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16088864 No.16088864 [Reply] [Original]

comfy books about pure and nice relationships between men and women. Prefferably with cute women being very cute and nice?

>> No.16088870

Go watch anime. Real life isn't like that.

>> No.16088879

ask the dust :-)

>> No.16088892

P.G Wodehouse has lots of these. Try The Man Upstairs.

>> No.16088919

thanks man i checked him out he seems like he writes chill nice stuff.

>> No.16088943


>> No.16088956
File: 298 KB, 1024x1449, cute virgin mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16088963

Spring Snow

>> No.16089332

I haven't masturbated in over a week and I really want to rape this brown little whore.

>> No.16089338

Hannah Kleit. Google her. Ive been looking at her pictures last 3 days. She is my type 100%$

>> No.16089360

>She is my type 100%
Are you a closeted homosexual?

>> No.16089367

>like a girl
>closeted homosexual

>> No.16089408

Nice, she looks Turkish. I got a thing for Turkish girls.

>> No.16089420

>Real life

>> No.16089421

Anna Karenina

>> No.16089435

is she OK? she looks sick, going to vomit

>> No.16089469

books are much more realistic than cartoons

>> No.16089654

is there any reason for representing Saint Mary and baby Jesus like this being haram?

>> No.16089689

No. It's not. Catholics aren't fucking retarded like Mudslimes or Christcucks.

>> No.16089699

"She" looks like a man.

>> No.16089749

If she looks like a man for you then i don't know what the fuck is wrong with men around you...

>> No.16089778

>t. kara booga

>> No.16089802

You’ve never seen a woman apparently

>> No.16089848

Based kara boga colonizing subhuman German wh*toids.

>> No.16089850

Trannies aren't women.

>> No.16089856

post a woman

>> No.16089862

the ottoman kara boga kills the subhuman whitoid, only turkic lands and girls are fit for the sultanic warrior!
He only comes to Europe to get more kills to his list.

>> No.16089885

Based and ataturkpilled.

>> No.16089937
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>> No.16089944

no ive had enough of your bullshit pandering im cutting off all you fuckking pricks to punish you fucking big data fuck faces, bye Felicia

>> No.16089966

looks like a man with a wig. are u sure u ok?

>> No.16089983

MacDonald's There and Back

>> No.16089994

I want to piss in this stupid cunt's mouth

>> No.16090005

I'm praying for your soul homosexual.

>> No.16090028

no, im praying for your because you called exremely femenine looking girl a man and posted a very masculine woman as example of beauty. Poor guy.

>> No.16090031

You're gay.

>> No.16090041

This thread has been derailed by retards.

Anyways, I’d recommend Mishima’s The Sound of Waves

>> No.16090049

okay you got me. im gay for feminine women. i had 2 so far. we had a very homosexual intercourse in which i inserted my penis in their vagina (as a gay of course) and we had a gay sex (homosexual) sex between me (a man) and her (a woman). I am gay.

>> No.16090181
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Post more hot men in wigs

>> No.16090186
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>> No.16090193

It’s hard to think of one. Here’s a few
>Romeo and Juliet
> the two couples in part one of don quixote
>pygamelon and his statue gf from ovids metamorphosis
>Odysseus and Penelope

>> No.16090216

Can you all for once in your life put for fucking pants on and not act like sex starved monkeys?

>> No.16090221

What tranny is this? Fuck...

>> No.16090241
File: 45 KB, 640x800, A93A3E0A-22C1-417A-9134-DC61F62AF1E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse image search it

>> No.16090252

No i mean stop posting trannies. Post women like that anon.

>> No.16090274

This OP. Just watch something like your name or silent voice. Every decent piece of literature concerning woman shows them for what they are; whores (just finished Madame Bovary btw)

>> No.16090310
File: 372 KB, 1600x1238, 351CFBC4-45E8-4CD2-9737-FBDD8D1EACB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daphnis and Chloe
As a little girl, I read the title of this music, and having never heard the male name “Daphnis” I took it for female, just another way of writing Daphne.

>> No.16090323

As a happily married man starting a family, I can assure you that you're spectacularly wrong. I hope you find happiness one day.

>> No.16090379
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I am deeply racist, anti-semitic, etc, but I love black girls.

What does this say about me?

>> No.16090394

That you’re as immature as all the other racists, but can change.

>> No.16090409
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Butterfly, I regret that I am almost certainly too far gone.

>> No.16090426


>> No.16090562
File: 90 KB, 720x960, ED5CE530-36EC-4105-BFA6-DFDE157FC4A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s just silly talk.
There are solid concrete reasons to hate people, but on an individual basis. Judging an entire group os some kind of autismal level of ignorance, and one can unlearn.
Having retrained your brained thus, you have only to switch off the hate entirely. Even for the hateful individuals. Hate hurts you, not your target.

>> No.16090775
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I suppose that's true. Look how beautiful.

>> No.16090784

That means you're meant to be a colonized. As a colonizer you can be as insanely racist as you want but still have sex with the people you hate.

>> No.16090797

Can anyone recommend good books with young men/older women please

>> No.16090807

She only does to you.

>> No.16090821

Reality very much is like that, but it is not like anime

>> No.16090830
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Just says you have some kind of fetish... Whether you act upon it or not is the salient part. Are you sincere though? Just looking at the cartoon there, she doesn't have truly negroid features other than pigmentation.

>thinks racism is about hate
Racism is a heuristic tool which is present in us because it is evolutionarily adaptive. It may become expressed in hateful terms in some circumstances (e.g. divergent peoples forced to live together), but most racists aren't exemplars of hate — just normal people who don't want to cede ground to divergent populations.

>> No.16090860

Ridiculous cope. Hate and fear is what’s behind it. Your rationalizations are just trying to legitimize it.


>> No.16090880
File: 243 KB, 1000x1500, Hannah-monogram-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love women. Don't get me wrong i don't put them on pedestal but life is much more fun, bright and interesting with them. It's so cool to have a decent career but it's far better having a decent career while your girlfriend hugs you, massages your back and chills you out from a very hard day. I love when my girlfriend wears my clothes. Nothing more cute than this. I hope some day she will bear my child. Hopefully not one. I love women.

>> No.16090893


Thanks, butterfly. I always thought you were a dumb dyke, but seemingly, there is some good there after all.

>> No.16090912


>> No.16090955

>behind it
How, specifically? By the same token, hate/fear are 'behind' avoidance of poisonous animals, but that wouldn't make such behaviour necessarily 'wrong' would it?

See, I should have trusted my heuristic prejudice which told me that attempting to reason with a mentally-ill tranny like you would be a waste of time. This might not always be the case, but if it is 90% of the time, then it's a pragmatically effective tool.

>> No.16090983


>> No.16091009

Good God this whole thread made me sick so much that I had to write in it

>> No.16091020

Based but no one in this board will acknowledge it

>> No.16091022
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>main character is literally named “Shinji”
Are there any parallels?

>> No.16091029
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>> No.16091078

This guy gets it.

>> No.16091094

It's so much better

>> No.16091449

>Prefferably with cute women being very cute and nice?
You mean that is forever young but not boring?
Maybe u r looking for St. Sophia