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16082805 No.16082805 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with reading fiction?

>> No.16082815


There's nothing wrong with reading fiction. There is something wrong with reading fiction to the total exclusion of any non-fiction.

>> No.16082842

both of these charts in pic-rel are virgin-core, especially the day-dreaming one.
a chad don't daydream.
a chad grabs life by it's pussy and makes it his bitch.
no anti-depression meds needed.
just live life.
it's not just the only life you got.
it's all you will ever get.
wake up and spank life in the ass every morning.
kiss it goodnight like was it your wife through 70 years of a beautiful marriage.
read her a chapter in your book before turning off the lights.

>> No.16082846


>> No.16082894

was reading some Jung today. he said that fiction and mythology/religion etc is useful because it gives form to our unconscious so we can become ourselves better

>> No.16082915

Honestly my life is good and I don't have to daydream as a defense mechanism, but sometimes I wish there existed some kind of drug that would let you basically lucid dream for a few hours while awake. And I don't mean hallucinations like LSD geometry or DMT aliens. Just that dreamlike state, but while awake. That'd be cool

>> No.16083069

>my life is good
contradiction in terms, life is an inferior reflection of the authentic good

>> No.16083073

Fiction is more true than nonfiction, which is just psyops.

>> No.16083148
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>> No.16083154


>> No.16083422

All the mind can do is percieve and it's very perception's fiction.

>> No.16084326

Based, how do I strengthen my imagination to be as good as this?

>> No.16085041

Be born with the ability and have the desire to do so

>> No.16085092

daily reminder that onions has nothing to do with estrogen/testosterone hormones