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/lit/ - Literature

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16115369 No.16115369 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw brainwashed by mediocre lib university so can now only read anything through a postcolonial lense

anyone else know this feel? is there anyway I can break this conditioning and fine things like philosophical and aesthetic value in literature again?

>> No.16115380

go back

>> No.16115395
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but reality is postcolonial anon

>> No.16115402

Yes, read some actually good literary criticism to remind yourself that there is such a thing as aesthetic merit. I would recommend Helen Vendler, Northrop Frye, and yeah even Harold Bloom.

>> No.16115403

I can't I have a master's degree and did my dissertation on depictions of colonialism and white supremacy in interwar British literature

>> No.16115416
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Why yes, I employ multiple lenses and perspectives to analyze different works of literature based on what is most applicable, ranging from postcolonial, Marxist, feminist, affect, Freudian, and new criticism.

>> No.16115422

Read people like Pater or Baudelaire if you want to learn how literary criticism was done before the castration.

>> No.16115443

this is such a lazy, faggy word. if someone says they view x through a y lense, I instantly know they're a pseud

>> No.16115450

this is a mean unproductive post
but it's also 100% correct

>> No.16115456

Stop problematizing and try to examine colonial depictions from the perspective of the colonizer as well as the colonized. Extend your cultural relativism to euros and brits as much as you extend it to colonized peoples.

>> No.16115468

I don't think lense is a word actually, Lens is the correct spelling

>> No.16115482

Postcolonialism is a cia plot meant to entrap the perihereal elites that used to start guerillas back in the 50s and 60s into the therapeutic and ideological mechanisms of the imperial core were they create an 'humane' discourse for the global managerial capitalist biopolitical apparatus.

>> No.16115523


>> No.16115548

You need to dedicate some time for full immersion so you can go full burnout. You will have an altered perspective on the back side.

>> No.16115547

lmao yeah just think for your fucking self retard

>> No.16115561

I don't even know what that shit means.

t. STEM degree haver

>> No.16115768

>I don't even know what that shit means.
Not understanding the name of the affliction does not mean that you do not suffer from it.

>> No.16115814

Hey, it's much easier to just make an analysis of something through "x" lens than to consider and analyze it in its entirety.

>> No.16116079

Read Hegel and Marx