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16074718 No.16074718 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few good books on myth-making and mythology in general? I can seriously only think of The Golden Bough (dated), The White Goddess, Hero With a Thousand Faces and one or two by Strauss. Everything else is fluffy or new age shite. I can't find any serious works on this subject outside of these.

>> No.16074879

What are those books by Strauss you mentioned?

When it comes to myth-making, I can't help you with book recommendations. I think myth-making should come after you try and imitate the best qualities of the most memorable myths you know. Why is the Golden Bough dated, btw?

A good book and my personal favorite covering mythology in general (in relation to poetry) is Bulfinch's Mythology, which goes over the Greek myths, the Norse myths, the Egyptian myth of Osiris and Isis in one chapter, Eastern including Zoroastrianism, and Arthurian legend, among others (it is very comprehensive). If not, as you already mentioned The White Goddess, Robert Graves also has his own book on the Greek Myths.

I will refer you to Patterns in Comparative Religion by Mircea Eliade for a more academic overview on the role of mythology

>> No.16076038

Look up folklorists?
Marina Warner did a lot of good shit about modern myths. Her Reith lectures are a bit dated but I'm pretty sure there's a podcast of them on the BBC somewhere. If you want them as a book, the series was called Managing Monsters.

>> No.16076042

>the white goddess
Feminist trash

>> No.16077277

What languages can you read?