbids it
The christian god, yes ?

>> No.16128074

>human nature
What do you mean by this?

>> No.16128083

I mean that conceptually violence and strife are and always have been man's bread and butter. There's a saying that goes
>man maketh warre, so he may make peace; man maketh peace, so he may make warre

>> No.16128095

Is your faith that fragile that you are afraid to lose it when reading a book?

Not even faith in God, but faith in yourself. Because you see, if you read it and you remain christian, that's fine. If you read it and you are not a christian anymore, that's fine too because it will still be you with new knowledge and a new mindset that will be necessarily better than what you have before. You have nothing to lose.

>> No.16129288

regardie and wilson are solid introductory authors into western occultism, Crowley's own texts are probably better to read after both of those. Cosmic Trigger, Prometheus Rising, Tree of Life and maybe get a supplementary book entirely on the Qabbalah (however the FUCK you spell it, ive seen it 10 different ways) from Dion Fortune or someone. then you will be ready for Crowley

>> No.16129381

you are degenerate.

>> No.16129630

This is actually not bad advise if you're new to it op

>> No.16129752

Bro this dude what one of Hulk Hogan's nemesis. wtf are you talking about

>> No.16129773

I recommend not engaging with these retards, if someone can't understand that if God is the creator of the universe and thus what he says goes, they cannot have a serious discussion about philosophy.