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/lit/ - Literature

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16072489 No.16072489 [Reply] [Original]

Post your current book and your smokes. No R*dditor anti-smokers allowed, thanks.

>> No.16072494

Does anyone under 60 even smoke anymore?

>> No.16072503

Never started, but tried a few times. I'd like to start smoking in the future, maybe

>> No.16072507
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glub glub

>> No.16072509

>in original French
Very based
>smoking pseuds favorite cigarettes
Cringe that cancels all basedness

>> No.16072512

Been smoking Camel blues lately because they're what I have around. Reading Steppenwolf.

>> No.16072513

Its still common in the Islamic world, because of their stance on alcohol.

>> No.16072514

I blow fat clouds with my juul

>> No.16072522

Same cigarettes and mathematical logic

>> No.16072525

American Spirits taste nice though, and they take like twice as long to smoke as a normal cigarette. But I suppose you only care about the image

>> No.16072530

t. west coastie or ny, chicagoan etc

>> No.16072536

Turquoise best, wat others u prefer

>> No.16072539

I like Spirits because they last forever. I like a long, meditative smoke. I smoked Camels for awhile, but I could smoke five Camel cigs in a row and I would barely feel anything and each cig would last around five minutes. One Spirit can last more than 10 minutes and always does the trick and gets me in the reading zone. Plus I had a coupon for them, what else could I do?

>> No.16072543

Kill yourself poser.
>look at me I smoke! and I read!!!

>> No.16072553
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>> No.16072565

Ahh yes, literally every cigarette pack outside America

>> No.16072566
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Absolutely based

>> No.16072578

This is one of the nicer images btw.
Rotten teeth and lungs filled with tar are the worst

>> No.16072584

Yellows are my personal favorites. What book is that though, anon? Can't really see.

>> No.16072589

They’re the only natural cigarettes that aren’t loaded with chemicals. I prefer rolling my own or pipe but if you dont have time and want something quick then they hit the spot

>> No.16072591

I get a big kick out buying Marlboro reds for a dollar or two and being shown those images

>> No.16072595
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>> No.16072597

Phillipines is way worse, it is gorey as all hell and you can buy by the cigarette for no markup

>> No.16072598

Yeah I like the turquoise spirits the best. Honestly I will smoke anything, but I usually get the tall pack of marlboro reds. I do like lucky strikes as well, but you can't get them in the US

>> No.16072600
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Praise of Folly, also reading The iliad

>> No.16072604

How're pipes, they look like a lot of maintenance so I haven't tried it before

>> No.16072610

Based pipe chad haven’t started but they seem way better for smoking while I read and write and last much longer

>> No.16072612

Nice, I have that same Classics Club edition of Erasmus. Great stuff. The forward is interesting to read in today's political climate as well.

>> No.16072616

cigarettes are bud lite, while pipes are a fine wine

>> No.16072624

Fair enough, ig I can't keep a pipe lit so never got into it. Just wasted lighters

>> No.16072627

They take some getting used to and adjustment because they won't stay lit on their own the way cigs and cigars will. But once you get the hang of it and break in a pipe, it's nice and becomes second nature. Pipe tobacco is ridiculously inexpensive too compared to cigs.

>> No.16072639
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reminder that tobacco is an aid for writing

>> No.16072644
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feels good man

>> No.16072647

What kind of tobacco do you pipe bros smoke? I like cavendish

>> No.16072654
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Ah, a fellow homosexual. Good morning, friend.
We got a few of those but there's one that reads "Smoking causes sexual impotence" and I always get triggered when they sell me one of those packs.

>> No.16072671
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Love how morons will intentionally go out of their way to kill themselves just to "win" over Libs

>> No.16072688

I wanted to post the same reply.

>> No.16072694

Cavendish is a little too sweet for me, but it's good in small quantities in some blends. Cornell & Diehl's Night Train incorporates it really nicely.

I like burley and virginia blends. Dislike lots of perique or latakia. Favorite blends are Rattway's Hal 'O The Wynd and Peterson's Irish Flake.

>> No.16072699

I always hope for the "smoking causes sexual impotence" sign because then I can grin at the cashier who can clearly see that I am still a virgin and will stay one for a long, long time, so it doesn't really matter

>> No.16072700


Do you guys ever loosen the tobacco of the spirit by rolling out a little tobacco? Oh man so good

>> No.16072706

Never tried it but I'll roll it if I get a can of loose. Hits hard

>> No.16072715


>> No.16072721
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>> No.16072726

I've landed on a blend of virgina, cavendish, and burley. Pleasant and not at all overwhelming. On some occasions I'll go for a latakia, but pretty rarely these days (especially in summer). Big fan of Scotty's University Student blend at present, though the aromatics won't be to everyone's taste.

>> No.16072959
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how do you smoke cigs and read they finish quick and the ashe can get on the pages. who are you doing this for? i don't think they go together.

>> No.16072961
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Good taste anons, hoping I can find some NAS blacks one of these days, don't know if they even sell them in EU.

>> No.16073156

You're weak.

>> No.16073364

Nice, smokers confirmed the only actual readers on /lit/.
Smoking tobacco raises testosterone though, so it's not all bad.
Smoking is an apolitical act, please go back to /pol/.

>> No.16073436

The forward was very interesting and changes a lot of my views on things, after this not sure if ill jump more in christian works or more eastern but Im getting more and more interested on theology for many reasons

>> No.16073459

No but might try this

>> No.16073467

If you have an ashtray its fine and some cigarettes like American Spirit last way longer like an anon said because they’re natural. Pipe is way better though for reading and writing because it lasts even longer and you dont need an ashtray or watch where you smoke around the book

>> No.16073494

Smoking is apolitical, but there’s definitely a word for posting American Spirits for (you)s kek

>> No.16073496

/lit/ needs more Schelling. You are doing God’s work, Anon.

>> No.16073503

I'd rather not infuse my body with cancer, thanks.

>> No.16073525

>just to "win" over Libs
what retard smokes with politics in mind?

>> No.16073572

I can't even think of anything more pseudo than smoking.

>> No.16073575

that's a very real thing in every country that has parties who are anti-smoke for public places

>> No.16073587

If you can't think of something more pseud than smoking you're a complete pseud.

>> No.16073589

You people disgust me. Cigarette smoke makes me nauseous

>> No.16073594

Oh shit, I've got those classics club books too, inherited them not too long ago. I haven't checked them out yet though, what translation of the Iliad does it use?

>> No.16073814
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>> No.16073841

I’m 21 and I used to smoke cigarettes heavily, now I smoke a cigar every now and then and chew nicotine gum sometimes

>> No.16073848

>Current fags: Camel, because they stopped selling NAS here, bummer
>Current book: The Last Firewall
I smoke a few right after finishing a book, outside in a peaceful spot, 4am, summer night breeze. Never otherwise. Peak comfy after a good book. Current book is pulpy cringe however.
You're supposed to do that with NAS since they're more tightly packed.
They do in G*rmany. Try pipe tobacco retailers too since its perique after all. Planning on finally getting some myself too the next time I go there.

>> No.16073856

marlboro red because im not a faggot

>> No.16073861

Cancer will be solved in a decade and nicotine is a nootropic

>> No.16073864
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Reefer is better

>> No.16073903

lucky strike n/f cause im not a faggot

>> No.16073984

Extremely common in Eastern Europe

>> No.16074003

Checks out

>> No.16074066

>but there’s definitely a word for posting American Spirits for (you)s kek
I am a pseud, I will admit it. But as I said earlier, I've tried a few brands and I like Spirits because they last a long time so you can really sit back and enjoy your smoke. One day I smoked like five Camels in a row and barely got what I would get with one Spirit. Spirits are packed nice and thick and really get the job done.

>> No.16074105

only ever did it once, no fucking way i could have read on that shit, i know its different for other people, but i was pretty much a vegetable for the duration

>> No.16074163
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Weed lowers your IQ and your testosterone. Tobacco is a powerful nootropic and raises your testosterone. Weed is also the drug of the black man. Tobacco is the drug of the white man. I think I know which one I'm going with. I prefer not to be a braindead sissified loser. Also if you're not a teenager, smoking weed is just pathetic. Adults who smoke weed are literally the most puerile losers in existence. It's a drug you do when you're a bored teen having baby's first existential crisis. I see you're reading Nietzsche as well, and that says it all, literal manbaby. Grow up already.

>> No.16074199

Tobacco is better but both destroy your body.

>> No.16074202

>oil pen
Nah man

>> No.16074232

If you wanna assign drugs to races, tobacco belongs to the red man and weed is for arabs. But you shouldn't do that because it's retarded.

>> No.16074600

look at this fucking retard. arabs are red too. they get fucking opium like the other chinks of the east
the native americans get jack shit WE gave THEM the tobacco

>> No.16074617

>arabs are red
>we gave native americans tobacco
Nigga what

>> No.16074626

Please don't say the N word.

>> No.16074788

You’re retarded

>> No.16074811
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>> No.16074901

I do not smoke. But when I see The Professor, I wish I could light my pipe and sit down to read "The Hobbit".
Should I start a pipe with soap bubbles?

>> No.16074965

>I see you're reading Nietzsche as well, and that says it all, literal manbaby.
Fugg you nailed my 20s.

The Aryan spirit never went completely down and though: I was a spliff man.

>> No.16074970

Yes. I personally recommend a mixture of water and any industrial grade detergent, preferably mixed with a bit of ammonia for an exotic tinge. As for the method of this play-smoking, remember to blow IN as well as out for the full experience.

>> No.16074973

I like smoking, but I still can't figure out what the deal is. Obviously I'm a fucking loser who finds something cool about it. But I also only do it in private, I don't think even my girlfriend knows I smoke. So it's like I do it to impress myself rather than to look cool to others, which almost feels worse.

>> No.16075017

>6mg of nicotine
Holy shit, that's industrial grade stuff lmao pretty sure a normal cigarette has only 1-2mg of nicotine.

>> No.16075086
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The Ballad Poetry of Ireland by Gavin Duffy. I smoke Nat Sherman full flavor.

>> No.16075095

I smoked Nat's once and I puked. True story. I had burgers that night too and a few beers. Just puked it all over my bed. Thought I was going to die.

>> No.16075101

Must release a lot slower. Cigs make me dizzy and nauseated

>> No.16075108

>down and

>> No.16075117

a lot of edgy zoomers vape, if that counts

>> No.16075183

How? Québecois? I'm confused

>> No.16075200

>Weed lowers your IQ and your testosterone. Tobacco is a powerful nootropic and raises your testosterone. Weed is also the drug of the black man. Tobacco is the drug of the white man
I smoke hash with tobacco. Filters soiboys and faggots like you

>> No.16075211

No one cares, Muhammed. Go rape a goat.

>> No.16075214

Was Benjamin right?

>> No.16075228

No, I'm American. I've been learning French since I was 13 or so. I'm more or less literate now a decade later.

>> No.16075260

Anon, I've tried to get into smoking and I just don't see the appeal. While trying to get into pipe smoking, I also inhaled like I was taking bong rips in the hope that I could develop a nicotine dependency. It didn't work.
I now have a nice selection of pipes, as well as a nice sealed stash of various tins of tobacco including a heap of Dunhill. But I just can't get into it.

>> No.16075275


>> No.16075425
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eh, I might as well post.
the 4 tins aren't representative of my choice tobaccos, they're just what's open (really dig the Key Largo though).
the pipes are:
-Whitlow (bought off etsy)
-Molina (leaning against the Squadron Leader)
-Jirsa (in front of the Molina)
-Worobiec (with the textured bowl top)
-Davorin (the horn shaped morta pipe)
-Joyce (cigar shaped pipe on top of the Key Largo)
The bottle is what I have left if imo shochu my brother brought back from Japan for me. It's tasty stuff but stupid expensive to buy outside Japan.

>> No.16075434

Damn. You really posed your shit. Looks based as hell.

Do you have a girlfriend?

>> No.16075443

>Do you have a girlfriend?
take a wild fucking guess

>> No.16075449

This is actually the only classics collection I own I found it for a measly 5 dollars in a good bookstore here. Havent been able to visit it and look for more because I live in new york city and these places havent open opened up again.

>> No.16075459

marlboro reds because that's what I can get under the table for no tax at the corner store near my apartment

>> No.16075506

Couldn't resist ^_^

Celibate m'self

>> No.16075533

This is incredibly based for a tradlarper.

>> No.16075585

I "just be yourself"ed myself into celibacy. I'm in the 80% of guys who have to put effort in to pulling a girl and I found it difficult to motivate myself to go out of my way to do so. It immediately came across as too much effort for uncertain prospects of a reward that I had no experience of and thus couldn't really value, so I fell for the "just cultivate your own interests and you'll bump into people who you share things in common with".
Nice try, there's nobody in my bedroom to bump into.

>> No.16075603

Poorly lit rooms are bad for reading.
Pipes look unclean.
The focal point displays what appears to be a wooden buttplug in brazen full display. Pure degeneracy.
Book laying flat on the table is not angled properly to improve readability of its cover. It's not fully resting on the table, meaning it could be dropped and therefore damaged.
>Allan Watts
Some insect scratches on a spirits? bottle. Can't taste good.

>> No.16075611
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Imagine sperging out this hard on the internet...

>> No.16075808

Fuck, this thread is going to meme me into smoking

>> No.16075837
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Lol @ your pic faggot. You're like a instathot who takes a pic of her book by the pool or beach except you destroy your lungs at the same time.

Cough more, vapid bitch.

>> No.16075838

ironically enough, even though the US is behind on a lot of things like that, for some reason it has done really well on depopularising cigarettes compared to other countries.

mot saying this is good or bad.

>> No.16075866
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>> No.16075869

don't smoke

>> No.16075884
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See >>16075837


>> No.16075908

were spirits always hipster? moving on to mapacho

>> No.16076391

Seethe harder, incel.

>> No.16076404

Cough more.

>> No.16076494
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Why limit yourself? Only lowbrow mid/lit/ poseurs haven’t been destroying their lungs in style since tenth grade.

>> No.16076524

imagine giving money to billion dollar corporations so you can get lung cancer

>> No.16076539

I do after a shitty day

>> No.16076554


>> No.16076563

gen x smokes a lot

>> No.16076564


>> No.16076565

*cough cough cough* *blehhh* *coughs and spits out dark yellow phelm*

>> No.16076573

why does gen z prefer benzos laced with fentanyl over good ol' alcohol?

>> No.16076583

I thought homosexuals already had their own dedicated board for this kinda shit.

>> No.16076605

that board got as flooded with trannies as /mu/ got flooded with KPop gen.

>> No.16076616

so, every day?

>> No.16076621

trannies don’t read, they’re too busy cooming in their cock cages and planning their 41%

>> No.16076657

>cigarettes full of toxic tobacco
>not pipes and hookahs for weed

why do you want shitlung disease, anon?

420 BLAZE IT, SMOKE WEED HEIL SATAN is better than being some lame hipster that thinks deadly smoking is cool.

>> No.16076661

exactly, so they don't follow us over to this board

>> No.16076666

>Still smoking disgusting cigarettes instead of sucking on a juul to get maximum nicotine hits for reading

>> No.16076687

Usually not a lot, I smoke a corn cob so it requires almost none. A bit of a learning curb but it becomes easier after that. Invest in a pipe zippo.

>> No.16076695

juuls are even worse/ They're like Kindles but for smoking instead of reading. Nicotine is for subhumans who suck the corporate tit. Fund your local pot dealer instead.

>> No.16076696
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>> No.16076697
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> imagine not being a based /lit/ homosexual who knows that savoring the fleeting moments of existence in all their bitter beauty is superior to cucked semitic ideals of “health” and “longevity”

>> No.16076707

That's what led to the AIDS crisis. Have you learned nothing?

>> No.16076721

Imagine thinking dying in hellish pain and agony from cancer is a moment worth savouring

>> No.16076743
File: 18 KB, 198x320, B0277BE4-5672-4B0B-A4E9-CCC1644567ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> imagine waiting fearfully for a forgettable death in a hospital bed and not staging a historic, glorious, poetic coup d’etat-cum-Sudoku at the height of one’s physical beauty

>> No.16076855

That's one big cartridge. How many mL?

>> No.16076875

>at the height of one’s physical beauty

He was 45 and believed the peak was 20

>> No.16076883

If you don’t smoke how else are you going to protect yourself from evil spirits?

>> No.16077173


>> No.16077295

bro ive been studying german alongside latin and greek w/ school (not learning it in school just free time) and im more or less literate in german a little over a YEAR later, my latin is good enough for alchemy and phrases, and my greek is still getting there, but ten years to learn fucking french?

>> No.16077308

the whole point was that he regreted it and was making up for lost time, watch the movie, i think kaufman directred it? maybe not. but glass for sure did the soundtrack and it was a phenomenal movie.

>> No.16077358
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> not seeing A Life in Four Chapters in 35mm with Schrader in attendance

>> No.16077866
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>> No.16077880
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no pictus coz I broke my cellpho mofucka i be smokin weeed w dis shiet niguh

>> No.16077988

>smoking while reading
Yikes. The great bit about books is that the good ones draw you in well enough to make you stop thinking about smoking.

>> No.16078027
File: 22 KB, 316x430, F81452E3-6036-4AA6-84DC-30DE660B4C37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not smoking a cigarette every few hours when writing
> not writing by hand or by typewriter with a glass ashtray slowly collecting butts
> not accepting and welcoming the sweet angel of death in the shadow of the work

>> No.16078042

My nigga, this is a different topic. Obviously you fucking should smoke when writing. The forced breaks are great to break the flow and make you look at things from another angle.

>> No.16078065

>smoking while reading
I usually smoke outside before I read.

>> No.16078069

Buzi román

>> No.16078093

Why is nicotine so good?
my country just banned nicotine pouches which was what I'm taking (don't think I'll get back into smoking or vape) so I think I'll give up completely but damn I'll miss nicotine.

>> No.16078201

Where do I start with smoking?

>> No.16078209

Marlb Red.
But ideally, don't start.

>> No.16078214
File: 37 KB, 379x512, 2E2A0CBB-2C59-4F93-83DB-5A0C422DCCA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not having a pack of nat shermans or american spirit handrolls on deck since tenth grade

>> No.16078553

imagine having your identity entirely based on being gay and smoking
couldn't you at least try to be original and make up a new gender or something

>> No.16078583

This is the /lit/ equivalent of instagram women posting books next to wine glasses. Sad!

>> No.16078609

>seriously praising the japanese Alonso Quixano

>> No.16078613

I know aesthetics are important but you should focus on them to the exclusion of actually reading you fucking loser

>> No.16078627
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I don't smoke and read though. I prefer to focus on 1 stimulus at a time to really embrace it and enjoy it fully.

>> No.16078637

I only chew nicotine gums for the increased focus and clarity of mind.
Never done anything else other than gums and probably never will.
Might try patches since it seems easier than gums.

>> No.16078891
File: 70 KB, 780x520, 54282d0d-2819-4005-a3b9-757b9cdcaa34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le bump

>> No.16078974
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I'm thinking he's based. Look at all these seething potniggers

>> No.16078975

to jest zbiór odpowiadań Mishimy, ta?

>> No.16078977


>> No.16078986
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You're completely correct.

>> No.16078990
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>> No.16078994
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Read in the bath while smoking yesterday to escape the heat before going to bed, comfiest thing of my week.

>> No.16079007

nice tablecloth, anon

>> No.16079189

80% chane you're insufferable
15% chance you're some timid poet with good taste
5% chance you're un mec stylé

>> No.16079296

Roll your own cigarettes so your health isnt affected by additives they put in the cigarettes. Buy tubes, tobacco, and whatever machine of choice that helps you put the tobacco in the tube or use papers and filters to put the tobacco in yourself. If thats too much work starting out you can buy American Spirits which are the only 100% non additive ones or buy cigars or smoke pipe

>> No.16079309

Do you think cancer is comfy?

>> No.16079311

Probably the second one, I'm probably too obliging to be insufferable and I'm definitely too much of a puceau to be un mec stylé.

>> No.16079341
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t. midwit repeating a reddit meme. Tobacco won't kill you.
Non tobacco users are weak.
The plebs drug. Lowers your IQ and memory and makes you take pleasure in cartoons. Pathetic.

>> No.16079352

Tobacco smoking has never been proven to cause cancer. There is only speculative epidemiological correlation, by rigged studies. Every experimental study (animals) failed to induce cancer at rates above control in healthy subjects.

>> No.16079360

Based and smokepilled.

>> No.16079375

>rats and mices
>not a study result
>a single case
It's interesting to see how hard addicts try to rationalise their addiction, it's senseless to talk them out of it. It's like trying to tell someone with persecutional mania that no one is coming for him.

>> No.16079376

Start with the non filters.

>> No.16079398

t. non scientist
Experimental design is superior to epidemiological non randomized sampling, even if it uses animal models which by the way are excellent for observing carcinogenesis for all other suspected carcinogens and do translate quite well to human toxicity.

>> No.16079455

Okay, let's assume you're right. How do you explain that 90% of lung cancers occur in smokers/ex-smokers?
On a side note there's also COPD, from which even more smokers die from.

>> No.16079457

Is big tobacco so desperate that they have to lobby here now?

>> No.16080317

just want to say, as a not successful (havent tried publishing, although i got printed once) but very consistent artist, who is content in his work, everyones works flows differently. for whatever reason i like to write in the mid day 1-3, and in the nighttime before i sleep 9-10. i never have smoked while writing and never felt the need for it, i drink water a ton (like i drink water past thirst i think i fucked up my detection by drinking too much, but yea i drink water for the sensation of water going down your throat, and you also get dopamine when you pee too, and i do like every 10-15 minutes. o shit, my cigarrettes are peeing. but see everyone writes differently, i wouldt corner people into one method and then have someone become discouraged that it didnt work for them.

>> No.16080333
File: 164 KB, 1400x2313, 7190eVfEORL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related + rollies

>> No.16080344

This man knows.

>> No.16080349

Hipster girls with tattoos and big, goofy looking glasses.

>> No.16080358

>tfw I'm a tattoo-free bearded punk with small "intellectual-type" glasses

>> No.16080413

Why would companies lobby to people who arent jews

>> No.16080423

I wish smoking wasn't bad for you. It seems so comfy.

>> No.16080613

Smoke cigars or a pipe, it's healthier and not addictive. Cigarettes are trash.

>> No.16080633

I smoke for a month every year then quit again. Never set me back. Hope i dont get cancer

>> No.16080651

You smoke every day for one month only per year?

>> No.16080667
File: 885 KB, 4032x1816, 20200808_172323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me /lit/

>> No.16080679
File: 24 KB, 396x382, 1595311170950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddits two doors down buddy, trust me, youll like reddit

>> No.16080682

>post-it notes
You roast yourself anon

>> No.16080721

What are your thoughts on Ligotti's pessimism anon

>> No.16080727


>> No.16080764

nigger music

>> No.16080776

your gonna have to give me the run down havent read any of ligotti, mostly read jung nowadays, but pessimism in general is well founded although not a great ideology from which to act on, as it predisposes one to failure from the outset.
fuck niggers

>> No.16080784

Take the pipe-pill, fren.

>> No.16080798

Incredibly based, anon. I wish I could smoke Gauloises, but they don't sell them here.

>> No.16080910

Azt hittem én vagyok az egyetlen magyar itt, jó látni hogy más is olvas nem is hülyeséget.

>> No.16080936

Even after the blues the blacks hit like a motherfucker so tread lightly

>> No.16080966

I may get a pipe one day,the risks seem very small too: https://www.seattlepipeclub.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=969877&module_id=17020

>> No.16080990
File: 651 KB, 750x975, AD20FFA9-1E91-4401-BD6A-932F08DD6AED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exchanged reading for drawing

>> No.16081010

i mean the main thing with pipes and cigars is they dont go into your lungs, which is the bad thing, but its still probably bad for your gums or what not. even smoking mint cigs are bad for you, just as bad as normal cigs. the smoking bit is much more harmful than the tobacco. i mean realize that it is really harmful to your body and then only do it occasionally. addictions are not cool and really disable you but there is such a thing as moderation

>> No.16081014

You can get Luckies (non filter) in the US but they are hard to find

>> No.16081093

It amazes me that there isn't a safer way to smoke these days. I mean traditional cigarettes too, none of that zoomer vape shit either. Like, just make cigarettes that don't give people cancer. It's not that hard.

>> No.16081110

totally. you know these big tobacco corporations selectively cultivated tobacco for high nicotine content, why shouldn't they be able to do the same but selectively cultivate tobacco for reduced carcinogens?

>> No.16081143

Have you tried growing your own tobacco? It takes a few years for it to become smokeable though.

>> No.16081234

Check out Project XA. A safer cigarette was discovered that was fully combusted through the addition of palladium nitrate. Didn't work out because lawyers suggested that creating a "healthy" cigarette would open them up to lawsuits regarding "unhealthy" old model cigarettes. God I hate lawyers.

>> No.16081365

Inhaling smoke is inherently harmful. Do you want safer executions next?

>> No.16081372

Is there anything more cucked than paying big tobacco to kill you slowly?

>> No.16081400

Falling for brainwashing comes to mind

>> No.16081485

then why are you here?

>> No.16081494

Brainwashing that smoking is bad? Yeah, that's really brainwashing.

>> No.16081510

>giving your money and health to big corporations for small moments of euphoria isn't falling for brainwashing

>> No.16081608

It's not even euphoric. It's a baby high. Not worth it. I've smoked for over ten years.

>> No.16081675

You've commented this several times already. Still seething?

>> No.16081708

That was my first post in the thread.

>> No.16081737
File: 281 KB, 1280x960, A66F4562-795D-49B4-BD1A-F06AE5036C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pipe bro’s, if you haven’t invested in a church warden I highly suggest you do.

>> No.16081758
File: 2.01 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20200808_200024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16081784 [DELETED] 


>> No.16082006

>church warden
What's that?

>> No.16082025

a pipe with a hella long stem

>> No.16082034
File: 78 KB, 800x600, best-churchwarden-pipes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A long stem pipe. Their name sake comes from the practice of church wardens smoking long stem pipes, as the long stem would allow them to be inside the church and have the bowl of tobacco outside the window since you couldn't smoke inside the church.

>> No.16082048
File: 94 KB, 465x600, 6766667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16082093

Seems incredibly based. I would like to try one.

>> No.16082132

It's quite good, the longer stem cools the smoke so you get more flavor. Don't smoke cheap pipe tobacco in them (smoker's pride etc.). You'll develop a tobacco palate over time and be able to pick out the various types of tobaccos used in the blend. Then you can be extra pretentious while reading your book (or just develop an appreciation for real tobacco, which cigarettes are not)

>> No.16082152
File: 3.45 MB, 4000x3000, IMG20200808230238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dostoevsky - Demons

>> No.16082162


pathetic, hold my filter while i roll a fat one and engage in a deep aesthetic reflexion on literally everything i see

>> No.16082318


>> No.16082369

>reading translations

>> No.16082395

Samefag, and enjoy your IQ loss and dip in testosterone. I doubt you'll do any deep reflection, more likely you'll just giggle like a retard for a few hours and listen to really shit low IQ music. In the meanwhile I'm going to listen to Bach and have a cig.

>> No.16082410

friends giving you cigs while being drunk. then smoking everytime you are drunk. i am drunk almost every day so there was no point in not committing fully to smoking

>> No.16082442

I hope upon your reflection you realize how cringe and braindead you are

>> No.16083230

>In the meanwhile I'm going to listen to Bach and have a cig.
Incredibly based. What's your favourite Bach composition? I think Matthäus-Passion is the best piece of music ever written (and the end of Offret is the best film ending: Tarkovsky, Bach, a tree and The Bible, what else is there in the world?). The Gould's recording of The Goldberg Variations in 1982 is a close second, a want to write a book about it in fact. Also what do you smoke?

>> No.16083250

Catch 22 and marlboro reds

>> No.16083559

Titkon reméltem, hogy kiprovokálok legalább egy honfitársat. Sajnos a magyar 'lit' szcéna eléggé dead, mondom ezt úgy, hogy én is csak nem rég keztem el olvasni és jelenleg a kötelezőket pótlom.

>> No.16083740

Scared, presumptuous, and sad. No matter what you read or how you posture, you disconnect yourselves from others, severing you from aspects of the human experience.

>> No.16083765
File: 206 KB, 750x959, DCD689CD-E683-4DB9-BD2E-9E9522AE4579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excalibur Maduro, I thought it was p good. It sat in my humidor for maybe about 7 months.

>> No.16083799

Vaping some lemony thing and reading The Black Company book 3

>> No.16083865

Shut up, stoner. Literally nothing your potbrain says matters at all.

>> No.16083901

Someone with 35%+ bodyfat wrote this.

>> No.16083928

Literally no matter what you do you’re always going to give your money to big corporations fuck off and go believe more shit you see in media

>> No.16083933

I'm sitting around 15% right now. I run 5 days a week.

>> No.16083935
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>> No.16083939

>runs for exercise
>thinks he's manlier than anybody

>> No.16084464

Running is good exercise. Tyson in his prime ran like 5 miles a day and he was huge. Cope harder, fatass.

>> No.16085941

just why

>> No.16086452
File: 25 KB, 346x520, 1929e171bc1f46ec32b0da863e52068c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only cigarettes worth smoking are Gitanes
Too bad I can't find them anywhere

>> No.16086669

I like your home anon. Where are you from?

>> No.16086675

Mellow yellows

>> No.16086686

1 gram

>> No.16086708

>runs for exercise
Why would you run if not for exercise, you idiot?

>> No.16086851

I would smoke if it wasn’t so expensive here.
I envy you guys who live in freedom.

>> No.16087297

To get away from niggers

>> No.16087316

St. Alphonsus (pbuh) said it was alright for priests to smoke inside the church so long as mass is not being celebrated nor homilies being delivered.

>> No.16087675

>still giving money to the tobacco Jew

Sort your life out

>> No.16087985
File: 3.76 MB, 2448x2821, schlop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello boys

>> No.16088003

>Smokers are literally so braindead that they will buy packets warning them that "Smoking kills" and still smoke anyway

>> No.16088021
File: 66 KB, 336x317, 20200131_202914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-buh da packet sez it kills you!!

>> No.16088024


The Metaphysics of Sexual Love is in there, right? It's the ultimate /fit9k/ post

>> No.16088035

Edicts aren't scientific evidence, brainlet.

>> No.16088043

Funny how these never have a citation.

>> No.16088045
File: 3.54 MB, 2448x3264, 20200810_001609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah son

>> No.16088046

over 60% of smokers die from smoking-related diseases. the evidence is very clear that smoking is just useless self-destruction. It doesn't even give you anything. At first you will get "nicotine rush", a transient sort of dizzy sensation, but after you get used to that it will have no discernible effect on your state of mind. It doesn't help you focus. It doesn't help you think. You're just killing yourself for no reason other than "I bet I look cool".

>> No.16088054

My whole family including myself could literally die in a car crash tomorrow, or today, or yesterday, or next week. I don't think an occasional cigarette is something to give a fuck about.
If you continue in this manner I may have to ask you to gehe zurück zu reddit.

>> No.16088065

Im actually getting off to the fact that I'm going to live longer than most of the people in this thread, and that I also don't stink like shit

>> No.16088083

Good for you anon. Whatever gets you through the day :)

>> No.16088090
File: 83 KB, 658x922, 1554736517744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 60% of smokers die from smoking-related diseases.
Wrong, poor studies using self reported sampling and attempting to denote every death as the result of smoking arrive at such ludacris figures that are blatantly contradicted in almost every other country attempting to honestly replicate them (see the Smokers Paradox of Japan). Tobacco smoking is less harmful than alcohol and even has benefits, like increased focus and cognition. Bertrand Russell famously said that he owed his life TO smoking. You're just some midwit incapable of critical thinking and never questioned anything your entire life.
Cope because you keep getting BTFO'd.

>> No.16088094

>"I bet I look cool"
Imagine believing that's the reason people smoke lmao

>> No.16088104
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>and that I also don't stink like shit
Women rate the smell of tobacco highly which is why $300 bottles of cologne using tobacco scents exist. Sorry to inform you, you're just a neurotic homosexual.

>> No.16088122

>imagine not setting a suicide trap
>imagine wanting to grow old
I don't have the guts to kill myself now, if I get a cancer I haven't got a choice anymore.

>> No.16088165

Tobacco doesn't cause cancer. It does have antidepressant effects though.

>> No.16088175

This study of over 200k Australians shows that 67% of smokers die from smoking-related diseases.
>In this large-scale, population-based Australian study, death rates in current smokers were around three-fold those of people who had never smoked, in both men and women. On average, smokers died around 10 years earlier than non-smokers, over the ages examined. Mortality rates increased substantially with increasing intensity of smoking, with rates approximately doubling in those smoking around 10 cigarettes per day and four- to five-fold those of never-smokers in current smokers of 25 or more cigarettes per day. Cessation of smoking conferred large mortality benefits compared with continuing to smoke. These findings were adjusted for a range of potential confounding factors, including socioeconomic status, alcohol intake, and BMI.
Smoking does nothing for your state of mind. It does nothing to help you focus or think. You will feel "nicotine rush" when you first begin but that is soon got over. Smoking has no mental benefits, and a whole lot of physical downsides. So why would people smoke except to look cool? Maybe the other explanation is that it's a fidgeting mechanism.

>> No.16088180

>does nothing to help you focus or think
But it does.

>> No.16088183
File: 27 KB, 460x288, 1545244955430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of "poor studies using self reported sampling and attempting to denote every death as the result of smoking arrive at such ludacris figures" don't you understand?

>> No.16088203

>Smoking does nothing for your state of mind. It does nothing to help you focus or think.
Objectively false


>> No.16088228

Are you dumb? They controlled for all non-relevant factors. They took two groups of people: smokers and non-smokers. The only difference between the groups was that one smoked and the other did not. This is called isolating the variable. Then they tested and found that the smokers died much earlier than non-smokers. They looked at smokers and found that 67% of them died from what we call "smoking-related diseases", whereas the rate of people who died from "smoking-related diseases" among non-smokers was much lower. This is a sound scientific experiment, and your addiction is throwing you into denial.
No, it doesn't. I used to smoke; the only difference in consciousness I felt was at the start when I got nicotine rush. Even if you feel more focused when you smoke, coffee can do just as well if not better, with 0 negative physical effects.

>> No.16088232

Who /zyn/ here?

>> No.16088243

>coffee has 0 negative physical effects

>> No.16088252

Correct. Coffee and tea do actually help you focus. The evidence on that is conclusive (unlike smoking). And they don't negatively affect your health in any way.

>> No.16088258

Nicotine is more efficacious as a cognitive enhancer than caffeine.

>> No.16088266

>You must change your life
Yeah, stop smoking.

>> No.16088276

>isolating variables in epidemiological studies with self reported sampling.
Non scientist.

>> No.16088292

>All these TOBACUC-KS
KEK get checked for cancer niggas.

>> No.16088307

Untrue. Even if it were true, you could simply use an e-cig, but again it's all about how you are perceived.

>> No.16088353

hipster cuck

>> No.16088491
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, 2C77C6BF-9A06-4953-BF66-49DDDAF92329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16088565

Samefag, it's time for you to go back to R*ddit.

>> No.16088917

keep smoking lads. the americans are lucky to have the nice boxes for fags.
Does anyone remember 5 euro box of Amber Leaf? bring that back and we will produce another Yeats within 5 years.
Silk cuts are also good.

>> No.16088968
File: 1.09 MB, 1383x1844, 20200809_180241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon reporting again with a pipe tobacco and book that didn't make it into the previous shot.

I decided to take a break from my "tradlarper" library (as this anon put it >>16075533) as I still need to buy a heap more Guénon, one or two more Coomaraswamy, as well as some Heidegger and Joseph Campbell - in the meantime, I'm returning to my reading of more "profane" metahistories.
I must have started reading the first abridged volume of Toynbee's 'A Study of History' some time in 2018. In spite of the fact that on the surface they are a technically easier read than perennialist and metaphysical texts, and I thoroughly enjoy them, for some reason I have great difficulty in actually motivating myself to read them. I've realised if I read 20 pages a day I'll be able to get this book finished in 2 weeks, so that's my goal at the moment.
For what it's worth, I highly recommend Toynbee's 'A Study of History' to everyone from "tradlarpers" looking for a fantastic framework of the underlying mundane historical picture to many of the expressions of tradition, to worldbuilders who are trying to create compelling, realistic, nuanced and interesting societies, cultures, class structures and empires.
Rather than reading as many pages of this second abridged volume of 'A Study of History' as I can fit in a day, once I hit the target of 20 pages (or to the end of whichever subchapter I'm reading, whichever's longest), my plan is to simultaneously read Pitirim Sorokin's 'Social and Cultural Dynamics', and Joseph Tainter's 'The Collapse of Complex Societies' (I've already made a start on the former, and perhaps should've included it in this photograph).

As for the tobacco, after my last photograph, I stumbled upon this open tin of Balkan Blue from the now defunct McClelland Tobacco Company. This shit is gold, one of my favourite smokes.

>> No.16089032

>yeah mostly

>> No.16089119


>> No.16089174

smoking is cringe

pack a fat lip

>> No.16089209

>in style
>that ass looking joint

>> No.16089215

Even responds to criticism like a instathot

>> No.16089220

A cigarette lasts like 2 seconds and reading should be at least twenty minutes, it's a stupid pairing for people who want to feel like they look cool for a moment in time. Or for chain smokers, who are a joke

>> No.16089271
File: 571 KB, 1536x2048, F1AD4185-512C-469F-9919-9C4307E76FE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16089323

A Spirit can last up to around 15 minutes. But yeah, most cigs last like 5 or so minutes. Anyways, I never really smoke when I read unless I'm outside. I like to get a good meal in, have a smoke and get into a nice meditative state and then go read for an hour or so. Repeat that 2-3 times a day.

>> No.16089375

Same here bro. If I could smoke risk-free, I'd do it all the time. I love it.

>> No.16089415

It's more enjoyable, in my opinion, when done occasionally. I don't worry too much about the health effects of an occasional cigarette.
I don't find nicotine overly addictive for some reason so there isn't a constant craving.

>> No.16089430

Read the thread. It isn't.

>> No.16089442

what they dont tell you about smoking is coughing up a ton of dirty sicky gunk every morning. apart from that its great.

>> No.16089444
File: 87 KB, 1200x675, Bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whene'er I take my pipe and stuff it
And smoke to pass the time away
My thoughts, as I sit there and puff it,
Dwell on a picture sad and grey:
It teaches me that very like
Am I myself unto my pipe. Like me this pipe, so fragrant burning,
Is made of naught but earthen clay;
To earth I too shall be returning,
And cannot halt my slow decay.
My well used pipe, now cracked and broken,
Of mortal life is but a token.

No stain, the pipe's hue yet doth darken;
It remains white. Thus do I know
That when to death's call I must harken
My body, too, all pale will grow.
To black beneath the sod 'twill turn,
Likewise the pipe, if oft it burn.

Or when the pipe is fairly glowing,
Behold then instantaneously,
The smoke off into thin air going,
'Til naught but ash is left to see.
Man's fame likewise away will burn
And unto dust his body turn.

How oft it happens when one's smoking,
The tamper's missing from it's shelf,
And one goes with one's finger poking
Into the bowl and burns oneself.
If in the pipe such pain doth dwell
How hot must be the pains of Hell!

Thus o'er my pipe in contemplation
Of such things - I can constantly
Indulge in fruitful meditation,
And so, puffing contentedly,
On land, at sea, at home, abroad,
I smoke my pipe and worship God.

Edifying Thoughts of a Tobacco Smoker, - Bach.

>> No.16089454

Man, I've been smoking for over a year and this has never happened to me. I don't even cough at all. Maybe try switching brands?

>> No.16089504


>> No.16089531

I smoke a pipe and am almost done with Steppenwolf. Pretty great book.

>> No.16089551

Highly based cig choice

>> No.16089573

insecure idiot

>> No.16089719


>> No.16089808

Peter Stokkebye 701 Virginia tobacco in my carved briar pipe. I really like its mellow flavor. The tobacconist recommended me other flavors, as it wasnt his favorite, but I'm glad I didnt listen. Haven't been smoking too long. I like to read short poems by Wordsworth, try to memorize them. Anything that doesnt require me to turn a page because my other hand is holding the pipe. I also go to chainlink threads on /biz/. I hope you all have at least 1k link.

>> No.16089857


>> No.16090640

a thread about showing off your book and cigs reached bump limit.

did you know this?

>> No.16090979

yep, threads on here rarely do that. Very interesting

>> No.16091034

Yeah, we did it big in this thread. Had a lot of good moments

>> No.16091068

nice thread full of nice people