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16079261 No.16079261 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something? This reads like a David Icke book written in the 4th century. The fact that great thinkers were /interested/ in hermetic lines of thought is neat, but I can't find any poetical passages or insightful wisdom in here. Reading Kybalion knowing it was hermetic fanfiction written by William Atkinson is less cringe than Emerald Tablets.

>> No.16079269

I honestly can't tell if some of you spastics are genuinely living in some bubble like parasites, getting trapped in these memes, or are you just shitposting. In any case, this is a sperg-tastic post, truly!

>> No.16079285

OP is obviously a tourist from r/books

>> No.16079336

Back to YA

>> No.16079408
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why do people always start out reading spurious shit like OP or outright forgeries like the Kybalion? instead of the actually ancient texts like
Corpus Hermeticum, Asclepius: The Perfect Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus, Iamblichus - De Mysterris, Timaeus, A Dialogue Between a Man and his Ba, Hymn of the Pearl (not Gnostic), Macrobius' Description Commentary on Cicero's Dream of Scipio,

Praisegiving to Ptah, Lord of Maat,
King of the Two Lands,
Fair of face on his great seat,
The One God' among the Ennead,
Beloved as King of the Two Lands.
May he give life, prosperity, health,
Alertness, favors, and affection,
And that my eyes may see Amun every day,
As is done for a righteous man,
Who has set Amun in his heart!
So says the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Neferabu,

Beginning of the recital of the might of Ptah, South-ofhio-Wall, by the servant in the Place-of-Truth on the West of Thebes, Nelerabu, justified. He says:

I am a man who swore falsely by Ptah, Lord of Maat,
And he made me see darkness by day.
I will declare his might to the fool and the wise,
To the small and great: Beware of Ptah, Lord of Maat!
Behold, he does not overlook anyone's deed!
Refrain from uttering Ptah's name falsely,
Lo, he who utters it falsely, he falls!

He caused me to be as the dogs of the street, I being in his hand;
He made men and gods observe me,
I being as a man who has sinned against his Lord.
Righteous was Ptah, Lord of Maat, toward me,
When he taught a lesson to me!
Be merciful to me, look on me in mercy!

So says the servant in the Place-of-Truth on the West of Thebes, ' Neferabu, justified before the great god.

>> No.16079430


Emerald tablets are part of the Corpus Hermeticum and Perfect Discourse is directly based on writings from the emerald tablets in the same way Kybalion is :)

>> No.16079514
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>actually ancient texts
>Corpus Hermeticum
Yeah, right. Probably as ancient as Kabbalah .

>> No.16079682

it's quoted by Iamblichus in De Mysteriis
the Corpus Hermeticum is a single book within the "corpus" referred to as 'hermetic texts'. he Original greek shows that it has to be a literal tansalation of late demotic/hieratic Egyptian texts, nobody post-500 AD could read Egyptian.

>> No.16079742

didnt kabbalah have origins in second temple jewish mysticism?

>> No.16079759

>nobody post-500 AD could read Egyptian.
how not? how was there contact between egyptian and greek sages?

>> No.16079808

there wasn't after 500AD
Early coptic/late egyptian used the greek alphabet (Coptic alphabet), because of Christianity.
Knowledge of demotic hieroglyphics were lost in the early/mid first millennium AD

>> No.16079886

oh yes you're right

>> No.16079909

>poetical passages or insightful wisdom in here
Confirmed brainlet
It contains the whole world in so few lines it is a thing of utmost beauty
And I don't believe in it

>> No.16080123
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>Hermeticism is Egyptian in origin

>> No.16080128


cite me a single passage

>> No.16080290

14. All things that are, are moved; only that which is not, is unmovable.
15. Every Body is changeable.
16. Not every Body is dissolvable.
17. Some Bodies are dissolvable.
18. Every living thing is not mortal.
19. Not every living thing is immortal.
20. That which may be dissolved is also corruptible.
21. That which abides always is unchangeable.
22. That which is unchangeable is eternal.
23. That which is always made is always corrupted.
24. That which is made but once, is never corrupted, neither becomes any other thing.
25. First, God; Secondly, the World; Thirdly, Man.
26. The World for Man, Man for God.
27. Of the Soul, that part which is Sensible is mortal, but that which is Reasonable is immortal.
28. Every essence is immortal.
29. Every essence is unchangeable.
30. Every thing that is, is double.
31. None of the things that are stand still.

>> No.16080439

How do you know that Iamblichus himself wasn't a Renaissance hoax?

>> No.16080489

Are you talking about the Emerald Tablet of Hermes or the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean? Because the latter are a modern fake and sound like they could have been written by Icke.

The Tablet of Hermes simply describes certain properties of the vital energy, and if you read it knowing this, it makes sense.

>> No.16080548
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because Proclus cites him
literally read any hieroglyphic hymn about atum/ptah/amun

I am the ba of Shu, the self-developing god: it is in the body of the self-developing god that I have developed. I am the ba of Shu, the god mysterious of form: it is in the body of the self-developing god that I have become tied together. I am the utmost extent of the self-developing god: it is in him that I have developed.

I am the one who stills the sky for him, I am the one who silences the earth for him. I am the one who foretells him when he emerges from the Akhet, putting fear of him into those who seek his identity. I am one who is with millions, who hears the affairs of millions. I am the one who transmits the sentence of the self-developing god to his multitude. I am the one who officiates over his bark-crew, being stronger and more raging than every Ennead. The speech of the original gods, who developed after me, has been repeated to me, when they asked of the Waters my development, seeing my strength in the great bark that the self-developing god sails, and how I have acted among them, causing my reputation according to my development. I shall speak. Become still, Ennead! Become silent, gods, and I will tell you my development myself. Don't ask my development of the Waters. When the Waters saw me, I was already developed. He does not know where I developed. He did not see with his face how I developed.

It is in the body of the great self-developing god that I have developed. He created me in his heart, he made me in his efficacy, he exhaled me from his nose. I am exhale-like of form, created by that. august self-developing god who strews the sky with his perfection, the total of the gods' forms, whose identity the gods who sail him do not know, whom the "sun-folk" follow. It is in his feet that I have grown, in his arms that I have developed, in his limbs that I have made a void. He created me himself in his heart, he made me in his efficacy. I was not born by birth.

I am one exhale-like of form. He did not give me birth with his mouth, he did not conceive me with his fist. He exhaled me from his nose, he made me in the midst of his perfection, which excites those who are in the inaccessible places when he strews the sky with his perfection.

My clothes are the wind of life: it came forth about me, from the mouth of Atum. How I developed was in the god who developed on his own, alone, older than the gods. I am the one who touches for him the height of the sky. I am the one who brings to him his efficacy,who unites for him his million of ka placed in protection of his associates because it was through creation in its entirety that I developed, at the speech of that august self-developing god who does not turn back on what he has said. For I am the one who made to the limit, according to his command.
I am the god mysterious of form, but I am in the utmost extent of sunlight.

>> No.16080670
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Hermeticism/Neoplatonism aka Platonism, IS Egyptian in origin

>> No.16080713

>this kills the pseud and the christian
this is spell 76

>> No.16080728
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>> No.16080751

what kills the christian?

>> No.16080891

spell 78 and 80

>> No.16080912

ok now answer me, how?

>> No.16081371

It sounds like he is talking about some atmospherical/astronomical phenomenon, using the names of various gods to describe the relationship between the forces of nature.

>> No.16081761

monarchianism (monotheism) 500+ years before abraham

>> No.16082455

basically every religion is monotheistic and in egypt it has always been a thing, so it goes back even to ~4000 BC