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16105797 No.16105797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's her endgame?

>> No.16105805

Turn back into a caterpillar

>> No.16105814
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>> No.16105817

Being annoying as shit and offering midwit opinions. This has gone on for far too long now.

>> No.16105824

Only passing on what I’ve learned to any with the sense to listen.

>> No.16105831
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>> No.16105833

Bamboozling, and it's working like a charm.

>> No.16105834

i honestly don't see problem with tripfags. for example this one in particular. had conversations with him or her. just regular internet brain bimbo.

>> No.16105838
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>> No.16105847

rehashing nietzsche, stirner, epicurus, etc. is not valuable to anybody

>> No.16105865
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Here’s your (You) you lazy boy

Turns out it is. Newfag.

>> No.16105873

BTFOing rightoids as far as I can tell, and I hope she never stops

>> No.16105875

oh no no no

>> No.16105877

the 41%

>> No.16105886

>BTFOing rightoids as far as I can tell, and I hope she never stops

If true, it's some pretty mild BTFOing desu

>> No.16105895

i have never seen her fail to enrage 3+ of them in any given thread and get them posting endlessly about tranny this femoid that and similar meltdown material

>> No.16105896

Hm. What if ill larp as a woman here with a tripcode but instead i will be extremely based? (because im a man)?

>> No.16105897

Go do something in real life. I can tell you aren't based on how much time you spend here.

>> No.16105904

Spamming and getting told to stfu isn't btfo'ing anyone. Unless you think that autist spamming the Culture of Critique is based too?

>> No.16105914

It’s not because she’s dabbing on rightoids though. It’s because she derails conversations to be about her, then bumps then ceaselessly and posts pictures of herself.
She’s really triggering incels they just overlap with rightoids

>> No.16105918

We all aren’t, especially this year.
Of course I want to to get out and about. Desperately.
Masks in the summer are intolerable.

>> No.16105938

Anon derails threads to talk about me. Anon reposts pics from a decade ago.
Your own troll culture is to blame.

>Being impotent and left with no argument but name calling isn’t getting btfo’ed!
It is.

>> No.16105945

the only worthwhile trip is rapture

>> No.16105952

ughhhh someone post pictures??? is she cute???? not going to simp just curious

>> No.16105955

Why are women like this bros?

>> No.16105959
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>> No.16105975
File: 111 KB, 720x556, Screenshot_2020-08-07-22-47-11-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butterfly what were u doing in india?????

>> No.16105981
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Yeah, you truly BTFO anons by accusing them of browsing /pol as an argument. Rhetorical master for sure.

>> No.16105983
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Unironically looks cute. Would hug. Don't know about her personality tho.

>> No.16105985

ngl i'm gonna simp

>> No.16105994

Be ready to puke when you see her panty pic.

>> No.16105997

everyone does that retard

>> No.16106005

No dude. I mean. She is cute. As i said idk what she is as a person but don't simp it's wrong!

>> No.16106006

Another thread dominated by ketj. And people think she doesn't dominate any discourse she enters lol. Total cope.

>> No.16106013
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>Another thread dominated by ketj. And people think she doesn't dominate any discourse she enters lol. Total cope.

>> No.16106016

I just filter her tripcodes whenever is see that attention whore pop up. Its like she isnt even here. Comfy af

>> No.16106018

Whats ketj?

>> No.16106023

use a better mask or go free face.

>> No.16106032

Be observant. There's a few butterflies.

>> No.16106033

To indoctrinate the youth into tranny anarchism

>> No.16106040

i'm genuinely disappointed, i imagined ketj as one of those angular jawed, pale white guys who wear blazers and take themselves too seriously because they graduated from some posh british university.
fuck this has ruined my week. can't believe this

>> No.16106044

better than having literal twitter lefties

>> No.16106049

wat were u doing in india tho???????

>> No.16106050

T-that's her? Danm, looking from that angle i think she didn't need to waste her life being a tripfag.

To breastfeed the world with her knowledge.

>> No.16106055

agreed, but still deluded hippyness mostly. though occasionally entertaining.

>> No.16106057

Is this from a camshow or what? I’ve seen a couple othwers

>> No.16106064

Hey butterfly are you interested in girls? (zoomer girls to be more specific)

>> No.16106070

Lurk more newfag. There's one butters and everyone else is just trolling newfags by pretending to be her

>> No.16106074

What? Right?

Fake pics of some dude shitting a pair of panties. Don’t even click when he posts it. Just report.

>> No.16106075
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>> No.16106076

Your response to me saying that several people use that icon is to say that several people use that icon. Fucking genius. 160+ IQ detected. What are you reading?

>> No.16106086

Wait, really? I’m not even a newfag I just thought she was crazy

>> No.16106087

I have looked into her meme trio philosophy but I don't buy it desu.
I prefer Schopenhauer, Cioran and Ligotti.

>> No.16106089

I have never once failed to btfo you in any single thread I have argued with you. You have the stakes takes with the most undeserved level of smarm. Get off of my website, stop being an annoying cunt, and find a man before your milkers sink to the floor.

>> No.16106093

Butterfly will you take my virginity ? I would be honoured to have you pop my cherry.

>> No.16106094
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>> No.16106096

Still not as bad as Jesus (the tripfag, I mean)

>> No.16106100

turn us all into impersonators.

>> No.16106104


>> No.16106105

She's mostly into underaged girls

>> No.16106110

I doubt butterfag has even read them

>> No.16106111

No no no no.

>> No.16106121

Ok, sorry.

>> No.16106122

hey btrfly girl. im average looking russian guy who doesn't read much i don't have all that philosophy bullshit in my head but im pretty comfy i wear coats and sweaters and derbys. My dad is a lawyer and im planning on working for him im from high income family. im a virgin.

>> No.16106123

Stop lying to yourself

>> No.16106125

Posting with that icon does not make your butterfly. There is one butterfly. Lurk more

Well yes she is crazy but thats not withstanding

>> No.16106132

You are retarded.