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/lit/ - Literature

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16032162 No.16032162 [Reply] [Original]

At least to me it is. Maybe it's because I am overwhelmed by stimuli like smatphones, videogames and porn, so reading becomes very unattractive.
When I was younger I could read a little more, I even read Atlas Shrugged front to back, but now I get so fucking bored. Even "cool" books like fantasy and shit I can't bear to read.
It's crazy, but I would rather do nothing than read.
Has my brain been fucked beyond hope by now?

>> No.16032195

gotta turn the screens off

>> No.16032201

two main possibilities:
1) you're a coomer who wants to read. you can fix that by reading more and cooming less
2) you have something major you've been putting off doing, and porn/vidya is an easier form of procrastination than books. sort your life out, bucko

>> No.16032207


>> No.16032308

There's literally no such thing as being overwhelmed by technology that's such a half assed excuse. You probably just expect books to spoon feed you every ounce of joy, take some time to understand literature as art rather than just reading words. Buy 'an introduction to the romantics' or whatever your reading so maybe you have some fucking context. I seriously think 99% of these posts would disappear if people bothered to read the introduction at the start of their books.

>> No.16032321

>Maybe it's because I am overwhelmed by stimuli like smatphones, videogames and porn,
This is why.

>> No.16032324

You're not used to it. If you're a beginner at any activity you're going to hate it. If you read consistently for 3 months and still hate it you can give it up but being a beginner at anything sucks, it's not a good enough reason to give it up. Persevere.

>> No.16032331
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to read about how to enjoy something?

>> No.16032340

This civilization is malicious.

>> No.16032342

>2) you have something major you've been putting off doing, and porn/vidya is an easier form of procrastination than books. sort your life out, bucko
oh shit rip my thesis

>> No.16032345

Maybe that might be the reason but honestly I think it may be the books in question you’re reading to be boring or non engaging. Could be both as well but this sensation only happens to me with books I find thoroughly uninteresting

>> No.16032354

You don't have to enjoy the introduction retard

>> No.16032839

it isn't

>> No.16033299

books are not meant to be fun. if you want fun then talk to your friends or watch tv with your family.

>> No.16033420

get a load of the fun police over here

>> No.16034077

Find something that's genuinely intriguing to you and resonates. Don't read boring books that you don't care about, but read about things that you truely want to explore.
>Maybe it's because I am overwhelmed by stimuli like smatphones, videogames and porn, so reading becomes very unattractive.

It's probably this. Try deleting any sort of social media that gives you brain-fog and fucks up your dopamine receptors. Social media in general shouldn't be used too much and is only good if you are a lurker that doesn't post or interact to get dopamine and likes.

>> No.16034160

I see these posts very often. Here's some advice:
1)Find books that are genuinely very intriguing to you. Don't just read stuff that are supposed to be "must reads" or "good" but that don't appeal to you. Read books that will make you want to read them.

2)Don't give up. It may be hard at first but don't give up on reading. Slowly it will become more natural for you.

3)Delete your social media or at least delete all your posts and become a lurker that doesn't """interact""" with people and posts things to get like. Just avoid things that are virtual and will fuck up your dopamine receptors. Delete Twitter bitch.

>> No.16034219

I'm having fun reading hahaha what are you gonna do stop me

>> No.16034387

Books are inferior, Books need truly incredible story and prose to hook you up, A film will achieve the same even if it made by midwit, Deleuze thought the same.

>> No.16034726

introductions are trash most of the time

>> No.16034834

A decent book is similar to an enjoyable thread. You're supposed to hoover it up and then want more.
What are your interests?

>> No.16034845



You can have fun reading but only pleb tier books that constantly get shit on on this board.

>> No.16034860

Actually,i just read that when you use too much internet the brains start seeing the informartion of the internet as its own and only memorizing the information sources,that worsens memory and internet ruins your concentration too