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/lit/ - Literature

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16083263 No.16083263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m a socially anxious and neurotic normie appearing 22 year old that spends 90% of his life glued to a computer screen. Easily addicted to fapping, weed, alcohol, anime, youtuve, nicotine, and edgy political opinions. Almost a complete shut in kv neet. I only have 2 real friends who I mostly just communicate with online now, and I’m pretty sure one of them is gay for me.

How do I fix my life?

>> No.16083337


>> No.16083340

Well at the very least you're self aware, and you're still young so not a total waste of a life. Start small and focus on incremental change, day by day, slowly building good habits and cutting out the bad ones. Its okay if you make mistakes, as long as you make consistent, measurable process. It will get easier over time to make more and more changes. As for your social situation, try focusing on yourself more and then branching out using social media or interacting with people at work, etc. As your personal situation improves things might start to naturally "click" for you so don't stress it too much. Self help books aren't worth a damn if you don't first build the discipline required to implement such strategies.

>> No.16083347
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Literally u

>> No.16083525

Pretty much

>> No.16083544

Not literature. Your options are:
1) leave here and go to /adv/ to try to improve things
2) leave here and go to /r9k/ to wallow in your pathetic misery
3) leave here and kys
All three options have something in common.
Don’t forget to sage OP’s shitty gay thread.

>> No.16083547

Read self-help books

>> No.16083699

Stop drinking and exercise, if you treat your body like shit, you will feel like shit. Even if you’re not obese the lifestyle you’re describing is just so obviously a set up for anxiety and depression and possibly anger issues