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16106882 No.16106882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the complete subversion and destruction of the left by intersectional identity politics?

>> No.16106901

>presentable as "tough on crime" to assuage people's frustration over the chimpouts while being immune from accusations of racism
Well played

>> No.16106902

go back

>> No.16106904

The Wokes are going to vote for a vicious prosecutor who joked about sending people to prison for marijuana, and refused to hear evidence that proved a man's innocence to keep her conviction stats up. The left stands for nothing except resentment.

>> No.16106920

She wouldn’t let prisoners out after a court order because of the need for slave labor. They make them fight fires in California
Kamala Harris is a cop

>> No.16106922

Nobody is excited about this

>> No.16106926

It’s going to be the lowest voter turnout in our history.

>> No.16106930

Gotta vote blue no matter who amirite?!

>> No.16106931

Who implied such?

>> No.16106935

>Kamala Harris is a cop
No shit, exactly what's needed to calm the well to do whites fearful of the marauding hordes of archaeohominids

>> No.16106937

So Biden actually picked her huh?

She seems like your creepy wine drinking aunt who gets drunk and hits on younger men.

>> No.16106944 [DELETED] 

lmao but true

>> No.16106948

>Gotta vote blue no matter who amirite?!

That's pretty much the mentality that's destroyed cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. The people there bitch and moan about how the quality of life has fallen into the gutter but they refuse to put two and two together.

>> No.16106949
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>the left
Start with the neocons.

>> No.16106955

Her first gig in SF politics was by sleeping with the mayor. She got a 70k a year no show job.

>> No.16106957


>> No.16106963

samuel francis, leviathan and its enemies

burnham, the managerial revolution

paul piccone's critiques of the New Left
>Piccone perceived the growth of self-interested groups, those who engaged in what might be deemed “identity politics,” as a profound threat to organic autonomy orchestrated by the “New Class,” the bureaucratic clerisy responsible for the all-consuming artificial negativity that sustained liberal discourses.

>> No.16106969

From NY Times:

>Ms. Harris, 55, is the first Black woman and the first person of Indian descent to be nominated for national office by a major party

First black woman and the first Indian woman at the same time!

>> No.16106998

Yeah, the left is really into "firsts."

>> No.16107011

He probably should have picked a moderate liberal from a swing state if he wanted to win. This probably helps Trump thankfully.

>> No.16107017
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>> No.16107021
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Yas kween! So diverse!

>> No.16107024

How will the democratic voting base react to Harris, do you think? I am not American.

I heard the main problem with the candidates and the reason for the delay of VP decision was that the camps simply don't like eachother, not one of the potential VP camps was perfectly simpatico with the Biden camp, so I wonder if this choice is made only begrudgingly and there will be constant internal backbiting.

>> No.16107036

Yeah, picking someone from Cali isn't going to help win anything. Should have picked Whitmer from Michigan or that cop from Florida. I'd rather vote for a real cop that some shady prosecutor.

>> No.16107040

The donors would throw a fit. He’s going to be the first president who has to step down for dementia anyway.

So sad. She didn’t have to grow up to be such a sociopathic shit

>> No.16107055

liberals love her, just not as much as Warren

>> No.16107080

Hilary voters who bought into Russia gate will be appeased for the most part.

>> No.16107085

>The Wokes are going to vote
The VP didn't matter. None of them were going to vote for Biden.

>> No.16107094


He had already committed to picking a female running mate, so that restricted his options. Gabbard is disliked by progressive liberals; Whitmer has been demonized by the right and people in Michigan as authoritarian; Warren puts her foot in her mouth all the time and would be a liability if a VP debate happens because she takes troll-bait so easily. I had assumed some of the procrastination was for the purpose of making the choice still seem exciting going into the election, as opposed to if he'd made an early pick people would be bored of it by November. Maybe he thought that by picking Harris he was doing the progressive thing (female, black), but that could also blow up in his face because she's a former prosecutor who threw large numbers of people in prison and the start of her political career came is due to her having gotten fucked by the mayor of San Francisco. The potential for this to blow up in their face is pretty high.

>> No.16107099

Wokes don't vote. Voter turnout for all of America is less than 40% iirc, and of those voters the demos are always 40+ year olds

>> No.16107146

The House was controlled by Dems at that point, you mouthbreather
If you are going to criticize the errant American right, at least make sense

>> No.16107152

Manufacturing Cuntsent

>> No.16107175

Can’t wait for MAGA Round 2

>> No.16107183

Harris' ancestors owned African slaves and indentured Irish in Jamaica. Not only is she not ADOS, her ancestors were slave owners!

>> No.16107188
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i know more about american politics than i do about my own country's politics

>> No.16107196

And Americans know more about pop culture than politics

>> No.16107197

but are those the vote handsy uncle Joseph needs to lock down?

>> No.16107199

>Gabbard is disliked by progressive liberals
HAH no. She is disliked by the war profiteers. Bernie was made to run specifically to drown her out. She and Sanders were the only ones that left liberals had.

>> No.16107231

I'm American and you have no idea how angry I get when I hear Brits (and non-Americans in general) say "the President". I hate this garbage so fucking much.

The Left is rallied around three central ideals: Gibs me dats, bailouts, and Fuck White People. She's Black, but not Black enough to be intimidating, she's a woman, but the weird sexless pseudo-eunuch kind, and she will do whatever you tell her if you sign a check. Lefties from every camp will adore her.

Tankie twitter is abuzz with YAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS KWEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNN as we speak.

>> No.16107241

you can have both retard
>posts a liberal

>> No.16107248

>Poltards are OBSESSED around three central ideals: Gibs me dats, bailouts, and Fuck White People.

>> No.16107250

Liberals are Leftists, yes. Liberalism is what the phrase "the Left" was created to describe.

Enjoy voting for her.

>> No.16107264
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if Biden said the n word during the debates because of his dementia then what excuses would people and the media make up to defend him?

>> No.16107265

most leftists are liberals in denial lmao all of you faggots post shit about white privilege and diversity in the media, the only difference is that you have a hammer and sickle in your usernames

>> No.16107276

Isn't she the one who backdoor dealt and got Jussie Smollet's charges thrown out after his faked attack?

>> No.16107282

Biden may be a racist but at least he isn't a MEGA RACIST like BLORMPF!

>> No.16107283

in practice, leftists are just democrats who riot

>> No.16107292
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Left liberals are reformist capitalists. They are known as progressives in the US and democratic-socialists in Europe and most other places.
Biden, Obama, Hillary, Harris, AOC, are all not progressives/left liberals. They may at times lie about it, but they are not in the business to reform shit.

Then there’s the actual left. They are AGAINST CAPITALISM