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File: 225 KB, 711x647, wagescompensation-1200x1093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16076800 No.16076800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on why I am a wage slave and may never actually make more then minimum wage?

>> No.16076816

But in reality it’s Because you’re scared to get your hands dirty and lack skill.

>> No.16076822

Blame taxation

>> No.16076826
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if you were a commie, your wage would be higher

>> No.16076832

that doesn't make much sense, can you explain?
even if i am getting my hands dirty, why the fuck am i still getting compensated like shit yet when someone ever brings up the idea of saying "hey pay me more" you get shut down?

>> No.16076840

The trouble is you probably don’t actually contribute very much to the productivity line

>> No.16076849

You’re not supposed to say “pay me more”, you’re supposed to go to a new employer that will pay more

>> No.16076877

which I would but the thing is that there isn't as many employer's as workers like me.

they hold ENORMOUS leverage over me since the unemployment rate went up faster then your guys dicks when you see femboys

>> No.16076887

Hmm, I think Das Kapital by Marx would be good?

>> No.16076896

liberalism normalcy.
the after war years were the exception, not the norm.
Fukuyama will go into history as one of the biggest retards and i am not even memeing.

>> No.16076910

Probably because you’re easy to replace.

>> No.16076915

When unemployment spikes because of systemic troubles in the economy, it spikes. There’s not much anyone can do but lower interest rates and cook up a stimulus to mitigate the effects but of course thats “the system” at work and this conversation is obviously meant to be a takedown of modern economics.
I’m not really sure how they can have enormous leverage over you unless they have a non-compete (that are thrown out of court 9/10 times)

>> No.16076941

he is. not even kidding.
seems to be easy to outsource my job. companies should keep jobs for american workers. but dont lets those fucking stupid ass unions run crazy.

>> No.16076943

Commies will come up with every excuse in the book to explain that workers have just gotten more lazy and intitled since the 70s

>> No.16076948

>says "intitled"
okay. but were working more and getting paid less. commies are braindead but fucking really?

oh god i think im a dirty syndicalist. oh well.

>> No.16076949

become corrupt, profit off a corrupt industry or die poor

>> No.16076952

>you pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.
And not a chicken and egg problem.

>> No.16076957

do i really got to do that? guess i do.
wait, why the fuck are my only 2 options is be corrupt or die poor? fuck this, call me a communist but this is stupid as hell.

>> No.16076975

The real answer is that in the middle of the information age you did poor or negligent research in choosing your career and aren’t that valuable. Possibly backed up by poor financial planning if you’re thinking of your income as being after student loans.

>> No.16076984

A mix of both. I got a degree in architecture but I recently got laid off because. Well, there is nobody building because everyone's going broke.

All I got is a Telemarketer job, so sorry for spamming your phones. I'm scum of the earth.

>> No.16077048

That’s hard luck, with 6 months collections/call center experience you can start looking at roles that have a title like AR Analyst or AR Associate with big corporations in any industry and you’ll liaise directly with AP and Financial analysts at other companies to actually resolve issues instead of cold calling for maybe 40k a year and benefits.
It’s not your field and you’ll probably have better luck in something tangentially related to construction/engineering but that’s the advice I’d give anyone stuck in a call center.

>> No.16077060

thanks lad. you probably just saved me from jumping out of a window or drinking to death, who depending on who you ask, is good or bad thing.

3 more months to go then before I can possibly looking into a AR associate role. for now though, i can only hope the landlord doesn't shoo me out.

>> No.16077134
File: 323 KB, 760x1023, 4449101481_31b4f04eba_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because poverty is the law of technological society. Just look at the billionaires, they have immense material wealth but are deeply impoverished in their being.
We all are, and this is the reason why, despite all of our technical knowledge, any organisation could choose people by lot and improve efficiency. Even on its own terms technological society fails, and this failure only deepens as its law becomes total.
As a worker you are to accept the progress of technological society. Economic compensation is secondary to man's carving out of his new disposition, the completion of the humanist project.
It is unfortunate for you, and for most of us, to be born into what is essentially an open labour camp. However, economic compensation is not the answer, it is rather a technical response which only deepens the problem. If communism taught us anything at all it is this, technical distribution of material wealth only makes apparent the deeper poverty of technological society, and the impossible weight of the inescapable spreads through society like a plague.
Capitalism only draws this problem out, it is a technical means of distribution intended to perfect the technological project while minimising resistance. In this sense, it is the technical management of spiritual impoverishment to prevent the worker from recognising the devastation he creates - much like the finest wires used to transmit electricity. Minimum earnings ensure that ideal energy is transferred into the technological object to maintain its power.

>> No.16077137
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>> No.16077142

>*greater distribution of material wealth

>> No.16077163

>* Much like the finest wires used to transmit electricity, minimum earnings ensure that ideal energy is transferred into the technological object to maintain its power.

>> No.16077171

Don’t worry dude nobody is reading it