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16125216 No.16125216 [Reply] [Original]

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

>> No.16125223

There better be something good on Apple Music tonight.

>> No.16125258
File: 22 KB, 474x316, highway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided today that i will rent a car and take a road trip in 2 weeks when my current job ends. gonna dirtbag it and break a few dozen laws (car-sleeping is illegal, and i'm taking my gun with me). if the forests/parks are closed i'm parking a bit away and hiking in to trespass. you can't close nature, you government clowns. eat my shorts. i am a free man and i live on god's earth. fuck the police. i'm going to be free. i'm going to drive around and do whatever the fuck i want. i just came into a surprise $1000 so the entire trip will be paid for with that. i am beholden to nothing and no one. no man. no law. no time limits. no fucking people around that area, either, usually. i'm hitting a grocery store on the way out and taking water with me, gonna sleep in the vehicle. don't need hotels and restaurants. don't need anything from anyone. i will experience a brief period of true freedom.

>> No.16125272

gonna be boring and smelly, better off going to LA and beach bumming it

>> No.16125276

lmao nah
wet wipes and deodorant. i'm used to camping/backpacking/road trips.
nah. not swimming on a shit-covered beach and driving in heavy traffic for 3 hours to go 2 miles. i will be a free man.

>> No.16125292

>The experimental genre section is gone from Apple Music

Excuse me what the fuck

>> No.16125325

I'm personally really stressed out about the future, as I should be. I have a decent plan for after highschool, at least it will but me a year or two to figure things out, but I have no clue what I'm going to do after that. I'm going to go to community college, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do after that. I was thinking I can get an associate's in collision repair and I can become a collision estimator and make like $60,000 a year with minimal debt. In the case that this is a bad idea and I need to go to college, I'm kind of screwed. All the degrees I have interest in, like Liberal Arts, Philosophy, etc. are all hard to get jobs with and I'm really not cut out for STEM degrees. If someone has advice please let me know because the stress is killing me.

>> No.16125334

>searched every genre section high and low
>new BT album in Dance

It'll be some airy trance shit, but I can code to it, good enough.

>> No.16125404

Damn. I got a sunburn today. It was overcast and I went out after 5, but I walked like 7 miles. Should have put sunscreen. I'm not completely roasted, but still.

>> No.16125417

The protests have been a start to combating racism but it’s still not nearly enough... Far more vigorous action is needed for true equality. Equality means advocating for historically maligned black voices and getting them into positions of government so they can dismantle white supremacy. There’s still a long way to go in the fight against racism but we will not stop until it is COMPLETELY stomped out!

>> No.16125424

>Mark Kozelek of Sun Kil Moon Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Three Women
>Sources tell Pitchfork the acclaimed songwriter exposed himself without consent, forced a woman to touch his penis, and pressured a 19-year-old into nonconsensual sex

fuck yes! i love it when musicians who suck get cancelled

>> No.16125427

Equality only exists in Hell

>> No.16125446

Having BPD sucks, constantly feeling every emotion in the most extreme way and being so paranoid about being abandoned by my only friend that I basically stalk her is wearing on me.

>> No.16125451

Luckily, the DOJ struck a strong blow against Yale's racism today, so we are making progress.

>> No.16125463

I hope you're good looking because if you're ugly that's creepy as hell

>> No.16125468

I think I might be BPD, what's the difference between BPD and just being an emotional retard?

>> No.16125469

I'm good looking but that doesn't mean I want to do it. I don't even want to hurt her or anything, I'm just constantly looking for proof that she hates me. It's entirely paranoia on my part.

>> No.16125471

All culture stems from an attempt to promote self esteem in a pro-social way

>> No.16125479

Fear of abandonment, inability to cope with negative emotions, reassurance-seeking behavior, and extreme mood swings, as well as emotional meltdowns.

>> No.16125482

Shalome Rabbi!

>> No.16125483

I'm like that but I think I'm not that bad all the time, only when something triggers me (lol).

>> No.16125486

oh yeah i get that a lot

>> No.16125487

BPD is imo a name given to a collection of trauma responses, so a lot of it is coping mechanisms that everyone has but dialed up to extremes. I don’t really agree with the way it is pathologized because it is hardly differentiable from C-PTSD. The good news is that anyone can work on overcoming these coping mechanisms and rerouting unhealthy thought patterns, and the diagnosis isn’t essential to doing so. So...if you’ve been traumatized...maybe? But don’t use the diagnosis to justify shitty behavior if you decide to seek diagnosis.

>> No.16125501

I don't think my shitty behavior is justifiable just trying to understand and deal with myself better. I agree about disliking the pathology of it, at least in my case it doesn't feel like a disease but just something that flairs up sometimes in certain situations. I do have trauma. My partner also has trauma as has somewhat similar issues. Not really interested in seeing a psych since I've had bad experiences with mental health professionals before.

>> No.16125504

I try not to use it to justify it, but I do use it in apologies to try to explain to my friend that I was in a lot of emotional pain when I say certain things to her and then beg her to not be mad at me.

>> No.16125519

It's okay to explain your emotional state but don't beg anyone not to be mad at you. Your friend doesn't choose to get angry at your shitty behavior, it's a natural response she couldn't help, just like you can't help being unable to handle emotional pain. No one likes being told not to feel something and it doesn't endear you to people to request that.

>> No.16125527

Understandably so, mental healthcare is in an abysmal state rn. I’m sorry for whatever happened to you, anon. I also have a whole trauma history so I understand where you’re coming from. Have you read The Body Keeps the Score? It’s a really good book on trauma, although it is largely about sexual abuse. I’ve done a lot of trauma work as well as research on Cluster B disorders, so if you want some guidance on books I can at least help you there. I also suggest looking up progressive relaxation, when I get into some kind of flashback spiral or become paralyzed w/ worry that I’m going to be abandoned that really helped me to start arresting those thought processes such that I can nearly do it on command now. That’s really admirable that you’re seeking answers with respect to your behavior.

>> No.16125530

Well, it's less begging not to be mad and more begging her not to hate me.

>> No.16125542

The year is 3020 AD. The human population is exactly seven hundred million and three hundred thousand, as it has been for three centuries. Of these, seven hundred million live on Earth, four hundred thousand on the Moon, and three hundred thousand live on Mars All is well among the myriads of people who live on these heavenly spheres.
All is well. What a strange thing to say! To be truthful, there is tragedy— but then again, a life of only pleasure is as accursed as a life of only pain. And there is hardship, and sorrow, and joy, and defeat, and victory, and all the shifts in fortune that have accompanied humans since the day they set foot into the savanna. So what has changed?
What has changed is that a shift in humanity’s values has taken place. No longer is blind progress, whether technological, social, or spiritual, allowed. Society has learned to think on a scale not of years or decades, but in terms of millennia. The ultimate goal of society is not mindless growth, nor is it a quixotic quest for equality— stability is society’s aim, stability is the highest virtue. From chaos emerges order, and it is humanity’s duty to crystallize order.
Ironically, it is technology that is humanity’s greatest tool in maintaining order. Technology, that demon of past millennia, the angel of bombs and circuitry! But like the horse, the spirit of technology has been tamed. It too now serves stability. All serve stability. All perpetuate order.
Trillions of programs run on trillions of computers, from the omnipotent World Brain to the nanomachines that circulate through every person’s blood. All collect data, extrapolate trends, and work to ensure stability, to create a societal stasis. How much energy can be extracted from this fault line? Are these two people worlds apart, who have never met, the ideal match for one another? So-and-so is creative— can her energy be funneled into a work of art useful to maintain global homeostasis? All these questions need answers, lest stability be threatened, for that would be abhorrent.

>> No.16125549

Wealth cycles through the world. Family fortunes rise, and are lost, as they have been since the dawn of capital. But now, it is all choreographed. Peasants see their children become bourgeoisie, who then see their grandchildren rise to what they see as the top of the pyramid. But what goes up comes down, and the grandchildren of these nobles are peasants. All is planned, without the knowledge of those who act out those plans. All economic motions only further stability. The ultimate aim of the economy is to maintain order.
But perhaps the key to stability lies in the end of evolution. All genetic knowledge, from the human genome to the secrets of bacteria living miles underneath the sea, is known to the forces that maintain order. No conception occurs without the knowledge of the computers that run the world. Even the replication of viruses in bacteria is carefully tracked and measured, aborted if need be. Mutations, whether in a human zygote or in a plant cell, are erased and fixed. No new species shall ever emerge, and no new traits will emerge in the species that existed when the World Brain was activated.
This is not to say that humanity has resorted to cloning. Consider the issue of human reproduction. Deep in the data banks buried in the Earth’s crust, quadrillions of calculations are carried out every nanosecond, comparing the genetic history of every unwed man and woman alive. Every possible permutation of chromosomes that could form the next generation is considered, measured to ensure maximal human creativity, happiness, and healthiness. The average man may find himself with a hundred or so genetically optimal matches. Here, the computers open themselves to the information flowing from the nanomachines embedded in every human body. Psychological compatibility, spiritual compatibility, and the person’s innate desires are all considered. Finally, each man and woman in the Solar System is paired with their ideal spouse. All marriages that result from this process are stable, and all perpetuate stability in the next generation. (It is worth noting that not all such pairings are heteronormative. The occasional couple that desires and is allowed to conceive more than two children allows for society to account for this.
As such, society and civilization find themselves stable, ordered, and unchanging. However, this does not mean life for those in this new order is static. Life is very colorful for those that love and learn in 3020 AD.

>> No.16125563
File: 38 KB, 616x472, 6DC784A2-8E8C-4396-A605-5720F4E98DC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is going to be more racist than what was once thought possible.

>> No.16125570

climbing gyms are god mode for natty physique I have never been in better shape

>> No.16125575

Thanks anon. Sorry for what happened to you too. The book sounds good and I'll check it out sometime, but there's no physical or sexual abuse in my case so I'm not sure how much I'd find it applicable to myself specifically. Thanks for the advice and recommendation. I'm curious about what books you've looked into.

>> No.16125579


>> No.16125597

Just a disclaimer before you read my advice, it's not like my life turned out particularly well or anything, I'm just not utterly miserable.
I don't know what your personal or financial situation is, but if you can shift your focus toward challenging yourself and growing as much as you can, then you'll get some benefits out of whatever path you choose. If that path happens to be university, you should network (find like-minded individuals and build relationships), talk to professors, and definitely stay on the ball for any kind of internship or practical opportunities. These will not only help you become more skilled and work-ready, they will let you get a taste of the profession your heading into (so you can make a course correction if its utterly wrong). I'm not sure Liberal Arts is all that bad. Supposedly, a good liberal arts student will be strong in critical thinking, and that's something all employers want, it's important in every field.
If you're not quite ready for uni, I don't think it's such a bad thing to get some work experience first. My primary regret, actually, is not doing more practical work before college, as it forced me to mature in important ways.
Good luck, I hope you can become formidable.

>> No.16125616

can you believe that there is a theory that says the universe cycles constantly? as in the big bang happens, but its not the beginning of the universe, just the beginning of a cycle. the big bang is a stage. absolutely fascinating. i mean we all thought of it at one point or another but there are documentaries that talk about the possibility of it. the possibility! we all start as matter mixed together and then separated just to come back again. there is also a claim that in each cycle, the physical constants might be different!

>> No.16125629

You’ve got it completely long. Oil, the resource everything runs on with no viable alternative, has been decreasing in supply for a while now. Population will decrease with it. Earth will be a lot less crowded place, and it will look more like it did 1000 years ago than it does today.

>> No.16125633

Science can’t answer questions such as these

>> No.16125643

I’ve read Linehan’s DBT training guide, as well as her CBT for BPD, Lundy Bancroft’s Why Does He Do That, The Body Keeps the Score, Mellody’s Facing Codependence, Narcissism and Its Discontents, The Narcissistic Family, The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple, Narcissistic Mothers, Narcissistic Mothers and Grown-Up Daughters, etc. If it isn’t evident, my mother was/is a raging narcissist and so I’m trying to use my mental health knowledge to make sense of my relationship with her and heal from C-PTSD on my own time. I see her as a pitiable, mentally ill person now that I’m older, and these books have helped me immensely in negotiating where she stands in my life, and why I think the way I do in my lowest moments. I’ve studied CBT/DBT/Psychoanalysis and I’ve sort of ended up therapizing myself.

>> No.16125651

I would have would the ubiquitous computers in each cell of every living thing on Earth would be the bigger scientific hole. I agree the population will fall, but I think solar/wind/geothermal/hydro will support some level of industry. Technology won't go back into Pandora's Box.

>> No.16125653

they can speculate and its entertaining enough, wouldnt you agree? there are hundreds of ideas like such and theyre all incredible to think about.
and im positive science will be able to answer these questions in due time.

>> No.16125685

I wish I didn't go to college. I don't want to get a cooperate job and that's all my shitty liberal arts degree is remotely useful for. I don't want to do almost any job that would take a college degree, or really almost any job at all. I feel like I have no place in society and took debt and all I get in return is that now it'll be harder to break away from the system.

>> No.16125688

Here's the thing. Intoxication is a personal odyssey. To connect with other people you probably have to be sober. And I suppose that's the idea - connect with other people. Being in altered states means being somewhere else. Connecting means being right here. Can I admit what I want? Sex? Is that what I want?
I can get their attention, who knows why. I don't have that problem. But then it goes like this. The girl always asks, "what are you looking for?"
Sex, if possible a connection.
Mostly sex.
Actually, maybe mostly the connection.
So I never give a clear answer. Maybe I'm afraid of both things. They get confused. I'm pretty confused too. Then I go back to getting plastered, alone.

>> No.16125690


not him, but i have a mystery disorder I've been confused at for a while. I pegged it as rapid-cycling bipolar II but my therapist and psychiatrist disagree because the thing I call hypomania doesn't seem right

basically, I have the depression, i have the rapid mood swings, and i occasionally enter a state where I become excited, full of ideas, ambitious, and borderline delusionally confident. however, when I'm in that state I pretty much experience almost none of the negative side effects associated with mania or hypomania like aggression, paranoia, risk-taking behavior or full-blown delusions. Instead I write novels, i code video games, gain limited insight into subjects in physics that i normally wouldn't be able to understand without a significantly more advanced mathematic background. when I come down from these experiences, the things I created still look as good as they did while I was passionate

this might sound great but the process is turning my life into hell. I'm addicted to the high I get from this and have no way to get my fix. I don't know what this condition is, and because I don't have a name for it I can't get help. even when I'm otherwise feeling "normal" I'm existentially miserable because simple happiness is unsatisfying in comparison. I've made it my life's goal to spend as much of my life in this state as possible, but i can't figure out how and all my stupid fucking therapist does is advise me to cope with this unsatisfactory excuse for a mental state because he has no idea how to fix me and refuses to admit it

>> No.16125703

How are solar panels, hydro dams, and windmills built? How is this energy stored? How is it distributed? The answer is oil. Take oil away and no industrial technology is possible.

>> No.16125711

Thanks for the recommendations anon, I'll check them out. A lot of my issues come from my mother too. I never know how to characterize her because she never seems to match the extreme stories you find when you look up narcisstic/BPD moms, but she's definitely done things that would be classified as emotionally abusive that fucked up my ability to relate with people. I can tell she genuinely cares about me, she just has a lot of issues with how she goes about it. Sometimes it almost feels like moms like her are supposed to be normal and I just got damaged because something was wrong on my end. Mostly though I think she's a kind of a control freak who has trouble controlling her emotions and totally blind to how self centered she can be.

>> No.16125714

Sex is a connection, the sooner you realize that the better off you'll be, one way or another.

>> No.16125752

Do you have frequent euthymic periods, anon? I was diagnosed with Bipolar I—I have very classic psychotic mania (I tend to believe I’m infallible and then hurt myself...), but I have heard of milder hypomanias characterized by extreme productivity. When I *am* manic, I’m extremely happy to be that way, but end up coming out of it having to be the janitor for my own life/picking up the pieces etc. If you don’t have to do that I can see how the feeling is addictive—my honest advice (to be taken w/ a grain of salt as we’re anons) is to take the approach to this as though you’re coming down from some addictive substance. Does your therapist have any shit to say about that? I am the anon talking about BOD books and I am strongly against meds/‘cure-focused’ psychology/psychiatry because so often there are other fixes but I’ll be honest and say I take a mood stablizer. I hate being on it but there are no alternatives. So the quality of your work holds up after the downswing? I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, hypomanias do make depression feel just that much worse. This is disappointing but so little is known about mental disorders because of unnecessary DSM reliance. The diagnostic focus of psychiatry and psychology shoots the fields in the foot.

>> No.16125780

Yeah, a lot of NPD moms are just cartoonishly evil but that doesn’t cheapen your experience with emotional abuse and trauma. You were a child and she was supposed to guide you, and being abused emotionally in your formative years and gaslit about your reactions later in life cuts like a knife. My mother is very narcissistic but has some kernel of caring, if only out of ownership, in there. It isn’t your fault, anon, and I think these books will be helpful for someone like you. Parents make mistakes, certainly, but it seems you’ve had to shoulder more than your fair share. I hope these books help you make peace with your past/make sense of the present/make plans for the future. It’s hard disentangling yourself from the web of an emotional abuser, especially when you cannot cut them out of your life because you understand that they are complex, hurting, evolving individuals. I really hope the best for you, sorry about your mom.

>> No.16125805

Thanks a lot anon, I hope the best for you too.

>> No.16125806

I'd say 90% of my time is spent either depressed or euthymic, though I go through periods that last years where i experience the so-called hypomania regularly and experience a massive increase in quality of life.

I think that's the most difficult thing about this. Everyone assumes I want to get over this "addiction" but i don't. It's a high with no downsides, an experience greater than happiness, why would I ever want to stop it? What I want is to spend as much of my life in it as physically possible.

i don't want to cope with misery, i want to enjoy life!

>> No.16125875

The isolation has been killing me. I woke up this morning not knowing what day it was. My speech patterns and typing have declined drastically and i feel that i cant articulate my thoughts properly anymore. I lost my job in May and being a trust baby I have been living off my untouched inheritance since then. I even moved into the family house, somewhere I hadn't lived since undergrad. I haven't been this socially isolated since high school. Every day its the same routine, I wake, coffee, workout, adderall XR 30mg, read, read, read, lunch, chores, study for school, go to the store(if needed), work on any hobbies/ projects, 2nd workout, cook dinner, read/ vidya until bedtime. The free time may seem like a blessing to some but for me its a serious problem since i use work as a crutch to curb my spergy habits and socialize. Before the lockdown I appeared as a normalfag, I had several girlfriends, I had a well paying job, I had work friends and we'd go drink and discuss sports. At my office I was in upper management and spoke to 40 different people every day. At home I'm a pathetic sperg who reads philosophy and survives off of his parents death money. I know this sounds dumb but the worst part is that I've been lapsing on my larger sperg shit like diapers. They were comfort thing(not sexual) until 2018 when I decided that I wouldn't be able to have normal relationships with women if i continued to keep them around. Keep in mind that I never leave the house with them and normally only wear when I want to be comfy or read. I hate myself so much for collapsing like this. I've not only fucked up my social life and writing/ speaking skills but i also broke my own will and lapsed on a decadent, degenerate desire that'll only reinforce my larger problems. I feel like I can snap myself out of it but lack the motivation since the world outside is't back to normal yet. I might be melodramatic here but, I walk these gilded halls alone every day. I go from the study to kitchen alone, my bedroom to the bathroom with no one around, I interact with not a soul for days. One problem that have found is this house is more of a "manor" and has been in the family fund(that I inherited) for 100+ years. I believe that I am the first person to live here alone without any "help" or family. I'm quite paranoid about friends/ colleagues finding out about the "wealth" I have since I feel that they treat me different afterwards. I think that my long term plan should be to wait out this pandemic and find a new corporate position after a vaccine is produced. In the mean time I need to man the fuck up and start expressing self control over my degenerate sperg shit.
Rereading this is depressing and comparing it to my previous work only shows how far I've worsened in the art of letters. Its near incomprehensible with my grammar shoddy and wording repetitive. To whoever reads this I hope it hasn't come off as "bragging" because I had no intent to do so and wrote freehand.

>> No.16125884

Holy shit I'm so fucking jealous, your situation would be literal paradise to me. Why does it work out like this. All I want is to be isolated and I'm trapped in a life of college debt, wageslavery and forced social interaction, and he's this guy who can live off a trust fund without even having to deal with anyone and he fucking hates it. Why is life always like this?

>> No.16125895

What books have you been reading?

>> No.16125911

There is shit in my ass
There is brains in my head
I will transplant my brains into my ass
I will transplant my shit into my head
Then I will be smartass shithead

>> No.16125980

off the top of my head and whats strewn around my room within eyesight
>peter the great
>starship troopers
>fall of berlin
>the glass bead game
>the idiot
>churchill and spain
>weimar and the rise of hitler
>popular government
>decadence and the making of modernism
>degenerate moderns modernity
>perspectives on irish nationalism
>ravel the decadent memory sublimation and desire
>next million years
>marriage and morals
>armies without nations
>the anatomy of fascism
>the anti-enlightenment tradition
reviewed all of kant
reviewed all of locke
went back through popper
there's a lot more but the whole list would take me an hour to type out

>> No.16126023

Checked and appreciated

>> No.16126039

It sounds like you’ve been really productive even though you’re isolated. When most people are depressed they do nothing, not read difficult books. You’ve read way more than the average /lit/ poster. Why do you read so much? What will you do with the knowledge you’ve accrued?

>> No.16126103

>you’ve been really productive
It's mostly the adderall but thank you
>Why do you read so much?
I mentioned that there is a study and while i was trying to sound humble, its more of a library. I would show a picture of it but the room has family portraits with clearly visible names. My father was a master goldsmith and accumulated a vast collection of books throughout his career. Also I have nothing to do but read, consume media or play vidya so i choose the more productive option. I'll occasionally do some programming or robotics but I haven't unpacked most of the boxes from my apartment since I believe that I'll return to NYC when the pandemic is over.
>What will you do with the knowledge you’ve accrued?
The lessons, stories and insight that I accumulate will be passed onto my future children as seen fit. I don't believe that public or private schools will allow for right wing political theory to be taught for much longer and the books I have inherited are a blessing since they will allow me to curb academic based indoctrination.

>> No.16126115

This is nearly realistic but not quite there. I don't think this kind of person "loses their job" quite that simply, also doubt they'd call their own home "gilded." The diapers bit a little heavy-handed also although it's meant to be the main internal punchline obviously. The final sting about bragging is quite good, but the freehand bit doesnt make sense. Just needs a few tweaks, 7/10

>> No.16126116

>ywn be the son of rich people living alone in your family mansion reading good books all day
Why even live? Sucks to be poor.

>> No.16126121

If the guy's post is actually real this post is pretty funny, but agreed.

>> No.16126143

Islam is based on the arbitrary and flawed conceptions of a mortal man, and not just any man, but a pedophilic warlord. When you deify a man and make him the ideal, what you inevitably get is a tyranny, which is why it is absolutely necessary to stress that God is the ideal, he's above humanity and no human will ever come close (even if we are still capable of great good through proper action). We should serve the ideal, and not a man. Whatever kind of person the historical Jesus was, the man we worship and know as Christ is portrayed in the Bible as the ideals of God perfectly embodied in action, which is what makes him divine and above the common man. Muhammad is clearly just a man, despite being privy to God's will or whatever, and so the fundament of Islam will spawn nothing but evil. Islam wants to sink its claws into every aspect of society, it tries to account for everything and becomes totalitarian as a result.

>> No.16126146

>Islam is based
Stopped reading there. Very true.

>> No.16126151

>Islam is based

>> No.16126157
File: 58 KB, 634x487, article-0-1A9329C8000005DC-43_634x487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that God is stupid pederast, imbecile, dumbfuck and degenerate.

>> No.16126167 [DELETED] 

Seems a little tortured to say that Jesus is "the ideals of God embodied in action" when him being a man is so heavily emphasized. What's the point of dying on the cross otherwise, what's the sacrifice and what sin is being expurgated in that action if not the original sin that all men carry? It's correct that Jesus wasn't a pedophiliac warlord, but to say that Christians don't deify a man (that particular man) seems heretical.

>> No.16126177

Hi all, I hope you are doing well.

I like him, his music only sucks when he doesn't put in effort

>> No.16126183

I'm sloppy with my words, my point is that Jesus was a perfect man, and Muhammad clearly was a flawed and brutal beast.

>> No.16126187

Sure I guess, but that's collapsing a subtle distinction into a granular generalization. Like calling everything "tree," and refusing to distinguish deciduous from evergreen, sapling from old growth, and so on. There's grades and shades to these things.

>> No.16126219

I'm somewhat sloppy in my thinking as well, I have a lot of thoughts about Christianity and Islam that are kind of unorganized and only in early stages of development. I accept the risk of saying silly or uneducated things. I'm trying to refine my thoughts by first articulating them and putting them forth to others for their opinions.

>> No.16126238
File: 54 KB, 500x465, christsacredheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is the truth and the light. He is the way. Politics, "continental philosophy," all the agonies of /lit/ pseuds... all just a prologue to a lifetime of imitating Christ.

God be with you lads. Repent, humble yourself, and pray for the grace to reform yourself from sin.

>> No.16126244

I nuked my post cause I felt it was a bit aggressive and I shouldn't really bandy around the h-word. Have a good one fellers

>> No.16126252

Haha, both of those posts are me. I don't mind being called heretical, I'm not so concerned with taking a wrong step when walking down this path, my intent is sincere so if someone corrects me I won't get pissy about it.

>> No.16126259

Why did you post a picture of your victim? Are you proud of being a child fucking degenerate pedophile?

>> No.16126277

i wonder if i talked to her about some of the prior addictions i held in my life would she look down upon me, or understand. i often wonder if shes thought about it or just assumed that my healthy mind and figure now resembles a stance of self control in the mix of the illicit behaviors. she admits to not understanding it but bearing the brunt of this disease alone for so long is wearing on me and i fear that the only women ive slightly trusted inn years would be drawn away in disgust if she were ever to find out that i once could not get a grip on my own reality and abused my own assets just to escape. the scariest thing about it to me is that i cannot help but feel a dreadful creep in the back of my mind as this relationship stagnates due to my own disillusionment that when she finally tells me to fuck off cause she realizes the extent of what i am i will only be inn a better situation to drown my brain in instant stimulation until it finally kills me.i often dream shed just do it herself and end me quickly but that would be to much of a burden on the only bright light in my life, and after all we only live for what we love.
PS i know the punctuation shit i just wanted to ramble into the void

>> No.16126372

I only just realised that summerfags are responsible for the shitty posts and replies this past month, then I realised one of the reasons places like reddit suck so much ass is because like 50% of users are retarded high schoolers

>> No.16126474

Anon, with a car you can go anywhere

>> No.16126556

dayum, said some whack things at the end. juggling too much after what ive said before while balancing not being a faggot or a psycho was difficult, fun game though too much smoke and drink not enough sleep, the fuck did i even tumble into? two deleted threads

>> No.16126572

good luck, never let them get you, anon

>> No.16126578

you mean, like Obama did? President of Flint, several mass shootings, uprisings, wars, ...

>> No.16126585

I read an article on BBC about it and they favoured Yales position so hard, the prosecution side was hardly explained.

>> No.16126592

sure, in the next cycle with new physics. they will laugh about our chained-to-earth arses

>> No.16126928

Thinking about just quitting college and asking to work at a book shop i really like if they'll give me a job. I did two courses over a year that felt almost completely useless in the long run. Yeah, it was fun having a routine and i was forced a little outside my comfort zone, but the first course was just general creative shit, and the second was musical theatre when my actual passion is acting and writing. I was told i had to do both before i could move on to an acting one but now i'm in a lower level course than before because i failed my interview horribly, even when i was told i had a good audition, because i had no experience in actual acting or theatre since i was forced to do fucking musicals instead.

>> No.16126961
File: 6 KB, 1480x727, 1241241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray for Belarus

>> No.16126999

you should really just make 4chan your university really

>> No.16127013

trips of truth. where can a fellow scholar download his /lit/ certificate? My major is the Meme trilogy and my minor Greek. My PhD is about 9 inches.

>> No.16127531

The greeks were gay because intelligence is attractive and girls were banned from gymnasium/school.

one of the best places to discuss mathematics on the internet unironically(and ironically)

>> No.16127577
File: 56 KB, 598x380, ANTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16127971

I am so tired of hearing about niggers. Every single day the news is all about niggers. Every law that gest passed is justified by its impact on the nigger community. The justice department says the law is good because it protects niggers when it sues Yale for antiwhite discrimination. When niggers kill white people it doesn't make the news because there could be backlash against niggers. When a nigger overdoses on meth and fentanyl in the middle of a crime we get three months of riots because he was a nigger. The only people who are casually rude to me in everyday life are niggers. The only people who chimp out in stores are niggers. I go to the park to get some quiet and niggers are there blasting nigger beats. We should have killed all the niggers a long time ago. I grew up where there were no niggers. 98% white and none of us hated niggers. What got me to the point of niggerposting like this? Nothing but exposure to niggers. God damn the nigger's black soul to nigger hell.

>> No.16128301
File: 248 KB, 960x960, 18152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A person invited me to a party, there is a 10$ cover fee going towards painting a new rainbow sidewalk in my hometown, I know their will be MDMA and cocaine there, I'm going call the cops on them and hopefully this breaks up the party and they make no money for the sodomy sidewalk.

>> No.16128306

What a dick

>> No.16128377
File: 244 KB, 960x960, 13941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? I am protecting my home town from more degenerate "culture"

>> No.16128379
File: 9 KB, 228x221, 153588473904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want medicinal cocaine. Fuck weed. I want corporate grown, 100% pure, pharmaceutical grade cocaine. Doctors already use coke as an anesthetic, so why not bag up some of the leftovers and sell them from behind the counter at Walgreens?

>> No.16128384

Modern day work feels so unnatural.

>> No.16128430


I wanna take a piss but am to tired to even get to the toilets

>> No.16128436
File: 1.33 MB, 1993x3000, lf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro if ur into ants u gotta peep "phase iv" by saul bass


>> No.16128449

You are the degenerate asshole here :(

>> No.16128499

I've started working out again in an attempt to get things together mentally. The loss of routine from the quarantine has taken a toll. I've heard that if you're depressed, if the activities you do don't make you happy, you should keep doing them anyway. I don't think it'll work, but worth a shot.

>> No.16128520

Powerful phrase. You pick it up somewhere?

>> No.16128600

No he isn't. Drug-fueled house parties and gay sidewalk shit ruins neighborhoods. He's a hero.

>> No.16128601

You're a snitch

>> No.16128608

Those who say snitches get stitches belong in ditches.

>> No.16128621 [DELETED] 

gays are the advanced guard of white gentrifiers. If you buy houses in shitty neighborhoods, the first thing you do is raise the rainbow flag to let the locals know this shit is about to get colonized

>> No.16128638

>noooo not the heckin' gay pill-popping homos, won't somebody think of the poor drug-addicted sodomites
the only way anon could be more based is if he pulled an omar marteen on them himself
fuck normies, fuck faggots, fuck drug users, and fuck you

>> No.16128650 [DELETED] 

>calls others normies while gobbling up "war on drugs" propaganda


>> No.16128798

Wow, Deblasio cancelled the 9/11 lights this year because it would be too dangerous for workers to set it up, but it wasn't too dangerous to paint a gigantic BLM mural on the street outside Trump Tower. Strange how American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC at 8:46AM, and then George Floyd died after 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Are we sure it wasn't 8 minutes and 47 seconds? or 45 seconds? Amazing.

>> No.16128828

I am incapable of treating women poorly even when they fuck me over, I don't know what's wrong with me

>> No.16128889

woah, a self-aware simp

>> No.16129058

fuck give me the cure doc

>> No.16129125

>Islam is based
Asalamlekum my brother. Based indeed

>> No.16129176

I'm a bit tired of uncertainty in my life. The average time I spend at any "fixed" address is less than 2 years. When you omit the more stable years of my childhood, it's worse.
I don't know where I'll be living 6 months from now. I feel like my life has been on hold while I try to reach solid ground, but I've spent so much time in limbo I've forgotten what I'm even trying to do anymore.
I'm bored of life. I've switched off, I'm on autopilot. Uncertainty is killing me, but the uncertainty of what lies beyond death prevents me from killing myself.
I think naively that the answers will be in books, and so I buy more, and read more. At the very least I would like to know how many books, and which ones, I need to read before my thirst for answers is quenched and I can shuffle off the mortal coil without fearing I missed out on some crucial detail.

>> No.16129273

I've been on a month-to-month lease for four years.

>> No.16129407

I'm terrified I'm gonna hit 30 and realize I haven't moved an inch from where I am now.

>> No.16129607
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 81Rr0otcWBL._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get comfy and put on some lectures about the pagan world
>"These lectures contain mature content and may not be appropriate for all audiences"

holy based

>> No.16129698

I honestly predict in fifty years retarded millennial / zoomer shit like heavy social media use and semi-ironic nihilism will be found to correlate with poor health and decreased longevity. The healthiest populations on earth all are vaguely traditionalist and community / family focused, ie, exactly the opposite of your typical zoomer.

>> No.16129728

do you have any friends?

>> No.16129772

Yes, quite a few actually. Several agree with my general views, though some do not. Either way all I can do act as I think is right and try to foster a positive lifestyle for myself and others, I cannot force others to agree with me nor can I proscribe their behaviors.

>> No.16130133

Well zoomers are still young zoomers, I'd wager you'll be right if the irony and nihilism follow them long into adulthood, but give them a chance to mature.

>> No.16130344

I'm listening to Boston's self-tltled album because it's the only band on Apple Music's Essential Albums section for Classic Rock that I can't imagine someone getting excited about. Is Boston really a major band or what?

>> No.16130394

always too tired to read anything with big words and difficult concepts but don't want to read useless shit.
What should I read? (intersted in psychology)

>> No.16130407

>write what's on your mind
I'm thinking about banging a middle school girl. I can do it but can I get away with it?

>> No.16130428

feel urge to kill myself every fucking day, it's been like this for years. Want to disembowel myself I hate my life and want to die every day .

>> No.16130440

i feel u but as someone who's old as shit now it goes by fast you'll be dead soon enough

>> No.16130464

do you live to die? Why did you make the world so inhuman old man?

>> No.16130473

don't blame me, you didn't vote for bernie, now you get queen kamala

>> No.16130483
File: 236 KB, 615x409, 1569765410796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice mosley you've got there.
I'm taking it.
Have one of mine in compensation.

>> No.16130489

Go for it.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.
We shall have justice before the end.

>> No.16130512

she slay.

>> No.16130556

>Delete Post: [File Only] Style:
>[a / c / g / k / m / o / p / v / vg / v
How do I make friends if people only like me when I feel happy , or that I can only talk when I'm hap[py, and happiness is so rare and loneliness is so common . why did you make it such a lonely planet, fucker? why does everyone have walls and fences and look at you suspiciously instead of communal tents and hospitality?

>> No.16130628

I voted yang

>> No.16130633

I want to be excited, confident and full of ideas all the time and can't be satisfied with anything less.

my therapist tells me I need to learn to cope with being normal and I hate him for it. I want to be happy, not lower my expectations

>> No.16130744
File: 58 KB, 647x484, 13je3ozeze101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can some people blindly believe in something and others cannot? I'm really jealous of fundamentalists. I want to believe wholeheartedly in something too. To believe in something completely, without any doubts. That's my fucking dream.

>> No.16130792

You probably do, you just call them facts.

>> No.16130829

Facts aren't Truth. Truth creates facts. And I don't know the Truth. Do you know the Truth?

>> No.16130900

Fuck off you shit eating degenerate

>> No.16130955

What do you call the noughties, tumblr, taylor swift, mcr, supernatural, disney channel. implicitly white, politically neutral aesthetic? I've been getting into it over the past year.

>> No.16130963

also glee and zooey deschanel

>> No.16131166
File: 35 KB, 495x495, 1210368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, I may just film when the cops going to the party. These subhumans deserve no quarter.

>> No.16131309

never been pregnant but my tiddies produce small amounts of milk. i can lick it off my nipples and it's enough to taste. it's pretty arousing and i want to make larger quantities. i'm literally a titcow.

>> No.16131350

gonna go out under a highway bridge and scream. When's the last time you screamed anon? you haven't lost the scream, have you?

>> No.16131362

God be with you,

>> No.16131532
File: 420 KB, 940x705, 1985supra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about buying a 1985 Supra.

>> No.16131552

American hours have commenced I'm going to read a book

>> No.16131583

which book?

>> No.16131688

Will I always feel so alone my entire life? Physically I'm not, but mentally you know it. I try to believe in God but it's hard to ever know anything. All I know is that I don't know.

>> No.16132067

I'm going through a crisis because i was convinced I have bipolar disorder, but my therapist and psychiatrist are convinced I'm so rarely genuinely happy that I'm mistaking it for an altered state of consciousness

>> No.16132080
File: 131 KB, 473x640, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The higher philosophical man, who has solitude not because he wishes to be alone but because he is something that finds no equals: what dangers and new sufferings have been reserved for him precisely today, when one has unlearned belief in order of rank and consequently does not know how to honor and understand this solitude! Formerly the sage almost sanctified himself in the mind of the crowd by going apart in this way-today the hermit sees himself surrounded as if by a cloud of gloomy doubts and suspicions. And not merely on the part of the envious and wretched: he must sense misunderstanding, neglect, and superficiality even in all benevolence shown him. He knows that crafty cunning of narrow-minded pity that feels itself good and holy when it tries to "save" him from himself, perhaps by means of more comfortable situations or more orderly, more reliable company-indeed, he will have to admire the unconscious instinct of destruction with which all the spiritually mediocre go to work against him, with a perfect faith in their right to do so!

>It is necessary for these men of incomprehensible loneliness to wrap themselves vigorously and boldly in the cloak of external, spatial solitude, too: that is part of their prudence. Even cunning and disguise are needed today if such a man is to preserve himself, to keep himself aloft, in the midst of the dangerous, downdragging currents of the age. Every attempt to endure in the present, to endure the present, every approach to the men and aims of today, he will have to atone as if it were his own special sin; and he may marvel at the concealed wisdom of his nature that, after every such attempt, at once draws him back to himself by means of sickness and bad accidents.

>> No.16132113

anon, I am your foil

>> No.16132114

The Woman Who Fooled The Word. The two journalists who started the exposure of Belle Gibson wrote it.
If you don't know who Belle Gibson is: Australian instathot who claimed to be curing cancer with whole foods, started an app Apple wanted to be front and centre on its smart watch, and got a publishing deal with Penguin for her cancer curing cookbook, supposedly donating all the profits of all her business ventures to charities. Only she gave no money to charities and did not have cancer and is basically just the kind of pathological liar you would expect from an instathot. Great book so far. The really funny bit is she came after the Norma Khouri hoax memoir that Penguin also got burnt for in Australia and around the world.

>> No.16132138

World* not Word. Beau Donelly and Nick Toscano are the authors. Had to go retrieve it to check because I'm taking a break.

>> No.16132146


>> No.16132159

>trying to figure out a way to save dead-in-the-water career
>was thinking about this one path for a long time
>already checking out postgrad schools for it and everything
>today looking at jobs for it to try and gather what requirements they need
>realize i think the entire field is stupid as fuck and no matter how much research i do i have no idea what these people do all day
>now want to do this other thing instead because it makes my autism more happy, it's an actual job with actual goals
god why is this so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16132701

posadas had the right idea

>> No.16132707


>> No.16132768

McCarthy was not wrong. Communists have been engaged in the long march through institutions and are in their final struggle. The next decade determines the fate of the United States, and ultimately, the fate of the Right to Free Speech.

Bolsheviks have infiltrated many western States in the US. They are funded by the Russo-Sinai alliance (See: Chinese funding the Clinton campaign) and misanthropes such as George Soros. Anyone who fails to act against this is complicit in the coming conflagration. These people are deranged. They argue against the mere idea of written laws because they are criminals. They make criminals into their saints. Their entire ideology is incoherent and only appeals to either the most violent, or the most inept.

Their crimes are blotted out from public perception by the media while they privately celebrate them. These people need to be met with unstoppable force.

>> No.16132907
File: 126 KB, 1600x900, noided.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream that I got a new gf and we walked around doing the same things we used to do together while the old one would reappear in the background and I knew that I was repeating the same mistake the entire time
never trust blondes with green eyes

>> No.16132914
File: 875 KB, 1242x1225, 1597349469267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom is out of the country so I have to wait 2 days before she is back because only she knows the password to the credit card which I need to buy MH Iceborne.

>> No.16133271

Thank you, man, I appreciate this a lot.

>> No.16133356

>you should...
is violence

>> No.16133684

I don't do much. What I do is quite valuable. Everyone wants me to work, and they pay me for the possibility that I might work. I don't work, they still pay me. They try to convince me to work. Sometimes I work. It's very effective. But whether I work, or not, everything's just about the same.

>> No.16133796

I want to live

>> No.16133846
File: 23 KB, 350x449, yhvyI7yEZZFk11cGWivRYkag4BoIbjrXDGbHaN1i0W0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Fart

>> No.16133986
File: 20 KB, 563x418, 75312FEB-F072-4D69-A7C3-464FC3B56796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In zoos monkeys will masterbate, however in the wild they do not, wether its because they are busy or something else i dont know, but in the former they are trapped and dont have space, i feel similar, trapped, and theirs few opportunities for me to escape. With space a man can shape it to his desires then use it to accomplish greater things, owning space likely also gives away to feelings on control. This wouldnt solve all my problems but having my own place would be nice, but then again, if i cant use the few opportunities i have now to get my own space, would i even use it to its full potential?
In this situation I desperately look for things i can control, the first thing is of course my mind and not the enviornment around me, so I started to research stoicism, in the meantime Ive had an inclination to just stop being social, to just read and watch netflix all day, and Ive come to notice that nobody ever messages me first, its always me doing the talking, and I do it simply out of boredom, to see how people respond to certain topics even though their input rarely had actual value or insight. I could die tomorrow and nobody except maybe 3 or 4 family members would notice, and for some reason this is a very freeing feeling despite my trapment, maybe people have too much going on in their own lives, maybe im not fun to talk to, maybe these people finally got the hint after i tried this last month. Regardless i feel at peace, to talk to people on a daily basis, especially online as thats where 90% of my friends are, feels like a burden, i feel like i can do what i want when i want and not be judged as no one knows what im up to. No one to impress, no one to let down, no one to give their worthless opinion on your decisions when they themselves cant look at their own reflection without disgust

>> No.16134000

Monkeys don't fap in the wild because they can have monkey sex with monkey chicks. In zoos if there even are monkey chicks in the cage with them there aren't a lot, so if they cockblock them there's nothing to do but put your dick in your hand. Also humans always watching them makes it harder to fuck.

>> No.16134079

i hope sambo is afflicted with a pox, and his brother both sodomizes him, and steals all his "guitars", then sells them for less than a 1/4 of the total value. then he spends the money on whatever monkey pheromones (methamphetamines) to further instill him in a manic fit of psychosis. as sam lays crying for how much of an ugly shitskin failure he is, (the reason his pussy ass fuck dad died).
in reality sams father hated him, and put on a front of poverty out of spite to prevent any form of happiness to sprout in that favela monkey's fucking shitty life. Shit-genes-mcfaggot-loving-son-having gorrila man, purposely restricted the flow of income to the family, because he couldn't trust anyone to prevent giving sam a cut of the money, so nobody had a share at all. Imagine sam, you directly caused your family's poverty when you slipped out your concubine's dirty tarpit of a womb. This is why his brother stole the loot his father was keeping from them all. Then, in a lapse of self reflection while he's wallowing in his own misery, sam's brother comes back to collect whatever remaining wealth the family has. in his exasperation of finding nil, he will slaughter sam's slut mother with his bare hands, right in front of poor sambo. in the midst of the commotion, an electrical short sparks up a slow burning flame that is only fanned by the house (constructed of dung) and burns them all slowly to a crisp.

>> No.16134081

nobody has ever loved or cared for sam, and he is the laughingstock of gg, and his family. Your mother looked to you to be the seed that would help give a garnish of good reputation to the family name (maccacofagfuckers) but failed miserably. That's why all this vested hatred spews from everyone around you. stupid fucking monkey. die in hell, and drown in feces you degenerate dicksuckingtrannyfuckingcockswallowingpainwallowingniggerlovingsonofabitchslutmotherhavinglittlepieceoffaggotdogshitworthlessdicklesshopelessspinelesslovelessexpandedsphincterhavingtrapcovetingfaveladwellingtroglodytesubhumanmonkeyboi. kill yourself sam. you know you want to. do it. We're all waiting patiently. nobody loves you or will miss you in the afterlife (which you won't experience because you will be in hell burning forever.) fucking macaco shit flinger animal

>> No.16134276

My university is screwing up to such a hard degree that it makes the screwups of my country as a whole (the US) look better by comparison. It's one of the most infected universities in the country with hundreds of cases, yet the mask requirement only began in July, and they've made the decision to keep classes open where some students will be forced to attend despite risk of sickness, with some laughable precautions that have gone viral because they're so retarded. I don't want to move back this semester and put myself at risk, and half of my classes are online this semester, so if the others are online it should be good. However, the class info online is inaccurate so I have to email them all myself and ask, and they still haven't responded. Classes start on the 20th.

God I can't wait to get out of this country. What a fucking mess.

>> No.16134299

You ever think that monkeys fap in zoos because they know humans are watching? You ever think they get off on that?

>> No.16134301

What uni

>> No.16134322
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, bdd983cf03210c78960327fab521b36b341ada98adf2427eeb519ae9073f58ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit making boujee peanut butter. No I didn't stutter. Can't be spirtually lazy, but my vision has been hazy. Lord coming in power and glory, I believe His story. He comes in humility now, because next time He'll go POW!

Praying to walk unto paths straight and narrow like an arrow, Lord have me speak in peace, I can't take it back after the release.

Heavenly reflections, desires sought. Are they ungodly? Christ is judge, dead prayers ought not.

That future QT 3.14 hope she wants to ride JC highs.

>> No.16134348

university of georgia

>> No.16134423
File: 76 KB, 660x990, BD4A3AE5-6916-4C91-B42E-9AAB61BD1E79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I‘ve made beef jerky and i basically already ate all of it to „test for dryness“. Currently trying to keep myself from eating the last two pieces.

>> No.16134500

Haha i ate it.

>> No.16134505

kek anon

>> No.16134517


>> No.16134518

As you can see by the posting times, i managed to keep myself from eating it for 30mins. Can‘t say i‘m not proud of myself at least a little bit.

>> No.16134529

I do things like this often also

>> No.16134549

You made it, might as well enjoy it man. Making some Chic Fil A style chicken soon myself

>> No.16135491

You don't have to leave the whole country, just move out of Georgia lmao

>> No.16136010

I'm 21 and I look 31

>> No.16136128

is this one of the riddles of the sphinx?

>> No.16136190

I wanna go decapitate myself under a train

>> No.16137188

>blindly believe in
>Facts aren't Truth. Truth creates facts. And I don't know the Truth. Do you know the Truth?
So yeah you probably do as they do

>> No.16137354

It's better if he does. Pussy fucks like him deserve to live in Canada

>> No.16137490

aight, immah change my life for good now, today's the day

>> No.16137512

I cannot but help but shake the feeling that the null before the creation of our reality and the null we experience after death are inextricably linked. It is only fitting that soul, being born of a cold, material universe, and that universe being born of nothing, would eventually return to the nothing from whence it came.

>> No.16137797

wowow so deep dude lmao

>> No.16137822

God my stomach is killing me I'm in so much fucking pain I can't even move I just wanna go out for a smoke just fucking and me

>> No.16137865
File: 14 KB, 269x187, sagepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That which is, is. That which isn't, isn't.
Accordingly, that which is, isn't. That which isn't, is.

>> No.16137904

Lao and Zhuangpilled.

>> No.16137920

I'm posting in a car wash

>> No.16137986


>> No.16138066

hahahahaha yeah I bet...
good one anone

>> No.16138127

My only real friend, who I met last year and who has been a sort of emotional rock for me in her support for my healing from mental health issues and who hasn't hated me despite all of the BPD stuff I have put her through, is moving hundreds of miles away today. I feel totally numb. I cried horribly when we said goodbye, and she hugged me and told me she was glad she was there for me when I was having my mental health crisis.

>> No.16138220
File: 68 KB, 690x407, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with the jannies? I'm not memeing - are they literally retarded? Look at the shit they don't delete.
We need mods who READ BOOKS

>> No.16138267

More and more I find myself wishing rape on people. Feels more forceful than wishing they'd die.

>> No.16138306

Well, I was phoneposting... in a car wash.

>> No.16138333

I honestly dont know what i want. I never did. I always followed others and took their advice because i didnt have any conviction or basic interest by myself. Uni was the biggest mistake by far. I wasted 5 years because i didnt know what else to do. I have given up ever since (it's been 4 years already) because i dont find meaning in anything. I trying to fix it by reading psychology, going to therapist and looking up philosophical works but nothing sticks up. I tried asking myself but nothing answered.
It's the real suffering being afraid of life and death at the same time. I dont really expect anything to read this venting because it's just another post in countless thread.

>> No.16138350

>read and study theology so much that I forget what "I" means, even more so "God"
>stop studying
>fear hell
I'm in a bad good cycle if you know what I mean

>> No.16138367

splain me pls

>> No.16138515

I met an amazing girl whom I've been seeing/going on dates with for the past two weeks almost every day, but she's going back home tomorrow and I still haven't kissed her.

>> No.16138574

that's rough anon. is she moving far?

>> No.16138593

>Well, I was phoneposting... in a car wash.
hahahahah , good job anon really cracked me up. nice work anon top notch keep it up loser

>> No.16138601

Other side of the country, about an 8 hour drive away. There's worse I guess but it sucks that I met someone so brilliant only to lose her a short while after, and we're not at the point yet where I would feel comfortable to come visit her every other week.

>> No.16138616

do I move too fast or are you moving too slow

>> No.16138709

It's too hot. The sun is an enemy. We must shoot dust into the sky. Bill Gates is right

>> No.16138732

things are gonna suck, maybe even pretty bad, for a while but it'll get better.

>> No.16138765

The latter probably. My friends have been telling me for days I should have gone and kissed her already.

I guess it always gets better, doesn't it. It's frustrating that I haven't had feelings for anyone in a long time, and when I finally do, it has to end like this.

>> No.16138973

The saddest part of all this is that life was easier when I was trying to break myself.

Getting myself high wasn't easy, but compared to getting myself happy it was chlild's play

>> No.16138995

how did you meet?

>> No.16139068

A government agent came to my door and demanded my race.

>> No.16139144

Is that a surprise? It's always been easier to destroy than to build.

>> No.16139246

no, that's not the part that surprises me. all this time I thought I was chasing a high, which is a managable goal. Anyone can get high. It's only when I realized that this obscure state of blissful delusion i sought was nothing more than run-of-the-mill happiness that I realized how fucked I was. in an instant, a goal that seemed manageable became borderline impossible

>> No.16139340

In describing examples of human attachments and relationships, one such example is:
>the pleasure of a philosophical old fogy in a girl who is impudent and innocent
Now, all peds and degenerates may not continue reading my post. For the cultured, man, what does Chesterton mean in his above statement (taken from "What is Wrong With the World")? Now, personally, among womenkind, I only respect good mothers and virgins. However, when it comes to the "young girl question", I can't help but feel an intense admiration for them, such as Chesterton describes. A sort of charm, the sort that lights up your entire day. Now, children are curious about the mysteries of the universe, and this I find wholly admirable. Why is it that the philosophical attuned find so much charm in the young examples of our species?

>> No.16139463

I don't think it's entirely the preserve of the philosophical, I think most people find flowers and sunsets and frolicing children and all that gay shit rather nice on some level. If the philosophical old fogy is particularly affected by them I imagine it's down to the poignancy of the contrast between the disillusioned, analytical thinking man and the unthinking, exuberant child.

>> No.16139496

I am 21 and I wanted to try a cigarette
However, I am scared that I become addicted like I became to porn which I am struggling with

>> No.16139503
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>> No.16139515

Yes...but aren't children the most thinking individuals you encounter in society? Constant immersion in imagination, constant questioning...they look alive, their eyes especially. They are not dead or stagnant, except in those ones raised by the ipad and the like

>> No.16139545

Congress goes to recess without reaching a stimulus deal. Flush every one of these turds down the toilet.

>> No.16139558

That which is exists by virtue of what isn't, for there is an infinity of what could be what is, but isn't. And what doesn't exist is as part of what does exist as that which is, the isn't is as substantial a truth as that which is. An infinity of isn'ts makes possible the is.

>> No.16139564

They're saving it for the late fall when restaurants can't do outdoor dining anymore, and they think if they save it till right before the election they will all win their reelections, it's political theater

>> No.16139582 [DELETED] 

I fapped and took a nap. Unsurprisingly, my mental state is now shitty. I'm going to chug an energy drink, try to work out, and hopefully feel good again.

>> No.16139586

if it matters i can heavily relate, just this feeling of being lost, im still in uni though but studying philosophy because idk what else to choose, as far as reading goes i have planned
Senecas Letters
Atomic Habits,
maybe ill get my shit together, but if other things like no fap, anti depressants, hobbies, and even money doesnt help then i doubt books will but who knows. Maybe the anwser is to just live in the moment day by day, and stop searching for what I want.

>> No.16139621

Meaning through self-simulacrum causes a self and non-self dialectic, emptying itself of itself, it encounters itself made different, the aufheben of these results in categorial novum/emergence of properties the first of which is Being.

Sosein through its own simulacra creates Dasein as a categorical novum by aufheben of self.

>> No.16139647

Don't chug energy drink, just go for a good run, and the cardio will flood you awake

>> No.16139659

I would go for a run, but I haven't done kettlebells all week, need to do it. Might go for a citibike ride later for some cardio.

>> No.16139752

Maybe it's true that I just spread anarchic existential dread everywhere I go, that I'm just a monster. What's more upsetting is that you seem to be one of the few things I've seen that can weather me, yet I have little access to you. Or maybe it's because you've forcibly kept me away due to fear of such an embrace, easier to judge yeah. I guess I'm not the easiest thing to be around. Maybe you've had to demonize me out of realizing that dread as well. On the other hand, no one's obligated to be around me, but those who call themselves moral authorities should try to be as inclusive as possible, right? That the greatest such authority should command the greatest inclusivity, the lowest sinner, the deepest truths relevant to everyone? I don't know how to stop scaring people. It's something to do with me clearly. But what.

>> No.16139788

Having a 'connection' with someone during sex now is rare, due to satyriasis in men and nymphomania in women. These people engage in sex compulsively and without joy.
These unfortunate souls willy never know, but cannot love in the true sense of the word

>> No.16139813

Then move

>> No.16139841

I doubt you're even qualified on this topic, really.

>> No.16139847 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck is "All We Are" and why are they in my New Releases section of Apple Music's For You page. I don't remember these guys.

>> No.16139860

>Having a 'connection' with someone during sex now is rare
Either a virgin or a "bugman" without self-awareness

>> No.16139886

I've seen enough to make a judgement. If you don't believe it, then don't.

I just haven't had the connection with someone yet so now I abstain from sex until I finally find someone I will have that connection with. Infact I'm so over it I could never have it again if I never find that connection.
Seeing sex as the end all of it is like telling someone that jerking off, playing vodeogames or eating McDonald's is all you need in life. Just chase the next rush after the next rush.

>> No.16139892

Not trying to dig at you, but how old are you? How do you not have a genre or a large playlist of music you love. ?

>> No.16139906 [DELETED] 

>getting stuck listening to your high school soundtrack for life

Lame. Oh, and I remember why they showed in my New Releases feed. I was rocking this jam last fall:


>> No.16139926

Well if you have a good nusic taste you don't get bored and ya keep gassing onto it.
That song sounds just sounds like all other modern crap. I'm glad you found a song you like though And I hope you can find another.

>> No.16139936

Wow this shit sucks

>> No.16139942

Ah, you've "seen enough." Right...

>> No.16139963

Yes I have and I'd rather not talk about it. I'm sure you cannot relate?
And yeah you're right, that doesn't mean that im 'qualified' but that's beside the point.

>> No.16139982

I just saw a Joe Biden ad on Youtube. Wow, he has really tiny eyes. Weird.

>> No.16140211

what is life for? smoke

>> No.16140275

They're thinking, they're just not yet bound to dogmatic structures and systems of thought. This makes them free but it makes them incompatible with the philosophic

>> No.16140288

I want to watch some very 70s movie tonight. Recommend me some shit. I got neflix and criterion. I'm think maybe Mean Streets which is on netflix, but I bet criterion has some obscure as shit some nerd on here knows.

>> No.16140301

>Mean Streets

On second thought, no. No Italian shit. No mob shit. Recommend me a 70s movie that's like a drama or something.

>> No.16140351

Saturday Night Fever

>> No.16140375

Boogie Nights.
Saturday night fever sucks

>> No.16140391

Boogie Nights sucks

>> No.16140410

clearly have not watched boogie nights

>> No.16140449
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Will my jewish ancestors forgive me for my Nazi erotic roleplay?

>> No.16140465

can we switch lives?

>> No.16140479

A lot of them were the same anon

>> No.16140492

Three Days of the Condor

>> No.16141137

wow the ufc is weird as fuck with no crowd lmao

>> No.16141150

it's so quiet the fighters can hear rogan commentating on their own fight in real time, must be weird as hell

>> No.16141343 [DELETED] 

holy shit bruce buffer delivers, pandemic or no pandemic this guy is always on, lmao

>> No.16141520

If you mention the "cover fee" in the same sentence as drugs the police might possibly seize it as drug money.

>> No.16141882

Anyone here associate with normies, and can give me an update on the "white hipster nerds who listen to rap and ironically reference black culture and the joke is that they're white so it's weird that they're so knowledgeable about rap/black culture things" phenomenon

I know young zoomers and thots like rap and rap is the new pop but I specifically want to know if the "lmao isnt it funny i know about negro slang even though i'm a skinny white nerd" thing is still growing

>> No.16141917

I think Jesus is a good person to trust. I do not think the churches do well to gain the trust of people.

>> No.16142131

Thanks anon for reading and wish you the best in the studies. I wish i could live in the moment but i think im the opposite of it. Even my relation with beauty is impotent - i rationally understand that its beautiful but i dont feel anything on a deeper level.

>> No.16142259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16142263

I have stigmats, so fuck you, I'm Jesus Christ now.

>> No.16142710


>> No.16143236

Man are special too, you know, becase dicks, you know.

>> No.16143245

But woman are more special because vagina and baby

>> No.16143424

Women are the nature and men are the logos

>> No.16143670

this is gibberish

>> No.16143688

Women can give birth and men cant.

>> No.16143690

Did it ever occur to anyone that Chester the Chicken and Mr. Peanut are selling out their own species?

>> No.16143708

What do when pp hard kissing in public?
It's not like you want to sacrifice the kissing altogether, but you must hide the thing somehow.

>> No.16143707

no shit

>> No.16143723

The pot calling the kettle black

>> No.16143740

that's so racist

>> No.16143753

if you can't handle it then get off my board
nice one anon, good work. Thanks for keeping this place alive you're the beating heart of /lit/

>> No.16143987

i love writing women. theyre so sensitive and vulnerable and cuddly. i cant tell if im a fag.

>> No.16144127
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Seeing nature and thinking it's beautiful is unnatural. It means that the life you lead is an unclean one.

>> No.16144135

I write my women to be insensitive, invulnerable and violent.

>> No.16144209

A project at work, she was with us temporarily.
I ended up kissing her today, and she let on she'd be interested in taking things further romantically, but she's on the train home right about now and I have no idea when I'll get to see her next.

>> No.16144273

good job
nani kore?

>> No.16144292

God i want a delicious brown tomboy gf

>> No.16144338

is this brown enough for you ?

>> No.16144400
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who doesn't

>> No.16144423

Thanks anon. She wanted to write on the way home, but didn't have a pen on her. I happened to find one in my bag that I gave to her as I joked this was the writer's equivalent to leaving your toothbrush at someone's place.

>> No.16144428

Now that's one autistic joke.

>> No.16144533

At last, the one day of the week where there is no fucking construction outside

>> No.16144678

MIP* may equal RE, but quantum computing is still bunk.

>> No.16144707

literally me

>> No.16144729

Tomboys feel like a very morally degenerate preference to have, but I have yet to formulate as to why.

>> No.16144813

great pretender

>> No.16144906

>In March 2003, she attended a ballet competition and wins a gold medal. Upon leaving the concert venue with her parents, an air raid commenced on the city of Baghdad
>tfw no iraqi tomboy gf
sounds like suicide fuel
and you will never do

>> No.16144968

Sometimes jannies delete threads that are clearly about specific books because they are too dumb to understand the reference to the book. Literate jannies now.

>> No.16144982

A shitpost is a shitpost. Keep it up and it'll be a range ban, anonshitter.

>> No.16144989

How is a thread about transcendental idealism, which is clearly pulled directly from Kant's CPR, a shitpost, you drooling mongrel?

>> No.16145102

art thou a writer, friend?

>> No.16145115

jannie here, fuck you

>> No.16145125

read the sticky, baka

>> No.16145177

Jannies seething. Refer to >>16144989

>> No.16145233

Kant threads sucks so even if it was about a book I'm glad it got deleted anyways.

>> No.16145387

jannies not seething, you won't be posting for a long time , loser anonymous

>> No.16145439

wow, what a loser

>> No.16145447

what a retard, look at this summerfag

>> No.16145464


AMEN brother , good posting guys

>> No.16145572

Really don’t like this trend of heat waves in the US, it’s worrying. My area has only been marginally impacted so far but if they get much bigger I’ll be caught in it too. Honestly considering trying to move to some area of the Canadian seaboard sometime in the coming years.

>> No.16145654
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How to get a qt jew gf?

>> No.16146848


holy shit my sides

>> No.16147372

The western media's young conqueror depiction of the modern male sexual journey can be massively damaging to many people in their 20s. This has many feeling as they have been left at the station by the train of life, and at a distance, is a comedy to those who boarded.
The other common image is the older man, usually of wealth or status, with a younger woman which isolated is not necessarily a bad thing. The older man imparts wisdom teaching her how to satisfy his needs. We are aware of the older man and older woman but these relationships are rarely made remarkable by anything other than conflict or separation. The missing picture is the serious relationship between the older woman and younger man. This has been reduced to fetishism when there should be a great opportunity to relieve the young man of his pressures by widening available options, and relieving the older woman in other ways.

>> No.16147511

That fight has already been lost. By the time of McCarthy it was already lost. Where is this unstoppable force you hope to rouse? That America is dead, in fact it never really existed.

>> No.16147523
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Pic related.

>> No.16147525

If you sever your relations with others you will quickly realize the mistake you made.

>> No.16147540

I'm 21 years old and retarded

>> No.16147545

thanks for the (you)'s retard

>> No.16147566
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Imagine needing attention this badly.

>> No.16147570

Not true. Sometimes, other people are just a chain to tie you down.

>> No.16147571

You making no romantic advance within 2 weeks likely already damaged the relationship. You showed to her a lack of confidence which is revolting to women. Though this is a generality and all women are different.

>> No.16147599

yeah, thanks for giving it so willingly

>> No.16147603

Of course but you need some people.

>> No.16147607

women are human not a flow chart

>> No.16147702

they can be both

>> No.16147726

so can your mom

>> No.16147760

I'm so, so tired.

>> No.16147794

do you need to stay awake?
how are the flowers in your area? my sunflowers just bloomed last night, it'\s exciting

>> No.16147801

are you ok?

>> No.16147865

Being tired can be fixed by sleep anon. Being exhausted, however, is not

>> No.16148056

The cycle of life is just the reincarnation of matter and realizing that is making me want to become a Buddhist. Also would your spirit be not the brain but the spontaneous electrical signals of your brain? The brain being just the instrument controlling the body and the house of your spirit, which is truly just the potential chemical energy stored in your neurons. We are not the flesh, but the pure energy inside the flesh which is released and moved at our own unseen will in order to pilot the body we currently reside in.

>> No.16148851

you can pilot, but to do so is to deny the body

>> No.16148861

Life is energy but I don't believe you can reduce it to mere electricity. Pre-Socratics and Goethe understood true vitalism