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16092784 No.16092784 [Reply] [Original]

bukowski raised the question. has anyone answered?

>> No.16092817

the answer is they don't, retard. what more do you want?

>> No.16092834

>what more do you want?

>> No.16092881

How the hell can anyone over the age of 22 enjoy Bukowski?

>> No.16092898

go back

>> No.16092911

Consider political violence instead of suicide when the time comes

>> No.16092921

They don't, I certainly don't. People seem to hate automation but I believe it will give us a higher quality of work and/lessen the amount of work we have to do. It's the solution to wagecucking, simply have robots do it.

>> No.16092937

The same system that gave us wage cuckery will simply siphon off all the benifits of automation

>> No.16092967

Wow youre dumb. Automation has nothing to do with the solution to wagecucking. Why do you think post-Industrialization 90% of people with jobs are wagecucks? The workforce is already mostly automated, increase the percentage more and more and you're not going magically be "freed" of your duties, unless you want to live in the street and eat leftovers like Diogenes, you're going to be wage cucked into a coding or repair station by the people with money and power, probably even more so then they already do.

>> No.16092969

>complaining about brushing your teeth

>> No.16092988

>>complaining about brushing your teeth

>being this retarded

>> No.16093036

And before industrialization people were factory slaves. Automation HAS improved the quality of work, yes it still sucks but it's a lot better than what it used to be. We still do have some shitty menial jobs that no human should be doing, automation can get rid of those.

>> No.16093039

Computers have made us a hundred times more productive than workers just fifty years ago and our quality of life hasn’t improved one iota. In fact, things have gotten worse.

>> No.16093055

I feel like bukowski wouldn’t have enjoyed life no matter what he was doing

>> No.16093060
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>> No.16093108

>How in the hell
>Could we have been born without the shitty talent of a mediocre pseud while make a living out of it?;
>Could we Have ambulances, firefighters and the police available 24/7?;
>Could we Have enough abundance and organization so that nothing's missing in a variety of scenarios?;
>Could we Have enough scientists working around the clock to invent the next revolutionary cure;
>Could we Have enough engineers creating machinery that will improve everyone's quality of life and stop people from starving to death.
>Could we Have governments and government facilities and schools?;
>Could we Have teachers to educate our kids?

Answer that one.

>> No.16093112

The don't, I certainly didn't, that's why I quit my job to play poker professionally. My brother also didn't enjoy it, so he quit his job and opened his own project design business. My dad also didn't enjoy it and after many years of wageslaving opened his gym at the age of 58. You either wageslave for others or do something to live independently.

>> No.16093125

Would you rather live off soup and bread and work in a factory all day for the rest of your life, then possibly be shipped off against your will to get your insides blown out of you in a war you know nothing about? I fucking don't, speak for yourself; life is great now.

>> No.16093168

where is your fucking science to research happiness and make everyone happy? or you'd rather send another piece of metal to mars?

>> No.16093177

For what

>> No.16093209

Is that really what you think life was like before the internet? We all ate gruel and worked in something straight out of Metropolis?

>> No.16093284

Have you read a history book? It wasn't a miserable exist, no, but it sure as he'll wasn't a full stocked fridge, with AC, endless entertainment, free education, unlimited socialization, modern medicine, any type of woman I want, and not dying at 22 on the beaches of Normandy. You want to go live before internet? Be my guest, but not me.

>> No.16095213

Being a "factory slave" objectively provided a better quality of life than the service sector trash jobs that replaced them. Automation allows no productive avenue for the labor and desires of people of normal capability and will result in the destruction of society if we cannot produce a meaningful and gainful way for normal people to occupy their time.

>> No.16095215

Your idea of what a meaningful life consists of is despicable. You're nothing more than a hamster in human form who has no greater aspirations or demands of yourself than the pathetic creature comforts you've traded a real quality of life for. Enjoy your Funko Pop collection you cockroach of a human being.

>> No.16095217

Government officials spend billions of dollars to rebuild the country after floods, then sit down and have a glass of water with dinner.

>> No.16095237

>esentially you made lots of money for somebody else...
Retard who doesn't understand capitalism. You don't work for somebody else, or anyone, you work for yourself. You sell your services on the market. Someone needs a repair man? You have the skills that are desired on the market? You exchange those skills for a pre-agreed upon value.

>> No.16095312

Physical labour is surprisingly fulfilling anon. Also, we have now just replaced it with much higher levels of anxiety and mental strain. Automation has reduced the physical workload, but has increased the mental workload.

>> No.16095318

This. Either we are deluded by some belief in a distant utopia which justifies our travails, or we are in denial about human nature.

>> No.16095322

Does any man show gratitude for wageslaving? Can any man toil at such unsatisfying work for long before taking a short drop off a small chair?

>> No.16095354

>bro it's voluntary just work for garbage and shut up or die lolz!

>> No.16095377

Do you really not understand how important your own decisions are in providing a good life for yourself? People are so light switch brained online it's ridiculous. Yes, the corporations and government exploit the fact that normal people do not have the organizational capacities they have and use that to ensure that labor remains as profitable as they can get away with. This doesn't mean you have no accountability towards actually trying to provide a decent life for yourself and escaping poverty you retard.

>> No.16095379

They all existed in pre-modern forms,
no alarm,
never had to work 8 hrs a day to get all that done,
no traffic because village or smaller city and can walk everywhere needed super relaxed

>> No.16095383


>> No.16095394

You, and we all, certainly have a responsibility to abolish capital, true. It's up to us.

>> No.16095395

if you prefer you can starve to death I guess

>> No.16095401

most of my work time doesn't directly go towards my life necessities, most of my work time goes to make some rich guy richer. We could all work much less.

>> No.16095406

>capitalism is the only way

>> No.16095408

It's so strange to think that schools, churches and clubs have been shot up, but not a single fag has gone into a fancy restaurant on wall street.

>> No.16095410

Abolish capital. What fucking nonsense. Good luck with your quest against human nature you brainlet cultist.

>> No.16095429

You seem to be incapable of thinking beyond the direct results of your labor as if alienated from the actual skills you have. You are not an entrepreneur, you're someone who can provide a service to someone who has what you seem to lack, and you are selling them that service. The problem is that you're misunderstanding what actually goes into making your job possible because you completely lack any experience actually trying to live by the fruit of your own labor. If you view your efforts as truly just "work to make some other guy richer," then you should be working towards a means of providing for yourself that is independent of that other guy you're so bitter towards. At the very least you should be working towards finding a field that you feel as if your contributions are actually valuable even if you don't find yourself capable of independence.

>> No.16095433

>human nature
Pick one, jackass.

>> No.16095438

? please take meds and kys, start over again, from vagina.

>> No.16095441

Go jump in a wood chipper, brainlet.

>> No.16095443

Go to bed earlier and apply to a job in a field that you are passionate about. If you dont like your job keep looking for other ones. Use the skills you learn in your job to either create your own business or advance your hobbies. Life isn't all about money and people who complain about others making more money than them are unambitious faggots who deserve to be shot in the head, twice.

>> No.16095444

>usury is human nature
God damn it I wish the right would stop thinking about tranny dick for just a single minute and focus just a tiny bit on the fact that usury is a completely adequate shorthand word for capitalism.

>> No.16095447

Every ancient settlement was anarcho-syndicalist, you absolute retards, even the highly centralized God King ones

>> No.16095471

Nah, fuck that noise.

>> No.16095473

Shut the fuck up you neurotic faggot, if you spent a fraction of the time trying to find meaning in your instead of pearl clutching over society and it's individuals' life decisions, you might find a shred of happiness instead of being miserable on an anime website. Nothing is stopping you from living an agrarian life or whatever the fuck your Luddite ass wants, yet you choose to come here and enjoy the benefits of the fruits of modern capitalist society. Go buy some land and fuck off so I don't have to read your retarded posts anymore.

>> No.16095480

How about you start first, no one is preventing you from destroying all of your assets, especially the device you are posting from.

>> No.16095483

Die in a fire, soulless bugman.

>> No.16095486

>life necessities
Kek, please tell me what those are. Everything you do in life is a choice you absolute retard.

>> No.16095491

>t. doesn't even know what capital is

>> No.16095495

>much free will
Doesn't exist.

>> No.16095499

>Doesn't exist.
t. NPC

>> No.16095500

I was assuming food, a house etc are necessities for the sake of brevity

>> No.16095512

I love how you leftist retards love to fawn over human nature, if human nature were truly in effect you would be either dead or someone's slave. What fucking delusion do you have about how human beings acted before society? Possession is one of the most aggressive elements of human nature, capital is the sum of your possessions. You are are upset because you lack the attributes of a good man and choose to push nonsensical rhetoric with hopes that this will lead to you being able to compete withyour betters instead of realizing that your unhappiness is "human nature" telling you that you are not fit to live, a drag on society, and if we were living in a more just time, you'd already be dead.

>> No.16095518 [DELETED] 

Ironic post

>> No.16095520

>capital is the sum of your possessions
Get a load of this retard.

>> No.16095523

Imagine justifying being poor.


>> No.16095546

Happiness is found, not given. I don't know what kind of system you feel you've been robbed of (You sound so angry and jaded), but no lifeless system of laws and regulations can ever give you happiness. It can, however, certainly help you in finding it, as blow as much steam as you want, we are animals at the surface level and need food, sex, social bonds, a home, comfort, etc. In my experience, humans are much happier when they have such things; it is not the end all solution to human suffering, as these things will not directly give you happiness per-se, but only a fool without any experience with people will tell you they don't at least help. (Go live on the cold desolate streets without your smartphone and starve for a bit, go tell me how much technology wasn't helping you, and this is coming from someone who came from a very poor family).

Peoples' lives 'are' better than they used to be, technology and capitalism have helped us, whether you like them or not. If you are not happy, that is your problem, not mine nor our system's, especially if the system is doing everything it's supposed to be doing for you. You disagree, thinking that it's also supposed to give you happiness as well as all the other privileges its given you, but you're mistaken. If you took a kid from back then and had him live in today's times, he would be overjoyed and ecstatic at such blessings. You on the other hand, cry and whine online (using technology!) about how much you hate our society and lash out on people who are trying to help you.

If you hate work so much, well do something about it, but regardless, you will have to work. We have to work to live and humans will not work for free, so you have to work too. Dry your tears and putt on your big boy pants.


>> No.16095549

Move somewhere cheaper

Ironic post

Then stop moaning lmao

Move somewhere where all of those things are cheaper, start your own business, live off the land. Everything you do is a choice and all choices have consequences.

How is it not? your house (space), your car, your PC can all be used to create value and do work, you're just too lazy to do either of those things.

>> No.16095558

it’s almost like it’s because they’re all psyops and mkultra

>> No.16095568

Because he knows he's not accepted there
>be me
>be school shooter
>heard from anon i should go on wall street and shoot up fancy restaurant
>grab the gun
>dress my jeans and t-shirt with holes and raggedy shoes
>walk up to the restaurant
>see all these people in suits
>think to myself: "man i can't walk inside looking like this"
>turn 360 and walk away

>> No.16095583

Learn the difference between personal property and private property, big boy.

>> No.16095592

Usury and capitalism are not interchangable concepts. You may view the problems with capitalism as stemming from usury (which is largely true), but you need to realize that when you engage in this "abolish capital" nonsense you aren't talking to people who want to stop usury. You're talking to people who want to liberate your personal possessions from you because your laptop is a more powerful means of production than Marx could have ever imagined. There will still be usury in the state of "abolished capital," it will just be a layer of abstraction removed in which the interest you pay to the party/state is in some other thing besides money.

Capital is the ability to utilize owned resources to produce more resources (i.e as a means of production). This is literally nothing more than the definition of technology. It is as central to human nature as anything can possibly be. That doesn't mean Amazon is some derivative of something intrinsic to the way humans organize, but you shouldn't be entertaining the idea of "liberating" people of their private property under the goal of "abolishing capital."

>> No.16095596

My mother loves Bukowski

>> No.16095603

>You're talking to people who want to liberate your personal possessions from you
Holy FUCK you're a moron. Read Marx.

>> No.16095607

You're retarded. There doesn't need to be some return to feudal sharecropping for there to be a community that believes in its own merits and promotes the flourishing of its own people.

Modern capital has only deprived people of their happiness by globalizing the human community to the point where the destruction of local communities was necessary to prevent conflict. There doesn't need to be some return to pre-industrialization to have happiness be a much more common phenomenon. The only thing we need is to have a regime which respects the formation of localised cultures and is willing to mediate their interfaces as opposed to the current strategy of homogenization until people feel completely alienated from their history (and thus divorced from the future as well).

>> No.16095612

No, I am not a Marxist and will not use your retarded framing (coping), you (or anyone else) possess things and have the choice to capitalize on them or not. Stop being butthurt that other people have more possessions than you and decide to capitalize on them, fascist.

>> No.16095613

we're all prisoners, some just think the guards would like them if they really got to know the real them

t. 23 y/o

repetitive labour of any kind is unfulfilling, working in a factory was shitty, then, briefly, thanks to unions, it wasn't so shitty so they sent the factories to countries that didn't have unions
the peasants didn't want industrialization, the industrial proletariat didn't want the post-industrial service economy
we're all slaves and we've always been slaves, all this gay little 'well actually...' is gay and little

>> No.16095615

You didn't read my post. Marx's separation between personal property and private property isn't functional in the age of technological integration. A personal laptop is a more powerful capital production engine than anything Marx could have ever envisioned.

>> No.16095616

No one wants to take away your personal possessions, you little fucking faggot.

>> No.16095622

>A personal laptop is a more powerful
The distinction is not defined in terms of the productive power of the implement, asshat. Read Marx.

>> No.16095629

Who are you quoting, double retard?

>> No.16095631

no one wants to take away any ones private property, they just wanna sit around and wax about how they are the true hero-victims of the modern age and so they should be able to consume guilt free

dingus, whether or not something is private or personal is not a discreet characteristic of its material form but is based on its relationship to economic production, just because you have a cucumber and a webcam doesn't mean youre a camgirl

>> No.16095647

Now, why would I every believe a Marxist? LOL

>> No.16095649

Personal property -- aka, possessions -- are items intended for personal use.

Private property, in contrast, is a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP between the owner and persons deprived (i.e., not a relationship between person and thing). Private property may include artifacts, factories, mines, dams, infrastructure, natural vegetation, mountains, deserts and seas -- these generate capital for the owner without the owner having to perform any labor. Conversely, those who perform labor using somebody else's private property are deprived of the value of their work, and are instead given a salary that is disjointed from the value generated by the worker.

>> No.16095650

quote my dick and balls

>> No.16095651

Read a history book nigger. Find me a communist revolution where millions of private citizens didn't lose most if their private property.

>> No.16095656

Bla bla bla, what the fuck is with you marxoids and intentions, that shit mine and I use it how I want, you histrionic faggot.

>> No.16095657

>muh gorillions
Get a hold of yourself, mincer.

>> No.16095665

Sucking on the teat of the State. Classy.

>> No.16095667
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git gud at life scrub

>> No.16095677
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read this thread

the biggest boi

>> No.16095680

Ah, non-sequitor, the cornerstone of marxian rhetoric.

>> No.16095688

Private property cannot exist with the State, mongoloid.

>> No.16095707

Private property exists with my barrel between your beady little transbian eyes. No one accepts your coping mechanism for being environmentally unfit as rational, no matter how much you queef about it.

>> No.16095710

Are you drunk? You're not making any sense.

>> No.16095725

No, you're just retarded, just because you quote you dnd rule book, "das kapital," doesn't mean it has ANY (meaning none aka zero (0)) bearing on reality.

>> No.16095741

If you do what you love you will never have to work a day in your life.

>> No.16095744

I'm not quoting Das Kapital, drunkie. It is simply a fact that private property and labor contracts are only enforceable because the State enforces them.

>> No.16095752

No it is a natural right and God enforces it, see I can play this game too.

>> No.16095753

Not true. Even Ted Bundy had a job.

>> No.16095757

Meant for >>16095744

>> No.16095760

Good post. Exactly correct

>> No.16095761

>waaah I have to clean my teeth
Haha, what edgy 16 year old who just got home from their first job ever wrote this trite whiny cra-
How embarrassing.

>> No.16095773

>so you agree to this contract?
>okay, so you agree to pay this ba-
>okay then, Pinkerton Security? Yes, take this man to the poor house to work off his debt

>> No.16095785


>> No.16095787

The sheer seethe this quote brings is incredible. It really is amazing to see the lenghts people will go through to justify to themselves as to why slavery for subsistence is good.

>> No.16095794

Pinkerton would seize your whole estate for themselves. They have the arsenal and the boots on the ground.

>> No.16095795

>not clicking some buttons on a computer and getting rich
All you had to do was mine/invest in bitcoin bro or other shit coins that easy.

>> No.16095796

That was his own fault, he could have monetized doing what he loved, ever heard of a hitman? If anything his sexual tendencies would have provided good cover for the client.

>> No.16095804

What makes you believe your revolution won't result in the mass expropriation of private property? What mechanism do you have to distinguish between the laptop of a capitalist and the laptop of a hobbyist?

>> No.16095807

It really is amazing to see the lengths marxoids will go through to justify to themselves as to why they are slaves.

>> No.16095811

Never mentioned a revolution. Simply repeal the laws protecting private property, starting with corporations.

>> No.16095812

Lol yeah, unless you're like an ancap or a mutualist it's such a brainlet statement, yet I see it all the time. How do they think it works in failed states? Or in stateless organisations like cartels? Answer: do it or I'll hurt you.
What school of thought is pushing this meme? Even ancoms get around it by saying there wouldn't need to be any contracts in their society.

>> No.16095816

What is the alternative to work?

Hard mode: no robots to do the work for you.

Nobody has ever answered this question except anti-natalists.

>> No.16095817

They are telepathic entities with the supernatural ability of determining intent, this is how they can tell that you're racist.

>> No.16095827
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>> No.16095849

Nothing, we have to work or nature will kill us. This anon is retarded and just hates the fact that we're not in heaven.

>> No.16095852

Switch to water.

>> No.16095856

I'll agree, abolish laws protecting private property and laws penalizing a citizen's right to defend private property. I hate waiting for the state to kill niggers who tresspass on my property when I could just do it myself.

>> No.16095871
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Is water good for you?

>> No.16095927
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This society was the result of work -- yes, getting up early, doing your share of the hard work, and coming home to a loving family who share your conservative values.

>> No.16095939
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This society was the result of anti-work -- government assistance, disability payments, welfare culture, and progressive anti-capitalist values which make work the enemy.

>> No.16095965

So the answer is reading Marx, right?

>> No.16095976

Not him
This isn't even good rhetoric:
>end all
>in my experience
>whether you like it or not

Try an argument pal. That or become more persuasive.

>> No.16095983
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You can exterminate the entire jewish race and men with similar ideologies would just pop up amongst our own people and take their place and nothing would have changed.

>> No.16095989
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>> No.16095991

retard post

>> No.16095996

And growing up in the 90s when this type of society was already becoming ubiquitous and being told to "just work harder" is like pushing a boulder uphill

>> No.16096000

None of those are colloquialisms you dumbass.
>it's not good rhetoric
You didn't refute a single thing. Is this the good rhetoric that you're talking about?

>> No.16096009

Work is fine, wagecuckery isnt

>> No.16096019
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This is the answer, you have two options, either you endure wasting away the majority of your life doing something you don't like, or you commit suicide.

>> No.16096020
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>how in the hell
>implying I dont fucking love this as a militaryfag

>> No.16096021

Stay mad.

The problem is consumerism, not work. Maybe if you stopped consooming so much you wouldn't have to work half as much.

Anti work tards are not intelligent enough to make such a distinction.

>> No.16096027

whats it like committing genocide you indoctrinated psychopath?

>> No.16096033

No they wouldn't, retard. The entire issue with Jewish subversion is the tribal ties to a group that does their best to keep their intentions hidden. Jews, should they live in a country full of Jews, would not be able to pull this off, at least by their traditional methods because they wouldn't be able to hide behind their intimidation rhetoric using subversive neologisms like racism, sexism, antisemitism, etc. (those obviously aren't neologisms anymore but they were at one pointed and we're coined by Jews with a specific intent).

>> No.16096039

>corona shows everyone how much of the economy is a complete meme
>heh just go back to 'normal'
We live in a society....

>> No.16096054

Last sentence exclude "sexism"

>> No.16096055

Maybe 10% of people are CONSOOMERs. The rest consume because it temporarily fills the void left behind from the real milestones we used to more easily achieve in this country.

>> No.16096075

anon you're too based for this board

>> No.16096088
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If that were true then any society without jews would have been a veritable utopia. You just want a scapegoat and seem to be unfamiliar with basic human nature. Der Juden can never be killed, he lives inside every single one of us.

>> No.16096091


>> No.16096118

Compete non-sequitor. Jewish subversive influence leads to unique yet major problems, no one besides yourself has implied that they are the cause of all ill within society. Also people are not created equal, they have different language, culture, genetics and so on, implying that we all would act like niggers in the absence of niggers would be preposterous, the same is true for Jews.

>> No.16096138
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I love it desu

>> No.16096150

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.16096164

>he lives inside every single one of us
This. Since the industrial revolution, we're all Jews now.

>> No.16096170


>> No.16096200

lol. but noone has to fo that. no one is forcing you to take a 8 to 5 job at some office incel. people do it because they feel some kind of affirmation in the work or its a step to something else. not everyone is a misserable retch, lol.

>> No.16096222

Reddit tier criticism and comment.

>> No.16096260

If people still read they wouldn't need comic book merchandise and video games to fill any void.

>> No.16096266
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Bukowski is the deep teenager's favourite writer.

>> No.16096281

He's right, tumbler scum. Kill yourself.

>> No.16096312

>midwit doesn't get it and mocks and says it's stupid

>> No.16096321

Looks like he does not want to shit too.

>> No.16096322

>8 to 5
Holy fuck, it just keeps getting worse, and just to imagine we were at 9 to 5 a few years ago. Can't wait until we're at 7 to 6

>> No.16096335
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>Bukowski is actually too deep for some people

>> No.16096338

>Wake up at 6:30

>> No.16096342

>Your idea of what a meaningful life consists of is despicable.
You can easily starve now if you want to.

>> No.16096348

They enjoy getting money for that.

>> No.16096356

I was never so miserable as when I had a normie desk job. Not everyone functions well in those situations, and I don’t understand why White Collar work is so highly prized when there are professions that make you the same money (if not more) without the bullshit construct of the Corporate Machine weighing you down.

>> No.16096358

It can sound profound if you are high.

>> No.16096379

See: >>16095217

>> No.16096385


>> No.16096394

>force-leap, force-dress, force-shit, force-piss, force-brush and force-fight

>> No.16096404

Capitalism and religion has convinced people they need to work to eat, it doesn't really make sense if you think outside of your mind's logical boundaries.

>> No.16096411

>Physical labour is surprisingly fulfilling anon.
No, it is not, unless you do it for amusement and very rarely.

>> No.16096440

You're just projecting your faggotry on the rest of us, fuck off with your pseudo spiritual happiness crap you fucking pathetic waste of skin, what fucking tangible benefit to the human psyche does the current world offer in comparison to even 50 - 100 years ago that isnt a watered down version of what it once was. The fact that a few less niggers are starving means fuck all to me.

>> No.16096457

>pseudo spiritual happiness crap
That's what your post and oppost are about.

>> No.16096490

>if you think outside of your mind's logical boundaries
Yes Marxists are irrational, we know.

>> No.16096673

>shits on spirituality, implying materialism is better
>post he replies to literally talks about the benefits of materialism as well and how it can help make you happier, and how our current society provides much more in that regard than 50 years ago
>"what material goods does our society produce that it didn't 50 years ago"
You're absolutely brain-dead, and your logic is that of a fucking middle schooler. At least read the fucking posts you reply to you dumb whiny /pol/cel.

>> No.16096700

yeah this blows my mind as well. Senseless violence is off the charts but political violence is almost nowhere to be found. Really odd change from the last 1000 years lmao.

>> No.16096703

please explain to me how you eat without anyone performing work

>> No.16096741

name 3 well paying professions that don't lock you to a desk

>> No.16096762

Electrician, plumber, and carpenter.

>> No.16096774

Probably the easiest ones to start your own business and slave wagecucks too.

>> No.16096786

The people here going
>So what we just gonna starve then or somethin'?
are retarded.
Why is everyone so eager to give up to fate and not dream that things could be better? Do people really just think "Well that's the way things are and we can't change them" up until they're living in an actual dictatorship?

>> No.16096801

Americans are unironically brainwashed into believing there is no higher virtue than working themselves to death in capitalism’s name

>> No.16096811

No, you're a retard who does't understand nuance while claiming to.

>> No.16096826

do you have any examples of successful societies where everyone had plenty, nobody was wanting, and all while nobody had to work hard to maintain that status quo?

I dream of it. I just don't see many feasible steps towards that reality.

>> No.16096838

Imbeciles. Life now is incomparably superior to 50 years ago. The greatest roadblock to modern societal happiness is ignorance; the ego is the cause of all ‘treatable’ mental illness. A human being is never happy in their current state, and needs to be given a goal to work towards, that promises them more happiness. If more people understood this and embraced a minimalist lifestyle, everyone would be happy.

>> No.16096845

>enjoy being awakened at 6:30am
its 5:30 for me. whatever dude you get used to it after a week. no difference then whether its 10am or 5:30am. healthier one might argue.
>by an alarm clock
>leap out of bed
yeah something every single human being that has existed in this world does daily. whats the alternative? never get outta bed? dumb little bitch.
see above you fuck
dont eat like a pig in the evening and youll have some hunger next morning. nothing forced.
what are you? retarded?
>brush teeth and hair
woooow babby's first basic hygiene! good job motherfucker.
>fight traffic
just get a local job in your town and drive your bike. inb4
>b but i dont want to work physicallllyyyyy i want to sit in front of the stupid compuuuuuteeeerr!!!!!
physical hard work is infinitely more fulfilling than sitting on your ass all day. add to that the fact that you work locally and your workplace is no more than a kilometer away from home and youre in bliss.
nothing beats driving your bike to work on a summer morning with the sun coming up and then coming home after a long, hot, hard working day, drinking ice cold beverage along with eating hot, fresh food, all the while you feel the quiet burning of your muscles relaxing.
absolue fucking bliss
cope, neet
yeah damn right you should be grateful you spoiled brat. your ancestors worked their ass off 14 hours a day including the weekend under worse conditions and having a poor quality living standard.
get the hell outta my board

>> No.16096856

Sure, put it like that, the way a lazy drunk like he would. But the fact is, that you get nothing for free. The guy that does all that gets a paycheck at the end of the week to pay his bills and buy his beer. It's HIS money, not his parents': he earned it doing a tough job, now on the weekend or his other days off he does what HE wants.
It is called "being an man" although I doubt if most of you can relate.
Still, fine: if you don't want that sort of job, then go do something else. But do not expect to be paid the for doing nothing.
That is the unspoken part of this statement: "MOMMY! I don't WANNA go to work, I want Daddy's MAGIC WALLET to keep giving me free food and rent!

>> No.16096866

It would have been great to be a Native American where all you had to do was hunt and fish for a few hours with your buds and spend the rest of the time smoking peace pipe and banging your squaw wife. Crackers had to come and fuck it all up with their income tax and bizarre shit like that.

>> No.16096877

Until a neighboring tribe came on a raid and tortured you to death for their own amusement.

>> No.16096881

You are beyond deluded if you think things are better now. This economy fucking sucks ass for anyone who isn’t a big player in that talmudic casino on Wall Street

>> No.16096902


>> No.16096922

1950s America

>> No.16096930

For a start, you may like to look up the amount of people in poverty worldwide now vs in 1970, or, even better, 1950. You’re a self-obsessed idiot and a slave to envy. You’re also not even close to being on my level of political theory so I won’t waste anymore time with you.

>> No.16096942

Jesus Christ, stop worrying about what everyone else has and get your shit together.

>> No.16096947

Worldwide? Who gives a fucking shit about worldwide poverty? Everyone in Africa, Mainland China, or any other dump like that can drop dead for all I care

>> No.16096967

Then stop importing them

>> No.16096981


>> No.16097011

Is everyone just supposed to bootstrap their way to success through a top-heavy, decrepit economy

>> No.16097215

In the sixth Theses on Feuerbach (1845), Marx criticizes the traditional conception of human nature as a species which incarnates itself in each individual, instead arguing that human nature is formed by the totality of social relations. Thus, the whole of human nature is not understood, as in classical idealist philosophy, as permanent and universal: the species-being is always determined in a specific social and historical formation, with some aspects being biological.

>> No.16097233


>> No.16097245

Laborers are literally more productive than ever, but wages are stagnating. The problem is obviously not caused by variation in labor productivity or "hard work".

>> No.16097250

>he doesn't think people can enjoy their work
oh no no don't tell him guys

>> No.16097279

I wake up at 4 AM naturally, groom, make my bed, make breakfast, read, workout, and shower. I do this every morning, and I love my work. Mad?

>> No.16097290

The powers that be will increasingly prohibit you from "getting your shit together". It is nigh impossible to start a business in the United States and there is a double-pronged conspiracy to expand the labor supply so much that you cannot even have control of how you get treated at your workplace.
As the ability to control the parameters of your work plummets in the United States, the probability of finding a job which is enjoyable even in theory becomes miniscule.

>> No.16097297

So what?

>> No.16097421

That’s some pretty based decisions anon

>> No.16097881

what do you propose? meet me downtown and we 2 will overthrow it?

>> No.16098027

>our quality of life hasn’t improved one iota.
This is just plain wrong.

>> No.16098060

>8+ hours a day
>5 days a week
fuck me lads, 15 hour work week fucking when?

>> No.16098078

>t. never had a job

>> No.16098080

never desu, unless you work a shitty retail job then they only give you 15 hours so you need 3 of those jobs

>> No.16098111

The way I see it, the only improvements have been a steadier supply of soma and better drugs to keep our withered bodies on life support until we’re 95. The negatives developed thus far in the 21st century far outstrip the positives

>> No.16098122
File: 67 KB, 710x710, comfyzizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw quit my corporate office job and now work retail for 16 hours a week while living with mummy
pretty comfy desu

>> No.16098438

I wish I could stand my parents

>> No.16098481

i wage slave so i can live on my own, with my own family, and provide an ok life for them. i dont enjoy it...but i also don't have to wake up at 6:30am...though often I'm up at 5am anyway to get some personal time in

>> No.16098483

>It is nigh impossible to start a business in the United States
lol this is some good cope

>> No.16098501

Beats surviving.

>> No.16098747

You just gave me an excellent idea for a short story
>Depressed man at the end of his rope comes to these exact conclusions
>Buys a perfectly-tailored suit and an illegal MP5 with most of his life savings
>Spends the last of his money on an incredibly fine meal in the most lavish New York restaurant he can find that still pulls a solid crowd
>Chooses a table near the door to prevent people from getting to it first
>Waiting to pay his bill and drinking a glass of wine, he starts looking around and forming a plan, opening his briefcase for a quick glance at the gun, adjusting the extra mags in his jacket pockets
>Suddenly, he hears a commotion
>A man at the front desk pushes the hostess to the ground, saying he's here for the fucking fat cats, not her
>Our guy stands up and, before he can say a word, takes a face full of 00 buck that turns his head into a fine red paste

>> No.16098750

or follow option three which i will reveal when the time is right

>> No.16098935

for me, the goal is 6 hours a day 4 days a week. 20 hours is enough to actually do my job. The rest is just sitting around pretending to work.

Every corporate manager deep down knows this but doesn't want to actually admit it. The 4 day work week is genuinely ideal for 90% of all jobs and 8 hours should be a window in which you work 4-6 of them.

>> No.16098937

>work an unskilled labor job
>complain about capitalism

Capitalism is a game about marketing your skills to employers. Better skills make you a more scarce resource, and thus worth more money. It's up to you to figure out which skills you should adopt and how to market them. People live for 20+ years without developing a useful skill and wonder why the game doesn't work for them, and the last thing they want to hear is that it's their fault.

>> No.16098948

Sounds meaningless and stupid and just has le twist at the end. Post-modernism has completely destroyed you.

>> No.16098999

>waging for others is how you win capitalism
Absolute retard.

>> No.16099001

good goy, dance, DANCE!

>> No.16099046

>t. retards who can't play the game

Say whatever you want, my job is comfortable, engaging, and pays well. I get to work alongside a team of people on projects that wouldn't be possible without the organization of a company, and we all get to profit from the output.
>hurr gotta OWN a business
I don't want to manage other people. I want someone to give me a big list of unsolved problems that I can work on, and hand back to them for money. Solving the problems is fun and again, they give me money because not many people know how to solve the problems

>> No.16099061

who's a good slave? you are! yes you are!

>> No.16099099

>wagies actually tell themselves this
wagies deserve their servitude, they actually like it

>> No.16099127

>give up your dreams and debase yourself for the market
>you're just a product

do americans really

>> No.16099141
File: 345 KB, 2048x2048, 8d79daf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try it anon. Call it slavery, but I have just as much leverage over my employer as they have over me. If they start treating me badly, I'll just leave and work for someone who won't. That's the magic of being good at something. They NEED this work done, and that gives me leverage.
I know, this sounds completely foreign to you guys. You're so used to being replaceable that you've forgotten that it's even possible to hold power over your employer

>> No.16099146

This is a good story and the other guy doesn’t read so ignore him. There’s an obvious criticism in it of the middle class that allows itself to be fucked for the hopes of becoming one of ((them)). Either you write it or I will.

>> No.16099153

You're still not getting it. You're hopeless

>> No.16099195

Ok anon, then enlighten me. How is what I'm doing incorrect? What am I doing wrong?
You must surely be living a better life than mine if you're so confident

>> No.16099230


Can’t you see how depressing your worldview is? So if we derive no enjoyment or meaning from being a code monkey like you or some quality assurance engineer or whatever you do, we have to just swallow that up and spend our entire live doing it so that we don’t live in streets due to poverty? But we should be grateful cause we have the choice to be either a poor or a comfortable slave? Congrats if you enjoy what you do but not everyone’s dreams or vision in life aligns with market demands. Especially the /lit/ kind of dreams.

>> No.16099295

You're working and making money for someone else and think you're winning capitalism. You're playing the game, but playing it wrong. If you like your job fine, but you're not actually winning anything. The problem is being a 'winner' in the market is a cornerstone of your world view, but you've failed at that and somehow convinced yourself you have won.

Capitalism is a game of growing your capital, not marketing your skills to employers and growing someone else's capital (yes this can be done in tandem but is a silly way of going about it). What kind of weird view of capitalism is this?

>> No.16099347

It's not a worldview anon, it's the world. I'm operating in a way that leads to positive outcomes in the system that we inhabit right now. We can debate the merits of restructuring the core of our societal mechanisms, but ultimately I can't change any of it, and neither can you. The only thing either of us can do is navigate towards positive outcomes in our current system. Maybe someday the system will change, and I'll navigate towards positive outcomes in that new system

I see what you're getting at, but what is your definition of "winning"? You take issue with someone else profiting off of my labor, but I also profit off of it. My boss wins capitalism because he organized thousands of people into developing something useful, I also win by taking home a fat paycheck. If I'm losing capitalism in your eyes, it's a comfortable loss

>> No.16099414

Of course getting money for nothing is superior to getting money for hard work. If you are able to have the first, then go for it.

>> No.16099508

nigga I love your mom!

>> No.16099565

It feels good to be free of that sort of life. Worked hard, saved everything, avoided debt, will be retired by this time next year, only took a decade to do.

>> No.16099642

I wake up at 7:30 on my own accord, shower, make a healthy tasty breakfast with coffee, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, then I walk 5 minutes to work and make money for my family.

>> No.16099665

It's a well guarded secret among the upper echelons of certain circles that holding in shits longer will allow your body to extract preternatural amounts of nutrients from your foods. This is how great men are made.

>> No.16099725

I enjoy my job tbqh desu

>> No.16100069

>a small loan of a million dollars